.0'. I I . M TRANSYLVANIA A MANUFAC V TURING COUNTY The University of North Carolina Press ia authority for the statement ' ..v r that the manufactured products of Transylvania County are worth $4j 655,000. Thia is pretty good for a county our sice but we have roogi, raw material, and power for many more manufacturers. The counties' V ? >'*" ' ' ? v are divided*- into four classes, we are in the second class. ,1 ? i* I* :*i ? % ? i ? ? ? 6* "L* ^ '?" ? ' ' v.-"' ? *.r .? " . . v ? J :(ii?:W&d%Wy ? - ?- . . V-- ': ' v.. v.- , ; - f In Pioneer day 8 Brawn guided by Brains blazed the ml W-i/ uuii tor our present day covilization. It is the same I , * ? .t **? ? A 1 io ? ? . * ? -? " , .t "if * u ? ? * ' today? Brains ana Brawn working together build Communities. We have pleiity ot both? let's use 1 tnem. ? : J' V ,\.4 ' !?W ? , ? -.4 r- .. yA-v -.up tmimy f.?s ... .... , . . Vj . ? . .? - 32. ? .. . o iJL \ r. -J ? .. ? , ? . . * ' , ? ./ . Our Community is ia good place to live-'? but . ? "* * i * , ? cooperation will make it a much better place. ? ? * . * ' ? ? Our community is a good place to trade?and the ?more we trade at home the better * ' 5$