The long and the short of it iS'-you save money trading here SPRING OPENING! Bargains a blindfolded man can see LADIES DRESSES Ladies Broadcloth Wash Dresses $4.95 Ladies' Silk Dresses in Newest Shades $5.95 Ladies' Flannel Dresses ? Stripes. Checks, solid Colors. $12.95 Ladies' Dresses in Crepes. Silk. Satin-Back Canton ? in Newest Shades ? $17.95 10 PER CENT OFF ON ALL DRESSES NOT ADVERTISED With this wonderful weather comes a desire for something new to wear. Every day sees new gosds com ing to our store. New goods direct from the large markets. If you have an idea of what you want for spring you can find it here, if yo are still un-decided, come in, our vast selection will he-p you easily. JEROME & PUSHELL. LADIES COATS Ladies' Coals, in the Newest Shades f o 5WH?' IKl i Ladies' Coats, Newest Shades $14.95 One lot of Children's Coats, just the thinjr lor Summer in the Newest Styles and Shades ? $5.95 19 H to PER CENT OFF ON ALL COATS NOT ADVERTISED ? i; v J V CHILDRENS FAST COLOR ROMPER SUITS 98c CROCHET THREAD 3 BALLS 25c LADIES NOVELTY SCARFS $1.25 BATH TOWELS GOOD SIZE 15c THREAD 6 SPOOLS FOR 25c : an mct LADIES COTTON HOSE 10c MEN'S MAINSOOK UNION SHIRTS 49c MEN'S KHAKI SUITS 89c MEN'S COTTON HOSE 7c MSN'S KHAKI PANTS $1.79 rj/UuTJMivD? : : MEN'S SILK HOSE 49c MEN'S HAND KhR HIEF:' 4c DRY GOODS GINGHAMS, 6 yards $1.00 LAD & LASSIE CLOTH . .25 yd LONG CLOTH 25 yd NOVELTY COTTON CREPE ....... .?. .... . .25 yd FAST COLORS SUITING .45 yd SOLID COLOR VOILES .49 yd DOTTED SWISS . . 49 yd FAST COLOR LINEN 95 yd FLANNEL? STRIPES AND CHECKS . 95 yd -SILKS TUB SILK 1.79 yd CREPE DE CHINE 1.59 yd A. B. C. SILK 69 yd LINGETTE .59 yd ?SATIN E .35 yd SHEETS 89 10 PER CENT OFF Of! ALL NOT ADVERTISED MEN'S CLOTHING One Lot of Men's Suits $9.95 One lot of Young Men's Suits, in a Snappy Style $14.95 One lot of Young Men's and Conservative Suits We are getting in mostly every day, Men's Suits, in the Newest Shades ? London Lavender, Powder Blues, Greys, Blues, and many others. ? COME IN ? SH0.iS Children's Sandals $1.1 Men's Scouts, Chrome Solw and Heel ,89 Men's Dress Oxl'ords ? Rubber Heels Ladies' Oxfords $1.95 10 irnrM-r?~i~ mm PER CENT OFF ON ALL SHOES NOT ADVERTISED 1 0r. iua-oaTurnj ./* ^ /. wyj. ?-'V-'r: -^flU TJUITf We have Just received a Wonderful Assortment of Children's Low Shoes in Patents, trimmed, Tan, and Combinations. ?i L'iiinainlTf^'"^v,w