Counties unroiling m Garden Contest Kaivigh. N. Feb. 25. ? Twelve counties have enrolled in the coiupe- j tltroit for tile iir.u pri-iie of $ 1 00 01- ; feud i. iiie county council of club \vyi:te;i which records greatest sue c cs:- m the home gardwi contest von- I ducted this year oy the horticultural, ami home demonstration workers ot the State College extension division. The conte.-t opened February I, ami enrollment will close on iUarch I. Due reason why more farmers do not have a good home garden is that the average growing cotton and! tobacco thinks he docs not -have the tinu to niani and cultivate, vege- j tables. " I'nis argument is being re- j futed." says Glenn O. Randall, exten sion horticulturist tor the State Col-; lege of Agriculture, "by other farm- j ers V\ ho sind that there is both healin and pro til in a good year-round gard en. YIk.c growers lind that when the.j garden 'is planted in long rows, wide j enough apart, it may be cultivated with horse labor. In this way. much time is taken to keep tne ;_nrd eti clean. Thcv rtnd. also. that one halt av?. oevoted to a gai\U n lias a money value cuuai to two ami. oe.f- j half ac"es of cetton, even- w.iere . \ m | av.? tage -v iiii b otic, bale ft coiw.i> ? to. ai t - i. iK'Sv values na^e ? esta. bits irdi.-e. ,i by aCiUal expel ii.:i v value ol tiU 41. ill v [ econdary im| >ortauee. I . ?.v ! : ti compared with it - j ... : i...::. . : thi health ol . lv i.-' now well known via., I r.d vitamines are found ? n j e.-'vi ally tn." leafy iv; I v a iittu n ,s are nee sat > iiu*. health a'lo -.(k'UsloH" j of !?? . a ii bod v. The home, gard- I or . >? rc*. "iv. help's to keep the tioc I loi' a'V *.!,. i re e vera I thousand other i :.e. e i r olled ia i!u Sra. , :i contest." ? untie.* enrolled to date a ijvee. .iohrision. l abarr. liar. fa Alas iai.v . 1 A . Staniv Rowan a-:;*.l ?? :u; Uu.s-. tii'v ! one t io:l jviann '>rv::a health insurance. (I< ad I > e ? and a sunny dispo. L j v v. .vii good health. Til: 1 ! i ?a- ; why the home dcm:.i .. . i w? ::wr.i of State f:?l!cge Cj OiDjja ? ? irv i?* t luOkil&tShtii | ? f M y 3 i k $\ g ? :? s s s S vrii C W w h 0 jm ? ? ? ' r> s ^ ^ y* f j jj Sc hi L'j Us V:pf * r - ' ? w Si ? j B?l t./: i !>i W I I f I ; ?Jfcj u :i i I of the inmifju*-;: ? tij.i o. Pre:accnt C^c!:d\j ? the SoutiiSi-r. '?.nilway f.eli rcuvni-;rip tlcUols '?> \Vnih.agtcR, L*. C.. Pv J arc.., Jsi. Had, u:.: S.d, wi:"-. fin;-.: i: iVlar-.-n 9th. ci:'.i Puiimar. cars iv ii ? be pkxvlc'ed fro.i Ashevllie to take care ot aelsgailans and ivic'uaii g cm g io Was'i fcr this occasion. KOJ::d FARZ ~?.c v..: dc; ?si ~ ?ied,. '.*? : . j vi.i L,.?c!y f .I'.sil i c.i- iii. i:L. r..;'.'ATK)\S oti t? L i .i.) 1.E ilAi'K X i,. i r. 1 :? ? i ' il 'i< 'hJ Ji itt -l . ijwl! v i . yr \ -i *r x i~ '? {?' V ( ' :\?ri y ? ' i ? ? 1 ? - . - ? ? ? & 'vr. WEEKLY MARKET NOTES < Raleigh, N. ('., Feb. 25. ? The Carolina* Dewberry Association with J a membership covering -171 acres of I dewberries has finally been organ : i/.ed among growers of North a. nil South Carolina and is now in opcia- : cion. states George Ross, chief ol' the | State Division of Markets. The Di vision of Markets will cooperate with the Association his year in giving an inspection service that will tend to stabilize the dewberry industry and; place it on a business-like basis. Mr. E. P. Pierce of Hamlet, N. G., is president of the new association; R. E. Garringfon of Sari ford is vice president; -\Y. J. Johnson of Red Springs is second vice-president and ; A. H. Guild of Pinehurst, is secretary. T, IJ. Young of Florence, S. will act as sail s manager. V. \V. Lewis, livestock marketing: specialist. suggests that some of the. ? smaller towns might begin at least live projects which would help local, farmers it: disposing of their sur plus produce. ' lie states, lirst, ilia' .1 cream shipping station would si rw as an outlet for .-surplus '.milk- and I cream. Second, a meat curing room might he established i:i connection with the local ice plant .so tlr.t ;he fanner could take dressed hogs and fv V" {hern cured any month in tile ; \ear. One wholesale- ice- ov-'.niuacliir of Rai'.i ;h last year cured i ('(U' .p'Ouuiis of nVc? bought from the producers or -stored co-operative'v by J the farmci's themselves.. One tirsn : made iive thousand pros': t en .! ' ..">(1(1 cases of eggs 'stored in this wa\ last y; ;ir. Ko.irJi, a potate i. ii ! l? factory could be cut in to take car*? of t h ? home grown potatoes "'i'lh. a c J e. >:r preserving native ! i ivi : i . r ar.d making ii valuable j f. r ::?>?'? ?? ;:?-d ??ihvr i-.jrivose.; could be j. estribi i: iv !. Mr. Lew: ? state ; liii.t ... y { or ai' ot' ti: -;' ind:. -trier. might lu- es- | . .ldi-hed tor vile beniii m farmer.:.. U. D. C. HOLDS BUSINESS MEET The U. I). C. held a called meeting: at the library on Saturday afternoon, February 7th. After the usual routine of busi ness, the Woman's Building was dis cussed. It was decided that the I J. D. C. co- iterate in every way possible to make this a success. In order to help this undertaking, the Chapter offers the use of the Library to the organizations making money for the benefit of the Woman's Building. In January, 74 books were donated by friends of the Library. These r. '%p.i ' >"? PostCivrt tr VVl 3 ??~sr>p Si' o l&> and hi'.v to gei chc." si tcid o- i, \!-cv ? ? T. W. V v o m t ' & o r. s f'j i'wrr.on SrftCQ i'3V3 rr S. Iv-I- '>???? F ;].Vn. - - ^W?r j 1 y i ft x. !";! p v y\ i ; f: . / V . i i } KLCusworr ? i>? I !35 K, ,.. i h| /y v.- *' sr. . ..v. n^jf r ! ..;j fit * /?; v>' *?t* .< v (\f ? fl * ' >V&.SWK^K i j? fci. {.? A '5. . - v V \ ?-* V* g t ft* v--t ?.: ?: / n ?p ? V W-Sz&xj *' \. . '?' '? VI i ?: :> J ;/... ??. ? If I I- ]|| m o few* ?, .. \= :- ] o M ^ #1 I1 ?>. . 5 ,1>?% rmu? ? ? M. y! ? i . ZW~ y:4& -?/ i- ' . . m \ *&- t jflj "K_ ? ?-:? ' r ? idj vN ?; &i i'^^TRsn , ru^r^"-?*" TV*^' V T !' ; ^ y jj> ? ; \ ? ? i-*,. _ . Sli v ^^TrT Pi' . : *? ii jL&AL&i-j' V< r N '..' ' . v ' i V i "Tfee WorMV Sat f feo, !> fef i;Y,.;r7 7^1" m ' u ? d ill ? Mi j ?*.,'?? ?>? ? ?? . ->? '...?'? ??'. /. 1 I ? ' -. ' , ?*' ?????;: [f ; ?? ? 4 f \ !? ,?:. ' , ... - iu -Mi St. - ? ;??.?'??. ...i..' ^ \*lhZ3J4 ill f; , ! ?. v-." v- '^7 <."?...' . !'?*?-? "? pjl It. *? -i . . Cv:;- -?? ' .???' w' A*:. ->??> '? A- ? . 1 HI" lr^'- *'s- ftjiP KV\v\ ,r'. iiX -'/?? ? ' '' 1 1 b; :YW^' . ? :;v; ;? '? v ? - ? ' ' t" . / ^>v ;nJ Is] v ? v.v - iv*t , ? --/v !?.*? If- -y^y ;-:V j^| C' i , -J . ??' ?. v'.'lt t > V?{V 5-" fe P r>7 7>rn TP A Jlsi ! O W -J I N U> ILL ?< O W i-NsJTl;! ? . I ' . ? : :? ????'^ '/ :A . y. . - ; When you insure your bniiJin!.:^ or your life, }^i von natunilly select a company of unquescicned t'ij responsibility and reputation. SOUND CROP INvSURA"^ IS EQUALLY IMPORTANT: ... j ? i M II i;'! r.4 i: H ? i You can best insure the largest yields and the w 1 ; "? . ? ' ?| best quality of crops by selecting the most reliable j?j fertilizers ? made by a company Of undoubted jpj J3j responsibility and of highest reputation, gained '??? i through long practical experience, scienciiic re search and honorable dealings. ki ;?! 1 I:' i ri ?i All of these factors are secured by usin^ "AA. QUALITY" FERTILIZERS BEST KNOWN TO YOU UNDER THE FOLLOWING I1R A N'T NAMES RED ROOSTER DOWKER'S BRADLEY'S i^AXAPSCO ZSLL'S ASHEPOO FOCO?viOXE Manufactured by The American Agricu- rural Chemical Company Farrr.Lr.i I:erri!i:cr Works SP.Viv i A '". > 1 1 -*v, C? Our A ^icuKurr.l Service iiureanAVsU. y/.;-' m?. V-.- < ?.)/ ::> rrv?:!i}* pr.iJ^vins 5 ... i: ' :ni" ^trc t, i ] I. \ H -? ! ; i : i !. 1 i ! Ji -> i r . i: SrHaSSSSJES S2T3 ?7J ii i i* h, -H- ... #1 /;' ?' V f 'V. ' F"> (1 T< f I r t? s n e 1 1 /f's Your Department S tors-Use It" Our Spring Goods are Arriving Every Day. If you want a rencty made dress, our selection of them, and those that are corohg in every day., will make it easy to ma :e up your mind. i " ? : ( | . I" til t.i ? ; ' 1' r ? M: k" rj * i I k * . . ''V b * I"'-'! I I . *? 'iur ? ? ' ? ? . I h A T. 71P" 7s' V IT?" v -L?^i N J> ii d " ^ e '< THEN, if your wish is for some pretty goods, to make your own dress, wc Live a select' on of Chili's, Flan. j:*1, Tweed,, Voile, Crepe, Lmeny Broadcloth, Ponjola Charm - er - Ray and many Ouicrs t'bat wiii make it easy to make a election. e ?' 57 F &'/ SI 2$ ??' 'f ?v Jgi Wj !?# a//. >? IV ' {J". -;7< ??? > ft j 3 ? % v. & ,/**Q /->, ?> fi V f/ i> 3f >?? ? ? jf? r v'T ?*? ?"'* . " rsar ??- ??? s/ ? e r? ".v? t . . 1 u Ski Vc i jJ R. V. i-< la U! -i if t " i f .J X uS Ui wi 'b. Lv u We have vust received a new / shipment of ycut?.g me :s Spring 1 . < s 1 ? /?? 1 r- ? .* "V V S 1 f" ^ * 7 % '*{? 1 'C1 C!0>uiri7 ludt W ate ciijA-JJ -i is tor 7013 ;:o see* tor no: only co we believe 1;h~.t we can save you / money, but fee! that we are r ? ' * r * i * . 7 , * Ci> :v; ? | ?t> /V r 4r.r Vff.r: r r*. ^ r v-. ^ uv'-il.', ' ? -V II . - W vJ-u W.i ? L> * ? J. UaCvl i.'(' k) O c> iar superior workmanship than .1.1 : ' 1' TI-O ? "t J>1' "i C*-> f~ C* 1 li4i?> !.iiw clVCiu.~s? o.. I . ?.i.\ :i Li .iiL.v .4. iult o x. i i ox clothing sold in the county. r . - ' . "? . - . "i ? . V- > .^ V1 '3 1 . ^ 1 | r ; ?' v - ' Vyti'ci!''. L i . t j ? i 's S " .it i.. J iit C i ?< w-' o r .'til e: t -r rs V i,: : .. -i \aa J23 ~S0 :5S i those si o em our wore ceoiesi, Iff i|? ejy jVrjr- Ml F"vT fr||| RE ^npr^rrp mce ill ii'O V'A'i I tiii .? i*:j si if'w iLL, AtiwLs i Lti fei 3 EH 1 *1 S - ^ A V jVj .; ! i nm\ J .v., v.- 'i :.. ? , j ft ? ?: a 1 2 h f\ J O '?% ?' f ' r> F I r E ' rt 1 f-;. 4.^11 ?'?? P P ! " *?? a > \ f?r/> C;t