LAMAR GALLOWAY BECOMES A LICENSED LAWYER Of 95 men who stood the State Law examinations last Monday, La mar Galloway was one of the (50 suc cessful applicants who were licensed as North Carolina lawyers by the Supreme Court at Raleigh. Brevard has reason to be proud of this youthful aspirant in the legal profession, who has recently disting uished himself at Chapel Hill by so successfully passing the State Bar ex aminations. In addition to completing two extra senior subjects this year, Mr. Galloway has also been success ful in completing one year's law course in four months, thus enabling him to finish the two year law course in one year and four months. Young Mr. Galloway will tempor arily locate in Brevard and practice ! law with his father. Mr. Welch Cal loway. THOSE WHO WOULD GATHER AT THE RIVER This story is credited to Wayne B. Wheeler and came to him in the j course of his everyday work in keep ing John Barleycorn under the ropes. A preacher was discoursing on the evils of intemperance. He painted a graphic picture of ruined homes, mis ery, crime and murder, showing how alcohol had. brought all of these crimes to a wretched world. "Brethren and sisters," he said in I conclusion, "all the . intoxicating liquor in the world should be taken and dumped into the river." The choir leader then arose, step j pod down in front and said, "The I congregation will now join us in I singimr 'Shall we Gather at the ! River?' - : ? ? . Recent government estimates in- 1 dicate a possible decrease of from 10 to 12 million hogs for 1925 as com pared with 1!>923 figures ? Save The Brood Sows. TRANSYLVANIA TRIO TO GIVE CONCERT THURSDAY, FEB. 12 The Transylvania Trio, a local or ganization will jji've a concert on Inext Thursday night, February 12, at* the ili^h School auditorium. i'\.ilowin<r is the program: 1. "Mound City" March; A. B, Carter 12. (a) Civir/.onetta; Ceo. Trinkhams (Ii) Indian Pappoosc; E. A. Muel ler .'{. The Song of the Pirate; Montague Ewing A 1 vi ii Moore 4. Serenade Badine; Gabriel-Marie 5. Overture; Sounds from Ireland G. Bohemian Caprice; Oliver Le vi'errc [ Albin Moore 7. Tiiree Mexican Sketches; A. B. Carter ;S. (a) .Serenade; F. Schubert (?>) Turkish March; L. Beethoven Mr. Carter, Mr. Moore, Mrs. Jenkinh, Mr. Martin Piano, Four Hands, Violin and Cello 9. Waltzes Home and Harbor j.lJ. Waltzes; Home and Harbor; C. ; Keubler | 10 Hungarian Dance; A. B. Carter Organized Under National Laws What better protection could you ask for your money than to have it in a Bank organized under and controlled by laws enacted at the National Capitol? We offer you this evidence of our strength and ability to guard your money, 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Accounts Brevard Banking Company t ;? *4"./ A I * ri t- y nK ^ A Miss Nettie Saunders, who has been :il Uivvst;*;! ! !.;i:-:pital for treat ment, retai ned home last Sunday. Miss Florence CJiIle:s|iic; has been in Asheville, visitng her sister for several days. Oil last Thursday while loading cross ties. Mr. Hill Owen got his hand caught between two tics and badly mashed. It is feared that one of his fingers will have to lie ampu tated. Mr. .0. ii. Kller of Andrews, has returned to Toxaway, where ho ex- ; ?pects to work fer tile Moltz Lumber i Co. ' / Mr. arid Mrs. T. T. Miller. and chil dren of Quebec, were visitors at the home of Mrs. B. C. Owen last Sun clay. Mr. Loiinie Bolt is visiting relatives j in Marion, Va., this week. ? ! Mr. arid M rs. Wm. Croom, of Bre vard spent last week-end in Toxaway. ' Miss Louise Williams, who is a ?trident at Chapel Hill, had the mis-' iortune of losing her clothing in ! !.he lire which* deslroyd one of the 'o-miii/rie.? of the college. ihi Bob Cook has been il! for the past week. but is Improving. Mr. Tom Siulcrip ami family have' returned to Toxaway, where Mr. Stalcup has; taken his former position r, fi'Awyi'r for Moltz Lumber Co. Mrs. W. It. I lay made a trip to A.'heville 011 las! Monday, and expects ? i vis;*, friends for a few days while there. Although the weather has been disa Vreeanle, our school has been very good. Following is the honor >ol! for January: First tirade ? A It lu| McCall, V-erner Hall, Warren < 'ase, William Owen. Second grade- ? Fannie Johnson* Nannie Jo1v!i.;on, Clyde Owen, Wa.i c!l Thomas. May Johnson, Ine:. Owen, Ruth Lowe. Sixth grades- Inez AlexaiVd; r. Es sie Owen. I ? Se venth .trade ? O'Neal Owen, | .iuatiita . ' ? > : s < ? - . CJeo Jones. L. C. Sa nders, El i ' :il>< t h Lee. Eighth . gi'ride ? Mat y Jane Price, Paulette Gillespie. Ninth grade ? Eva Miller, Iva San ders. $2,500 IN PRIZES OPEN TO CORN FARMERS IN COUNTIES OF N. C. -V I Prizes totaling $!i,o00 arc offer' <1 1 to corn farmers in North Carolina | Counties who make entries in the j National Seed Corn Show to be h"ld in Chicago March 'j. to 7, under '.he- , auspices of the Sejirs-Koebuck AgH- j cultural Foundation, an announce- j meat received here states. T . ? sho".. j which is to be held during "Seed 1 Corn Test Week," is int<*i:?lf?i to , drive home the need of a high gcr- j initiation seed corn policy to insure j the country a normal 1 1 ! :2 r? corn crop, j In addition to the live-dollar prize to be awarded to ih farmer i:i liii Couny showing the he:-t ear of i or,', j a thousand dollars in gold is off -red j to the fanner in Aortli i'a oiin t or i the United State;-, who exhibit-; tiu Nation's champion ear. Another prize of a thousand dollars to the a; ricultural agent, farm Imreau, agri cultural or community organization displaying the iargc 1 number of e? tries is also anno The show is open i.j the entire United States. Any pt rson boy an i girl, man and woman may enter an' car of corn. Parcel post entries v.ii! i.e j received any time up to the night of' March 7, and each ear must haw the name, address; county of its owner on a paper which should i I be securely wrapped around the ear' with" f!ie writing on the er He. Y<> ear v,:!l be award d a prise n s*t : ? levied for vitality and <ii ease rcsi> the judge:-, in be rejected !>y the American Society, of Agronomy. ICiitr.'j- should be addre-s-ii t>> the ! X;ition?;i Seed Corn Show. Sears- ! Roebuck Agricultural i t, u;. iatioi;, i ? j Chicago.. I CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the K. W. K.. Mini my n>!Vi:y friends <?:' !!re ?? i, for their kindness to us during i he* hol idays. MRS. .1. R. 7. U liV.uY. K F' *V?77T-'% 7C p ? te ? 3 '?-! [A H '? I".-'- W * *r\ h " P I r ? ?' ' ?? V . V ;J .Ni'VVtn!: I *>???? I'-'-'j'tl! ' l> T! hi I for S |?;i i v. .< In will take l<u in- . i-oiir r. Mi-, X< ii:-.- \i? !i i! on of ;i - N. ??? \l-i.ii.;: i>. r ! i -c. Air. JI. i'. Xi<:.< ! Liilh":- Siijii; ah ? . I I ;???? v:-. ? < ! . n;nt Sunday in !!<? i'iv -i. J { i * \ . . A . .v! i*i i 4)1 j < i i r i ' ? i l.i s'itut. . ? mt.-v : i . .il. ?:liv < !,-ir< !. if..;, !. ? i 1 of I !'<? I :r ; i ' 1 1 1 ion. l.ittl" Sh.:l: r \YrijJil I. is : .< ry i ? - {?: ii'.ii i; ih!|:r(A imv. J ?' i'ii, l i ; I A! ! . ,\ . . i.i ii: illo.i, .limitary . i, ?>>!. Jt-irn, ?. .Vi r.- i ! :. ? ? i i.arl, .i.'Muar\ 17. a <I.".i;yfiU i . : iJt'V. X. I.. I'undcv (ilhvl in i ? iar appointment ai IJo.-inan i.i ' <la y. Tlii' many fiiuid- ot Aiarv : .! ?::i rifk. ?iaiiirii,.!-!- <>i \'r. : ,.ii . i: !.. K ilpal ri' !?: . n il' !<?:. ri- w .< < ? "I oio, liei. .'.Jr. Airs. It. rii-r, ; ii'.i i i s, A! ; -. i iiickory. !n-n :?.?>! i n..!., of \V inst ii: -Sai"iii. W.-.i: of I .itti ? liiv:*:*, i' i\ i U. !? ? - \ :?? ? '? v'v t u !n. .\ !? i'i:t< r ? t ot |-i!i:ci..l m \i.' .it l.ii!- ii.% ? i'aji.i J it-,-. ! ! i 1 - ii.< = a i ! m 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 ;'4 ? \ '.i ? ! . '1 s;. : -y I. :: . a 1 1 (v , i ii 1 ? ; :i ? ? . ? 1: r ' sin U'.'r in-Ill i". \ * ? i. ' ? I I . v-.-L ,V j LCt (:'?! T* /-? i ou" ^ ? : . m v t4L * ot - . 1 > : " -? i 5 il 1 or yn iT \\ ? a , ; . t-s>aiy to !;<???!?? uvo-i .-?,ii . * -*11 1 * I flut-!- ? ' ; 111 : ail .|!M '*11 I r:oi!-jM\i?'ut-,,r : atai w<?rk on a r'.: . a FOR QUALITY PRINTING PHONE No. 7 T T ^ iL Y T* T""'^ H s vy ? . /OB PRINTING OF ALL V/K GUARANTEE A LI WORK PHONE No. 7 WE ARE NOW WELL EQUIPPED AND ARE IN POSITION TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR WANTS IN ANY KIND OF JOB PRINTING. ; OUR PRICES ARE LOW. SEE US FOR: Letter Heads, Ruled Letter Heads, Packet Heads, T-? ill TT o ^ c .O Lx I. Mca"ct, Statements, Envelopes, Shipping Ta^s, Hand Bills. A TRIAL IS ALL WE ASK. We print Ladies' Calling Cards, Also Gent's Business Cards. Send us your next order. Tickets, Invoices, Folders, Hp ; -? o p q v r< ( * J. - M.J- I W W V.IX V4. O V Report Blanks, Sale Bills, Booklets, Catalogues. SEND YOUR PRINTING TO THS BREVARD NEWS PHONE No. 7 - v ; ^ . c . # ; '** i THE BREVARD NEWS Quality and Service Our Motto A TRIAL IS ALL THAT WE ASK PHONE No. 7

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