EAST FORK NEWS > If I knew no one would look for and expec.i news from this place, I would not say a word this week, but some one who is away from "home" may be looking for something from the "Old Home Burp;," perhaps won dering if it if still raining ? well, yes 'tis, yet it did clear up nicely for a AyV days last week, long enough for * Iks to get in wood, go to mill, anil lay in provisions enough to last through another rainy spell, if it does not last teo long; For ?? that short clear spell we are thankful. Sonic of the trappers are catch ing same ri.uht along. Animals need to eat and prow1, around even if the weather is bad. and seem to think trap bait is ^ specially for them. Mr. Hart: eg ef Greenville, has sold hi: Ha; c For'-: property to Messrs. Finley and DeBois, of Greenville. T!:'- > OiK . '"as f n-mally the C. L. Gai.reii and V- F.K.ei'mernu:c land. Mr. -I uio Reynolds has bought and intends moving soon to the .lames ?Lance place. He purchased this land from Mr. M. White of Rosman. Mr. ami Mrs. W. C. Gravely went to Brevard on Tuesday of last week. I think M . Gfllowav's (our Rep resentative) bill to transfer part of the road and bridge fund to the school, a wise otic. To those who travel the public roads, especially From V.i. ? - \>> k to Rosman, will sup- ! pose the funds are not being, used on I our roads. lVrhaps other roads are not so bud. All bridges across small ^ streams on. the Rosman road are, roiiiiy dangerous, and just a little j binstir-.: would take some bad rocks j otf-tivi- and also some on the j Walrv.it H.'Uow road. Wonder if it j wouldn't "be a good idea for East! l'o"k and Gloucester to mix their' politics. The e two townships seem to Iv ..solid Democratic, the other solid Republican. and they have the! worst roads in the County. PISGAM FOREST Editor N< ws.: Will you allow me space in your ' srlcndid .paper for a few items from Pisgah Fore>t? I will say to begin with. th: t I have not been in this County i short while, but I have been 'lore long enough to find that 1 isgah {? ores', is not the least amons; the princes of ? Transylvania County,' for in it are some, things very com-' . mendablo; of all we have two good ehuivh. Baptist and Presby terian. wth : v.o good Sunday Schools : a wood week day school with six fine teachers. There is also one of the most up-/1 to-date band sawmills that can be fot::d in the country, cutting ftromj." thirty to fifty thousand feet per day. 1 It is here a- this mill that you will ? fird sortie of \he very best people,!1 people that iro to church and Sunday 1 1 School, and people that do not mind putting their money into the Lord's , i business. . ( I was called to the pastorate of.' Pis For. -t Baptist church, the : first of December and moved here j* December "C. The good people had , ? everything in nice shape. A jrood ; 1 house, and a lot of wood ready for j use, and December 31, in that1' hard rain, .he wood people gave us a nice New Year's surprise, bringing lis vv'ery ; h Ui-tr that is good to eat. ? S. D. TIPTON, J < We were* ail very sorry to hear of j 1 the death of Mr. Hipps, of this com- j m unity and wish to extend our1' heartfelt - smpathy to the bereaved | 1 ? ,w. , " * it ones. Everybody enjoyed the sermon by]' our new pastor at the Baptist church i 1 Sunday morning, and we extend a most hearty welcome to all wN-? will co v ' 1 ttt 7 ?Mr. CI.-... .-..-c Allison is v.. "lick list, but reports are that ho is thought to be improving. Mr. Robert Boggs of Turkey Creek! visited his sister, Mrs. W. A. Lyday, ! last Saturday. Misses Gertrude and Edith Buck were the guests of Miss Canty Brys.on, Sunday afternoon. Miss Enima Mackey spent the week-end with Mrs. Walter Reece. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Markham spent the week-end with Mrs. Mark ham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Camp field of this section. We are glad to know that Mrs. Sam Wyatt, who underwent an oper atic.: at th? Brevard Hospital a few day;; r.L'o, is getting along nicely. Mr. G. T. Frady has been on the sic!: 'list, but is abie to be at work again. S i Cheer up. Wlien all the neighbors buy automobiles you can get a seat on a street car.. You can't keep gasoline down by stepping on it... UTTLE RIVER NEWS Miss Verda Kilpatrick left Tues day for Greenville, S. C., where she is expecting to take a milinery course. Miss Willie Mae Pridmore has re turned home from Greenville, S. C., after a visit with her sister, Mrs. M. C. Crawford. Miss Lora Hamalthon has returned ?to Greenville after a visit with her j parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manson Ham althon. Miss Elsie McCrary is visiting he parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. M| Crary. Miss Elsie Ray has returned Hendersonville, after a visit will her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Raj Mr. U. G. George is expecting leave for Greenville soon, where ill be employed by a bus line in tlj capacity of driver. His route will from Greenville to Columbia. TOXAWAY NEWS Mr. W. H. .Tones of Waynesvilll is visiting his brother, Mr. J. Tl Jones. Mrs. Wesley Reid has been ill f< a few days, but is improving. Mr. Walter Lowe and Mr. LensJ Saunders have accepted work wit The Champion Fibre Co., at Cantoi Miss Pauline Recce was a visitc in Toxaway last Saturday. We are glad that Miss Avar( -Tones, who has been seriously il for several days, is improving. Mr. Furman Moore, of Rosmai was a visitor in Toxaway Sunday. The sawmill of the Molt/. Lumbel Comptny has started sawing agair after resting since last- June. .Mrs. W. M. Ray has been on th sick list for a few days. Miss Clara Owen has gone to Mar Hill, where she expects to spend th< remainder of the winter. Mr. R. M. Neely drove to Toxawaj Saturday, and report ed that the roads between Rosman and Toxaway were "impassable."' On last Wednesday evening a num ber of people were entertained at Rayhurs-i, the home of Mrs. W. M. Ray. Miss Thelma Shields gave sev eral piano selections, after which progressive '-rook was played. Those present were. Mrs. W. M. Ray, Miss Hattie Jervis, Miss Shields, Mr. ami Mrs. .?. E. RuTty. Mr. Roy -Rutty, Mr. Cleon Williams* Mrs. Ida Paine, Mr. W. M. Ray and Mrs. R. M. Neely. MUCH ROAD WORK DONE BY FOREST SERVICE More than 1.80:> miles of roads and nearly 5,00 miles of trails were icnstructed within or adjacent to the 147 national forests during the fiscal year ending June 30, 11)24, according to the annual report made by the ;hief of forest service . to the secre tary of agriculture. In addition, maintenance work was performed on i".423 miles of roads and 32,105 ailes of trails. Including the construction work onipleted within the last year the to al mileage of national forest roads onstructed by June 30 of this year ??.ood at 8,707 and the total mileage >f trails at 18,855. The sum of $9,351,142 was ex pended on the road and trail work of he forest service during the last fis ?al year, the report says. This sum vas augmented by funds from co-op rative agencies such as states, coun ties-, and local organizations. Thirty-one state and Alaska share n the pro rata distribution of funds nade each year by the forest service I :o those states and territories con wining national forest lands. A^MY WANTS MUSICIANS Thes United States Army wants 15 musician for duty with the 15th In fantry Baiid, at Tiontsin, China, ac cording to! an announcement re ceived last Thursday by the Fourth Corps Areja. The Asheville office is now open for recruits for this band and all applicants accepted will be forwarded to New York by rail and from New York to China by trans port through he Panama Canal, with a ten-day stopover at San Francisco, and then enroute by transport via ['astleman; Fairy Stories For Ohil- J :lrcn, Anderson; Mrs. Launcelot, Hew Iren, Anderson, ; Mrs. Launcelot, ( Hewlett ; Initials Only, Green; The Silent Barrier, Tracy; The [tunning Fight, Osborne; The One Woman, Dixon; Through The Look up Glass, Carroll; Michael O'Hal oran, Porter; The Flying U's Last Stand, Bower; Amos Of The Island, Montgomery; The Patchwork Girl Of 1 )?., Baum ; The Little Colonel's Hero, lohnston; The Shadow Of The Rope, lohnston; The New Tenant, Oppen leim; The Fclowing Of The Star, Jarclay; Miss Gibbe Gault, Bosher; "ousins Conspiracy, Alger; Five -ittle Peppers, Sidney; A Chain Of evidence, Wells; The Princess Pris ?illa's Fortnight Anne Of Green tables, Montgomery; The Last Trail. Sllis; East Of The Shadows, Barclay; 3r. Lavender's People, Deland; Martha By The Day. Lippman; Nedra, j dcCutcheon. One of the mysteries of natural icience is what a horsefly thinks ,vhen he gets desperatae and tries ;o bite a flivver. CAT T. J f 8 Fnp QUICK TRANSFER SERVICE We now have a Large Moving Van. All kinds of Hauling Light or Heavy Promptly Attended to. We Deliver all Sizes of Heater and Kindling Wood ? Also ? ?',/ >? v Crushed Stone and Sand. ? Deaver 8c Siniard T ransfer Co. Office at Cascade Filling Station. Brevard; - - North Carolina V REDUCES PRICES On All Closed Cars Standard Six: NEW Prices Country Club Coupe $1,345 Coupe 1,445 Sedan 1,545 Special Six: Victoria 1,895 Sedan 1,985 Big Six: Coupe 2,450 Sedan 2,575 Berline 2,650 All Prices F. O. B. Factories HENRY MOTOR COMPANY PHONE 23 Brevard, N. C. 1 THIS IS A STUDEBAKER YEAR ITGH KILLED * 'IS?'" 5ITICIDE for r,0c at Drug Store I r,r,c by mail SUICIDE CO., - Commerce, 6a. Let Us Priat Your Sab Biff;? i NOTICE all kinds of Electrical Work Done Promptly and Carefully t REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY Harold Norwood Phone- I? 3 .jptCV.U'O; N. IT PAYS TO READ THE ADS IN THE BREVARD NEWS Easy Way to Break Severest Cough No matter how long you have had a persistent, weakening cough? no mat ter how many remedies you have tried without success? you can usually get relief in stantly , and often relieve the entire cough con dition in 24 hours, by a very simple method. The method is based on a remarkable pre scription known as Dr. King's New Discovery for Coughs. You simply take one teaspoonful and hold it in your throat for 15 or 20 second9 before swallowing it, without following with water. The prescription has a double action. It not only soothes and heals soreness and ir ritation, but it quickly loosens and removes the phlegm and congestion which are the di rect cause of the coughing. The prompt re lief seems almost magical, and the quickness with which the whole cough condition disap pears is often simply amazing. There is noth ing better for coughs, chest colds, bronchitis, bronchialasthma, lioarseness.and almostevery throat irritation. Economical, too, as the dose is only one teaspoonf uL On sale at all good druggists. Ask for PR-KING'S COugHS PHONE 142 Miss Emma Bagwell For Quick Scrvice and QUALITY Goods. I carry a complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries. I also carry a complete line of General Merchandise. PHONE 142 ma Bagwell CALDWELL ST. IN FIRST BUILDING IN THE REAR OF NEW BANK. BREVARD, - N. C. No iviik Is Too Good for the Baby Infants demand strength-giving iood in a form which is best suited to their delicate systems. Milk? pure milk ? answers this need. Our milk is pure milk from tested cows, kept in sanitary sur roundings. It is bottled in a spotless dairy and de livered to you in sterilized containers. EAST VIEW FARM DAIRY C. K. OSBORNE ? - Phone 173