^ A H Q ?J j'O ? * Vk. ?' J.: ill? V*~ ?'. \ ? liA-a/ V. *li S: Cell! 's ?p;*nt a few ; V, ?? r.::o:-vilk* ?>n busi . ' "" x ' :i ' i ?;? .v-h-. !:?.? ?. i.-;iioro- lor j ? uv;-K. j v. \ <,a relto sporj la. ?' >. V- : : i tit vcs and i rieads in SfcuesviHt-, X. 0. II 0. \ Er.vir, i-.itortained for hor s>n. Oyer* ion, on January 9th, \.N- four taldej of l1 i'i -vHss Katharine Lowe. who recently un.. vv em an opei-a'ioiv for append ii i ai the x 1 ?>.-.;>ital. is im jvovji^ nicely. ! Mrs. .1. S. \i; -iujJso i has ?veov t >ed from an attack of the "llu.'' M:* ?. K:;lph Fish ?? iirud Fii ? aU-.vnoon" with- two ijib'us oi vr??v?. j "? " ? ' R. IV ?'??h ?v.\':Uy i * j i"" ? ' a 'ip'.v ?: .? ? . ? se I: 'ewe hi' h'\ ?.? oa ':!: coimi of b: ? . !!* illness. ' 'lino. of }!? i- ! Institute H<!;diM>oi:ville l!o<!MiaI **everal dav.-* last w.*ek for' tl-c removal of her ;-.*?v-i!s. S has ! - i - ?, sunied hi r duties a; the Tn- ; sf;tute, j M - Tda I.e? Pr.t'on' <:? lijrht fully i-'U v.'ain'cd Thursday ??veninir. at her l'o; ? ;;i Davidson iiiv. r with live t: * f bridtro. V ???ilision between two ar.Vnio '? ' ?? eccurred on .Main >! reel last I- *?; one car beinj; owned by Mr. J. S Sii'verstiu-n and the other by ??!.?. '? r:i i?k ??!??( 'all. I'.oiii ears were ( - n 'durably damasted. !".:t iVrtun . y occupants of bi.ih ears es ii;?pe*:. injury. * ' ? s. ?!. S.?. Filwrstc n .a";! Miss Siiv.-v :teen. h"vo ?. n ;;n:on'sr at ih-' f Ii-ur-.s- Vand'erbilt* ? . . -v '>? v';:e. i T l: v ! iie jUss; few Th ? yir..' f'iolc ' " A.f ihe .Vetf-i-t:-:; vhurch i\i\ in:-' r. -| thf discussion*.- of Mr. Tom <: . ''ry as teacher i..f j ?;*- ? < - in ' .?? al-se'ice of Mr. W-. ? h (lalbAvay.. v.irtth. r tiacher. Mr. Xhthati Tov.onsend left last (week for Dayton, Ohio, where he will take a course in Delco Frifjidaire Sys | tc i ? ! . On completion of this course, I Air. Town. send will return to Brevard [and then he able to install and oper ate these new machines put out by i.lit Ge.vral Motors Company. The roads in the outlying country districts are said to be al most impassable in some sections, due to .the continued rains of the past several days: The French Broad Kiver was nearly level with its bankr. for some days. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Moore and ('a.; liter returned last week from ?their two weeks' visit to relatives in tiic eastern part of the state. A rchdeaeon Griffith, of AsheviMe, ! I i imjne- ive service at the I. '??:<.)? ;d (have!) last Sunday before an appreciative audience. ' !&:d\jng\Comp;i:iy'? haa.'soi.a new building is Hearing completion, and it is expected to be iv:i ' :i,- occupancy by the middle of !? . b 'liavy,. ?. _ ?'. ? . ;? . ;? ? ? t Society ivi'l ii-eei , i1.1 >'* tiu ii budding. .ii tVui.iiiy i a i U>. - A i\ a2 vv <J fortnightly club The Fortnightly Club held one of its most interesting meetings Tues day afternoon with Mrs.. J. F. Zacn ary, at her home on Caldwell street. Ail members were present, and one visitor, Mrs. 0, L. Erwin. ' Th .? : re idem called the business meeting to order, during- which time di- ussions were held re.irardin.tc sev matters of much importance to iht Ciub. A motion was made and carried to the effect that the Club take advantage of the opportunity aiTor/.leii by the Genera! Federation of Woii-en': J ' abs to put on in Brevard , oiie^ree! !ilm, "Home, Sweet Home." This li'hn will be .shown at Lin Auditorium at a date in the near ijuii ?*. F.-: lowing the business session. >' ? <. ii. A. Hummer led the pro for the day. She was assisted l>y Mrs. J. S. Nicholson and Mrs. F. A. Start tte. The discussions of all ??roved very, interesting .and. helpful. Tlie program: was concluded- by all I - member.; joining in a writtan Lest on General information of ? Birds, con ? T . sisting of a general .summary of the bird study. A prise of a box of candy was given for the most cor 'rect answers, this bfing awarded Miss Alma Trowbridge. A pleasant pastime was engaged in during the social hour, by each one j trying to fill in the most suitable 'last line to a Limerick. Thefso were all read afterwards, thus affording | much amusement. The hostess, assisted by Airs, j Envin and Mr:}. R. Y.N eel, served a dainty salad course. MRS . HENRY HOSTESS TO T. E. L. i.The T. E. L. Class of the Baptist Sunday School held its regular monthly meeting ;i t > lie home of Mrs. W. M. Tieury, .with Mrs. Henry ami Mrs. . (?. S. Osborne hostesses.' After linv business meciing, a vvry helpful program was rendered! the subject being, "The, Spirit tf Friendship." " * ? - ' aI% Mrs. S. C. Yates wa the program. ,'At'Ur iih- program. . was enjoyed, during f deiii-i<.us salad course I Thirty iivnijbers we|c present, YOUR .N< in charge of a social hour whivli time a hvus served. The exemptions under the revenue act <>f 1 t'L'l are $1.(100 for single per-, sons and $2, ">00 for married per sons living together, and heads of families. In addition a $100 credit is allowed for each person dependent upo*' iih'd receiving his chief . >>?. from the taxpayer, if such person is under IS years of age or incapable of : c li'-. j" , rt because nieiuaily or iiltv :? = ^ fo'-tive. The !.e "rj" i tax rate under the rev enue act of 1 2 per cent on the first $1,000 of net Ine.nne ' in excess of the personal exemptions, credit fop dei^-niients, etc., -1 per cent on the next $1,000, and ti per cent on th" ?.;! I.'iiit'O. I'inkr the preceding act the normal tax rate was 4 per cen^djdjgtiie first $4,000 of net income abov<^ the exemptions and credits, and S ]>er cent on. the remaining net income. "j iie revenue act of 1!>24 con tains a special proyi -Urn for 'reduced taxes which did not appear in pre vious laws. All net income ip id $:~i.()0() is considered "earned iii cunn." On thi.= ani.'Uiit ' the ta>:pay. r. is entitled to a ere : it of 25 per ceil' i" iho amoui i. <>[ the tax. For example, a taxpayer, sin^ie and without dependents, may. have received in 1024 a salary of $2,000 and from a real estate transaction a profit of $3,000. His total i e t income was $5,000. Without th ? honvfit of I the 25 per cent reduction his tax I would be $X0. Ill's actual tax is $(50, From his net income of $5,000 he is allowed a personal exemption of $1,000; the tax ?f 2 per cent on the first $4,000, is $80, une-fourth of which, or $211, may be deducted. For the purpose of computing this credit, in no case is the earned in come coiisidered to be in excess of $10,000. A taxpayer may liuve re-, ceived for the year 102 ! a net in- ' come from salary of $20,000, but (he 2"> per cent credit can i>e applied <o only one-half of this amount. ' ? T TT.TU r- T7 ff FOR TUfJERCULQSiC i*; i ? ...uoriuni, . \ * ( . ? an. .J!. "Res;;! J \vi !) 1 rotrM impr- s-, upon the .general pub-lie the idea that it j w.rKjty iml ri 1. aijd raw eg/rs, r.:iiU, rle pi:ij; p;i:c!n- or climat". that cur/ls tuberculosis,'1 i said Dr. P. P. .McCain. si!porint< nd- j ??iii of the North Carolina Sanator ium. ''The State of North Carolina in vests thousands of dollars every year i;j tuberculosis work. IJut it is not j ?sU'vpinu' porches and food alone that ! repay the State in arrested cases ??f j tuberculosis for it-: investment, i! is ! tiie strict regimen of systematic rest enforced by the physicians at the' .-?anatoriuni that pays the State re- , urns for its money in 'euros' of its! tuberculous citizens. ? ' . . | J "Pulmonary tuberculosis is an in : flammation or ulceration in the lunit. If yen have an ulcer on your hand you use the hand as little as pos sible until the ulcer heals. It should be the same way with a disea. . - i lung. The more exercise a person takes the more often he has to ..-eathe. This increased Imbibing may at any time do serious damage to the ulcer in the lun^r. The more quiet a person who has tuberculosis i can be the better e banco the tuber ! miosis in the lutij; has to heal. "When a patient first enters tin? sanatorium lie is put to "bed for com plete rest until some weeks after all J symptoms subside, Then the patient i allowed to bejiin sitting up in a i rrdining chair foV an hour a day at iirsL and h i time up is gradually ?:i ercased until after a few weeks he can Kit up a ;..0?j<! par! of the day. Finally the patient is allowed to take rr.o outdoor exorcise, u ual!y walk ing. Thi- time out oi !??.(! and on ex '.reist' is *aken only by order of the physician, and not until the patient's lung condition has healed sufficiently to allow it. Every patient has !>? re cline so many hours every morning and spend two hours ijuietly in bed] each afternoon. "When he patient leaves the san atorium his period of rest is not over, j In order to prevent a relapse he ! must rest and continue to res! for al certain pari of each day. "Tuberculosis in the lungs is lik?s a house en re : 7/ater will put out lire; rest will quench tuberculosis in j the lungs. The secret of geting well of tuberculosis is simple: Rest, rest Systematically and continue to rest. (J. mil ^ood. fresh air and a suitable1 climate arc helpful factors I ??i ? aione they will not keep a sul'u er from ? he j.ravi). They have to be coiu bined with intelligent, systematic rest . "So far rest is the only gen-rally effect ve remedy for tt'lx rculo . . ? sfeoii as the general pu.?!k* r: :i 1 1 ? - this and act.-; upon it, t! <? road io re <!:>very from tubcrculosi become:- as certain, easy and secure as :: made today." WEEKLY MARKET NOTES Pah igh, N*. Jan. li ' . ? Since Lhe F:i '.???!?:?' Federation of We-acrn North Carolina was orunnized ; ? \ ? year:5 ago, it bar paid to 51 ?? stock holders over $27,U0O in di.i.'<-nds. Lar.fSeason it p . id over ?5'Mi i' ??o!dv" ami iv ver. "-.iici ?! was < 'r.iii .r'!, has ii. fa'.ed to | divji! ; s ' ? 'j on i' ? onav.o t and v.,v>f 1 ? t k. j\* '<J; o: !i. I',, - ? iic ri i>iv: ot 3rir. : J . ? s . ; a vs. orgaairatioas o'" farr.:/. rs in this or any o'.hi ? I Souther!'1. State ha v.* achieved the .conspicuous success of this j.ssor:. tion and it might svrve as an ex ample to farnv rs in other section., a to what migh' be accomplished by j co-operation when kept purely on a business .basis." The a.- ??ociatio.i has a iot'/ted .v slogan of "I Mcr?*aseil pro duction of m- re and better cash crops lVr next . e:t on." !. The Slate Division of Maria-is urges that those who hip dres-ed r.:..;istSfIED ADS MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAK? oi- i-.iprovud farm lands at six r ci , for long or short term, i" .?.nutiM : from three to (Illy .'u , ?! do. lars pn ferred, hov.v.e.* <, t iioli .-*;i n < I (ioiiar in: ;. \v.!l l>. ac cepted. A. I''. Mitchell, Ai lorn; .. . i 1 .s !t WANTED: A Reliable White Man wanting to make $10 lo ??>70 wci k ly in Transylvania CoiMty ; ' 1 i \Y hi liner's |?I?-t?* i i s.?* I'oi.M Remedies, Kxirads, Toilet. Ar ticles, Soap.-. Silice.-, etc., li ?? n ? to-hosis:\ I'i'oilucis yiiaranle i in j^-i v?? satisfaction. ( a i : ? ? M . bania made In five <i i> ; JVIidolelon of Virginia, Team or car needed. I*. ?. j > ? . iri necssary. Write for full pai'ticu lars today. (Jive age ar.d <,e< u;: ,.iion Til K li. ('. WHir.ME!; r :i .11' \N Dept. 1!)S ( '( >1,1 M ill \S, ^ < < Z5 r Cf jomicrjs JDaioer ohop I < >1 K 'i'U i .X'f Y Y I !'..*> i.;. i'l-.ki i; : \ tin-. I'.V i: i.i;. i\ Tk ? ?i . . v S ?' ? . *? 1 ' i S.'.'i IS .i '.UTJ( ?\. j Smiths Harbcr Shop i pouhry la I. r great pain- :i:? ??? the lieil ' carefijily :n:d ? .1 ?; I containers, 'i'he d 1 v i - . 1 La:- . 1 cur? d the latest inform;.! io:i on li?.v. in prepare poultry I'>|- li.*.' . ? ' . v. ; l>e glad to I'urni i: : hi .ai . r: to anyone desiring it. Ten iho'.j.-and Tarh'-'i fanci- an receiving motlily ch< "k iv?m . < ? : 1 1 ? - 1 ri"S, ice cream far'i.i"-. < kec-e factories and milk siaiior- ? miik delivered, -as .John A. A r- .. d. extension spe-iali-t at .State < 'o!|egi\ They used to say "I oiiVer day t i ! * ? better tin- ? i e ? . i . ie:; ! 1 ? 1 one reads tiie?rc< ord "t Sar.oay . au to accidents, it seems iha; -.1 yi : ? r should !???" 'lie- bi;;.-r ii:.- t'n: worse the wiv k." 1 tistance do 11 ' !' v. tun y.'ti "?'I 01 ? _.v. s? *.,f ni a E a ! R A 2i fj 50:18 Fancy Offss oingiiain January Sals riio-i 10s E X T R A AH Womens $12.95 ail wool Serge and Poriet Twill Dresses Only $5.95 EXTRA Ail Ladies Winter Hats Choice $1.95 E X T R k Exira Good 4 String Groom January Sale Pries 39c EXTRA SPECIAL 100 Dozen Turkish Bath Towels Extra Large Size 45c Value. 4 Towels for 95c i;- EXTRA One Big Table of Muslin Underwear Consisting of Gowns, Skirts, Ted dies, Drawers, slightly soiled and mussed go in our January Sale at one half the Regular Price. EXTRA 81X90 Pepperel! Sheets? This is the Standard Sheet of the Country. January Sale Price $1.59 "Dependable Goods For Less" i ii i mm n.n i w i j > Un?wi>? . it ?????? ???iini !?? aib < iiiif? ?ii f ??n?r BREVARD, - North Carolina EXTRA $1.00 72x30 jsnysi'y Sale 'Price TSc E X T R A Ladies $5.00 Ail Silk Um brellas all colors. Special $3.95 EXTRA 12 Mumiiiie Genuine Jap Pongee Natural Color Only Special 73c. EXTRA Boys W'osi 3 4 Length So* GSc Value Jariua>y Sale Price 45c

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