Rev. Wallace Hartsell, pastor of Mount Moriah Baptist church of Cal vert, ililca his .regular appointment last Sunday afternoon, using as his theme the 7th chapter of Judges. Rev. llartseil explained fully, the kind of a christian the Lord may de pend on. Ivlr. Hix, who spent the winter with his uncle. Mr. J. Hix, returned to his home in Spartanburg, S. C. Mrs. Willie Saunders and Mrs. John Oonley spent one day last week with Mrs. Judge I'lott. ' There Will be prayer meeting at our church next Thursday night. Feb. 2>>. at V ;Jl? o'clock. Kvory one is in viied to V present. Xev. Hartsell will be in charge of the service. Misses .!*?!, u'ence- Wiritmire and , Mamie Hayes \isited friends in Ros man last week. Our T>. V. V. is prog>vsMt!g nii-iy. The young people seem very much interested. ami a large attend ance is noted. K. J. Wiuiin're ar.nv:lio. vhore slu' has b . ;i vi .dr. a::.; M rs. U. i". Hogsed, Mr. I- i . : ?. d Air. ami Mrs. w. li. .lieu, i t htowah. CARD OF THANKS i 1 .ink ..!! of my m mhbors au ! fnr.ul... t-sp^eially tile Masons an : K. K. K . fi r the:1* kindness dur the ilims.- of my-eif ami family.; ?P. \.. OAU.AMOIiK. WiliMRlJ ilWS Iiev. W. II. Nicholson filled his regular appointment at Lake Toxa way Baptist church last Sunday. He was accompanied by Mr. E. D. Ran dolph and little daughter, who gave some special music, the little eight year-old girl playing. Miss Olive Nicholson spent the week-end with her parents, at Ros ;nan. Misses Eith Piekelsimer, Janie Sue Norton and Clean Williams motored ,i< tfrevard and attended i.he picture show Saturday night. Mr. I. S. Sanders was in Brevard last week on Business. There wil l>e a meeting- of the conr mittee on arrangement^ for the Fisher reunion at Lake ToxaWa; Maptist church on -next Saturday, Feb, L'S. to select a monument and ?!. i.'e v '? .?> wi!1 ' >e* he-- 10 the :'o uuion this year. All who are inter-' ested will pieasc be on hand at !) :'?(> a.m. This committee will aiso otan a road to be built from the State high way to the Baptist church. C'TFZENS MUST OBSERVE FIRE TRUCK ORDINANCE M-jyor nn.l Fire Chief agree not ;c rrosecuti otl\ nders of Ordinance at this time. Inn offenders hereafter (tt< prosecuted, A t; li.i', wheu i ?ic fire aiarnt i s-.'Ui'dtd Men-day, autor.'o'ule.s ran i :a I of,.:ut'd hi. id -red the progre-.. [ oi* tile fire truck. Tins habjt will, u:i- j ? Iroken, ca. . s?i;ii>u* { ill ?< ;ne time. Ordinal, res have bee::.? d providing i'sus of mil le. ? I tW(. iii-y-iiw dollars or imprison- ; ineni of not niore than thirty ?? od'o;;di>i<: these laws .'ill vehicles are required to pari; j . i the sound oi* the ajann. i;i .;ue-h a j manner as iiot'.-ti?; interfere, with the! ,:iO"gi!is,vcf tile lire truck An <' "dii!;:iue also provides that no i person shall drive, or attempt to ' drive, or get. on the lire truck ex- ; ? jit lie he a member of the Sire do- ! vartnl r!, or is authorized by the. j 're. rh., f to do so. Shou! I ainuaer iire .occur, ami ' either i f these ordimtiiees he broken, j 'lie renders v..i! probably realize. ! a:. l there is : orhe. provision where ? tiu;. may lie reminded of>'r | .-?s,.;Ke. ? I Mr. Ned- Anderson of Mar.; Ilill, spent the week-end with Vincent Owen. ; Mr. W. M. Lowe, who is working! at Canton, -was at home for a few days iast week. Dr. J. 15. Millard and family of; Mate water, W. Va., are visiting "\1 1*3. Millard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,J. .!. . Brunner. Mrs. Ida Paine -spent ? Sunday with Miss Owcriby in Rosnian. Pastor Z. W. Nicholson preached ah excellent sermon at the Uapcisl | church dm Sunday morning. St;; to Vet; rarian Lancaster ha:; 1 been examining cattle in ; hin vjein'ty ? and. find:; them to. be at) per cent , h-althier than the ones of the lov.'- 1 lands. J. C. Re id caught a large ground | hog last week, and he is sure ilia spring has coiiie. ? ,. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Oniom, of j Rr.avard, spent Sunday in Toxaway. Robert Marcum spent Friday. in P'- vr; h Forest. and while the re -visited 1 his old home. A number of young people o::v!'u ; J. W, Snipes. Asheville; -1. 3i. Campbell. Asiieville; R. li. Town-end, Knox vilie; W. E. Odom, A:^..viiie; .). C IJiuan, Asheville ; (I. 1.. ? VVurzb'urg," AshevilU ; J. Edward (iibio-i. Ashe ville; CI. T. Hart, lien. ?: r:.onvitle; Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Allison. IIend< r- ; senville, R. 1. Russell. -Knoxville; VV. A. Fowler. Knoxville: I'). E. l>in,h iinr.n, Canton, Ohio; T. \Y. Woeford, Spartanbuig; \\\ E. Scruggs, I ! ers dersonvil'e ; . \V, J. Middletoi. War saw, X. C.; R. W. Klackmoro. War saw, X. ('.; W. I'- William-.-., .Jr.; V.'ar-j saw, X. ('.; Id::, and , Mr.-. 11. S. IMijy zard, (irei oville. S. ( .; J. R. Telh a. Knoxville; .). E. I.iiuiiey, Knoxville; 0. D. Lovelace, Cave City. Ky.; Mr. Jones, Henderson ville; 1'. Hani. I ' ' ' ? .j Greensboro; A. E. Lawrence, L'-helby;! /). ;!. Picrci, Atlanta; Air. and Mrs. I I', vvti- Walk.-r I'isgah Forest; Venro j Clt.'iti' at, City; Overtoil I.fwih. City, j r, S?-'* n/~' i 1 i/T O g 1 : D a , c I :?? R-.2 c ft ? ?5 >"*> -*> :-Ji * ?f !'? ? ?*;r^ JL a. '?? >.' X" TT (5 /? * /?*? ???- ;Vv^ \xf :,-?? i' L , V.- c i>?-wa l> | F VOI Y\I rt par of Hummin?: Bird S:!!; i !.. v * > conip >rc with the stockings si"> nvi: \\?? ry the h?:'i>c-ro-hou-:o agent, you' J never open the' door to him again* HunvviiiM !";rd } u\-e arc not sold by any trick "test. ! *: :t wo can make those tests for you wiili ; kimming Bir .i if you like. A nail i..ocar : o drawn. safely along Hum - ming nird > "lose c;r silk stocking, i'rthe file is held a ccrtain way, and will break the thread of the strongest silk, if it isn't. Humnvivr Bird:- can. he pulled lengthwise with all your might and they won't tear. When agents tell you that their silk stock ins* arc bo iter K.cvre thr/re shipped ftcsjfi.'friKii the raltji;, I "k out. Stocking made' of trUr-i silk, iiHe 1 (ur.uiv.n?.* Bird.-, and jKirc'fhcJ, like Hum "vaH Avould not dcterii/i;;;rc if yon ; kept t!ic:n years without wearing ? t: scin. And you wouldn't want any ?rKcr kind. The real test ol' silk hose is the test of wear. We rhxilutely. guarantee every pair of Humming IM-rd Hose and we stay n>ht in one place to back up that guaranty. Humming Birds arc sinnrt-iittir'.* hose, clb.-,ely knit, of pure, lustrous silk, rein forced at ail points of wear. Made in three styles to fit ail figures. I ag* (fyird PURE SILK HOSIERY" WEARS LONQER If you want "distance" you should save for future needs. / Prosperity will come in ''clear" and "loud" for those who get something ahead with which to me-t future opportunities* Our strong institution can help you. Ours is a sound plan providing maximum rate earn ings. COME IN AND LET US EXPLAIN OUR METHOD.