?or sleeping rooms ? formal parlors arid reception halts ? dining room and living room ? for ihe library ? and tor public buildings. Properly applied it won't rub cfT. Ask ycur dealer for A!a bastine Colorchart, or write . Miss Rubv Brandon, Alabas tine Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. A!abast:r.e ? a powder in white and tints. Packed in 5-pound package?, ready for use by mixing with, cold or warm water. Full directions on every package. Apply with an ordi nary waii brush. Suitable for all interior surfaces ? plaster, wall board, brick, cement, or canvas. Would Almost Seem So t "I'll, .what dues the American eagle statul f<>r V" "Anything, my hoy, anything." Baking in the Refrigerator? * i Cold water doesn't af fect Snow King Baking Powder. It works when you want it to work? in the oven. Your dough can be left in the ice -box all night and your biscuits will bake just as good the next day. It is the highest qual ity in a big can of ? This world never seems any the worse for the holidays we take out of its husy whirl. for Ford Cars The New HASSLER Rebound Check and Shock Absorber Only ?50 FOR A SET OF FOUR plus a small installation charge This is the latest Hassler inven tion?even better than the origi nal Hassler Shock Absorber. It has established a new record in Shock Absorber sales. You'll know why, once you ride in a Hasslerized car. T ake a trial trip and get a new sensation in rid ing comfort. Most dealers carry them. If yours does not, write Hassler Sales Agency, Inc. 531 East Main Street Richmond, V*. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 6--"!92a imiiuMiiiiiiroiiiirtHiMiiwitiiiiimiiiMMHweiiiii'itm Mnwtwi,lilHiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiitmnm..-n POINTS ON KEEPING WELL Dr. Frederick R. Green, Editor of "Health." Illlllll'il MM llllllll llll ?II""*1'1""""" ll ? ?lOUMMflMHIIII* lvc;, l#25. Western Newspaper Union.) TICS TI.JA VKI.iXd oil a limited train re < ???;! i 1 V. i Willi .into I !w dint t lor lunch, The condiM'toi- sealed lire at si ?liiill! f ; 1 1 ? ! t ?. n|j[iu*i!i' a We.ll -dressed. > 'ntriligcni lenkiiu 1:1:111 of about thir 1 i.v ;i\c. After giving my in- !< r. I sat i- around idly. .My 1 : 1 1 ? ! t ? cum ' i ?: t n : ? 1 1 . vv : 1 iutejiHy reading a ii^vs 1 Siid'ienK I lie whole right side < Hi ii.s I ;ice v\ : 1 S coMl l ;?. 'I I" I ill ?! 'SP-ISIII. . AV-ii. |.:i; ? Kiu'i l iuvi'lj, i about i Wry I i. !"t ; ' 1 1 1 . 1 1 ' 1 s lite mils' "s ''I lli-' jillvcil. v. in ' I. is la.o-Uill. check .'II i f*e illlo ;i ^ rut* s* jlli* ixriil. A middle-aged loan. silling aeros* the siisle. also observed this | ??*< ? u l i : i r I ??.?:?! ? ? nil sin ?"?-*. I'oHii win;: aie into 1 Ik; sr:okit!g room alter lunch. he said: ; "l sir vim were watching 1 lull man .across ilic tsihle from vow. What tin you suppose is the matter -wit li him V" I said : "lie luis :i tic." "Well. I'll be ! darned." lie snid; "1 knew licks gave j rattle fever but I never lieartl that I ticks made a inaninake faces." !, Tics are nut insects. They are habit spasms. Tliey are habitual, purpose less muscular acts which the person alllicted with them Indulges in. regular ly and often unconsciously. The name comes from the (ierman ticken, be I cause tli-e spasm comes with such 1 lock-like regularity. I You have all known persons with tics. Perhaps you have one yourself. Mime are spasms of the face, twitch | ing of the nose, Jerking of the corners j of the mouth, winking or squinting of I the eyes, frowning or raising the eye I brows, other facial tics are sn 11 fling, 1 making sucking or blowing noises ? with the lips, whistling, chuckling or ' crowing. Some people have s-> gotten ; into 1 lie habit that they are unable to I Infill any sentence without niafcinjc j -uiiie peculiar noise* Jerking or shak ing the head, grinding the teeth and | I 'it ini: (lie lips belong in the same ? -group. The tic may take the form of j shrugging the shoulders, scratching or ' stroking some, pari of the face with | the hands or lingers. Hue well known | and brilliant actor shows in ali liis j pictures, no matter in what part, a j characteristic motion of touching his 1 mustache with the knuckle of his right I index tinker. o Some persons, in walking, must al ways step .011 a crack in the pavement. ! others will as carefully avoid it.. Stammering and stuttering are tics of Speech. So is the habit of iicginning ! every sentence with "I say," "Listen." "I.Hok here". -'and' other exclamations. Tics are personal, habitual peculiar-. 1 ilies. They are the results 'of habits i formed usually in early childhood, | sometimes through mimicking soin: | -iider person. They are most comtnon I ly found in nervous high-strung per | sons. In adult life ihey are practical i ly incurable. | Proper training and the develop ment of self-control in children will j prevent their being hampered by these si range, useless, and often ridiculous | habit spasms in later years. WHAT CAUSES GALL STONES? \ /TOST women over forty have j;.all IV 1 stones. They are about three times as common in women as in men. Tliey are most frequently found be tween fifty and sixty. Callstones are found in the gallblad der, a pear-shaped sac which is the overflow tank of the liver. In it the surplus bile, secreted by the liver, is stored until it is needed. If the lining of this tank becomes irritated and the bile in the I sink becomes too thick, iherr the mucus secreted by ' the in flamed membrane unites with the thickened bile to form solid masses. ? !l is claimed by some physiologists thai the starting poir.t of a gallstone is always a bunch of germs which have go! lei. intu the gallbladder, siart etl an infiammat ion of the lining and then become- the center around which the gallstone forms. Some gallstones, are soft, otlr r- ,u ;? hard. .Some are very smmi. *?o .;.i-t.i than a pinliead, others may be si, isirge sis I" fill t l?e whole gallbladder. When a gallstone starts it grows like a snowball; but in layers. If a num ber start about the same time and grow with equal rapidity, they are squeezed 011 each oilier by the elastic pressure of the gallbladder and so have facets or sides. I>oes the infection and inflammation of the gallbladder cs.'nse the gallstones or do the scratching sind irritation of the gallstones cause the inflammation? Which existed first, the fowl or ilit . ? 1 r ft %* ?? Gallstones themselves do no harm. Probably every one past forty lias one or more anil never knows it. It is only when they become too large or too numerous or when they try to get out through the duct or cstusil into the small intestine that they cause pain, or by plugging up the canal and: so preventing the flow of bile, they cause jaundice. Then tliey must be r< moved. What causer, them? Two thin vhich are responsible for a good share of human ills. Ivating too much a V not working enough. IT** IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL Sunday School ? Lesson ' (Bv RKV. 1\ K. WATER. D.P.. DeaO of the Evening School. Moody Bible In stitute of Chicago. > <(c\ 11125. Western Newspaper Union.) *. ? ? ? . I Lesson for February 8 CHRIST'S INTERCESSORY PRAYER LKSSOX TKXT? John 17:1-20. (KHJiKN TKXT? "Holy Father, Ucep thro'yc.i: thine own iiiuiie ihwsii wjvoiri ihcu hit fit ,cl\i n .nV.ts tliat IHcy WW W one, 1 1 \v.' an-. ? John 17.1 I. t'ltlil . \ T I V "Tol'ic'?rjcsius Praying tor His Prii-iiu*. ' . acxiou ri (i'ic ? *.viiat J ????!* i rjiyea 1 NTT" It V. k! >1 ATI*' ANI > SKS lOJi T< >1' tC- ( Mi ri.it I' ray or lor lli> I msHi-U-h. viu ni; im:?iI'I.k anp aiujut 101 - ic? Christ's Iniori-cssory Prayer. I. His Prayer for Himself (vv. !-?>)? I'ullv conscious thai I !>?? hour of His mifilixioh was at hand 11'' piavtd the K:ii her spying. "Clovil'y tliy Son. that thy Son u.Lso may glorify 1 hee. His coining into the world had as us supreme inissjoi; till* glorification o till* Father. In order that the Father might he glorified it was necessary that the Son should he glorified. 1. To Mm Had Been Given the Pow er to Give Eternal Life to Cod's Chosen Ones (vv. 2, 31). Eternal life is knowledge of and a right relation to the true God and Jesus Christ. Thus we see that eternal life is a re lationship and not an entity. 2. He Declared That He Had Fin ished the Work Committed Unto Him (v. 4). The detlnUf work which He came to do was to give eternal life to the chosen of God. II. His Prayer for His Immediate Disciples (vv. 0-10). 1. Their Preservation (vv. 0-10). He ciid not pray that they would he taken out of the world hut that they might he kept from the Evil One. It Is not the divine will that we go to heaven at once when we believe because : (1) Christ needs our ministry. Those who have been made partakers cf the divine life are His representa tives in the world. (2) We need Ills grace strength ened and developed in us. Heaven Is a prepared place and only those who have been prepared for It can be ad mitted into it. . (3) The world needs us. Christ de clares that the disciples are the light of the world, the salt of the earth (Matt. 5:10). Only as the light of the Lord shines forth through the dis ciples can the people in the world tind ttieir way. 2. Their Sanctlfi.*!* ion (w. 17-19). (1) Sanctify means: First, to set apart; that means then that the dis ciples were to be set apart to do the specific . work of representing Christ; second, to cleanse; those who are set apart as His representatives need the special cleansing grace to make them vessels fit for the Master's use. (2) The instrument ustnl (v. ^17). They were to be sanctified through Cod's truth. Cod's truth is His Word. (3) The purposp (v. 18). They were sanctified in order that they might be qualified for Ills service in the world. (4) Jesus' own sanctlficatlon was for that purpose (v. IP). He Is the grand example. III. His Prayer for His Future Dis ciples (vv. 20-26). 1. Their Unification (v v. 20-23). His great concern was that all believers should be united. (1) The grand pattern of this spir itual union Is the union that exists between the Father and the Son (v. 21). (2) The incentive making possible this union (v. 22). The vision of the glory of God In Christ (II Curr. 3:18) Is the grand incentive which unites the believers. (3) The purpose (v. 23). The su preme objective in the unification of the believers is to convince the world that Cod sent Jesus Christ to save It. 2. Their Glorification (vv. 24-20). The disciple of Christ enjoys fellow ship with the Father and t lie Son and fellowship with his fellow believer, but he also looks forward to the time when he shall he glorified. (1) "I will that they be with Me where I am" (v. 24). There is a pres ent glory enjoyed by believers. (a) They are now children of Cod. although it does not yet appear what they shall he. (h) They now possess eternal life and therefore shall never perish. While there is the present glory. Jesus wants His disciples to be with Him in Heaven, lie said. "Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and dj?. It abideth alone." We can reverently say that unless the believer is taken to Heaven Christ will be lonely. (2) "Behold my glory" (v. 24). The believer shall share the ineffable glory of Christ (I John 3:1-3). The Master-Word The master-word of Christianity Is love. ' Charity A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone .shared with the dog when you are just as hungry as the dog. - I Never Be Afraid Never be afraid of giving up your best? and God will give you His bet ter. Men's Muscles Men's muscles move better when 'heir souls are making merry music. Boschee's Syrup Alloys irritation, soothes and heals throat and lung inflammation. The constant irritation of a cough keeps the delicate mucus membrane of the throat and lungs in a congested con dition. which BOSCHEE'S SYRUP gently and quickly heals. For this reason it lias been a favorite house hold, remedy -'for colds, coughs, bron chitis and especially for lung troubles in millions of homes all over the world for the last fifty-eight years, enabling the patient t<> obtain a jjood night's rest, free from coughing with easy expect oral ion in the morning. You can buy ItMSClIKE'S SYULT wherever medicines an* sold. ? Adv. Uses of Firemen I !et u riling from a .(ire. tb?* rnioii lnwn ( I *:i . ) iiic <ieji;n l >in|ijici| ;l?Hig ciioiigh jn a ill :i 1:1 \vbo. l::r\ iiig forgotten Iter i:<ky. av ?? : ? 1 ? n -V. ? ?? I <sii of her I It i !'i| llui >;? a ; .'I . I In' lire men oii1igi.;v^l;. ran a :._?!? :?-t* lip !o ;].ie I'roni window all'! ? ?? ?'!?<! ilte iloor from the inside-. Baby's Best Laxative is "California Fig Syrup" When baby is constipated, has wind colic. feverish breath. eoated-tongue. or diarrhea, a half-teaspoonful of genu ine "California Fig Syrup" promptly moves the poisons, gases, bile, souring food and waste right out: NeVor cramps or overacts. IJabies love its delicious taste:. Ask your druggist for genuine "Ca'li fornia Fig Syrup" which has full direc tions for infants .in arms, and children of all ages, plainly printed on bottle. Mother! Yoti must say "California" or you may get 'an -imitation tig syrup. The Cause Woman -What are yon crying for. little l>oyV Little l'.ov- ('-cause mamma whipped me! Woman ? What did -lie whip you for.? Little Itoy? C-'atise 1 was c-cryin*. t Strong and Active at 78. Ilanford's Ba]sani of Myrrh has healed Cuts, Hums, Bruises and Sores on man and beast during all those vears. 3 sizes.? Adv. New York Leads Fully L'OO lines of steamships are in operation at the port of New York? a record not achieved by any other port in the world. . Too many quarrels are picked be 'fore they are ripe, "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS? 10c A BOX Don't Stay Dizzy, Bilious, Headachy, Sick or Constipated. Feel fine ! Let "Cascarets" clean 2 your bowels and stimulate your i""7 liver. No griping or overacting. Mil lions of men, women, and chll n dren take this "= J| = harmless laxa tive-cathartic. It doesn't sicken you like pills, oils, calo mel and salts. Tastes nice ? acts won derful. Sold at drug Stores. aiv.a Vv c,cy te^V V ' <i& &Zk c*J$^-0i Georgia Text (!r?>\vlinir ;t I the weather never yet | brought wet r?r <lr>. Xinee the Lord inade it, tin* wisest plan is to let 1 1 i in manage it.? Atlanta Constitution. Says Brother Williams "Kf <!c worl' is Voin' icr devil,* :is sonic folks SSI.V, tliiit'll .)<?>' stiil il? o|' j-inrnrs, who is always in f?*r u liot limo."- Atlanta Constitution. SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSiSTI Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you .are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years lur Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism ^ /V ^ Accept only "Bayer" package /Y which contains proven directions. p S vW** J Ifanily "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets 9 Also Lotties of 21 and 100 ? Dni^'fjists. Asalria 13 tie trade mark of Btjcr Manafacturo of lioaoacoUcaciiicster of Sal.iyl.caeld England's Great New Dreadnought of Air While America's new sky leviathans, the Los Angeles and the Shenandoah, have been amazing the world with their successful performances. Kng j land has been testing out its tirst | winged superdreadnaught of the air ? a deadly new coast-defense aircraft, said to he the largest single-engiiied airplane in the world. This mammoth machine, known as j the Ctiharoo Blackburn . Napier, recent- j ly completed a successful Might near j Hull, England, says Popular Science I Monthly. Driven by a huge Id-cylinder Napier motor of 1.4 MM) horsepower, it can carry and launch from the air at a battleship a full-sized naval torpedo j weighing 1,000 pounds. Its armament | also includes great armor-piercing bombs, as well as machine guns for ! repelling air attacks. The plane is j 54 feet long, 20 feet high, and its | wing span is 88 feet. | I For bloated feeling and distressed breath ing due to Indigestion you need a inedlrlne as well as a purgative. Wright's Indian Vegetable PIIIb are botli. Adv. Sufficient Explanation Horace, Lawrence and Judith were ; playing school. Horace, being the oldest of the three thildren. was the i teacher and asked Lawrence to give the definition of the word "elevated." j Lawrence, not being able to rise to the occasion, said: "I don't know what it means." "All right." said Horace, "I'll leli | you. .Mother elevated the jam from yuu and .ludiili hut she didn't elevate it suHieiently.'' Even Judith, who was/still in kinder garten, understood I he Explanation. Prejudice roosts tin a tree from which facts are barred. Paid in Liberty Bonds 1*1*11 -'"H 1 1 ;< t (lid lie ;:i\o I !??- !;ivvyer for obtaining liis ?li \ ??r. M < ? 1 1 ? "All tin- lil. city bonds I wtied." Shave With Cuticura Goap And double your razor efficiency ai well as promote skin purity, skin com fort and skin health. No mug, no slimy soap, no gerrns.no waste, no Irri tation even when shaved twice daily. One soap for all uses ? shaving, bath ing and shampooing. ? Advertisement. Men never know as niii<?li ah<-ut any thing a* women know about dress. Good Liniment Soothes; Never Burns AN IRRITATING, burning "J " liniment would have tui /ra- . filled this ease oj s> at (Una. M u s t it i: <1 Liniment in u ill! i prompt relief bemuse its .una.:- , Liny healing powers arc ./lit. k.y absorbed by the skin. ? To do i-'imxI, a liniment trust work Into the hli'otl. .Make tlii.< simjilo test with any num ber of diff- rent liniments a:.ii <!? -nie for yourself the one that is ino:-i ? j"i . .-i i vo: Huh the liniuK'tit into >'m;i palms. Then v.a.-.li t horoiuihly. A f? w pours later you will notice the oil. r \Iuh tanK l^iniiiicii t in the urinary s ? ?? r.-tions ? provint.: that it has I > ? <n ;i'fil>eil into tile What nllii r linif::e'it passes tli is i ...st? Nowjvoii know why Mustang I-iniment i:< s|t<>k> n of so highly everywhere: 2f>e ? jOe ? $1.00 at drujr & general stores. S'3'5 FOR TOBACCO Sand Drown bos ruined many tobacco crops, ft has turned b/gb bopes Into despondency. This formu/o /, fas sufficient /nagaes/am to assure you ago/nst sand drotvn trouble. Ask your County Agent. Also mode in 8-3-3 or 8-3 A Tbere is a Salesman in i ery bag of Josey's Fertilizers. On sa/e by tbe leading merchants o/most every where. If there is no deo/er near you nrite us. --3 i M A KIUFACTU RED B V 1 N. EL J 05 EY E L! A N 0 (=? 1 /Cm

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