tout* of it* ; population east of tile Mississippi, the, . census of 1010 gtvlgg(H0,142, of whom tjie most numerous 'rwere the .Chip ttttmsaRp vstst Brothertowhs and sjpckbiidgen. 8lnc? 1M0, however, tlitfMmber of mAiitos has Increase <;ooOtrably. After Wisconsin,/* follow* North Carollnn with "7,85iy mulnly Cheroltee ' and ? Croatian* ; Michigan with 7,010.. Chfpp.evva, Ottaw^'.jsnd PoUwatomi ; New y\0weVejh ?s only 74' Indians ' were reported, t; and lf.tbe time Is the nigW?(4;.Barifat)le fairy scene Is opened t? WSsS,i8a.ze- The houses are q'i>(lnt, . twkgtpry affairs, arranged in the r<>rm Of 80 arc. with soft .lights framed by pie windows upstairs and down and with shaded o|d English fimtertns above tlft doors and brass knocker* -on. the panels, for j>ll the- world like a minia ture pe oidfiouse on Grove street stood In the mlAJle of a block, which was cut away.^but al ways In such a manner a* to preserve the site.? Philadelphia Public Ledger. Maria Corelli'a Appeal ?} i./t^nnot be to** a "Kht of lltertttirewentout with (he passing 'of; Marie CorelU. but it wlllbei4? * ^.1? for the historian who essays to describe/ the UfbJrtr#:.Uwt?- Of her gen erntloh. to ignore the author of 'tthe Romance of Two Worlds." Her ap peal was not ,tcuthe. Intellectual elite, and yet she was one of the favorite novelists of Queep Victoria, was found fascinating by the exquisite Elizabeth M ^Austria, was read by the elegant Alexandra of England., This royal favor denotes nb thing as - to the at Ustxy,ot her wotk, but It signifies the remarkable catholicity of her appeal,' declares the New York Evening World The melodramatic quality, the weird touch of mystery, were enough to. have placed her among the "btst sell era. " But he't rogue has been doe In Iqrft measure to the splrltuaitaa ^wMch .permeates her- novels. , The queen in the castle and- the peasant in the cabin are alike In a hunger for Impressions of the life be yond. Miss CorelU ministered to this dealt?. to penetrate the Ten. What ever the critics may think or say," they cannot deny her the distinction that few among the greater ahiats have' shared. Of numbering her . followers from the man with the hoe td the woman' with the tiara andtbe crown. . The Doughboy Booster The young dyke of Sutherland said at a reception In New York 'during his American visit : "It land winder you Americans %re so successful? you are such enthtial asts, auch ' boosters. * "One day daring the war. the life of an English military attache was saved by a brave American doughboy in the - Argonne. -4 "The doughboy accepted the at tache's warm thanks and compliments with' a modest, shrinking air. " 'Where are yon from?', the English man finally asked. '' "His shrinking air vanished at this question. Hlq eyes flashed, he stood, very erect, puffed out his chest and said In a lond voice: "T am from. Marlon, Ohio, the world's greatest steam shovel produc ing center."' i '?!.!' Bombay Great City Bombay Is the "Queen City" of the East ; a' truly magnificent metropolis, and up-to-date in every respect, with a hotel? the Taj Mahal ? that Is fa monk (throughout the world. The. city Is built on an Island, and Is connected to the mainland by an artificial causeway. I wish I could depict, so that you could realize the splendor of a street scene In' Bombay as It first breaks upon the gaze of the traveler ? Mohammedans, Parsls, ' Hin dus In gay garb? Well ? yoU'-tflll have to take my word' for It. Bombay Is fairly pleasant betweep November and Mafch. the remainder of the year" It Is very hot and moggy. ? By Cnpt. Beverley Glddlngs, In Ad venture Magazine. Gave Logical Reasons Medium ? I hear the voice of your deported husband, madam. Widow ? What does he want? Medium ? He said he wants to talk to you because he didn't have a chance when he was alive. ? London Answers. Her Precise Wish ? Lawyer (apologetically) ? I'm sorry, but Tra afraid there'll be a good deal of publicity connected with your di vorce. The actress (grimly) ? Huh! The reT4 better be'.? I-ondon Answer*. HoliandT Begins to Fill Up the Zuider Ze? P* n-|MPJi).',".IMJil'.>' \\ t\ i)i i ? ? ? ? ? ? ?-* * V* * ? ', *-'*"*Tf? ;-* - ',; ? i The governn.ept of Tlie NetherltOida 'hua -.begun ?)ie colossi task of tilling In the JSutder ?et*, thereby concerting thai, ?sxp'ttji?e of uHfiluHs shallow water Into ubout WJO.OOO acrea of f4{Ule soil. The Job was started ?near Kwljc alula and-J)en Helder and probably will riof be tinlshed In lens than thirty years. The total eo>t will be many millions ot KUlWIers. Lon? dikes are built* out Ihty the' Water of the see aqd then the Interspaces are filled wlUi earth brought from otter bai ts of Holland, where new ounuls arp und?r construction, and with stone from Germany and Belgium The photograph shows the building of a strong dam barrier with the use of sea weed. , V\ V .'*. View of the Only Sillimanite Mine in eWorld . ... fc JS) ?. . < ? The only slllimanlte mine tn the world Is found In the Inyo mountains of California.' Slllimanlte Is an exceedingly rare nilnfiral which Is processed Into the finest electrical Insulator. ?en?rotc scieoce has ever devised. The one known. . toninitirclal deposit of Bllllmunlte is located high up on th? cliffs of the mountain and the mineral Is packed down; the mountain side by burroa.. ? - i Wealthy Youths Confess Murder * ? - . . ; p . ? , r,r-tC" y?$- f- " . Y r ?. ?' ? . .? Nutlmn K. Leopold. Jr., led, un<) UUIijjrd Lneb, rlj;li*. sons of Chicago nillllonulres, who have confessed to the murder of young Hubert Franks. Tb?y any they committed the crime (or ransom and "adventures" Pope's Present to Prince Regent Cm r?! i n u I Clttrdinl. upostolic rtelecute to Jupiin. ullh u luusnic net mirk tvhlch he presented (o the prince resent ct Japan on hehalf of the pope. The present wrs made In comDietnnratlon of the wedding of the prince regent to I'rlncea* Natfnko Kunl. It ?ai specially designed and made by skilled crafts men at the Vatican. ? ..... ... .11 * WILL PRESENT McADOO t \ i? yv- ?) v ? } -AV.v^'*:h -vV.vr *? 1 ... - a* ?" * ? *? _ WW ctaerai fJs-'B* Z>S*11S at tit* actually jnds the bug family, Bed Bags. 5?aohe%. Anta and Pleu, as P. ft Q. kills the- liveonea and their eggs and stops future fenerations. Not an Insect pow i?t But a chemical unlike any '-hlrtff you -have ever ueed. A 35 cent package makes one quart ana each package contains a patent spout, to get the Pesky Devil* In tha cracks ?nd crevices. ? Yoor druggist has It or he can get It for yon. Mailed pre pi,d rece|P?- bf price by the Owl Comical Win, Terra Haute. Inct. % ITCH ! Money back without question If HUNT'S SALVE fails In the treatment of ITCH. ECZEMA., RTNO WORM, TETTER or other Itching akin dlaeasps. Price 75c st d rug trials, or direct from II. Ikftarti MtfUtea Co. tktr?M.Ti& Kill All Flies! DI8K*SEAD Pl^-?l .nrwhcr. DAISY FLY KILLER altrmtt, uv) Neat, dran, ornamental, convenient and irhMp LaaUalla** Feo?. Madeofmotai. "can't epill or tip over; wl|J not toll or Injur* nythlng, OaarutMd. DA I 8 Y PLT KILLER st yoor daalar or HASOLD SoS&di^lifcw 'hSokir*. N. T. kill* ail fltea SUFFERED SINCE YOUNG GIRL Words Failed to {ipren Benefit Received from Lydia Ei Pioldus'i Vegetable Compound L Greenville, Texas. ? " Words cannot exprew how much good Lydia E. Pink lllll|1iMiilw,im6?^v?.5T? day. would be BO bed. Our Ve every one forme. Every mon; I would have cr anion and headache, and I felt like I waa freez ing to death. I suf fered in this way from the time I waa la young girl, and all the doc tors said it would come I I couldn't atay in recommended the Baths Take ulph ho Gout, Ecseaa, Hives, etc. Right in your own home and at trifling cost, you can enjoy the benefit of healing sulphur baths. H fiMrn'ru Sulphur Compound lownMond purlfylnfl and tUnbeaUag _ In a ?7tS make Ita use most tScadoui U?e It la the bath; use It a* a lotion aortyloa to affected sait*; and take it Internally. 60c and $1.20 th? bottU at your druggist's. If he can't supply yea. send his name and the price In stamps and we will tend you a bottle direct HANCOCK LIQUID SULPHUR COMPANY Baltimore, Md. Eannck Sulphur Compound mm ? joc and 6ot ?for tut Uu Liquid Compound Let Cuticura Soap Keep Your Skin Fresh and Youthful Sample Soap. Ointment, Talcum from. Add rom: Ostlcara Laboratorlaa. Dept. M. Maiden, Mam. The Approved He (after proposal) ? I" shall worfe hft-d and in a year or two we'll Jiava, our own . l?tle home tu .the Country. She? Oil, how lovetyt We cari rent it- out nnd board In town,, cant .we. dear? ? Boston Transcript. - -