m v / ,7-;^ V" ** ' . ? ' TRANSYLVANIA, "OPPORTUNITIES 'EMPIRE", NATURAL RESOURCES FOR LOCATING INDUSTRIES * a ? - ? . ..' ^tend thi3 meeting, and co-operate ,^'A:";WUh the Mills I^iver and Buncombe $ and - Traneylvania County were: T. ^ Shipman, C. E. Orr, B. W. Everett, A. E. Hampton, C. C. Yon gae,'& H. Case, J. H. Tinsley.F. E. Shuford, Rev. J. C. Seagle, H. R. "i ; Walker, Bey. J. B. Hay, L. P. Ham lin, Dr. E. S. English, Rev. Wallace ?,l Hartsell, R. L. Gash, C. E. Lowe, T, E. Patton, Jr., H. H. fat ton, J. 8. Boggs, A. E. v England, ' Pickens Boggs. The proposed road wpuld run from Asheville through West Ashe ? ville, by Sandg Bottoms into Hen_ derson county and into Transylvania county by the Boylston Route and thence eto Brevard. ' The distance, by this road , would be about 32 miles, whereas the present route via Hendersonville to Brevard from :s ' Asheville is about 43 miles. There would be a saving of about 11 miles between Ahse ville and Brevard. It would also mean that Asheville will be 11 miles nearer by motor from * points South. The road would pass through a bout 8 miles of Henderson County. | Ten miles of the road would be in I Transylvania and 14 in Buncombe! County. About two miles of hard- 1 surfaced road now in use in Transyl van i ft, could be used by this route, which leaves about 8 miles of hard surfacing to be done in Transylva nia if the proposed road goes thru. I ' Buncombe county has all but three miles of the proposed route already paved or contracted for. Hender son is the only county that ha.?n't part of the roiite already in shape. , Three committees appointed to re present the three counties concern ed are made up of the following cit izens: Buncombe County: Judjre J. D. Murphy, Judge H. B. Sfcvens, J. MONROE ? DE LONG v ? t On Monday morning at 9:30 o' clock a very quiet but pretty wed ding was solemnised in the Baptist church. Miss Louie Constance Monroe was united in marriage to Mr. Roy John De Long. ' Only members ?> of ' the two families and a few close friends were present. The- ring ceremony was perform ed by Rev. Wallace Hartsell. Mr. and Mrs. DeLong left at once for a short honeymoon trip. v Mrs. DeLong is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. JoKn Mon roe of Tryon, but for several years she has made her home with her aunt, Mrs. Wm. A. Band. Her charm : ing personality and sweet dispo_ sition have won her many warm friends. 1 Mr. DeLong is one of our prom - nent and promising young business men. k When, a mere boy he went into business for himself and has built up an attractive Variety Store. He is also a leader in the work of the Baptist church. B. Anderson, S. ( W. Radford" 3~. ? Scroop Styles and T. W. Whitmire. Henderson County: F. B. Ingle, Howard Hayes, W. F. Cathey, Dr. S. E. Greenwood, and E. V. Fowler. Transylvania County: A. E. Hamp ton, Chairman, Marion Patton, C. E. Lowe, Bert Sitton, C. C. Yongue, all of Brevard. , Mr. Fowler, of Mills River, was made general chair man of the, three committes. He> will call a meeting of the committer in the near future to consider ways and means. The meeting was especially note worthy for the display of interest on the part of the speakers represent ing all three counties. Mr. Fowler presided at the meeting. T. H. Shipman, of Brevard, one of the Transylvania County road Commissioners was present and made a few remarks. He declared that the next session of legislature would probably pats an additional good roads bond issue of $35,000000 He said that Transylvania is interes ted in the construction of pood roads and that the^County will co operate if at all possible. Major W. E. Hall. Secretary of Western North Carolina. Inc., spoke on the subject of prod roads in tren ernl. He said that Western North Carolina, lr.r.. ? tiy.rr.to hrtr.ft to (Continued on another Pace) u1 wWl $500,000 BUILDING 1 PROGRAM s? -I Brevard, July, ? Brevard is now in the . midst of the biggest building boom it has enjoyed in ten years. A bout one-half million dollars in con struction work is now in progress in this town of some 3,000 population in summer of six or seven thousand. The Brevard banking Company has under construction a new one story brick structure, which when completed, will cost around $50, 000. *fhe building will be located on the corner of Main and Caldwell Streets. It wiJJ have sandstone pil lars and will be very attractive in de sign. The interior will have mar ble floors and wainscot. It ie thought that the building will be ready ^or occupancy by Jan. 1st. The McCrary Motor Company has ^ recently finished a large garage and store building on Caldwell Street at a cost of about $40,000. The struc ture has one story and basement, with five store rooms. Three go&d sized garages are 'located in this bu.lding. These are:> Jess Smith garage, the Henry Motor Co., and the McCrary Motor C?. J. M. Allison proprietor of the Farmers SupplyCo., recently com pleted, next to the McCr^fy build_ ing, a n?w store in which he has lo cated a new furniture concern. The building cost approximately $30,000. . The Lowe Motor Co;, Ford agents has built a new and large garage on Main Street. This building was constructed to replace the old garage that was burned last January. The new stt*ucture was built at a cost oi $20,000. and contains one story ani! basement. Frank D. Clement, jeweler, has just moved into his new building in the center of the business district of Brevard. The structure is two I stories high, with a basement and ? cost 825,000. George Phillips, the baker. has ? moved into his new building on Jor dan Street, which he constructed at a cost of $18,000. It is of brick, with two stories an % ? County Line to Hendersonv^ille ^ WORK WILL BEGIN SOON? - SURVEY MADE AND ACCEPTED ' , ON HORSE SHOE ROAD I In connection with the road work in the county, a very important an nouncement was made today by th? county road board. The county^ has been considering for some time the condition of the Horse Shoe road, leading to Brevard. This road has a lot of travel and has been hard to \ maintain. The state -a couple or more years ago made a survey of the road from' Horse Shoe into ^own and this sur vey did not meet with the dpprovil of many property owners and many < | other citizens of the"county who are i ?familiar with the topography of. the section through which the road runs. The matter was taken up by the t present administration and the state officials and the county 'officials seems to have gotten together on a substantial change. In fact, e new survey has recently (been made, this time by C. B. Turner, county road engineer. After the survey the State men and county men went over it and after carefully consider ing the matter the state r..." accep - ed the new survey which will c.v..y the new road along the present route most of the way. Such changes as are made under the new survey are said to be absolutely necessary in order to secure a' good road properly located with relation to the great majority of property owners. The new survey is giving general satisfaction to the people along the route and in fact, practically all property owners have given rights of way for the road. Work in grad ing and preparing the road for hard surface will begin at an early date. The action of the county road board in determining to go forward with this work is considered as a mong the very important acts of road policy in the county. Transyl vania has built a hardsurfaced road to the Henderson county line, and is not only going forward in its own road work. h,ut is having a grea' deal of gon?truction done in its lim it" by the state, so that with a good 'I r\ nd between this city and Brevard i i communication between ".ho count ies will be much facilitated, and it i < goes without saying that the people I of Transylv.ir.ia will be glad to loam 1 that actual work on the Horse Shoe i r. ad Ionki-.e :o its eventual hard_ ? ? ; rfacing is but a matter of a feu weeks. It is understood that a few days AMERICAN LEGION "AUXILIARY ' ?- J The American Legion Aim. met' in the office of the president, Tues day July 1st. at 4:30 o'clock. : - > ?' There were only four members ;<>: present besides the president . and secretary, Mrs. Cloud, Mrs. Erwin, * Mrs. Plummer and Mrs. Brown Carr. As we had not been able- to get a V, box of? to Oteen in June as -we had* ji intended doing, it was decided to . ? ; send one about the middle of the month. ' ? I, It was moved and seconded that we send two cakes and a. gallon of ice cream to .be paid for from the j'jj treasury.,., ? , , Mrs. Plummer offered, to make one of the cakes, smd Mrs. Breese ; the other. ? | 1 ' !? It was moved and seooaded to y. make Mrs. Aaron Wilson an active' !, member of the Legion and pay her V dues ,from the treasury. There being no further business the meeting adjourned until the first Tuesday in August in Mrs.- Per- r Lir.s office at 4:80. o r ?HE DEATH OF LITTLE JAMES FRANKLIN STATON On /the 23rd. day of June the ? Lord claimed for his own the spir:* of little James Frankl'n Staton, . tho little five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Staton. He died at thj Brevard hospital with b'ood poison, after suffering more than two weeks. ' It seemed like all that human aid could do, was done, but the Lor 1 who can see out in the future, saw fit to take him'. We can not under stand now why he took him- he w*s " Buch a sweet bright child, but when the mist has rolled in splendor anrl the clouds reveajed the sky, we shall understand :t better by and by. ? A Friend. work at King's Bridpe where the bridge is being shaped up for traf fic, and perhaps a couple of weeks in the Green River section is the main work now standing between actual work on the Horse Shoe road. It is known that the Road Board has Seen trying to pet to the Horse Shoe road fi.r some time but the condi tion of the roads in the county else h? re demanded attention, but now ;hat this work hay beer, caught up * ?rith the work on the Horse Shoe road will be pushed as soon as be *un and ii well erased and sufficient wide road bo,; prepared for ail ? Western North Carolina Times >