m '" -i ;k' BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. 0. THE WEEK EVENTS IMPORTANT NEWS OF STATE, NA TION AND THE WORLD BRIEFLY TOLD ROUND ABOUTJHE WORLD A Ce-ndensed Record Of Happenings Of Intereat From All Point Of The World Foreign With situation on the Ruhr and Rhineiand rapidly approaching a con dition of an acute social and economic crisis, with Saxony's socialist-commun ist ministry continuing its defiance of i the central government and with Ba varia having severed diplomatic re lations with Saxony, Chancellor Stresemann's coalition cabinet is eon fronted with issues which will afford A an early opportunity to make use of the dictatorial authority voted i. : by the reichstag in the emergency ; power bill. ! The proceedings of the second day ' cf the convention, of the Ard Fines, or ; Sinn Fein organization, covered the j whole of the. republican program detail'and through the session, being i held at Dublin, the votes were unar.i- j mous. no divisions having been called ; for. I'ppermost in interest in the j minds of the delegates proved to be the hunger strike of 4S." prisoners in JMuum jo . . . . . i i Dr. V. K. Wellington Koo has ten- j dered to President Tsao Kun his res- j ignation as foreign minister. Although I no official reason has been assigned, j the resignation i unofficially reported ' to be the result of the IJncheng ban- lit episode. Premier Yamamoto has appointed a committee of five members of the ! tabinot to investigate the question of universal suffrage for the Japanese; before the matter is taken tip by the i iegislathe affairs committee of the j diet. Another sanguinary outbreak of' Mores in l.anao province, island of Mindanao, v as reported at Manila.' and the aid of United States troops was asked by the provincial authori l jes. Serious developments are feared in thi stale of San Uuis potosj jn view ef at) uprisio'-: by the Cedillo broth ers, who are said to be marching on 'he state capital to support Aarei'o i'da'i' i ;ue for the governorship Om hundred and fifty per.-ons ! ae been taken into custody, and tber arrests are expected, in eonnee 'ion with tin' blowing up last w.-ek of one of the forts of the citadel at War saw. Polk" are convinced that the explosion was due to a conspiracy batched in a foreign country. Three alleged white slavers have b ' n arrested by the Gorman police in connection with the shipment of young women to the Cnited States and Holland. While officialdom carries on myriad efforts to rescue Germany, food riots are sweeping the nation. Minor dis orders broke out in Berlin, while oth er sharp disturbances were reported from Leipzig. Salzgitter, Gelsenkir ihcn. Hardt and Koenigsberg. Thirty-six members of the crew of an unnamed steamer were rescued when the ship foundered recently, ac cording to a dispatch received at Tokio from Morioka. The steamer, U was stated, is owned by the Kawas ako company, Kobe, and is believed to be a .'1, 000-ton vessel. Washington A cablegram from Manila. P. p. says two school teachers, one super vising teacher, one lieutenant, a ser geant and eight privates of the Phil 'ppine constabulary were killed by Moros at Lake Buluan, Lanao prov ince. Island of Hindanao, according to advices reaching Manila newspa pers. Aid of ihe United States troops ifi being sought. Five New York and Massachusetts wholesale coal dealers and Maderla, Hill & Co., an anthracite mining firm with offices in Philadelphia, have been summoned by the federal trade com mission to appear before it November 19 to answer charges of engaging in a conspiracy to enhance the price of oal. Five New York and Massachusetts wholesale coal dealers anrt Mnrirrir. Hill & Co., an anthracite mining firm with offices in Philadelphia, have been summoned by the federal trade com mission to appear before it November 19 to answer charges of engaging in a conspiracy to enhance the price of coal. Although he previously advocated resumption of commercial relations with Russia, Representative Britten, Republican, who recently returned from a month's tour through Russian territory, told President Coolidge he was opposed to any form of recogni tion for the soviet authorities. More than a score of army officers from Latin-America are either now attending the various schools of the United States army or are on their way to join the classes. A national department of education to be in charge of a member of the president's cabinet was urged by John H. Cowles, sovereign grand comman der before the supreme council, thirty third degree, Scottish Rite Masons, Southern jurisdiction, in session at Washington. A measure to bring this about, he said, would be placed before the next congress. A meeting of the American debt commission within a short time was forecast by Senator Smoot, Repub lican, Utah, one of the members, after a conference with Secretary Mellon. He declined to disclose what develop ments had served to change previous ly announced plans to delay further meetings until the opening of con gress. A case considered of importance in determining the right of federal re serve banks to insist upon non-member banks cashing in currency cheeks drawn upon them, presented in a case brought by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Va., against Malloy Brothers, was advanced by the sv preme court for hearing January 7 Four Princeton undergraduates in Washington to attend the citizenship conference on prohibition paid a visit to Wondrow Wilson, an alumnus aIuj n former president of the univer sity. They spent a half hour chatting with their host, who, they said, evinc ed great interest in recent happenings on the campus. Tn tbe next three venrs. !.". iht cent f)f h(, roUon Iph.u ro prowi,rfl of 1)p Snuth wl ,)( (,nthtl,iast i(. Iucm. bor8 of ro.pporative marketing asso nations. Senator Smith. Democrat, of South Carolina, predicted in a state nun, issued recently. These associa ,ions will make the price of the; projects stable, he said, and the p;,,, as vou np the producer will know ulorith ilv rr0nth a year in advance ,u, price at which' tbey will be sold Domestic - The f. ( ern tovc rr.ment I il'cu double barreled charge into wet force; alleged to be drenching New York and New Jersey with illicit liquor With one charge federal agents, work ing under direct orders front Wash ington. brought down a bag of plover conspirators, rounded up in the hotel Pennsylvania and elsewhere, who an alleged to have been using $S0.0m) tc bribe prohibition agents not to sine the brewing of real beer in New Jer sev: not to interfere with the convert ing of industrial alcohol into stron ' liquor: and to block the flooding o, New York and New Jersey with bee: from riv ' mis in Pennsylvania. A co' vMr-Ji would eriat an intf h and c1 impor tant j' : ' i.m 'ei o openit : .:' r- u ' i :' ' eelive ; M !' :ng at t a . i ha Monroe county. Fior;;.. r- passed the $:-'.(.e,0oo bond is.,- '. reads ard brides to connect Ke West w'-b the Mainland. The vp' was 47;' lor. 2lf neainsi. There w:. a :ea! ib nionstrai '"ri. im-li;din:: ; torchlight and a'tt-imobib- )iar..d '. Some of the coal operators who r cc-ntly conferred with Covemor Pus ehot of Pennsylvania at la rrishur declined his demand to slop selling coal to proiiteerinu dealers, it wn-. learned in ant horttaih e qtiarters. The sia -rs of Joseph P. ill well and Dorothy King Kecnnr.. victims in two of New York's most notorious mt;nl'-r mysteries. a'e known to the police, according to Police Commissioner En right, but the vidcnie is insufficient to warrant arrests. Another witness in the divorce suit of W. K. D. Stokes, against his wife. Mrs. Helen Flwood Stokes, repudiated a statement alleged to have been made to attorneys for Mrs Stoke. Ann Francese, mployed in the apart ment of Kdcar Wallace, den it d she had made a statement October 20. 1 f J 1 ; she said, however, she recog nized her signature on the statement. A standing exc utive committee to confer with the Cnited States attor ney general concerning "chaotic" eon ditions in the oil industry was ap pointed by the conference cf attor neys general from 24 states called in accordance with the will of the Na tional Association of Attorneys Gen eral in session at Chicago. Slowly receding . overflow waters of the North Canadian river lain hare a stark, desolate, water-choked waste in the lowlands of Oklahoma City. Okla.. especially in the south side, which was inundated by the worst, flood in the history of the state of Oklahoma. The total damage is now placed at two and a half million doi lars, and the dead at two. One man is dead and five others are believed to have lost their lives in a cave-in at the Utah Apex mine at Bingham, Utah, 30 miles west of Salt Lake City. John Cline and his wife, Rebecca. ;an aeed couple, residing on a small ; larm m ar lia?('rs,mvi1' Maryland. were receuiij iuuuu ueau in tne cel lar of their house, their skulls crush ed, as with a heavy iron bar in the hands of an assailant who left no clue behind. Chief executives of 3G states and territories are in Indianapolis for the fifteenth annual governor's confer, ence at West Baden to discuss na tional problems and means of uniform relief legislation. Following the meet ing the governors will mov- to Wash ington for a luncheon conference with President Coolidge at the capital. Charles Appel, father of Lila Loe. the motion picture actress, was in dicted by a grand jury at Chicago, on counts of embezzlement, larceny aa bailee and operation of a confidence game. Standing in the doorway of the Pat terson funeral parlors, Atlanta, Ga , J. W. Johnson, 65 years old, shot him self through the brain, while passing pedestrians and attendants at the par lors looked on in horror, unable to in terfere in time to prevent the suicide. The shot entered the temple, death oc curring a few minutes later. MARY GRAHAM. BQNNER. COLUMBUS DAY October twelfth is not celebrated as a holiday because it was the day upon which Christopher Columbus was born, but because it was supposed to be the date upon which Columbus first stood upon the ground which forms a part of the continent of America. The exact date of his birth is not known, nor the exact place. His birthplace is supposed to be near Genea, in Italy, and some time about 14-40. The date which we all know is 1 IU2. That was the year in which he discov ered America, and lor a discovery of that sort it seems only fair and right that we should do him the honor of celebrating a special day for bin). For Columbus was the one who made en many tliinus possible-. Perhaps oth ers ina. ha e dise'tn e red w hat he did d ubtless in lime 'o come they would bae done so but that is all guesswork on cur part. The fact is ('oiuinbtis did make the discovery, so that since his time the eoiiniries upon this continent hae- accomplished so much that is fcplcndid and amazing. The parents of ''olumbns were wool ComiieTs, but tho .-aw to it that Colum bus was quite well educafd. At an e.'irl-. he besran his life upon the sea. We all Struggle's route to reMimine's know of Ids desires and his to obtain aid to discover a Asia by going west. The of the earth meant some thing eiy real to Columbus. He puz yh'd o er it, thought eif it, saw in his mind the round, round earth and of himself t rax 'ding into Asia by another eloor as it were ! So at last he start eel on lids venture. Partly with royal assistance, and partly with the help e.f the Zinr.e.ns. merchants of Palos. (hey starteil. There were only three small vessels, the Santa Maria, which was the Hag ship, manned by Columbus; the Nina. "ded by YhicnK' Yi!t)e'. pinon, a. commanded by Martin i !!. Mill in all there were 1 'ii 12i men. Aii.ibt third, 1 -4'.2. t they : "'. as w e h a ' a H a s ;abl "Thre; Small Vestels." In the lit'lc rliynie hii"h tnnkes us koc; the date of the .!is-..vt-rv of Amorifii in cur minus: Columbus sriilf.l tlie n,-ian bl ip In fourtet-n ti in.lrf.1 ami ninety-two. Yh:it' tr ii.-i;cs we may forget, rlutt v. ill bonifli..v always stay in mir nmxls, I think, fur nui only is there the rhymo, but there is that little picture wt un see of ( 'oluitilnis s-taiiling in the how of his small vessel, fnllowcl by the two others, ami of the water so blue and sparkling and beautiful and smunth. v'olumbtts ttok many voyages in his life-time: hit diseovered many islands, made for himself a mit and lastiner name in history, but he never knew he had discovered a new continent. Aiwa, s he tu'ht that those m'ares he had touched had been parts of Asia. And it stvms quite sad to think of the times e'e been applauded (and often, very jus'.ly. too:) when we've re cited well or j, laved the piano well, or something; of tbut sort, that Christopher Columbus, who discovered Americn, did not even knew of the great deed that he had done. Never had he any realization that in a new continent would they erect monuments to him, nor that In schools they would give pageants about his trip, his discouragements, his suc cesses. And his little son Diego, whom Queen Isabella made a page at the Spanish court, could net boast to the others and say : "My father has discovered a new continent, which is more than can be said for most fathers, and most people, for that matter !" For neither did little Diego know, and It has always seemed such a pity. It would have been a splendid tldng for any little boy to have been able to say ! Example of Abstract Noun. The teacher, at the conclusion of a lesson in grammar, asked the class in turn to give an example of an abstract noun. "Manhood," suggested the head of the class, which was duly approved by the teacher, the example being fol lenved by the next two members of the class making in turn the somewhat unimaginative suggestions of "woman hood" and "girlhood" respectively. The fourth little girl, however, dis daining anything so obvious as "boy- j hood." gave as her example, "Little : Red Ridinsr Hood." -r-r- , ""tzz WOMEN CAN DYE! ANY GARMENT, DRAPERY j Dye or Tint Worn, Faded Things New for 15 Cents. Diamond Dyi es Don't wemder whether you can dye or tint successfully, because perfect home -lyeing is guaranteed with "Dia mond Dyes" even if you hav; never dyed before. Drugcists have all colors. Direct ions In each paeknge. Adver i isement. Women Barred by Will. "No women to be permitted to be present w hen lny estate' is being dis posed of."' is the injunction set forth by Ailam SeitYrth in his will, tiled :ti New York recent fy wilh :.n ap .r:;Nal of his estate. Although Sei ferth left an -: : 1 1 of more than .?;. f m t, including soera! bouses, he lived the life of a hen '. at I '.ay I'idire for many o':n ' dnr seera! attic roi.m-- in the !, u-o he owned. included in s . I f - 1 1 1 1 " .- diivc: joMs ;o his e:,e ::!!"- v..i- -poeTm epr--' 'it I Id - ...jo; :ioi t.i w omen be n- pres. lit at toe --c; i lemeti! of Ids es tat1': "It i- my desire that none of die v, hos ,cf tay brother-- re-: i ! i ii in I h is count ry be pre-i u I '.'.hen im es- 'to t- :i hied." New York Times MOTHER! GIVE SICK BABY "CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP" Harmless Laxative to Clean Liver and Bowels of Baby or Child. Lven constipat ed, bilious, feveT ih. e.r sick", eolie: Babies and Cbil-dre-n love to take' irenuim- "'('ndfor n:a I-'ig Syrup.'' No other laxative r"LTii!ates the- ten der little bowels nicely. lU'i7N swee'tens the ' X . --toniach and starts the liver and bowel.-? acting wiiliout ipiiur. Con tains' nc narcotics or .; i;ing drugs. S.iy " 'a.lifertd.i" fo your dru;.'u'ist and aeid eemriterfeits '. Tnsi-t upon gen uine "California Y;r Syrup" which e-ontains dire.-. ion-. --- dv -rtisetneitt. BAR CLAY ROOFS IN JAPAN Earthquake Causes Order Forbidding bet of Heavy Materials fon Heuse C-ovenr.gi. --.pp.-r . I'm-- Ji. -.-.,:.!; .. ijnn. jv iii.d' ; ' ' ! : i,,,t tb in .te-t r 0 ra P ' ' f- LeU Bride. If.irii- f:- M.-ir.w r. ;,n---;v in- -U-r !'. -. : . - ' 'Jli.tbetb 1 1 ,. , -.in ,.;-!i!,.,T,:. i:.. -,.).: :'.,r I'fei-.n, d.-r.iui... - i.liiitu".'..'. ii..!.rn .n ii . ..;'-' i-:;.' : :i n t.-i'-'.'i. -:! "f the leading i t i ' r.s T..ko ..nd V..1,. aii !::.- ,.o-.. I '. i :: . '!'.-. 'l"!i. inrdi w:is .;- ! ;,, c',..l . !,;ii-.-'n with !.ir-c. ! ..nd icidc .''.b-ntly 1 Nap"i-on. .Tero;:!e's broth- rlay tile. 'l'!,.-o ii :., a erv lidnv ''. who was then first c.nsul i-i' ;'' f. 1 , : . -1 . when t! .ii'-;:.U;i';e ife- 1 'an.'i-. s.'! - the I ctn.":t New Their mor tir: eau.e. eau-e, i,,My casual- ' ''"'th-r tried to aid Napoleon in hw lies b falling on tlie lleei;e- ,,,,,,,,1,, jn efi'ert to ll.lM' JeD'Hie d evert his wife. reels uv.( bv t!,e:r wo'-M i .lerotne refused to yield, and then Na bronglit ; ii ci; a ....tiijiN-t.. "Mj'.'-e .,f 1 loon asked l'opo I'ius VII to publis'i man. !:niiMv lib-b t;ttri .,t,er-, fe ViH tmnttnins tin- marriage. The ! .-,e r. :--.-d -he e.ir'Iaiuai-e -br,.-!,- pope n-l-Med that after a careful hues It is ;:-ei. !-'. ..-d tli.-it the Ja oa tie-... t iation h" .-..idd ihid no i.T;:n'ls for -o , -rtu. a!read i-':,,,i :m .nmplyin-.' with, the r".iie-i of tlie hh for'.iddiii the ue ..f hea roof. i"Tor. Nat.oleon was furious and at hi- Materials and i-.e;ideaor:n- ,,, i once in-trncti'd his iTi!ieria! co:;ncj; ..f 'Cain n-' ii-!'.-? tm-'i,!.. ' -'ate to d"-!ar. the tiiarriaue tvtl! ar.l weSc'.t Wlib-b i- at the Saltte time hfe- j v"-d. which that body obedh'th iv pfo ;!'.. f and ea ft hi lla he proof. j ceeded to do. The a'teioion or tbeh- expert lias ! In t,u' hi.-itt In .lerome r.onaparf n drawn to the p,,v;b:lit ies r ' and his wife went to Kit rope, but per roofm- in iew of jt i:-ht wei.-ht ; N:'l'"I""n 'fused to Me v br-.ther. .:id lire-r. vistitiL' .ptaliiies. i Kventti.-illy Jerome yielded to the . . . j vn-oiiLTer nature and di.i aiefu!' de- Then the Storm Broke. i serteh Ids bride. Kieanor "It looks like a storm ; vi.ii i - h.-tter tay f.. .inti"i'." Ib'bert : Probably No Exception. "' h. thanks' Tint I don't think It's' "I'v.fy Jack b:: hf- Jill." bad enough for that." i "How about the steeplejack;" G One of the few COMPLETE FOODS WHEN you watch robust men and women at work or at play, does it ever occur to you that their strength and health are largely due to the kind of food they eat? Grape-Nuts and milk supplies com plete and balanced nourishment of the highest order. This delicious dish pro vides the valuable wheat and milk proteins; the "food minerals," phos phorus, iron and calcium; also tho vitamins. HEALTH FOR Let Lydia E.Pinkharn's Vegetable Com pound Help You to Become Well. Thousands of girls have to work in homes, offices, stores, mills or facto ries who are physically unfit f or work, with often an aged or invalid father or mother dependent upon them for 6upport. Standing all day week in and week out, or sitting in cramped positions a girl often contracts some deranged condition of her organic system which calls a halt to her pro gress and demands restoration to health before she can be of use to herself or anyone else. For these distressing weaknesses and derangements these girls have found health to do their work in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. Brooklyn, N.Y. "Like many girls, I had troubles every month," says Carolyne Man gel p. " and they inter fered with my work as l could never be sure of my time. My mother often suggested that I take Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, but I never did until lately. I have had very good results, and am now a pri vate secretary and do my work with out missing a day. I recommend your medicine to every girl who epeaks of having troubles like I have Lydia K. PinLhani's Private- Text-Book upon "Ailments Peculiar to Women" will he sent you free upon request. Writa to the liVtlia I". Pinkltam Medicine, Co., Lynn, IttssacbuseliS This book contains valuable information. i Sorr Fine Tonic. HERSMlTty'e Builds You Up Chill Tom i c Relieve. Malaria -Chills and Fever -Dencue Toothache Instantly Relieved deray rerarded. A cement that seals up the cavity. (A drnti&t's formula) not merriy ft teror"''r-"i"V relief, but a real filling fir the tooth, which will la.-t for wfekn or months. Do i.ot cor,;''ie this with tnothacha droi.s. pu:n r-r wax, wh:.-h hrin only tfm .rrv B-Iwf, SutV.ch ft fc three t t'.vc tecttl. Se CL.IFTY CHEMICAL CO.. MADISON, IND. Relieves th Inflammation, itch'nj ard irritation; soothes and toltens the skin and leaves It '"i and srJotles. '4" jc our druo . SAVANNAH, GA. :c: s or fr.-j tr:- b H t ' r R I N l: THE BODY BUILDER "There's a Reason Sold by Grocers Everywhere! ade by Postum Cereal Compan-, Ine. Battle Creek, MSch. 7 ! u r , - V4V WORKING WOMEN had. " Carolyne Mangels, 407 14tb St, Brooklyn, N. Y. Office Worker Helped Milwaukee. Wis. "I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Medicine for three and a half years, and they have improved my health wonderfully. My mother also has taken the Vegetable Compound and we recommend it to our friends. I am working in an office now and can always do my work as I do not have the troubles I had at first. I read of your Vegetable . Compound in th newspaper and you may use my let ter in that way if you wish to do so." Eleanor Sheblak, 537 GGth SU, Milwaukee, Wis. Pains and Headache Webster, Mass. "I was all run down, had a bad complexion, and suffered with pains and backache, and was dizzy at times and felt weak. I worked in a nuil and my girl chum told me about vour wonderful medi cine, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I am feeling much better since taking it. "Mary PlaZA, 13 West Street, Webster, Mass. BOILER FLUES MILL CASTINGS AND SUPPLIES SELTINO, PACKING AND LACING WOOD. IRON ND ETEEL Lrlnc KN-.INB llKI'AlK in aa!o forqi irk wort LOMBARD IRON WORKS. AUGUSTA. GA. If il WOt I i ! !Kt; TO .iOlN 1 IHB OK(. A N i l 1 IO Of JO".! I 'ANY . : I ! , , !-- . , .-. n-' -a - -. k i :. . .- : I.;;- 'i v ' : i . . . f r' K 1JJ " t ' i r. to roi i.it ( lu.t.u oil ,v t.. o. Otorn - - K.Mliu-fcy I'llR . (.INIINt, M.tlKI.IAN A It MY ..' : - - 1':. ' ' . l- :- '.- . ; ' - , i -i- '' ' " . - i A ' '-' : e , I- Help Wanted. . Id- I i.:l been si! ,Ttg : !;ai! ssti ta'Ui' in silence. -aal at length, "wro-na Vhetli t'icht s v.-,y oii were." .it Monday 'TV I 1 e o' .1 "An' "V' "An' 1 . all' Wedlle-da. n'clo. aii' 1 " T-i . ' 'An' this is : here a -a it": ':" 'Web. !'::! -San iy ( de-p. an ' r'ye no tliinu':"- Ve- nt. . i . ye- re ery ,e.-vom- a'etvi Maggte. "vorn- egin to .;s;.ect sorne. it in.-n. Suited His Case. Wife-- Si'e,- o (obi Mr, Ki tii'.irmtir And this g in the as the : hankful ti'.ornitig I r. i hist h inn. ! Doctor I: j hyiiinV d hi; i Wife heart, i I'.oston .ive me a a::i: ..!: ; rem ever ia;;i ur ranscript. Because of its nutritive properties, its crisp texture, and its easy digest ibility, Grape-Nuts is the best-balanced cereal food for young and old. When used as an ingredient in other foods, it adds remarkable zest and valuable nutritive elements. Recipes will gladly be furnished on request. II .-. .-, i'-ic 1 I a. : :p qVv....i e v.-- ;.!-

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