I , I II I mm; .ipi i . .. v f . V r c. 1 i ' J A to. . ' I - "V , -'V -: -v Y TRANSYLVANIA,,;- 'OPPORTUNITIES EMPIRE ",. NATURAL RESOURCES- 'FOR. LOCATING r INDUSTRIE: eva r d Exponent of Brevard and Transylvania County. The Arm Is Prank- -ness ani Sincerity.; ' Independent. . , FOR' THE CAUSE THAX LACKS ASSISTANCE," 'GAINST THE WRONGS THAT NEED RESISTANCE. FOR THE FUTURE IN THE DISTANCE AND THE GOC D THAT WE CAN TO1 VOLUME XXVIII. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1223. NO. 42.. v-A . 'I I V ' ' " m ir News OUR RALEIGH COMMUNICATION Raleigh, N. C, Ootober 22. Fifty thousand people passed through ! the gates into the State Fair on Thursday carrying the jattendance far above the record established on any day since the institution was ( -tablished sixty-two years ago. The mass of surging hunamity rendered in;pop.sible anything but a difficult ..'ipvoach to the exhibits. Midway end the new grand stand erected J k.st year were packed with visitors to the splendid exhibition eager to vvih'ss the numerous amusement features, or to get a glimpse of the great variety of exhibits brought trora the factories and the farms of Nort'i Carolina. At (the close of the big exhibition on Friday atten dance figures registored around i 00,000 and more gate receipts have been counted than ever before. The big sueccs; of the exposi tion 4his year lifts the institution out of debt and "old of the ruts" into which it had been sliding for i-oiric years prior to tho first ad ministration of Mrs. Vanderbilt. The crowds were larger during tho en tire week this year than usual and he attractions more numerous. . Even General Fershing, the big drawing card last yer, did not draw anything like the number of people who came to the fair last Thursday. Every one appeared to be having "a grand time" and prais es ior the splendid work of Ivirs. Va.ndcvbilt was heard in every ruartor. She was generally on the grounds ahead of the crowds and put herself into the direction of affairs with a determination which ha:s characterized her administra tion from the outset. The way has been opened for even grca'r Jachievemcnts in the future and, with financial handi-cp'-ks behind them State Fair officials ccfnlently expects bigger and bet ter things with each passing year. The record of accomplishment at tained in 1923 has brought hope for the future and "Forward Ever for ward" is the slogan of the man agement. Judge John H. Kerr, recently nominate 1 as the successor of the lale Claude Kitchen in Congress, is to be succeeded by Thomas M. Titt man, of Henderson, the Governor having announced that he will ap point Mr. Fittman as soon as the vacancy contemplated in thor Third Judicial District actually occurs. A spirited contest for the judgeship was in progress, but the Governor decided to "take time by the fore Jock" and the fight is over before it got started. Mr. Pittman is ad Tvttedly a mar; of 'parts; stands well in his profession; in literary circles and as a church man. He has 'been a leading' figure in the Baptist denomination in the State for many years and has served in numerous important positions in the organisations of the democratic party and the legal profession. He was recently married to Miss Lizzie Briggs of this city, a leading Bap tist worker of the State, his first wife having died several years ago. This appointment of the Governor is considered a wise one and popular as well. Every public school in the State will observe Friday, November 2, in a special manner this year, ac- cording to plans that are in the stop over towns on the way to our making by Prof. A. T. Allen, Su-.i Southern Winter resorts, should join perintendent of Public Institutions, j in. one 4 great and continuous adver who according to a section of the tising scheme and advertise this di- New School Code has direct super vision of the observance of the day. It is to be known as Arbor Day and Superintendent Allen is taking steps, to carry out the purpose for which this spedial code was formulated. H)n this day the boys and girls will be instructed how to plant tfrees and various varieties of shrubbery and given lessons on the care of them as part of a general plan to make 'the world more beautiful. Another purpose is to inject into the children of the State a deeper -love for nature. It is proposed in addition to. give out scientific in structions in the planting and trans planting of . trees and shrubbery, to inculcate higher ideals of life into the minds of future citizens. ivf ; Mrs. ' Margaret la E. Setzer lei it Monday morning for Stanley, N where .she s;will again f take up her work asj nflcipiL of theClemmins DR. HUNT ON : ' v ' CO-OPERATION, Copy .. of Letter Written . By Dr. Hunt to Mr, William Goldsmith, Greenville, S. C. Brevard, N. C., Oct. 15, 1923 Mr. William Goldsmith, Greenville, S. C. Dear Friend: Please allow me to make a few remarks upon the sub; cot. MUTUAL COOPERATIOX OF GREENVILLE AND ERE V RD FOR' MUTUAL BENEFIT. Greenville with the completion of the Geer Highway become- the Southern Gateway to the Mou; tains. At her door stands Caesar's Head, one of the grandest views in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Caesar'; Head should now be advertised tiid it becomes a household word. North. South, East and West. Ore of Greenvill's greatest drawing cards.' We should make Greenville the poi2it of concentration for all auto mobile travel from the South reek ing the mountains. The Great Gecr Highway Vvill take .'the tourist to Caesar's Head, Connestee Fall-, and to Brevard the central point for all of the grandest and most sub lime scenery in Western North Caro lina thence to the terminus -of the Geer Highway, the soldiers moiri ment, marking the entrance of the great Pisgah National Forest and Game preserve, with all of it", rccr.ic rtr actions ' and numerous trout streams. The nearest and best way from the South to the North ;- n ville, Brevard by way Head, ' Asheville, Knoxvil We should advertise',' the Northern tourists Ies da and other Southern pc Spring after Florida has warm and while the Nort 'i still linger in the air by Greenville, S. C. the. of South Carolina. theT ter of the South, thence Head, Brevard and toVt National Forest, and the "a back to Natv.r? rest" mountain peaks and fish numerous trout streams, this land of the giant oa ering poplar, the bcauti and Rhododendron " dreams, lying upon tKj I ground, beneath the Spruce and Balsam, watching with I dreamy, half closed eyes the? drift- ing clouds as they play hide and i seek amone-st the towernur neaks . till at last lulled to sleep by the zyphers of the mountains and the music of many rippling waters. An entrancing drive of two hour? will take the traveler from the hos pitable gates of Greenville "by way of CaesaVs - Head to- the entrance of the NationalForest the terminus of the Geer Highway. The Northern tourists seeking the South for the whiter should travel this "same route and for a few weeks, till the heat of the Southern sun is abated in Florida, enjoy the unsurpassed mountain scenery, and the .Autumnal gl6ries of the Fisgah Forest. The main entrance, that used- by the late Mr. Geo. W. Van derbilt, is near Brevard, N. C, and marked by the monument erected to the memory of the World Wrar Sol diers. Greenville and Brevard and all rect route, by newspapers, road road signs, photographs, post cards and bill boards, etc'. We should get ready now and have this route well advertised by the coming Spring.' Greenville should not neglect the trade "of "Transylvania County and Brevard."1 Those of Brevard who wish to shop elsewhere, for special goods, should be taught to trade in Greenville. Yes, - let Greenville and Brevard, enter at 1 once into an alliance for Jrade, Travel and Tourists,,. For the Summer months we should have a ' bus , line from Greenville to Bre vard. "... y . Kease: iinprpve upon the above ideas r and i write fe. piece for your papers, consult with your Chamber of - Commerce and -we will get busy. Sincerely yours, -.: J; C.-W.rHont. iH-fi'.;y;?t' CANN im TEA! wire niisj Transylvania County Canning Team Gets First Place at the Slate Fair. The Transylvania Canning team, Margaret Gash of Blantyre, and T7 . I TIT t-v -i t- iUttcc 01 H-son iviver, wu'i noiior in tne , est- cm District Contest, was sv; the Stat:.- Fair in Rale::;') to ; cent th'V district ,n th-. yiat?. counties competing in canrdn Richmond, rcprecntin.-; the mor.t District, Joan: on, ;v ing the Eastern and "eaufoi Tide Water. The team from Transylvarii: the distinction of being fv from the State Capital than an cr iei'r.n of girl.: at th- Sta!'.' i.- vor-. Pie:! ., ti.- When we told Mr. tcivim the women's clubs and ublic spirited citizens of. Brevard made possible for these girls to grj to Raleigh to compete in the final con test between the Clubs she sai :. "Yes, I have nova!" seen rtrongt . support given Heme Der.ionstratio Work by any county : eat than giv en in Erevard." We want to than' the Betterment Association, t'1'. Fortnightly Club, tho Mathataa". Club and the D. A. R. Chnptjr ;-?v ethers for their gtnerour, . ontrib-.:-tions. Trjinrylvani i Cou.-ty - : '. riiir.ar-- cxiiibii . car.ri : ;r.-(i v- veiabies the .';la:? winning first pri-e 'V neachc- -.. .--econd for beans. This exhibit wiii OCT years vor A large nnrrhr-' of our churches were re;.;-; and all seem to be in good : otr .! lint", whiis mc pie ages lor tne ; mUn : rot fully met, are being paid by a majority of the people. We believe ! that most of the folks will re 'ce.n j their pledge by the end cf Jia five year period. The Executive committee, who: hum ness it is to lo ok arter lv.- on:.:- j ness of lbs association betweo-, tli ! sessions, Was named and tin. re ai.-j the persons eb-itel: lb s. V.bo'a -Hartsed, Iev. V. T. Tiu.'M., , A j Miller, T. ". IIeiidersoi, ?I, ,. A I ' ; Hampton, Miss Ethel Parnett, am'1 P. V,'. Ilighfowcr. The Women's Missionary Union of this association held its annual meeting on Thursday during the ses sion of the association, in the school house close by. The work of the women is making splendid progress. Tlicy expect to have their annual meeting separate and apart ne.":t year. It, will come sometime about the first of Oct. just two weeks prior to the general association. ?Irs. Wallace Hartsell was elected as Supt. of the work in this associa- tion. The women need the moral support of the men of our churches. We must support them if we expect them to do the best work. The next sessidn will meet In Oct. 1924, with the church at Little Riv er. Several of the churches wanted the next meeting but since it could meet in but one place at a time the committee thought it best to send it to Little River. The people of the community of Cedar Mtn. took care of the associa tion in a royal manner as they do all meetings that are held in that part of the country. There was plenty to eat and the homes were opened to the visitors. Brother A. ti. Jones, of Pisgah forest, is the pastor of this noble people and he "u t-ucjr mgcuici urn uie indgiicin- imous thing. May their tribe in crease. : Mrs. W. M. Miller visited rel- den fz SPECIAL EDITION BIG SUCCESS" Everyone Enthusiastic Over Greatest Edition Ever Published Here. Wf In the special edition which nre now preparing and we have t have read- for mailing at an eiriv ; ve -r;.,.aw ,c w"re agreeably surprises the wonderful surnort a-n ' rr. o-icrailon cf tho business an J pro fessional men of our gloriou ; coun ty. We :;tarted out to have foil page cf Art Gravurc and nrobnbl; sixteen ldack and white; but soman -;er(; enthused over the nronor.on Transylvania County Industrial and ! Commercial edition that wa have aiready arranged for ten pages of th- Art Gra iro feature and as we it looks like we wilt east twelve V, -Ml V, e r ta!:en a ertisin ' space md others who have contributed in a fir.anciai v. a y. V.re find if absolutely impossible to see everyone personally, bui; w tlo not want t overlook a.nvcne ; who may be 111! We will an- nreciats it ii you v. r.i eitner c rop r s a ! i n t regard to or s u-, person ally m iiis tlir- greatest an 1 drat "itc: -i rt G ravure Editicn eve" ae i is 0 n thi; ce.nmunitv. !at n:cr e;: i"is ;ti- to-ost. J. A. Priith. ne.' e V: '" Harris Machine Co. Kos.nan Motor Co. New York Cafe. Rose Cafe K II Patrick Son and Co. F. Ih Clement, Jeweler Smiths Farb 'r Shop I e I.o rigs Novelty Store J Me f'oy an-i Pattan, Pisgah lores 1 D. II. Winchester, Posmun Nieh'dsuu and Duclos ,1. tb Silvevsteen It. t. Schley V. V.. Breese W. W. Creushorn E i McCoy V. Fontaine T. C. Jlenderson, Supt. of Edu cation. W. E. Shipman, Sheriff Geo. Lyday, Co. Commissioner Roland Owens, Reg. of Deeds. W. A. Miller, Clerk of the Court Ed Tatton, County Treasurer Win. Henry J. L. Bell' Cos Patton Robert R. Gash Dr. C. W. Hunt Fresbyterian Church Episcopal Church Baptist Church Miss Lucile Clark Miss Cora Lee Tyner. Pickie Simire Power Co. ANNOUNCEMENT. The foil s irg iimeuncement to - has been re their man; ten ceived : Mr. and Mr. Arthur Fox Wood announce the marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth Marshall to . " ' Mr. Edward Mann Davis Monday, October the fifteenth Nineteen , hundred and twenty-three, j At hoine after the first, Broxsboro, ivortn v rcnna . A I- "V J 1 ' . Mr. And Mrs. Charlie Orr and childrejh iave returned from a weeks visit to the State Fair in of if? Wfiinz V7 iv MiUj"Awak, up r,y Glory,' Our Statv. North r 0; i ' strte, (, " '.vivch it can ' Vith 110 fl'.l r rf .-,i;--ff-- t;:i " diction, it is an honor to b ::en. Lion:' and is being demonstrate-'. t. day as never before. Is. : so pas the first in the South t c -tabiir-h ; center of higher loarnln rcns. l'liis institution :dong for many j ears vi resources but is now itco: for it-; rugg.r'i i scrsu.-; is-rd b-; ne v. '1 ' i not it - -. 'Sii n: sons onh. :uisi; 'ins its fin ughtei's ah' d for the con! 'dct i and in thiiigs o: attai'-.mont. Th'r- v. hi( ii ? cco'.;nize bu b'tcrar c-urs(. less m- ciuaing engineering, agncultui - and ether basic affairs of c very iav . n:.; snout 1 i ue. rs.ernb ci i ne . now whi'di indu - .tise-' tienal ah Chanel Hill. publ hir a series ot article. are a trial esait o: n:s stu-::e conditions in Ea t a. Licie ia; .r.icr r. .i account cf surh c -ark: a . steil on the North For lait.on-- n ;'.' o v.-'L'.i ie. rse". of a: Sf:te- i. t l:ro-rr' Den L.nan a t .r.e or trie vc v. cour.l ai'ta in th? timber Amerira. llr shows !:o coop-rati!:?:. , " -n-;. thr t ro k -. an aa:hv it - f i i ngton dee' .'-r :Cst '-essentia! to human welfa; has. taine 1 1-, i eihcu-nc tnat pee f om- pie achieve com-et.-r.cey fcrt. Csop.raiicn i.. doul hey net t s'cess in a: ture "Ft itc ! we stand, we fait." Impottant ro:r.r.-"r- bit more . health : count detc ai s coo"er.u fairs it h ."o i-; m in!:r.itslv on .ate. .ice : wit a Irai tse e:.--T)r tall ce . . wit in-: ne a:v: hill.: iens to prevent an:! dity; small ncx, din- phoid ! ever: ore l ne : e name ilmer.t h: claimed a la" victims. Co; w as a'-.va.;-- t! ;m'ly mtie pa; rtb while, set now think of no: . r:::t vi ri'i re for a any tmng :rn hcatth. more vaue to n a Jn ir.y pre ;-hssicis.n 1 ce v'.iiions trro: to so" phoid f v t s'- ft " rhinr('i have at leading ' from ti Being county i:oi'.iar. a; countv am in t .'tich withhe'.'ith p our countv a.n 1 :rc-T-tat diptheria an ty a in evidence - iv. par.;.. These o to be. Wo ad eminence of i ih? death list - I son cf this hair twenty-five uick to. resent, a : ms were not on a high average - of our state as a d intelligence. n regard vo the ' on of health. If i. ourselves of our ! years I i charge " "' : a plane s.i with ot: " to goot1 Why th - ; all imp( ' . not, wh " opportunities? W J. Wallis, M. D. - OFFICERS Otf TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY SU'NDW SCHOOL Assofci.vnor Elected Se-b . mb?r 16, 1923. President vard.'N. ( Brevard, Corpeniniy.. T.t.; Brcvaril, vard, N. C T. (V Henderson, Bre i , ., J. W. Smith, .: SeV -Treas., Flave - .- a '. C. eip ?r. Aidents: . V F .snVpton. Bre Bod. A. 1 : iu-U, Brevard, N. C Ml White, X. ( Catlu ' a. A. Dur F. L. Eastatoe, Chris. Grr s. at it. Wilson, Pisgah V ' 1; C. R. No. I; CP icestyi". V..r- Gal loway, Lake Tox- .ay, P. No. 1; Hog Back. Mrsl Lee Norton, Lake Toxoway, N. Cf Little River, Mrs. Ed. H. Mackey, ft-irose, N. C, R. 1. TEARING DO 'N OLD BUILP lqS. , Cos Paxton is1 ousy this week re moving the old "frame buihbng next to the postomee.V Th:i old building was the home dt- the Sylvan Valley News for man years. it til aim Psalms 5'7 :i7. i he ,ck! "Glory"' gives difmi ; n-cr;.'..r. iior.or, great; td our ii f j. n caih ur. ! lives worthy c2 iha m 1 ess, DiviueKs to make our lieft 1 fe, i. ncoi: o a scv:-:s vaae, high, v.as p-at i (.1 a i. e ! ; 7 1 . or,-- T-lo-cr. - si- :: ; . : i ;istcr ".V a3 givc:i. came iro:n, v:.- ma it, v. :v ks own had Leer.. r '.va; ;;o ei-rquisit in i: s ' s-) surety genuine th.t: at auctxn, 521,001). ;are and cc.-.tlv thing was beaut y, i' i sou :i i -i Vc. t li on ce a mcfc lump of common clay, i few moist colors. The vaiiH? n toil and skill of the Ar '5" ; ,:-:-,'-'d and colored it nvit;? delic tf paf.ic-nee, and such r. -.- ir.r.ug srii the vase M't. He did his )GSS .-tnessfs faiJifuIness. ! If ,v '".-ould only always cic cu : 1:1 I-'l our work, we woui.' Ii- ' v'c;i'thlly ot the glury that is is t. j 'Aw;i;:o up niy Glory." j J. R. U. A PRAYEH FOR TEACHERS. O Thou C'oriou- Cut. Help us t I'cabse what the word Glory inear th at t ?";Vi : ii 'rn 'Or-i.J oigmty. ptenco. r.or. grtatnc id Divines to our iir'i ' us to make cur live tna v. s r ear. it c: ' the name. Open .)-. v. -.' ir.av near its cn: .-s ; all tha is us. of ber.uty, of pow of ; -tren of good, of love, to ! quickened to reach its best. Op. our eye:; to see that we have in ou. selves greater, grander rarer hr:.s ty, sublimer art, than any Ian ! u der Heaven has to show us. Let us pray to be made eons-riot of our own glory, so that in all ou work we may always do our bos: Jnd thus live worthy cf thj gle that is in us. Must the glory in us continue t sleep? Shall we not rather on ourselves, to awake, call u: i- call upon Thee to awakr shall our lives open ii.to benuty an f into power, and we shall be t'. persons Tinea wantej-t us to be. In His name, and for His sake, we ars. it, Who is our Lord and Ma.-:c. Jesus Christ. Amen. (.'. L: (To be concluded.) DEMOCRATIC MEETING GREAT SUCCESS. The mass meeting of Democrat." -women hold at the court house a Saturday, October 20, was a gre- s success. Mr. T. C. Henderson an . Mr. C. C. Yongue made short an ; inspiring talks. A number of. fer vent Democrats who lived thru th. Civil War and the Reconstructs . Period were present and their ei. -thussiasm and example v. as of th greatest encouragement to th younger workers. A monthly meeting will be Iicki as long as good weather continues. These meetings will be known a The Democratic Woman's CluL. There are no dues and every Demo cratic woman in the county is urged to attend. The next meeting will be held on Saturday, November the tenth, and an interesting and prac tical program is being arranged. The Transylvania organization has received warm commendation from Miss Jones, Democratic Vice Chairman for the Tenth District Miss Jones will assist us in secui -ing out-of-town speakers and will visit Transylvania during the 192 1 campaign PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE MONUMENT. We should have photographs and post cards made of the monumenti and -send them all over the counti A picture of this handsome woi of art w'i'il 'nY"'::'riy--"VrrtJVTi- the entrance uf the Pisgah NV Forest and will prove the besi most lasting advertisement tt can possibly have. NEW CHURCH SIGN. The Baptist church has a neJ recting sign on the corner vard and Church Streets. very artistic looking sign ai doubt will attract many visij A slight Earthquake w throughout the mountains -1 ;-7n the Land of Waterfans'V-: atives- in Spartr.nburg this week Raleirfh. "In the Lid of Waterfalls" section the hatter part ...it f". T .-. r-j-"-vrj. x a , s .,s; ! v-r.;---'. -

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