Devoted to the upbuilding of Brevard and Transylvania County Our Advertisers make the Town and Cdunty ' prosperous. Patronize THEM VOL. XXX THURSDAY; MAY. 28, 1925 f. No. 22 5 CKicken day Friday ;P vices tin v hie kens are- down ! '! all mar.'.-:-..- ' i he truck Oli'er. for : f ruiay . ' it 4 \h ; .'broils*! s i i - ! to 'Z ib 'Ofciuv prices rame. f Corn Mar Let Many a>k what of the .o*>rn market .' The lucai market is now on: j?ar wiXii' . t n.tUiif.., ::oi- }vtv.;>c cobie -down WUu f the bud j. drop last month. The . tu i ' fcurc is haid for th'erbijj mvii i, ? tire. Kut utfiay.ihiisk that Vtie- ? 'Ku-a>..? price -vyiM g\> h?gn enough to t'orcc corn- hfV* $>' i Corn is .soiling- at- such ; . Bfe.yuW. 11 iitrtor t'U.iv.'v; >vc<: , j ih" . per. bushel. wi.uii is based <>a the, I ' pi ice j)hi> ^freight alia tkrvv vy f.'i in dealer; * Saals. in. e ;i;a:?.Vw.irV.u ;?tW.- ? - tha. ;ta.> :? \a sed. ami. d:d. . hot iBitke ; nertv but would' be heto >!?' j '? \V 'j' ito ' ' t HV.- W fi.t V. ...: v.- ..rt v.-.:i.'r il ,!l ? I 'i. : > liian ucetic i ' a: ? .\.u a .-raebJed ; ..\y ;t"h iu> th.iu ? .. ' :a> k. ' ? :> after- iiiy t.y'a-)i>-. /I: ..- tNA;a^.iC Wi- k-avi? -ffvai ; biat.y ' *o;.?ple \.;iry. -''plaiK./ihg' . '.. ? .\ ; vu;- ,>?/tnv. -i.'Van>: year. ' ? - y?- r'.j T . * :-ate pi^Uim's ar^ the' he'st '?'?thing i?> Kin- thi- beet le-' with. ? ;tu i* :...4 dust s^ray. Um; po'Uno i to- nine ji.-xindtf, ol any .? ?!-? -nl|vtiur? .?' in- t ? ' tfiid " .,i.u\t ':.ay i-v .iiU/iv.> net . ? '-.'a* *?!::;??? t]i'.Tv >t^jil?V;iiva:!bvx it-a-; ; SJ ' ? ? - V.-; . K\ ? ? j >t vl -Ult i J- . il>' ' I U C !i O.-. ? i i . . ??: w5>v*. j&ilioti* "*'t i '"'h. Pv VvUr. >' ' C" ' nuUr-b :u--' the ;*? spoilt . r;- .-.u tiaiV: -Uit? uf -%?? ieaw>. i. Mr. Y.-v^uc' tyi'iiao'o ;imW| :> ;t?/; t.U cvnto .pt-. ? t'OUiijf.j , -jv Jfuiu- , ' ./ ?. m vrw|< ivi< 'k>- vyi-y . ami. th.- :ii??rtjc>-the, vaUvy report v^ry cop4: -tatnis,. while svvi*rai. ?>f- ' .? . ' farmers ivport pour ?rai!'j-. . .U-; .uii' a ? wW-k'V (iitfervaHv ..? j s t?* thr troubU-, iii j . t-i. r i rh .".a?t 't?> aj? ' u-tv $<;ke .vur iatt> '' potato ki;.'!u> atitj ~ i?iH' ciust nlV?v? ? , ? " . . - ;?? . ' ??? ? I .utfv^e- iiitrirr.njK -tm- putatpcs. / Jhi jtia::'? ah-u -.s ;p mm; soy beans in hj> ?ii?tat.iM > -?men he iay> thenV by' ana { have ' . ay ;::~teati. ?.f ' weeds' : tw mow. . Thv- i??y jieahs wili not tiainag*>: the ?n?.-*at,: -eV uucij- a> weeds from lv stilts' it) eorn. ' . 1 Home Demonstration Clubs are Preparing for Fall Fairs j . . ? _ - . ? i ? Besrinninj* June ftrst.- the Homo IVn. .strati- n ( labs of. Transyl vania l"<>uri.ty -will'-, have training teams to try <>ut for the fairs to be tjt-ld . in i'm fall. These teams will i.rii lude ^the traininjr: in- poultry, food. , rrmjti /i approvement . Itealth and hy . }iieti^;.and dothinjr.- .- I Th?- fu^t try out Will be for the representative team ' to be sent to ? the Mountain District Fair to be held n \sh>-vilie. September 5. The team making highest score in the Mountain District at A-hevrlle .will be elipible j to compete in the State Fair at Ra- i leijrh in October, with. the final honor . of bein^.sent to the- CbicatrO fair. The County teams will have their 1 , final contest in Brevard. AujpUst 29. AH members n?var'l In. titute were held in *ht Ihst ' a:o :iUii;ttiviaiii, ;beginr::ug piti ?lay -v'iv'wiii,'. May .22. ami ctoiiinui&g through Tuesday evening. Mav *0. The program Friday Evening vPa I ni lit ? nature of a piano* recijtaJ | ire : yatt'ti by the beginners i-k music; lor the liioM part. AH pari .Ipatinji .-hewed excellent trauiinir; and ricu th? :r respective ivies wiili ijiiv credit. '? . * rf ?Saturday cvtiririg ;i ;rubst f*ri j??y and U'l.l pr? (tared '? lass ljay ua> presoiitt'ii ?>y tin- seniors. T.lti. U*i*r?i ;\ salutation. class tii.-.tOiy. ehis prophecy, gifi onaiv. class (iUem. last Will and It Camcut. and yaiedk'-' u?nan. iiUyr.spersed with musical .-e iecUwiiSi-; A! any- elever and' humtwiiUs remark ? -very made regarding The j'lTsvnU pas: aiid future of t i?V sen ior-. claims, creating. amusement and iri teresi aanoiig t he audienve. Following :iuv evening's .prbi; iahi, a:i -'pfescrit :Ucr.. . |(i . itO.l U) Vi- ,V ti* J t xiiMul.- ? ; i itx* .various. dejtai'tiiKiu.- J ? > i 1 ' ?'-??? jiuhi* ig domestic a is. ' iM.n.:..c: vial :> ca-.-pe?vry, all ?> 1"' \i;i::ch Hy.' d in i-hara.. t? on (.'i'mnu-;ic?':iu-:u SU!i,iay. .Ujiy _'i, were :;usv, after whidi the -Ha ?'??v. ?-< anon . , .was' "delivered bj !' iv< '. Vv. A.. Statibury. . pa:4oV of- . E - . i ? : Street i\i'e.h??dist-' cuurc:. * \. ReV. SUii!hary\ i; .i ,'ihte speaker, and p-v.-p s? ;ed tp* attentive auda-iU e ; pia. 1 truths and '?i SUwAv ii n iU - ca! ?i?:*fV aOd% ietnoiistraied j;>.>d iraiii-njc on: the part, of thy. instruc 1 ''r- - ,T.'; is . \v a> an e r: t cfrtai timcnt of ? or.;.-r. .and was .greatly \fip; i-.c^ ate ^"as su< li'. In : '(tie alU;Uti\.c auiii-' fhce. ? . ' : .? ? ' . ; -Monday; oveniug. was devott a...:attoi>'..a'i'i '' 'recitation'"' ? :< - y;:' h\ :ht- four {lterary ?{ -oc el.e-. thv Taylor; Adelj)hi'a?. aui! l.a: !\.er. A medal was giveu.-hy Mr. R \ . X eel to the- winner of the be .t d.t.-clamation. This jnedai ; Wa.- w>>] i'V l*reii .< >stee?'U , representing :jn- ? 1 : r -'>"iety Mi>> Mabel Jettuh , ou? i ey MatV Burks, i eprosi-nting die .K .-ocA-ly. The prize/ the best vs&ay. WTiitei* by the se?iiio7v, ,va^ Vvfu-. < l'y. <:racf -Mat.ii.'i-'. This prize M y ?given . by -Wisv Taylor, head of tut niusic department. . i The eKiet' feature of the graduat ing exercises held Tuesday evening,; Maj Jt.!. was the a?tdress to t;ie graduates by Rev. W. K. Poovey;' pastor of First Methodist chuivh. Marion., N*. (... and formerly beloved pastor il Brevard Methodist church. A great many of the townspeople as sembled in the Institute chapel to] hear Mr. Toovey. who did not; fail to ?' ??elight and interest his audienct ai'-d former frieruls as on al! previous ! occasions. The. subject of Mr.' Poovey's address was "Tho Measure of a Man." Which was presented in h>s usual charming and forceful manner, giving to his hearers strong message and leaving with them much food for thought. W ith the awarding of honors and ! the presentation of diplomas and cei j to the seniors, of whom there were 25 in numj)er, by Su?>t. 1 0; M. Orr. the 1925 commencement j exercises of Brevard I nstitue closed after a most successful year's work. t ;U h..' . i CECIL HENSLEY CAPTURED 3Y SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Sunday night about midnight. SJ'nrff Sitlon was r-*wa~.*led in h! : A'igil by capturing" fori! HensJey. ov of the. "srape'l convicts, who -t c- nti.y broke- jail. ' The cap'.U::. Madtf near ?heme of Hepsloy's mother at Cherr. - n*dd Creek. When apprehended. Hensley had sui* ca.^e and: was evi dently. board f?r par*^ 'ir.known PRESS BODIES OF CAROLINAS WILL MEET IN BREVARD J. M. HAMLIN DIES VINASHEVILLE J,vMl lUunlnu ajrvd *7, ' l* " ? ? . ? ? !.. *-!. at ? UK ho)he of his son; .!. II. Hamlin. ?: Aishevjllc, foili.Wf' ,:jrt of several ' weeks. , I::. body. a - c.ompamed' by ~fri< ?!)?!- i ivi. - was hikjaRfct:' to B:vvard ? f?at: ilfternoon. whi'i-c funefjiJ' serv!?,. were conduct ed. a.t "the i'. iim,-; e'K;r, ? ?ill. chart?#" *>f the pa.-aoi;. Rev. Wallace Hart sell, Inteitniefi t "was" mi a de i: Gillcsp-ie cemefeYy; Mr. Hiiiitlin wa- a native Jol Traa s^lvuijia ( ouruy ami. lived ui\ ??!' .u part of -hiv'.Iife' in il. i>[i, !im - : spirit the pa-st t>v>f Tr ... iyi)vania < iiunty. and ajso icl'iy< Sunday Sella'. I work-. 'MV. Habile -i is 'UrvivedbytrH' one x-ii a - no: ? relative. BETTERMENT. RUiMriiACE SALE TO ' i>E ? HELD NEXT SATURDAY Tin: ?."Ku;M.aas...: Sak" -V^jvdavU- i, by t h?- ? ' _'.?'??? i'-. n ? v. ...i i be held .S:iui ? ia;. r. if hi-- \v.-e,k. ; i :.i: ? j old ! .uik liuikiiii*,!-. ai tin- ' "1! Main and Broad. streets. nv'-ittnintr al l niro oYlnvk a.m: Th<> ;. h.-r. it,, i.- , tidj.'S. to donate -for- this sale! an ') ; oi'iested to h;*ve srii ,? ready for the j dray Fti.iay. May :>!?. which -da: r ?! a trey JtviyuU cbfbct aii artit lv .; Ajiythicir wdf ln; . ,v;a;'. ..j in ^;| w;>y of clothes; furniture." di i : ? ?riri-m-n'-... j n t ti . k. i sils. garden implement*.. V'lyti,;-.- j you oan do without. > > - * feeds. 1'horii- Mrs J M \lli f/ j dray U\ call for donations., I Wim i GASH i ? ? ... Atiordinu u. The ^Chester < Pa. i ! iir.'cs . Gasl^ formerly oi Un-.var i. aad. l-i ? : ? I., /ia^h.-'of, -th;.r - place. Was h.-:>: < ?:?< ?<} hy. his .i ? . iVt-ct..'r n-;p of the" Delaware ( "? ..inty \a 'io'nal Bank. Followinir is the story, -ai .carried h'y The Times: William pea voi (iash. who >y. elected a director ?a. th? - !>-. *a ?: _? bounty National Bank at a s|>ecia; meeting of the .stoc-.n-udet- . ?h M;i.v 1 ??. is a native of -North Carolina, having been horn then- August IS, IfiiL After pfassing through :-t :dic schools of his native State, Mr. Gash was employed in Ashe vilk-. X. ('.. and then, in the same place en^rajred for three years in the bicycle business." Other business connections which ?dr. (?a>h has held arc: ("hie:: manatrcr of the Waltham Ma.-uf .. turin>; ( ompany; three years as sales manager Search mo nt Auto Co.. Trainer, Pa.; fifteen years as ma:i ayer of the automobile department of the John Wana maker stores; in March 1019, Mr. Gash resigned his position with John Wanamaker and formed a partnership with Gideon M.- Stull for handling tractors, farr.i implements and tractor equipment. In '020 this firm left PhlLidylphi:: and made heAdquarters. in Chester, buying the retail business of the Ford car for that district. On j July 1. 1U23, tin- busi'ies ; was i;; j corpora ted and Mr. Gash -was made j president. , ' The Gash-Stull Company is a ia-* r ? wholesale business 'in the distribute i :of tractor equipment and farm im plements. . In addition to their .. ' rices .-and Warehouses in Chester.. I'a.. the company has ranches in Kearney. X. J.; Washington. T>. C.; Baltimnrc. Md., and Harrisburpr, Pa. The Nations planned a 10-yca naval holiday, but some didn't take . even a half holiday. I ?-V. . .r VV' .? .'-J ' i; I ili'rVani will be best to the South j Carolina l'j": !' s iiJvt.uKh July .i ?l; atid a joiiu Mission. of tin- North tiarolinir IV. ! A..-' 'H'iatioM ami the South <';ii'?.l. .. bytjy . \v::l- ;u uj>;i!>i_\ !?? helfl I; ?July ;>.w, i>f t .. . South Cat il':: . a.<.-oo:aiion ihiii the etinveritioh wiii I' 1 * . " V - jlie hfld; outside oj tin the State. j scords of editors al/d publishers b. . [by J. Kitu: Mi iu. : i.. r .ho:;, ."f * ? \ I ( i : i< i e 1 1 v/> fl, ( the association, ' will attfiul I i-o?;i S'.-uil) < 'ai y 1- ?' Hi. t>i*a x ton of the kiiiston Frte 1 ' ? ! Press, Will coiupri. .? the in rut M coii-i V i ?. i ? ; ?n fev'er h? hi -lien-.' ' li< a !i;uartoi of tie* ronventio j will be. establi -luyj at the Franklin , liotel and t mei'tinjj. '.v..:, ?bt conducted in th.e Court ! loll 1 he 1 nanriji'v ijf ( Knimo;"'.^'' i:: pla.i. i nhitf iin ela borate ehU'^ihtrc&t i - ' tev ? .it" . i tiie association. !ttejii ; i trips to tiu- many points < . f inte.v *. j at this immediate section. In ... those' the Aiibhsher <*'ii! be'sh the litv ;n a hoys aid. girls' sum v ? .V: a ban . vie, v:nu h?. i . iK'iik' planni\.t. the rth *>i'; W^jqitj ifi -Soy :i '? ? :: : a newspapers. ' ?? LEGION AUXILIARY TO , CONDUCT POl PY i ALE NEXT SAT I A . i sidi! the Aus; .if he Ana j : ? i < . - : ? : ; Auxiliary. ? the ;i ? : m .i- ? i . : ? , y. -ale. ,.wiir, be emidU'. ts ?: . . May with liead'iUanvt > 'lv various ilruff' storvsj j It. is hoped ih:;t ev.-ry one who i'.; ( ( 1 e -'.i-ppor? i: <..??' a p*Wvi , ?this, ycfjir will ^ do. ,?o.. ryalizih^;i;i.;^.: . ? i.iuii w'.ii- !i i'.- - .i,,-as a .Me a l-.:ubieni to ihose l-'\ai ddiei u'. d iheir liv -.-. . if; :h? W\ Was. and se.'ordfy, a iivr;-.- ii mvrial to the disabled soldier vyb , niadv the poppy. Kach poppy bouiri.-ii l.y the pp:?|de this tominutiity ? y-.y 'ilt. w;!l therefore mean ihe H?,*. brintr of the departed soldier arid ai kviil' nu-aii the irlyinjr of tactual n:oi> . t?> "iu ' niisable.i .soldier who l''ishio.ri>' , and made it. ? V'.-'.' r which wili be ? | ?i'!e her. -Saturday-, were, ma;' ,John j.. .Morris, i a disabled soldier i i j the Xiitioual Home. Kansas. '.?irs. K. R. Kisjier ami Mrs. O. 1 ? i : w ai art; ^ ?,neral .nia.navrer- ? r>r " ? ' Jv iipy -a!'*', the actual sa!.i? of whi: r ' -.v'!! be i? ? *:{>rjre-' of ih" popua. J joun>r ladies of the town. Rev. L. A. Fails DieV In KernersviR: p ui pal The many friemls'of Rev. L. A Falls. ; istor of the -Metho-.ii^t -. ?'?hurc^ I Kerner vdle, X. and fornix rr. pastor of the Brevard .\btho.i. cjian-h. will learn with deep re^e of. his death which oecured a't hi hnme. Tuesday niornimr. -May 2o Funeral s? rv ice's will he condu > at the home this. Thursday after noan. He had been ill one week, th imate cause of his death bein^: a ralytic stroke, this bfcinjr the- thin; attlack which he had suffered. ? e'he entire community, wiio lea. :ie to k: ov. n:^l love Rev. Falls during his pastorafe here, extend sympathy to hi bereaved wife and children wii * iqre left to mourn his abse-.t ft will I1 eaiembered that Mr. F. ' was married two years a no. to Mi-. Myrtle Baber. who was at that tinv a teacher in Brevard Institute, arid made many warm friends, in the eom c; unity.. There were no children b" i his' second ^narriajre.; A telephone operator says she is able to keep patient only through reading tho Bible. Other operators should follow suit. We recommend the book of Numbers. B.M.S. HOLDS PZ 1 j. The cpiiimimcemiri? exeridst of j Brcvanl H:;rh Xch >o| d!o!; ;he ii'.i -I asi.'e year ! rj I-'l'.'* j c li? : j past wci k under livo a.ispicio.u:- J'YIday "vriiKii, uh'-| ni'ilihers. of th- Mu:-;.- i; ; Im i.- . I presented ail evieileftt piano i_ ?n the hijrh -.t iiot ! auditor* i\ Those partnspatmj; 01; the arnjr.ta. : were the more advanced pupils r music, am! each on< perfai med he; j respective part in : ? ... ? i ; .a worthy tuaiiiN-f, df playi:;; i r ft. . ; r:t; ent and jrood traini.1:^ oi: ?:n' oar; " the performers. I'uriiiir tin pnvVbai th<- it. A. I: 1 medal whv piv-'.-ii'i J "i by Mi. Tynrr. A ly.'rt-- !;>?..?-. i rnpi'i', a ju', i i'njr Vi.|> ' Wir . prese r.Tt :v. ji; ; lulu ? kielun ' . .1 n.u i ptftwlt. a: y pre' . .. , is wloUiJ.e a '?? a I ' i!.. ' .. .. . I (hi .".i; ...? .'."or : I ? ? be? f Jllf iT- of .tisi* Juv ??,; iu j [?] ;??' .? an-annu^i a?::aU- j;i fu . : E*.''/-. ..i'le cla;? . w % . . : . 1 1 1 U it- I J- . ?! u! u : i.i ? . 'i\v:u;|-s' i,r ,wi.-? L'liziibt :,i. j try (hi i?va ? ? . Lhe (-ui). < < nu'ieni'eifierit .^.i iay, May ~ f. JfiWist .J hrijri ; hva'ut.fu.. att:Kt<*oiirch . iidf d! :aiVi ,\va's the o*va. i??!i.^-aiid was iii'h- t v. ;h fi : - . i .. :he $fr;iduato.<. The ? * ? n - .i. < ... ?irs ?>! the c.;.|)i*us i . . j platfi rrii. a!..U ju>* . ?. ? ? ' : j >f tiaitoJ ia. >|. i '. By his well ?iH'se.j rein>?:li>| ;':j" ilfl of splendid .uV Vife. ? ;he held the i'.\ ( laVjre audichct th: -Uffhou;. . The jr:'aduatlii.,;- . ?.erei-, - \t(?re i. .ddiiday;. hof :v a ?. a? .th: .. audieni-e. no larger crowd i ver i?.. . '.v!tiH'-s(.Mi in the school a-uuiioiiuia. Sev'e.rai well-tcnde:\ d i 'n?ra the oiiler .ciris and .-'niaiier child:' ivtre greatly injoyou. Ai: iinj)ortua. { fvature of the tvc^a'i'n^'s' pro^rai tin original p!;ry presented i y ! he srf.i uiates. This little three-ai ? ::ity wa: wo. ? oviitin::], u.-~ well clever in plot ar<>i '.'a.pp|;o}>r;atciKv no was r. ..deled in an x-. o!le:. iiUMiei:,; shoxvs' t a. e r ; ;::>i:" v ,, ou part of'tri'tj .?.yver.-.eeii ?enioi.-.-'pa dpairhg. . t ["??:. a?\- u/ Uie jnojjra i. iv address by Mr. Keiix I. ? iey. <.?f W: \iiesviile. Mr. Al!e ;:*?r hi.- iub'ici "Y r Hour ?. ? ' , -1? >:'iut;ity. Thi> e! ?('juciU :: WtiS ? pit Si..:ted in a powei.!-^. I effective rnsiiner. and held th .a-jte- ;i.i?d attentive audience speli Wiuiitl' far a.nvost an hour. ? it 'th'i- 'v.i/rv-lu'.d'.n t.f the .-.kctuiv. . fo; : o^t etfectively sanu the. Iriss sonjr. after which Miss Ty:;v. with a few fiirintr and ?.vell-cho-ei, :v .5:arn.% aa.-t .>1 chara<^e?. included "twenty-two- ' < .tie r.iost talented pupils of th >. Sico;. er.h ?.;ie of whom fciidere. ?veil h's or in j part, doinp fuii j;i_ Vttt, pective role and ?.-in- i-at.'ia! trainiiiK tin the par. -.?! each, . Dcrt ? ving jpecia1 Kw-htii>n ? nv.\", t . on ? account of unusu;1! iheMricaj ability and ease of mann?v v. . .y .Hiss "v!::rv Johnsie. Mi.?s VonRUe. who had the rob ..f in elan; holy servant, ii Piummer. the ;ar hero, and OJa; iov.'e. \v!n? h:> : ho role ct". :? y??un; tronl:. ? iat; r-p^rsi-J t*? t\Ve?. n ... nL'ts uere -evtrnl well- : firierv -i ? chorus e b> : b >y. .f :!: various THE PRAYER CORNER THE TEST OF EDUCAT'ON A .professor in the Cm varsity of i ? tuid his' pupiis thai h?* 1 - hout'J. coii.-iHci l heir education 'a ih< lis; it .? n.-.?- of the word, whea tlu y jv.:u!-i 'say 'vVev' to every one of the ivurli-'cn questions he .djouh! put. ithenu It may he of intere^ lo you I to I'tNU.i the i : "i'? Lion.- ? lii-iv Un-y are : 1. fiis your education gl\vri.s>m pal with :ili good 'tiosi's ttjKl made you espouse -litem ?. 'J. lias it made y?iu public >P,r~ ite?i . 8. ll?t: it ui. i'ii- you- a l?*. ilfrci i-> the vyenk ?1. D.ave J'pu learned to n?al".r friends, and keep -.inm'.' .V ^foH'ou L:. what i'. is ;?< be ?.? lrit tir. v r.:;ii? ?-r jik pub*' w?iii;ati straighl'jri liie.'e/t V. ?h> . you .-l": p'.'.K- .11. a i" !.?<.%'< ?* * S"; -frill. *5* loftt ly ?;v; i" iiov; ..???: -fi the .fr*;'-'.? ? . ft you b' hiyh minded aw. h'aopy ??in tiv ?i?-;:-?er ?In; it: >'?' llftrTftv' " ],o.; "t(>. ymr tuink washing1 dtsryts and Itoeirig V'iru ju-t ,as c i,.ii; with twgh think). " ? ; uv ;???.- v o r v'olf 2 ' L '. lV?y you !LT""u. -fo: - '> \ t?in rhn- ;. thinir excepl . < :>.ri s.i ; I ciilts.'v-' 1;>. >?>U :n*< a : i ille abd: --O' a. . -,ii. ? i it :.-i . year ! --Ji fnW Hit- ? ?? r.ight.atid seit liey oiul til? a. ' i your.s.i'ui claii;. p-lai'.ot.. 1.;,. -in The Creator? > A PRAYER FOR EDUCATION IN THE 2EiT S~v-:? 0 . Grjeac l>tu -at or ? kind. Uacii u s wival i: ? to catgdV-h'.' the b.c.-,t ^ - i' t:a. Give u>,.>yjiipat!iy fo. aii ,w> ??-? ? " i?:ni h u. t "? V - us publii* spirited, 'wuh'-: ed in't'f'i ? : i:. ? ? ? the. -I'lniiirtunitj* |;:id a ? i?.d? ?; > advanvc' the .uvlfart < t \ th> ;?>? us ht ?'?o;- >: ./it, and pm\?' of in -a;". 'i. r? lock hni.i-t iuan fcii jky: . : -.:m straight in tne _ Ai>ov.; ...i. us the child's low-, tht c^ffld tiVeness, the child's expt-ci.t- ' Wvii tier--fur it is in the SjVi.rii ?;: v ?<* child that We tirnt the Uflpji of Thv |:ruce. Mak'1 -"u truly Christian that ever. :i. ! ^ dog Hi the street will fol! ..; teach:. us to be hi?h ftjihdetl arid ^:tp py '".sen j hi- the iJh?aheSt o: . ! ? r: t .of life, for iili hpni.-t w?*c? .' of Thet . a: d enable ii- to =e ;h:? comm."; est duties . the !; ? .;? a d the" tie hi," wa^hinc ';isiie< i;.t?! Ti?niKg orn, are just a> co:ri|?.ii|- with ! h.iirh thinking as tile liner umu.-e ments of life; show us th;?; r.d is /to crlorify. ? The.- > ? flu.- f .revt-r. for Thou ha.'" 'a-fs for joo.i ends', and with Rh always' '-be happy, though. f "" ore of our ki-Rt'. he with. us. for) T'vt: art our all in all. (irant us *0 look . but upon the world V :.d J i h< . vit" :di' things that Jh' u iuiSt. ." ^-tl aliVthings in. Th ?. a: <1 cok ??': 'the ir.. i and scum ?* things. \nd k:.(.\v thai frohi all. :hnp- fo ?h?od, an*; knew that we are .educated in the best sense. of the word, by Him who o ir Teac!'.c-r and ?'.it" Gidc, .1 esus. f hr."-l.. 'the (Jieatest and Best of Peache"?, Amen. v -en' |l. 1 .f .r? ^ MRS. RAMSEY TAKING COURSE IN MAR1NELL0 M,r- \V. K. Ramsey N :*i-Cre?'i vilje,. t:.' a our-'-e t M .i i**: :!??.. ' 1 : het Vturn t" ft.wai d. ?h .v .j! oj ?. ;; Beauty ' I P;?: 'er hi ?.??ir.> v '? -Wiilker wry, ? toro. | Tu? ' jay t-vniing's : ? f-' Mary es ? ' r'.r- .;: "he | !.:. *? -ry ?' iirevard Hi.cV S .. ??!