SOCIETY NEWS MRS. SMATHERS ENTERTAINS FOR GUEST The following so- ial item was clipped from The Asiu-ville Citizen-: P.Irs, t'aul Smathers entertained on Friday afternoon with a bridge party of four tables {riven at her. home in We^UAsheville in honor of Mrs. Kg bert Stowers of Brevard, who has been her house guest fo;- several days. Mrs. James Thompso ?? won the prize for high score and Mrs. J. H. Payne made low score. Among the guests were Mesdames Stowers. Thompson. Payne, Charles Fortune, T. S. Smathers, W. 0. Barnard, Fred Walser, George Beier, Jr.. Harry Ber ry. \V. 0. Stansberry. W. B. Church, J. Johnston. John Bunn. William La Mee. Carol Henry and Charies Rhiit" hardt. EPWORTH LEAGUE ENJOYS SOCIAL GATHERING / The Fp worth League i>f the Meth odist church met in the basement room of the church Thursday even ing for a social time. The evening was most enjoyably spent in various games ami cor. tests. The three hostesses of tiie evening were Miss Marion Tongue Mrs. Rush Whitmire. and Mrs. Lawrence Holt, who served tempting refreshments during the course of the evening. About thirty young people were present, and nine new members were added to the League. The new mem bers are as follows: Mr. ami Mrs. Rush Whitmire, Mr. and Mrs. Harry l.oftis. Mr. Mae Johnson, A. J. Loftis. Tom Whitmire. Mr. A. F. Mitchell. Mr. Lawrence Holt. The Kpworth League is growing very popular with the young people, ami i* rapidly proving itself a valu able department of the church. JEAN ENGLISH CELEBRATES TENTH BIRTHDAY , ? _ ? ' I Little -van English entertained on the afternoon of January "J'iih a ' .chool friends at the beau tiful sui-r..' home of her parents, I >r. and Mrs. K. S. English.' This was , to celebrate Jean's tenth birthday an niversary. ? About twenty-five children weir-' present, ami they spent the afternoon playing games on the spacious lawn ami enjoying themselves as only cliii dren can. During the afternoon, the children were invited into the dining room I where delicious refreshments were served. METHODIST MEN'S EIBLE CLASS. ENTERTAINS The Men's Bible Class met it: the social rot ? last Friday evening tor a bnsine.-s and social hour. The businc. s session was in charge of Dr. i . Zaeiiary. The class was organize.: ihe following officers liccted: Mi". T. W. Whitmire, presi dent; Mr. Mason, vice-president : M . !? "ed I'd. sec-treas. L was eccid i . t * ? ha'. \ a class social once each month: '1 iie members of the Brevard Band were present as invited guests. i>ur it:;; the evening ..they entertained their hos.s with several wcil-rer.d ete.i select ions. The n;i -! proved themselves i,uite . adept in the art of serving am! con-; samtt.g their refreshments, consisting lit sandwiches, cake and ioifee. A!. out lii'ry men were present ..o enjoy this delightful- social evening. On isumiay morning following this social ever.:, tifty-two men were pres ent. which is the high- water mark reached ; y this class so far. thus at-, testing to the growing popularity of the Men's Bible Class. . D. A. R. MEETING Mrs. Laura Miller was hostes- M un day afternoon to the Waightstiil Avery Chapter of the Daughters of the 'American Revolution. During the business session, sever al letters were read, one of which was relative to ;he State D. A. K. meeting to be held in Ashevillt, -March 1 ?>- 1 3. Sveeral members announced th' ir in tention ol' attending this conference. The Chapter went on record as en dorsing the proposed Woman's Build ing project and as pledging their pro portionate amount for same. It was decided to give $5.01) to ward the Student Loan Fund, which fund assist? worthy girls in obtaining an education in Greensboro College. The Chapter voted to have a George Washington Tea on February Cist, for the purpose of replenishing the treasury. The hour and place of this tea will be announced later. The business session was followed by a pleasant social hour, during which the hostess served dainty re freshments. MARY AiKEN CELEERATES SIXTH BIRTHDAY j Little Mary Aiken celebrated her sixth birthday Saturday afternoon , with a lovely party at the home of her parent;, Mr. id Mrs. H. C. Aiken on Caldwell street. The dining was beautifully decorated in red flowers and potted ferns. The color scheme of red and green was also . vsrried out in the dainty rofivibri ri'.s, consisting of colored .le'.Ie vii 1 'whipped cream and clu rries, ca':es a -u candies. A! out twt \ '?>?? ?*i- Idren were present to engage in the games and j fun such as little tots only enjoy. j EREVARD W' ^ -.DAY CLUB The. Brevard Wednesday Club mvt at t<v. ; ha. president; j Mrv 3. M r..iar< 'Jv'th. six- j present. After the routine buisness, the cur rent events with which the different members rspondeil at roll call, were heard with much interest. A sugges tion made by Mrs. Everett, that the Ciub give, a card party to raise funds for the treasury, met with ap proval and motion was made and carried that the president appoint committees at once, to plan and car ry through to completion the pro posed bridge party. Mrs. Ward. Mrs. Lyon and Mrs. Bt eose were selected as executive com mittee for the ? proposed entertain ment. Mrs. Silversteen, Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Erwin for the refreshments, Mrs. Sledge. .Mrs. Allison and Mrs. Mc Minn for the advertising. Mrs. I.ynch, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Car rier Mrs. Everett and Mrs. Perkins, for the dcorating committee. The Woman's Club Building was next discussed at length, and the Club voted to pledge two hundred dollars or more if possible, as an in itial payment towards this most worthy cause. The resignation of Mrs. Hay was accepted with regret. Mrs.. May always took her part in the club cheerfully and effeciently; and was a general favorite with all. She will be missed very much, not only, by her fellow club members, but by the whole town. The program in charge of Mrs. K. W. Everett was next in order, and proved most excellent in every detail, and of absorbing interest. Mrs. Ev erett was assisted by Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Shipman. After a short social session, the Club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Perkins 0:1 February eleventh. REV. AND MRS. WALLACE HARTSELL ENTERTAIN Rev. and Mrs. Wallace Hartsell de lightfully entertained Thursday eveii ning at the Pastorium in honor of the Missionary Society ladies and their husbands. The cvcn'ng was most enjoyable spent in- social conversation and in listening to excellently rendered mu sical selections by three of Bre vard's talented musicians ? Messrs. Carter. Frank Martin, and Alvin Moore. Quite a large number of the church members were present to enjoy the k'. :d ho.-jitality of Rev. and Mrs. iiartscli. FORTNIGHTLY CLUB Mrs. C. C. Hodges was the .delight- 1 rul hostess tothe Fortnightly Club ? Tuesday 'afternoon at the Aethehv dd. Several matters of importance were discussed and passed upon during the j business session. The chief topic for) ili.-fcussk ; was the propoed Woman's Buildin,". for which the Club unan imously d to pledge its share. Following the business session, the program was in charge of the three leaders for the day ? Mrs.. E. R. Welch, Mrs. J. F. Zachary and Miss Alma Tro abridge. The birds under discussion were the bluebird, king fisher. and hawk. The interest of each discussion was added to by passing around pictures of the different birds, f.nd also by sounding on the piano the corresponding musical note of ?ach of the three birds mentioned. During the social hour, several mu sical selections were rendered by Mrs. Roland Whitmire, followed by 1 Yictrola records. The hostess was assisted in serving j the delicious salad course by Mes 1 dames Lawrence Holt, Rush Whit | rnii e# and Roland Whitmire. The guests present were: Mrs. T. i W. Whitmire, Mrs. Mamie Verdery, Mrs. Roland Whitmire, Mrs. Lawrence Ilolt, and Mrs. Rush Whitmire. 1 WOMEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY ELECTS OFFICERS The Women's Missionary Society of the Brevard Baptist Church met at the Pastorium Tuesday afternoon, , at 3:,>0. A very interesting,. a.* ? . " . I as instructive program was given. The following officers were elected ! for the coming year: I Mrs. Lewis Hamlin, president; Mrs. ; I D. F. Moore, vice-president; and Mrs. I ! A. E. Hamton treasurer, i . ' 1 i I Twenty-five members were preen ; at the meeting. ARRIVALS AT AETELWOLD YV. E. Brilt. and ?v A.1. v:i! - - ; L. A. Hawkins, Atlanta , Ga. i!. I . Berry, Atlanta, C!a. YV. P. T" .?????. I Brevard ; G. ji.. SmiLi, A.-h< vi'ii 1 M. Clark, Asheville ; J. E. Xu'i. Asheville; J. E. Doherty, Asheville H. C. Mills, Asheville; YV. M. 'lutein son, Tyron, N. C.; C. N. James, Mar? Hill, N. C. ; V. C. Grant, Henderson, vile; W. W. Bruin, Hendersonville; J. P. Tally. Granite Falls; phi! ; Wa. ron.;, Greenville,' S. C.; James A. oe, Traveler.; Rest, S. C. Colonel and Mrs. C. C. Hodges and j Mrs. Simmons spent Friday in Hen dersonville. . ' j Mrs. Thompson, of Asheville, was the week-end guest of Mrs. H. C. ' Hanson. I Mr. arid Mrs. T. W. Whitmire, Mr. | Roland Whitmire, and Lawrence Holt, ' Jr., motored 'to Ashville Friday for , the day. Mr. J. E. Waters and Mr. Kay King j motored to Pickens, Greenville and j Libe'ly. S. 0., last week on a busi- ' hess trip. j The Collins, of the High . School f:u-ulty, spent Saturday in | Asheville. j Excavation work has begun for the Joe Tinsley office building to be | erected on the lot adjoining the new j bank building. ! Rev. Wallace Hartsell motored to | A: hevillc Friday. . Mr. and Mrs. Brit't, of Asheville, 1 were week-end guests of Mr. and | Mrs. T. W. Whitmire, at the Aethel- , wold. j Mrs. J. S. Silversteen, Mrs. C. P. | White. John White and James Waters . were. Asheville visitors Saturday. | Mr. W. C. Austin has been on the | sick list the past few days, but is . able to be out again. Miss pollv llart has been ill for | several days at her home on .Main street. Mr.. Nathan Townsend has returned | to .Brevard after spending several weeks in Dayton, Ohio. ! Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis. Mr. Hen- ) ry Green, .Miss Jewel Orr, of Ashe- , ville. sj)ent Sunday in Brevard with ' Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Holt. j Mr. and Mrs. Nathan. Morris spent , Sunday in Hendersonville. Miss Maude Wood, of Spartanburg. I has returned home after spending the , week-end with Miss Pearl Enloe. Mrs. H. E. Stov.ers and small daughtr, Sarah, have returned to their '/home in Brevard after spending several days in Asheville with Mrs. Paul Smathers. Mr. and Mrs. Williams and Miss Hartshorn, of Asheville, spent Sun day in Brevard. Mrs. Ella Enloe and family have returned from Barberton, Ohio, and are now located on Caldwell street. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ellington, of Pittsburg. Pa., are spending some time with Mrs. E. H. Webb at he)- j home on North Caldwell street. Mrs. Paul Smathers, of Asheville, will spend several days this week with relatives in Brevard. Mrs. Louis Rigdom, of Gastoliia. N. C., was visiting friends in town Sun ; day. Mrs. Rigdom will be remembered as Miss Mamie Galloway of Brevard. Mrs. Homer Hunter spent the week-end in Asheville. Miss Ruby Enloe is expeced home soon. She is visiting Mrs. W. 0. Rob ins, of Baltimore, Md. The ground hog evidently saw his shadow last Monday, consequently, according to tradition, six weeks of bad weather may be expected. Messrs. McManus and Holt, engin eers, of Charleston. S. C., are spend ing some time in Brevard at the home of Mrs. E. H. Webb. Many Brevard people motored to Asheville Monday night and availed themselves of the unusual opportun ity of hearing Frieda Hempel. Mr. Arthur Harrell returned Mon day to his duties in Hendersonville, after being confined in Brevard the past week on account of illness, t The U. D. C. will meet Saturday afternoon at 3:30 at -the library. < PISGAH BANK I We have just closed our third year of business and at thistime desire to express our appreciation of the interest Brevard and Transylvania County has taken in our growth. Our Motto is Service in all that the word service means. That friendly, courteous service that gives the feeling of co-opera tion and friendship that is helpful. Our aim is to see Brevard and Transylvania County grow as their natural resources make it possible for them to grow, with this growth we expect to see prosperity among all our citizens, but the prosperity will come to individual citizens in pro portion to their ability to grasp the op portunity and in order that you may be able to grasp the opportunities that lay ? % before you, we urge that you save your money in a systematic way. Saving is simply a business proposition in which all may engage. If you are able to make money, you owe it to yourself to save a portion of your earnings and accumulate sufficient funds that will enable you to invest in a way that will, bring you weatlh. We are interested- Jn seeing YOU, suc ceed in a financial way. It makes no dif ference who you are, or where you live, we are interested in seeing you prosoer and we will help you in any way consist ent with good banking. Call and talk matters over with our of ficers, they will gladly serve you in any possible way, give you any advice as to business deals or other matters of per sonal interest to you. Two kinds of Interest: 4 per cent and Personal PISGAH BANK BREVARD, N.G

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