v >H E BREVA JUT"' NEWS " a.fcs, (S." ? PubUsh^cTTvery Friday and en tered at Postoffice at Brevard, N. C. ? as second class Matter. W M* A ' B AN D* " %EdkTr | MISS FLO HENCE KERN, .1 ?I ? , . * Community News | "" 3UBSCR IPTI ON KATESi f? i ??>..- . .IP (Subscriptions payable in advance) One year . , $2.00 Six .month# ..... . $1;25 Thjee months .76 ADVERTISING RATES * Display, pep column inch .... ,30o | . Mjpimum Rate For ? iilsplay Adver tisements . . ^ . .... $1.00 Reading Notices,' per line, .... .10c Want Column Notices, per line .06c 1 We charge 6 cents a line, for JV-Cardp of Thanks,' Resolutions of Re spect and for notices of entertain ments where admission is charged. , fi ? :J j J '^EGAlT NOTICES' v All, Legar Notices must , be paid | in advance. FRIDAY, JULY, I1TH. 1MI4. t v^wvuvw < ? ? ? - FRIDAY, JULY 18th., 1924. NEW HEALTH SERVICE () What is ' appendicitis? Is *face face powder harmful? Are "spring tonnes" f -necessary? Have good \ roads any effect on health? Is pneu. monia preventable? "Keeping well", a new health service written and edited by Frederick R. Green, ii. D? nationally known as the ?di_ tor of HEALTH and for his contri butions to medical, literatures, will become, a regular department of the News 1 with this issue. Ans wers to those- questions and thou sands of others will be given by Doctor Green in Uiis new service. All -of his articles are to the- point ed deal with physical facts concern ? ing the well-being of x the human mechanism. Look for "Keeping Well" in the next issue. WSLr RECIPROCITY ; - The AsheVille.' Citizen' recently carried a nice loilg boosting article on the . "Land vof Waterfalls."- ? It . 1 appear^ in' another column. It has 'generally been the policy of our neighboring tourist towns to . give ^wifiteupa about - Brevard some time during the winterl .This, while appreciated, was not nearly a& ? -valuable -as that written in the sum mer time or during the tourist sea : son. ' We spend much money advertis v ing to get the tourists to Western North Carolina. While ? they ate here wjsrsuggest that each tourist 'town show hospitality by .inviting the touHsts in other towns to visit their town if only for a week end 'ihe 'tjitizens of Brevard should P\ run at least one full page ad in the , Aaheviye ? Sunday, papers; inviting the tourists of that fair city to visit this community while in the moun tains. This should be done at once ^ A full"'page" We do not care to take tourists from any other tourist. townrfV but we would like to have a .reciprocity visit. In addition to the ad that is car ried in the' Sunday AshAville daily, ' tfie Brevard News will gladly, ex ^ . 'change with any weekly tourist town paper an advertisement of equal proportion. {Their advertisement ?can set' forth the advantages of their respective territory arid invite oUr ? tourists to visit their town. The . Brevard ad can do the same. This ia reciprocity ? It can and should bo ?(, ydone.-y V We are too busy to get out and . solicit .lor this special advertising, but our (j&afrber of Commerce can ? 'do it and may be sure of our heart iest . co-operation. The ad in the > "..Citizen should appear 'at once. rv i v" ? *x ^ ?... i FAIR PLAY ' In another column the Powov ?' Company have a large advertise * \ment6ffering a 'substantia! reward for evideniteleading to conviction ?of the criminals that have "shorted" 'the current. It made it mighty hard ?n the -merchants on two Saturday nights to .have the lights suddenly. " *ut off when their stores were full of patrons. The, citizens of this county and ?Ahe Brevard News 1 are behind any - corporation that will use drastic measures to protect not only their own interests but that of this com munity, The folks of Transylvania have very little patience with any indivi duM'OT set of men who "lay down .'and aMow any one to walk all over tsKr.i." * A GOOD BUSINESS MAN When n -nan got* a reputatior for beir a good business man, he -/wR. * ? not only commands the respect of his fellow business men, but that of the whole community, A good, live wire business man is >a goodly asset to any community; but sometimes too many bo^ueta thrown to this so called buslnfesa fnan go directly to hes a vast more to do with the growth and prosperity of Transylvania County than the aver age pferiod of twelve months. ' For in this y'ear, twenty-nine years ago, two great and notable events occur ed,- the Opening of the Transylvania Eranch, Southern Railway, and the publishing of the first issue of THE SYLVAN VALLEY NEWS, the ,ex nopenP of'Trangylvania County. ^ Yes truly, this was a progressive year for the "Land of waterfalls," yd a railroad into this fertile val ley Was the greatest step that could bij taken by Transylvania County on its upward, progressive march. By this Brevard .emerged from a small, out of the way place to a stand upon the march of progress and took its stride withfthe country, onward. The year 1895 stands for Bre vards entrance into th6 commercial wcfivd, .through its rail_ way lower fright 'bills were produced* and thereby greater was the commerce, through its rail way greater was the r.Umber of visitors to the county and finally their permanent residence here greatly boosting the population ?and business of the county. . ' The second of these progressive undertakings, the establishment . o( The Sylvan Valley News, was of a', much importance in the life of tho county as the first and\ the greatnest. of the undertaking ma^ be realized from the fact that the town had a populationiof only 500 and the coun ty of OyOOO, both extremely small to be supporting a newspaper. In looking back over our files we have found that of the year 1895, the first to be printed, and here through out its pages it is boosting "The land of watffalls," proclaiming - to the nation the advantages of Transylva nia .county and calling the world to immigrate into the county. And have these undertakings succeeded? The populat'on of Brevard has in creased from that meagre 500 to Uiore that 1700 and that of the coun ty has doubled more than once. .Ye3 those four ' figures, 1895, spell a red letter year for Transyl vania and today twenty_nine years later Hhe Transylvania Railway t'll serving and up-building the county and the Sylvan Valley News, rinder the name Brevard News is as ever, "The Exponent of Transylva nia." E. P. NEW HEALTH SERVICE STARTS IN.THIS ISSUE The News new health department "Keeping Well", makes its initial ap pearance today on another page in this issue. Dr. Frederick R. Green, editor of "Keeping well", is listed in "who's who in America" as a graduate of | two universities; instructor, adjut- i ant an^i major in United States army j medical reserve corps, 1917-1918; j at present a lieutenant colonel of M, i R. C? and a high official of the A merican Medical Association. Dr. Green's varied experier.ee, to- | gether. with his training as editor of I HEALTH, combine to make his writings both scientifically sound and easy to. read and understand. Health is the most important sub- I ject in the world, and in offering j this service The News believes it is I (satisfying the growing demand for accurate information about health topics. ? Turn to another^ page and meet Doctor Green now. : $500,000. BUILDING PROGRAM (Continued from Front Page) and an auditorium. It is of brick diid is located on Gaston Street. The Presbyterian Church is being remodeled and 'additions are being made at a cost of some $6,000. This work will bo completed in 30 days. A new ?ocial activities house was re cently completed. ? The Episcopal Church has had plans drawn for a new parish house of brick or native cobble stones. It will cost about $10,000. Work ^ if starting sooh and it is hoped it will be completed this year. v ? , The Brevard Institute, the vo cational school of . the Southern Methodist Church' has just complet ed a boy's dormitory. It contains Iwo stories and a basement. The Institute now has under construc ts a large girls' dormitory. It will be fire proof, of brick and ?will conta'n three Stories and a basement. During the last year the Institute has expended more than $150,000 in buildings and other .improvements. The new county high school locat ed in Brevard, which will cost $100, _ 000, is now undv construction. The foundation is, now being laid. It is located on Broad Street and is being built with State aid. It will be three stories high and wiil contain a basement. . F. D. Clement and J. S. Bromfield plan to build a, new moiion picturc auditorium on Main. . and Caldwell Streetay It will probably CQst about $12,000. Plans are not yet ready but it is thought that construction work will begin in a few weeks . Tht seating capacity will be about 1,000. J. S. Silversteeri, who controls practically three-fourths *of the in dustrial enterprises of Transylvania County, and W. S. Ashworth, coun ty commissioner and leading finan cier of. this section plans to'huild ar office Jjuilding on the corner of Marn and Caldwell. This will be the lar gest most up-tb-date building of any in this section. . It will contain a large basement and will be threr 3tories.. The floors .' will be of m&r ble . Plans have been drawn anc it is thought that the work will com mense within a few fnonths. The cost will be between $100,000 ano .?>150,000. The office of the Brevarr News may be located. in this struc ture. Miss Emma Bagwell rece'ntly le the contract for the constructor of a new grocery store building tfi Caldwell Street, behind the nev bank. ' It will be one story and wil cost .about $5, p00. ' J. S. Bromfield recently complet sd one filling station and is now 'juildlng two othei?. The location r. o on Broad, Caldwell, and Mail | greets. Each will cost about $2 >C0. , ? I The Cascade Filling Station own i -d by the McCrary Motor Co., war ! ecently completed. It is located or .aljwell Street and cost about $2, 000. / Mias Florence Kern recently com pleted the ^rebuilding and remodel ing of her home on Gaston Street at a cost of $4,000. * B. P. Boasley of Payettesville, who recently moved to Brevard is building a $3,500 bungalow on Broad Street. Mr. Beasley is also opening a new jewelry store. It is located in the same building with grocery store of W. S. Price on Main Street. N. A. Miller, clerk of the Super ior Court, recently completed a new bungalow on Broad Street at an es timated cost of $7,000. N. Morris, Manager of Patterson's Oeparment Store, recently moved Into hia new home on West Main. It contains two stories, a basement and cost $8,OO0.?, J. S. Bromfield has purchased & 10-acre tract of land . fronting on Last Main Street, , He plans to con struct a new home here soon. Ernest J}or\yood has just built a home on Depot Street at a cost of several thousand dollars. In recent months there have been quite a few additions made to homes and business structures of the town. Many of the homes and business "houses have, a new appearance as a result of the paint-up, clean-up cam paign waged here iij, May. Not only is 'Brevard building but plans are under way for extensive developments in the .surrounding communities. CagW ' Heights, Inc., ,is planning a large residential de_ vflopment project on a tract of some 200 acres' of land about three m'les out from Brevard in the direction of Rosman. It is thought that the de feopment will involve around $100 000. Those interested in this pro ject-are: T. H. Shipma,n, president of the Brevard Be.nk'ng Co.; C. C. Yoiigue.'J. S. Bromfield ? and Joe Tinsley. The Brevard Cotton Mills, with some 12,000 spindles which - have been closed for four .months await ing the settlement of the estate of the late W; S. Gray, will' probably be taken over in the hear future by a syndicate of mill 'men from South Carol'na and New England. About 150 men have been employed in thp mills. As soon as the proposed deal j is completed work will be resumed j and it is. thought the capacity ot -ho j plant will be doubled. The present invesment is around $125,000. The tanning interest of J. S. Sil vertfeen plan to put in a leather and ?jlioc factory at Rosman and valise, harness, and other leather goods will be made. This plant iyill be located about 12 miles from Brevard and will cost about $50,000. Transylvania County is interested in the good roads movement. . It has .ard-surfaced highways in three di-; rcctions; first, from the Henderson ville County line to Brevard; second, ?rom Brevard to Lake Toxaway; and ?l.ird, from Brevard to Greenville, C. .From* Pickens, S. C. to Lake Toxaway* the road is splendid. Tran sylvania_County is meeting the South | Catouina roads at the State line. 1M1 toll, the Federal, State and County government has spent in Transylvania County in the v past four years- $900,000. This includes jxpendltures to the end of th0 cur rent. year. T. H. Shipman is cha r ran of the Board of Road Com [ .iissioners; and Charles E. Orr and ?V ? , ? No Car . ? Like It! 42 horsepower ! SO miles and more an hour-koag aSter hour ?without over-meatrag-wiili out loss of power ? without carbon cleaning! And at the end of a long sustained high speed, your motor will be cooler, will need less water than any similar sized poppet-valve engine. This engine's power curve keeps climbing up while the power of_a poppet-valve car is drop ping ofL Furthermore, the Willys- Knight is entirely ffee from thc?e engine repairs which make up 50% of the upkeep cost of practic ally all poppet-valve cars. It has no cams ? no springs ? to got out of order. A car you can keep season after season. Take a ride today. WILLYS". Harris Machine Co. . - --I1' S ' ?> ? ? R, P, . 2. t. . SPECIAL EXCURSION TO WASHINGTON, D. C. Leave Atheville 3:10 P.M., July 26th. Three full day* in the Na tional Capitol. Through deepinf car* and coache* from Aiheville Round-trip from Brevard '$14.60 Rotman $15,00, Hender*onvill< $14.00. Make Pullman refervation "?fly. '? , A'Vw J. H. WOOD, D. P. A? A.heville. N. C The Kodak Album 0uts your vacation in book form. ltis a loose leaf so tuat new pages may be added as desired, and it is so good looking that you will want it in evidence, Just the thing for you or the- children. * Prices aslow as 90c for lOose-leaf. Others as low as 25c Eastman Authorized Kodak Agency. Frank D. Clement / . . The Ho II ma' k Jeweler MONEY 1 / v ? ? . . All good American people know a good thing wh^n they see it " . ? - ' Come in and examine our stock and get prices before you buy and let us help you save your hard-earnecL i 1 money * . . ? sf, .v." " Seltz shoeavfor all the family We will fit ypu at the ? ' ' ' * right price v *lv ? H. GARREN , , East Main Street, Phone 108, Brevard, North Carolina. Sanitary Washstands We're just, as willing to figrure with you on the installation ol a washstand as we would be if you wanted a complete new set of plumbing fixtures throughout your house. We know that if we ever do a small iob lor you that you surely will call on us when you have big work to be done, All fixtures carried by us are of the newest patterns and our work is all done in the latest approved manner 1 NICHOLON & DUCLOS