T j 1 fm THE BREVARD NEWS. BREVA FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1923 0 1 Economic Pressure of Industrial Conflict Not Unlike War Blockade By JUDGE W. L. HUGGINS, Kansas Industrial Court. The economic pressure of industrial conflict is not unlike the eco nomic pressure of the blockade in international warfare. It is the duty of the government to protect the life, the liberty, the health and the peace of the people. It makes no difference by whom the public is threatened, whether by organized labor, by organized capital, by organized insurrection or by a foreign enemy. All over this land today the domestic tranquility is being impaired, justice is failing, the general welfare is threatened, the liberty of the individual is denied, and there is no common defense because there is no law by which their conditions can be controlled. If prompt, vigorous action be not taken in the near future, the people of America may suffer infinitely more than they suffered in the "World war. 1 am confident that power lies with congress to provide for tho com mon defense against such conditions as now exist, as adequately as against invasion from a foreign foe. I believe that congress should and will in near future enact a law aimijar in import to the Kansas industrial act, that a tribunal of a high judiciary nature will. Ik1 established and be given jurisdiction over indus trial controversies in interstate and foreign commerce and in the pro duction of fuel. This, it seems to me, Avould be clearly within the com merce clause of the Constitution. "I Say That That Is Utterly Destructive of Our Scheme of Government" MARTVRS TO ACTIVE LIFE Reading hi the obituaries of a single day of the death of two famous and strenuous disciples of outdoor living and sportsniifnship, one of whom was bum in 1870, the other in IS?'-, you cannot but question, as often, the ef fect on the heart and other organs of mountain climbing, bunting trips and other similar forms of hard exercise. Probably if the appropriate actuarial statistics could be gathered it would appear that enjoyment of such di versions should be attended with knowledge that instead of lengthening life, as popularly supposed, it often leads to a premature cud, says the Lowell Courier-Citi '.en. If, of course, a man prefers to take that chance rather than lose the fun of running up Pike's Peak or rafting down the Nelson river, that Is his right as a rational human being. He should at least be aware that persisting in his course in middle age he is more likely to commit suicide than to stick around until lie is one hundred, bragging to the young folks about what u life-long habit of roughing it has done for him. jar"-" Fy NATHAN L. FILLER, Governor of NV.v York. - 1 ho extension nt ni imm :" tor t if stales TOT various activities which are property the function of the states is fundamentally and economically wrong. The extension of federal aid and undo;1 that g-:i-e, the cn-a'aoii of h;:ge administrative agencies at. Washington to supen ise activities which can really effect ivelv he done onlv bv the localities, is econom ically wrong, becau.-e it results, as cery such effort has in the past resulted, in building tip expensive and huge administrative machinery, in the waste th Mvfor uf funds xvhich are diverted to furnishing jobs for people rather than to accomplish th" pur- roe which is ahvavs aligned for those worthy measure.-. Tii is sort of thiim is utterly contrary to ve,r scheme of govern ment, and will really in the end xindennine it. The fath.-rs . arefullv divided the powers of government between two sovereignties the Mates, on the one hand, ii which wen1 reserved all the power not. gien to the federal government, and the federal gov eriimeiit. on the other hand, to xvhich were delegated carefully defined power.-, thought to be -utTn ient, and which, in fact, have proven to be s";it!i-'irnt to enable The federal government to do ethcieutly and effectively l. -. thim.;s nhi. ' ought t be undertaken by the federal govern ment, leaving all cl-e to the states. ruder thi- plan of extending federal aid for purposes worthy in and of th.;,is,de. to ncourag.' state action, and going with it the super-v..-ie.! bv that high oflicial authority of -ui h action, the result inevit ij will follow tii.it the .-tales and the local subdivisions of the states will cwin" to lean mop- and more upon tho federal government at Wash ington. Local initii;i! e and locai enterprise are bound to be undermined, and we -hall create at Washington a huge bureaucracy which will under take to supervise the activities which reach down into the very homes of the people of the stale and of the nation. And I say that that is utterly de-tnutive of our sclc-nic of government. Education of Public to Reduce the Death Toll bv Avoidable Accidents I A new camera possibility lias been recently developed in P.oston, where a scientific camera enthusiast has en gaged in the business of microscopic photography. He makes photographs of fine instruments, jewels, textiles and similar things for the purpose of jiennirung deliberate and .-a refill f-x-amination. For instance, a micro graphic photograph reveals eluo-act er istics of the material entering into textiles which cannot be seen in any other manner. The amount of silk, wool or cotton o'ltcrins into its com position can be seen at a glance, as well as the tightness or looseness of the twist of the thread, winch is an important m:;trer to ;i person buying such material in quantities. New uses for such photographs are being found every day. J A .iail prisoner in New York Is j found dcai! and his cellmate tells po- ; lice that he bent him to death be- ! cause "he was making too much noise j and I wanted to sleep." Some of the rest of us have had a similar impulse on such occasions as when a neigh bor plays his phonograph "alter hours." How much worse is the actual deed than committing a crime or transacting evil mentally? "Gang punishes barber" declares a headline,. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Probably he wanted to give them a massage, tonic, shoe shine, manicure, hath, and mange cure, when all they wanted was a haircut. There being no laws as yet to regu late broadcasting by radio, the ex pected Juis happened. Some cruel per sons ;im' sending out free verse.. T.y DP.. V. D. I.AWSON, Society for Prevention of Accidents. As we of this society regard it. education and al-o an awakening, of the mora! -en-e cf responsibility t brou hont the lndcd States are the onlv lie an- h- which the immense toll of dead ami injur d by avoid-, ahlc aeeid nts. which take place yearly, can he reduced. ! Tiie dead from automobile accidents in this country in l'."h) ar giv.-'ii a- .",(mmi and the accidents from the same cause as ."iOO.OiiO, in : round numbers. It is for lee purpose of checking the .-ondithms which1 :jde such a record possible and from every other source that thi- society ; has boon organized. i There can be no pi stioii that life can be made safer if the public v.dl only give its moral and physical support to a movement xvhich is! s" F.O.B. DETROIT .Mended to benefit everyone. The slaughter which occurs every year by j iceidct in tlr United States is possible of reduction to a comparatively ! .-.mall percentage, but this can only be accomplished if the public it-elf' will aid. j What we have in view is to ediTcare the public mind to a point where j everyone instinctively will do v : if . vc may lie possible to avoid acci dents to thenisel.cs or their fellow beina. Best and Most Prosperous Days, Agriculturally, Are Now Passing By LUTHER BURBANK, American Agriculturist Many of us now living in the United States will go hungry in the next fifty years unless inventions to increase the productivity of the soil are marketed. The maximum production of foodstuffs per acre has been reached. The greatest number of people who can be supported on an acre of land is about five. If all want food luxuries, only about two can be supplied. The United States is beginning to be over-populated in a measure, 1 believe. The best and most prosperous days, agriculturally, are pass ing. Wdirn they are gone we will never see them again. W'e must begin to live more economically. The average person very shortly will be obliged to give up all food luxuries just as the Chinese and other inhabitants of densely populated countries. I do not believe that any of the so-called intensive cultivators of land will bring in better yields. Agriculture today has about reached the stage where it is impossible to get greater returns from the eoil. Modern methods of agriculture secure for the average farmer today all that the ground has to offer. Never before has there been produced, at so low a price, a car so service able, so trustworthy and so economical of mainte nance as the Ford Touring Car. Millions of owners say so. Buy your Ford today. Terms if desired. Brevard Auto Company Ford Cars Telephone 23 Ford Service WHICH r Are the Earliest U Snap Beans the Bestriding Garden Peas the Sweetest U Cantaloupe O Tho Select-Rite Charts in tta 1923 Catalog of WOODS SEEDS Show at a plance tho varieties of each vegetable to plant for earliness, yield, length of bearing season, or for whatever purpose is most desired. Tho most helpful catalog we have ever issued is ready to bo mailed to you free on request. FREE FLOWER SEEDS Our 1323 Catalog tells how yrm can hay9 them without cost. SoncI a jiost card Tor your cow. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen 40 8. 14th St. Richmond, Va. Let Us Print Your Sale Bills COAL We can furnish you with GOOD COAL at the market price. When in need of fuel phone 113. Heave rSin ia rd Transfer Co. You see the results of May mean weeping in smoke or in sadness viewing the ruins of your home. But Insurance shows business ability. Means sat isfaction in protection. Means Contentment of mind. Means the saving of a lifetime's earnings. Means the comfort of old age. Destruction has visited your neighbor and our neighboring town It awaits us. Insure while it waits tomorrow may be too late. Brevard Insurance Agency T. H. GALLO 7 Mr nager Brevard, N. C. Warranty Deeds and Deeds in Trust at News office. See Us For Staple And Fancy Groceries. FLOUR OUR SPECIALTY We will save you money if you trade with us, We will save you one dollar or more on every barrel flour. Canned goods and cereals. J. P. DEAVER & CO. Phone 118 Cor. Caldwell & Main Sts. bi in t'I'ibiiiii Ii ! MX iiii i iiii m till iiiii Si !! !! fe! Ilil .! !! i i! Imst Ife! 1 I ! I li ll il 11 1 A Laundry Convenience A stationary wash tub, with hot and cold running water right at your elbow, takes the drudgery out of washing. No carrying of water. Simply turn a faucet and the water is there just as you need it. And no struggling with cumbersome tubs. Merely pull a plug and your tub empties itself. Whether your washing is large or small, this system will lighten your work. Let us figure on the installation for you. We also do prompt, neat and efficient repair work. NICHOLSON & DUCLOS Plumbing, Tinning and Sheet Metal Work L