Published every Thursday and en tered at PosvOai.e at Brevard as . iii!--. iti?s matter. ."?:3AY. JAKUARY 22, 1925 V. Owner, S^AKixETTK STKULING Editors. ?;?3 VI MA Tiii'vVnillDGE News Editor. Tc .vs: office, 7; rts'Jence, 1S9. iia - * 'nT ? ~ "."i? > ? *./v *. r?*r ???! r '. $2.00 S i-.o: . -i- 1.25 T; /? e. sr. i 'ii.5 . . . ., . .75 'i . tins ,. . .00 .. \TKS r. ? ? ? ,t. . . . : . ::0e J; ; .? ? !0c V. . '( : n ' \Y-V.e- s. 2c per >, . A ! ; a f :? !.-s-; than ? ; to i;r Jisir U't V * i; : too .mai-ets of i > . P h com , . ' I-.-, r ? .1-;; c ilfcwaipanH'd . ) of til;- 'V to-\ t . i .? i.i ?.?.? ;n pacing: a ? fruav t'ie t---;:i a :;v ;? ? ?.v ri;rht dimttun. - i yi- i*? . ? ?- . v,-.?.rd as be ;-af'\- i ?? ;'!? .r-ls. aad :-i ;? : ? d. r-v. . i\.* vail'ic. . - V (kil l f"' :!.e -i ?. f <-*t <>f the K'-at (." . ? ??.;?! ;i : !? ar.d Vi?ast? . "i . .??. y vvouitl \v .:???' . .i:- t> to . ? . ?' '.roin the *'.? v ...U . i'.5< ' ' I v*V [KStOi i J '? ?;hw C,;t! r ?; t " ? ? .ir tl'Cor it > ds ?r ; v v : I . : t K ? ? f ? v ? v . iu r ..... v ? ?.?-. ir"' ? ? t?; ??;. ?? !i:vn\ior > ? ' a u ivvv in a R:0 > ' * '.?f iii-me'.'. *. OL (.Oili'se. !;H;K)SSili;t' undi'T th's ai^.-sJu {oti.ll-:. :?'!;>? . to ottvcni ??.a, ? -....? : ..i. :v. .Vom . ecuriilK ? ' i'.. .'lu-It- ' ? ?. ' i-r. oi ? .. ...v -ar. -an agencies ? ' . . i ?; 1 ? . . >.rUU, uC w. . tlv'U ? 0 1 . i:-i" S:GM or .. DEA3 ONE -ic wichvd tc :'u' an irrr.ves antl vs ;:rni ; hat does rtivev -e in the . . town paper "or tha: ah-o is cC|Uiv-ak>nt to dis s;.;.tv ?? ;. ?K-u> . '"hy '.v. ;h o y jclfl'-ihnevs t?a t'te part of thv. publishers of this ne ? ; tii'er. i r.u *. is. true. Wtli- or b.- ? ? - a. a . \-. ? ii!_ volley ? -.nd we will show you vne that is dead ia the shell ev. r\ time-. Its policies' being wrong in th-s i\spett is prt try cohciuslvi jvidoiite that it is v. ror : :n all others' anu -hat is an that in time; it -v i II go down in ?.:'ure. Not r.loue J be.ajse of faihuv to advertise, hat t> ? ? of fa!:-', s,. " ?ani.'. and unsuc cet.-lul pyiiei.s. V. den a busiae s. firm is right in or. . -irea: fundamv uai. it is generally c r.-v.t hi' all of its policies ? and that s what wins success. When it is ?icr.g in ono. ii. is usually found \ to ? equally as ar on in all others.'! Vve have yet to see this rule fail. I Th'.'re havo b<-,.-n some apparent ?suec-. s by disregard of this rule, but . re exceptions only prove, the ra:-. oonietime.s unusual conditions ! pre .id which sweep them along to j success in spite, of their policies. If | vcc fell into a swift current you are j sure :o be carried down stream 1 whether you can swim or not. But it 1 takes a swimmer to go up stream in 1 either still water or swift current. ' A GOOD MAN TO RETIRE ? The country loses a useful public ' servant ?n the retirement1 of Charles tv\*:r,i lii'"h.:,s. secretary of State, j which takes pfaro March 4. for 20 j ypfcrs' Mr. i lushes has occupied pub \ V ? off? !? '?> New Vork state and in | v.'a :i-;;^ton. ' . I la vU'Ty nb--t Mr. Hughes served the pvii'le well. 'Hn. country has no ?iti'i-*' man of finer ability, and none more il^. ou: i to their welfare. The most < "i;k-jsm that will attach to *n:n pi all these years, is his eonnec :.;n v.' h Senuto Newberry. There ?-? nnay who "ill never forgive him ? ;i?<; f'c the Michigan Sen .!>?, !>uv this > ,j mat ter of opinion m. no \v'\v reflect* upon his in tegrity or ca'nar.ity. ?fjLT-GESTlCNS FOR ACC : T ' " F ? EVENTION ? ? - . in an address i. r . ? i.'i Va'io i u I Conference oh S;,rc.*i ??and 1 lit,'!.'' ay Safety, asked f? iii 1 i d-opcrritiwi of all interests i'i vn effort" to xqrtucc the now rap ; !??.? ; ricrear'iii' h timber of deaths and '.:.jn?ios :??!? tint. nearly 'SO po.r cent ?!>";.? .! yidonts were due to !! ?'-,??? ;? a .-suggestion for lessening a ???..? : in. : !;?.? ?4d days, a road v < rnunded i*j bke a railroad tp;ade ??;'.'? dif '.Tie on .each ? si;ie. Probably t wo teains passed at a pace i vj j r or mill's an hour, .?a " Try five-mile stretch. .Today par modi-iv . :gh\vay grades are la '"gely >!.c. a;m\ wi:h a strip ,,f pavement the vciiu.r on which scares of nu ?., .pass. ?n'.h' mile, .{ravelin}; at at ? of ?; H\:i varying from 2.1 to aii'vs an ;hoiii'. With good driving; . !':?: v- are ?i*.?. ace'dea's. Misjudge ment one. way or another. however, 'a ?ul an automobile crashes with an e.hcr '-ar or goo* in the ditch. ;n>:i.'ad of. digging ditchcs on each !e . the -m' I, n-v the same labor' : ?! ev! r.d the. gr^de. and the culvert vt? vr:n.t?'< from 'h^' edge -f the nave . .'Tit ? ? a jrc ntle slope fro the fence e.n each side, in other words, i[-. i;;!rv< ? he road inure like c: ?' ?; ?. ! . Th - is . 'ssibie. alonjc '!>?) >eflt of the i::,:hw;.yj at no ad i:;io?inl expense. Thus is the tend'-j K.'--y f<>r cm - ? th "?/.-'t! t.'mv cepint;'' : : ; ..>0;-ja( 1 u'y the daii -'i .'u rit .'-'ill i.":-i'"vd. a"* 1 ? - ? laws ? ? ? i '.?? ' :?:.- v. i! h.: of little ( > ''v. .. i a.' iriy man or j wci'ian eun. hhy an riuSuinohile oae i ? i i . ; : t ' , st< p in li> the s.-d'e iieeusiiij* ' . - :. a pvi ? s -it to drive' I .iio :u".\t -minute, re^anilc.'s of his fa nliiiarity wi'.th the ear. ii ; operation <:'? road rules Xu .oiiier nieee of nva i rh . : ; !'v in ne vo.' . useless. Compulsory; aa-a'pr a.1-' avoidant insurance, 'or . worse yet. lUoropC'.stk' state au;o- ? inoarii.'i a.'iu la.'Ujance, a su;.' ? .a :\.r. wiil sim-dy eiie??ur.i',v i .'lade.'Siif. s for it will tend to ' re move restraint from aiiv.idy eareies Editor News: ? '1 he Truoe-ai -'loire .-.lop.n is a ";o(. i yiH* if w. --ould'.all try to live ! u;) iti it, hut i'. seems some of ui* r-'ost :ro;Pt-i: :;t nierehaiiis, meni> ri ;?.!:? r of CuiViinei're u "!? Breyr;vd oe.;:; ia. tr y f;o somewhere ' ami forget aadut tha* fellow that i- here ; :"i v ho !:ahii:es th^t very ,tr i l'.' ? the boot is < ar the other foot ?vh"re el 50 in .. . , ;'-v. bat forget how i.iuvii a. - t'lv 'a own lint is ihtii the 'same :-rtie;e that can he ordered and delivered here C. 0. D., parcel ;.o.-l or t :-.pvecS paid. Within the last few days I over heard two of our fellow-member.-, the Chamber of Commerce trying > do'-usiness wiva each other. One a ? ked the other for a price on a cer tain article, and when told the price said that he could have the ; :e Ihinjr chipped here for about 3 dol lars less? the whole transaction be ii;?r less than $1"). The first cry of the dealer was to "Trade at home," forgetting that he had within the last 24 months had 2 carloads of coa! de livered here for his own use and distributed amonir his friends so as to save 50 cons on the ton. ? J. S. B. It is. repored that a party, who is a member of the Chamber of Com merce, purchased $300 worth of groceries in another town and had them shipped here because of the i rict that a small amount could be saved. If every one in Brevard, who re ceive their money here, was to spend i' sotEicwh'erft else, it would rot be Ivii'g until Brevard would be as dead ns the Sahara Desert. Let us all try io remember that the other fellow is j trying to make a living here a:-" .well as ourselves. ? S. E. S. IURCB WRKTORY ALL PASTORS ARE INVITED TO USE THIS COLUMN METHODIST CliUKCIl Rev. E. XI. Welch, pa tor. Morning ???rviccs, i j :00 o'clock: evening ser vices at 7:1 f>. Sunday School at 9:-Sr>. Epworlh League -it 0:30. Prayer meeting, Wednesday ('veil ing at 7:15. We have a live and interesting Sunday School, and our preaching services are well attended ami en thusiastic. Members urged to attend. All si rangers mftn cordially i ? i \ i t ? <1. | The pastor offers his personal services to one and all. BAPTIST CHUKCII Rev. Wallace Hartsell, pastor. Morning worship at i 1 :0O oVlJ>ck; evening Wor.sJi ? : > at 7:00. Sunday School at 9:ia. Jnf"~iuediat'.v B. v. P. U. at 2:'-0. Senior 15. Y. P. U. ai 7:30; Mon day evening. Prayer service Wednesday even ing at .7 :30. Tire public is coi'dally invite;! to :ttend any oi^ali these .? scry V K yoi. ::?< ;? Baptist and live n t i i i cortviuunjty, you owe it to yoar hml the cause to line n i> wnh the; Hiurcii. Come and be at home with us- ? ' ? ? /-.M-fej PlSGAil FOREST. BAPTIST Rev. P. Tipt iOi.' pasiOiv Pr ? r ;i - . >i h - t wry Sir-t and : !,>d Suv.oavs. .\1o? .dm: m "vice ? a' ' ? ? " " ? ? ' . ' ? ? mV.'oc'.; v." uing /wvice- :tj 7 :!?">. Sit -i day Sch<)4>] i -wry Su:njay mora- ' \in%\ I ? i-? ?> e ry '? ) * ? d y is; a y - 1 e 1 1 i i VriVi!?4! ? I i. ?. yuti i*Y r |lvve her-il you, if you. arc I nted lis. m l UCV'tl-!' . not', ydu ' .. i I M* M ?, Glenn ' Morgan is vi-iti ;l; n'. .Mr. Pat ??! oi'.;.v: ? ;jf ={.?? sec tion. Mr. and >?:?<. .Klyt'hc "? family, from Big AViHov.*. vi iivd ,M and Mrs; I. T. Justus Sunday. MlV Earl Si oil, who in..- lf? wo'.:w!j !. .. ' Mr, Roy Allison visited Mr. J. F. Scott Sunday afternoon. Mr. Vance Duncan, who has been an the sick list, is new irnpro ing. Mr. Glenn Morgan spent Sunday ; night with his uncle, M).\ Dolly Mor- ; Kan. ' . . , . j i Suppose your merchant didn't keep books? But it is more important that -farmers do so . because often times they have more money inveaSU'd; iand.ijuildi^ gs arid -quipmeht thai .lie raerchant who sells them. NOT-CE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the powe ? of aie contained i.i a certain Dec.: In Trust executed by Florence Ter y; (widow) to the undersigned Trustee, dated 25th day of February, A. I"). IV'12, '"recorded in book 15 oil pa.'.v 47 et.s-' q. of the Records of Mtirt-. ga.ees and Deeds in Trust for 'i n sylvan :a County and default having been made in the payment of .the de'\ secured by said Deed in T;u whereby the power of sale has be come operative, and all due hoiiet and demands having been given and made in accordance with the terms and conditions of the aforesaid Deed in Trust, and the holder of the note thcrem secured having made demands upon the undersigned Trustee thai he exercise the power of sale con tained therein and foreclosure upon the property herei 1 after described and sell the same f >r the satisfaction of the said debt ai d expenses of said sale, I will there fore on Monday, the 2nd day c f February, 1U25, at the Court Ilouse | door of Transylvania County, N. C., in the Town of Brevard at 12:00 j O'Clock, Noon, offer for sale at Pub- j lie Auction to the highest bidder, FOR CASH, the following described property, to wit: Being a part of the C. C. Kilpat | rick lands, beginning on a stake c:i the north margin of 30 foot road, .said J. v\r. Blackwcll's southeast \oi aer, and runs with the north margin of the road. South 8 ' deg< et ?. West, folly-eight (4H) feet to a slake"; then North 1-2 .-degrees Ea.vt, one hand rod and sixteen (tl<>) J. s'ect to a black oak; then, South 7.r> degrees East, forty-eight (*lJi) feei to a sake in said J. W. Blackweli's ea ;t boundary line; iiii'ii with his line, >kyuth ?> X'2 degrees west, one hundred (100) feet to the beginning,. She' above described lot includes the | house where Florence Terry now B;-ihg the same kind conveyed to !h.' said Florence Terry by W. Blackwell and wife by deed dated j ;uii>viiary 2.3 rd, i 0 J 1 . This 7th day of January, K)2f>. W. E. B REESE, Trustee. NOTICE OF LAND SALE Under and by virtue of .he pov. .* of sale contained in :: tvi' iin i)v. in Trust, executed on /, ;)ijl iith, 1917, by Nancy<:i (widow) 1" Chas. E. Denver, Trustee-, lo senij-i the indebtedness therein nanied to thv Brevard Building & Loan A ;oeia i'nn, which ::aiii J'?cH'in Y .*?:y, a; ( in- ?)0o!i _ ? t. ? the I'ecord of Deeds in Tufi, - i ! default bavin;; been mad.- <>!" bet'* principal and inter: i; ? in said Deed in Trust provided, ami upo.i application and demand of I h : I J ? ?? \ar?* U> make good bin default, ibe unde;-! signed Trustee will on .Viii.dav. ' ? ,| ?Jth. ;M ! :? O'clock. ,\L, ol'"' > fur sale sit the Court J 1 ???:-?? door in the town of Brevard. X. ' il !?.* *.- : : Being all of Lot No. i of (.:!y A. i'. Hardin on \ov. -ji>, llJi.'I, raid pit. I beipg ?'?'!' :> r: I ii. ; ;j::, :?.t ?Ms;je I '?) ol" i!.( n , ,ni -if ??f Tran.i.v'vaiit., < v. N. ' ik-f.riiwiiiiK at a ?? !;, . . ,ii margin of Uie road \ ]" . ? !o ;i . .a .' , corfu. r < T I.'.t i i . In : . ? ? ? :i : toiucr :-0 I ?! lost tn:>l m;!ki. ini'l on. r i of Ma.'m'H (?*.' T'^fT'i'T^ jsf \ Sti|\ *D Tj,a w ^ T7 ? liiKjllM N Mr pi i^N k'i fti*XVvrA%&Xj w X OOiLj.Xk-J, cqr-^mrpn rn -tK* vj c-r3? Si ittuaaS a e JLJ t y . "//'s Your Department Store Use 'Xtr J'S.TX":: ' .2 a1!1 vr- T-?MfB ht*j r? * "J iwv % ft* J & 7 3EBS53 1 1 s >i ^ *i ;> E B f *' f:> V *?, l:uw 1 5 , ? ""ff = bU A i 4 il ! " ! g,... ?:? t' ? Sii* *Js f' ?;'? ???? ;?? ? ?" "*s jNi PmJ '" ii iM iV'l J ;* ki-iiJ BScrsrascEsn rc;Wi?as-.-: ?t) jrt r r r.rn:'*T*rci^- ssr j. vui wiso*.:- ? ?3? .-iu-u^' 4 i u^'uca;. /^? ti..j ?