fc*?c - ? k s_ n i/n iwtwti t .? ? ? *. ? ? ? ? ? . ? ? . . v k v *? L A3 1 D Ca As a iv:Uii Ui complaints >f mail order ar.'t ss :>ar Vary and of a "speed U -..i Taylorsville, Cote ir n W. ivwi)vats, vice-president of ? Caroiiii i Motor Club has issued qi. niters..-- , _ Mail drtjers. arrests have broken v?ut in another spot; Lilts time, in . C A communication is beirg fi'- 'warded to mot 'fists wuich, in our .(Uugmcht is far tri?m legal. This Metier is signed by the mayor arid eonstablv and. says that od or :?hout the. blank day of hlan>. month at about the hour of blank time the party exeeeued the speed restrictions m '."arv. .The letter further states that we hold a State v. a Taut against you, 1 reckless driving ami exceeding the j speed limit.. This "warrant \vill be, . he'/i to i ; seven Jay- from date. You .1 may settle by m ndiug a payment of j $5 >..:tv and ?.'J. ! 0 cost's, otherwise, it will be necess:u> to have this Warrant j S4'.v ved on you by Sheriff. It seems , that ihiy ha'.v ..n a.utomutii machine which M-ts a ine-. of 5J.*? ard ev-ts of i 1.0. ami' ciUUMua; ..-ally charges -the. ' 5->?5>tor;st with; ?*?vkl?>- drA .mty. by. ?Joes I'o't ? .state . :he time ??'r piav j Fa'e ?'i Skiefii. ,*Ye Avim'u; U- >,<" tflS< po>ple receiving these letters ,to not ' ;.r?'i.Mt. \ 'be.vjitjv- u is net a. "legal woe ceding. *. I ? further eonipl?!-nt-: comes.*, to. thC t'.'udina Motor club ft<>ni ...otorist l?.>.-ing . TayiotsAitle wh' . .. have. had cxj i r'ienco w ..a | < n -there 'requiring -the ?jw'j n e.r? of' St.*.- M*' ?f??r thoiH' who may pas>-t'.-nveen t'W?i;] g.i* en lines j few seconds faster thiih ?.fv town law t'/ovidtfs. It is reported *?'? Us that. i?t: man waves ti red.: flag ."be .moment car passes a'sriveh ..ami". Oh oiljksf ?s?t it. ' ? nV'tOrist. up at ? the other '** ? no int. ? rrt.aetiTig . . a is our belief that the.re is not a *'c -art that will uphold tin.- unfair v ?-:'hod of the laW. The ( ani'.i;:.. .. Motor chlb>: urges "? ?"??re ' ??vie'"' :'<?? '?vry. the- *fc? yg:. and' ?fops ? -hot" .'f?pofce.%;t . ",?. k!e.ss dr:v-er> ? and' ' speeder--, hut it does look with dis fav- >r upon i*i<- 'Methods practiced :ii:iiiy cOif'.-ialdes' :uvi- pfliv>. of-' ri?t- s. &spe? Xj.y 'wrierc- ti;..' -l.oc.tI. .--towr;. v!!aet.;.*;ar adopwng ? ' s.peed ' law >:c?!-iti'Ary-. to- the.vvatt .*? lu-. \> idea' it cannot lawfully do. . ? \1?-: a-;-; . ??.i'.x iitig R. >n- ;fo U ? 1 - . . .to:. a^< .}V;>i ;; C o'^:..4bUi t > ii.. .-i'V?.-d t.-i J ieetVopi ? ?I?ng i . i around Boitoii. T.nis ottiv.il ?v ar- a >mif<?t n . v .vt ?; bydge., an?l j t-'. V ? ^ *i * - a"1 * ?* V* - ? to-* make arrests, except where ii.-*. 1 1 party violates the1 law.: ? s" j THE NEW TOLLGATE : L-.-n'. . !? ry.'h-t :. '-Tix. n ?.?'?*. v. 1 ? ;K,.nle.-\tt- ' f-ayers a- *h- ga^o^.l ! ?. " -.x., ii'.t in North < 'aroliha. j 'Jv;t i.a* tlu ? three.- ??trer States j ? that; ovw kay .* ; "-ae.h- <i Ui.v. i he j puhiV <,i ac. eust\).med to f! Actuation- ; the vest of gas that' \\ e.'i 'the ta wi^s a<ided it was l-ooliei:. upon as just another t><-es t". bur the feal. :ea.?i?!.. ;ha' the! a\>t prist d?K*?? * ?t. ' com plft i r'i i- that'-h" ~ees whert 'i.'one.y. ifs gri'-ng. He 'Jj.'V'v .better ' .-ids iuiu. r hfs wneeis.: lipids that." at'--: mai?u?.in;ed witii th - ?e.*.?i{ey 1 \\iih . ??*.; f">v to - e.. ?,?ile ? lie.ense and. ge;s?d?u- and ?V.J is:.p!*:'. .ftP<jL " - ' V. 'V g ?;l-' pi .e:vg wilde .?ic--- trails .m??re than ee'nt:;ry nz .. .our gre;:*; grand .?;??;??.*< ;\U-.p. ? . .:ir glad .to pay the- 1 t. :ls, .!??. .;ih?.'e> -? :ohv.a?:w.-". v.'e>-. the : .'t'" ? vii'tage-- ?'t . f !2v ?~e\V. pil.er . oye" "J ?'the ,0.1.0 r|jads. So with totsay.s. ?:?rist.-' whet! ho- turns from ,ai: ui;'mi .-v. -. -' :.t i-Htv. ?*. ? !i i-.ia.-'Jtaiir.d ?4>.l highwa;.. The. ... ntfast- i< so great that he ;,*iImos.t -Js tii-aiiKta, "fliV- the g:i.*oI.ifte tax ?-'."i* 't ake.- i" iK-.-sible t". ke? j. ' the S'ate hiiri.w.i . - frr-t ela i ??n :i . ' . . ndee'r. ti>.? ce l. i !ut'. yellow, or vvhrte- puptp ,-t t.ru- .ioling .-sta'jo!, !:a? t ome p.f e.~ ?iay. toliriia^e. H >\ee\i-r. the f of r?'?.i..y ?.*s... tv^':> decided uMVaiitair^- . t h.'it }.i; turnpike "travelling ancestors' .n.i:e-W n- t- In the .fjr-t .plai e. actual saving' fujek oil-. T;iri*s.' ami wear ami tea.*, ii >re than pavv \h ? 'toll; and the aided"-, evml'o. t ;?t?d < onvej^vntes "are -all velvet: 1'n the seeotrd place, be toll we p?iv- at the pump is ohly ?r:te! m .<>! "he t<dl. mije foT mile, i :.ai our anct ^t<?r> " { aid - when he hilte.d tiis team at .the tollgate to Smiths Barber Shop nl K TW'KNTY VI AKS KXPICKfKXCI*: IX TiU. ; v K !il- ' : TR \I>!* AS > r srkHs Vioi; satis. ^KACTH'W Smiths Barber Shop ?i a.si forward j_, it has been est.ni.t. >j an au aority that the tax of four cents per gallon, the North Carolina rate, -??'.???ts the motorist an average of slightly less than three tenths of a vent per mile. What motorist is not willing to this insignificant amount to have the roads properly maintained and marked .so as to make! travel both comfortable and safe? N. C. CONTRIBUTES MORE THAN QUOTA TO CRIME WAVE North t',tioHna contributed more hah its' quota to uk- crime wave of niv nation during, the past year, 299 death* being designated as hom icids in . returns made on death certificates filed with the State .tfcoard of Health for l!?'J4. Chicago, ?vith a record or more than a murder i i- day *;?r. the year, may have led the country, but this State ranks Bp in the forefront. 1 yplsoiu fwi r ?<>t so long ago v?..? a ?i?rge factor in t.~e ..eath iutc ot tile Suite. It has D1.11 out- o I the causes of death against which both state and local health authori ties have waged a major offensive. Now murder and automobile ac cidents each levies a greater annual toll of human life than does this once prevalent and dreaded disease The records show more than double the number of negro victims a nong the homicides as compared with the whites. The distribution is 94 white. 201 negro, and 4 Indian. The vnnicides are divided into four classifications. Of the total, 235 were killed with f. rearms, 47 by knives or other pie.cing instruments, r, were babies killed closely follow ing birth, and 11 were killed by other means. OLD HICKORY CHIPS From the foreign dispatchi-s, ther. seem to be other industries besides j laundries in Canton, Shanghai, ami Pekin. This is real news. When you do put up a bluff, don't 1 put up such a oijj one that you can't | get away with it. I The national -budget has it* woik cut out for it if it has to carry the load of bird term candidacy. Movie Star ? "What awful soap! Say diu you buy it?" ?Her Maid? "I read an advertisement in which you said it was splendid." "What kind of a fellow is this hird your daughter is going with?" asked friend. "Huh snapped her hardboiled dad, he is the kind of a boob who glows in hot weather, but never sweats." One way to overcome being sen sitive is to realize how unimportant you are. Our remedy for Chinese troubles would be for China to establish an efficient Government. King Tut DiiieJ; On Peas * ' *:? ?? ? . ? ? - ? . . r Earthen jars partly filled with peas i cund ir. Egyptian tombs prove this to be one of the oic-cst vegetables knov.n. II" pet Wo z Chinese yege t .vuui'l, be revered ior u> agv. It is oik- ci the oldest <>; ai! . o*,:r: *ab'c$. JkSadv w.iv- .av ^;r -Mrtybr. via... an'd Eve ha ! :?/ ;:i the ' .artkr. o;t iiueu. ira.iui has it that peas ? wo .? :>roag. .'.into L!ur<Jpc Irutu th i ryg:-. .. . y: India; hut the >ee.d has been ionm1 in '"gyptsan tOTjjhf. Probably. Kinj; Tut Wd> :yi:d o: pea> and >>me . seed* iv ere plaoco with hah to,;>lan* in the .other w^f.'d wtifJl '.ho . veil. S' - are ts -I- ; oi pea- tv?t: .! in : gy {ii'.uii lotjitcs.. taking rout ind ? after thV'Usau?V oi \ ear .-?a: i . ..re yet t;>.'be >p.! . >vcd.' Pea; round in Ruins of Troy flavk in the tr.-iddh' '.vgc>- \\y';en. is c--h lie'!: '' ; <?ierniaji .irohaci ?? ? iris-t. vc*< i v-ifife runs <?s" ..'ih'g. fcrei ia:r city ??t .. Troy,, h.- v . ami rirthc.:: jar.-. -partly, tilled with dried ?'?i ??.;> tSy ; t een left 3000 year.-., let'.re. 'The "st -ry run> that he had J f u se : ca- c x L ? i .'md ied hi< .'.;?r'my [ J work- ?? < v. Had the art oi canning been known at that time wc" tni^h; ao-w have a few cats's to .prove '!?< ta.te. Canned foods kerp ..' nitiij forever. Many a ?'.'c/juser. ik :'?:? af.v';'??rtood put. u;\ byj tail.. graudiather years agp< Modern Methods V\ ere . ii :not. for the cannir?, and .". :u ..Ihiuery1 that shells peas' front the vine* 'without pick ?? t-nj;. green peas would -stiP be a great \:xary- tor; the moneyed aristoc . racy Ar-iy Otv- >nrv would cost fre- r. '??v?:"--fnv i-'-:': ; : < ? a -dollar. where as t1 ey itccv artually eoM "*rohi lit'teen t i iwenty-'iv ? < ircc:: pea.- ca:i in- enjoyed. at their bc.Sl ittil) ;i I'.iii i! v. rh ": i i ? ">v alter ^.ithcrii:^ jr 'iii :'\v vines. For r'u> rc?iSu: ???.thy. canned pca> j ;i ? ed ' ;roil? 'thc-.vi:;c !'JC cusi '-v .ai'i isV credibly short tunc are u>v.j!!y pri> icrred ior their tine Havor am! deii . cacjVv. > v. ?*?>.. ?'?? : V," " '.'?" ' ' \Vfcen von want something ct*M aiid delicious On a ho; day try a pea aspic. Take one can of peas; a small onion, .t.'.'-p'rijj.' <>t par. -ley. ?ueriiaii tai>lv>p"1?n;..i salt. t'wt? hard hi.iileci egj?f>. .i sl.i.k of <;rlery an envelope of gelatine and a little Heat the pc.. - in their. mv.n liquor \viththtv onion. celery and. parsley chopped tine. Add the salt. Rub throuijli a <ieve, and '?ririvj to the boiling point. Dis solve the gelatine in the iiifunr. and add the paprika Wet a mold pan. I line with slices ot the eRK>. pour the j peas in. and when cold and firm cut in cubes and serve oil crisp let-' t tier .-leaves. How To Cook Peas When cooking peas purchased trevh-in the market, the housewife notices they, arc of- different sizes, while the canned peas are all of uni form size. The reason for this is that the canned peas are sorted ac- : cordinir to -size before they aref cooked They an- qrade<" from the "petit puis" or tiny French pea to the Farty June variety which are next to the largest arid which are known as "N'o. 5." Ihouph there is a still larger variety, of later prowr. peac fcr?o\\ n fbe "telephone. One of the fanners, bv the w::v. has trail !ated ti.i> "petit pois" to nt?:i ;ca.< ticcuuse vhey are Stic; i ? uV^ntfr (.'ait :iers at e in nc h nu>;c particular rt ::v>viitg the ^uiaa-.y coating ' :hu't ever.- all peas than is the 1: ?;:~i-.vitV. After the pea.yare sort - ci? they are pari-oiled or bk.r.cjuvl. a;; ! tju- bo.Miig ,tv'\r in whicn they are blanched is changed several times, even though the peas are in it but) three minutes at most, to remove all the gummy substance, or "tree starch"-as it i* more tccbtsi tally I'kuowii. The peas are tlfen cooked in a brine made of water, sugar vnnd -;alt. Tlti's brine should not ! v thrown away by the house wi:.\r. !vn serving canned peas u> it makes excellent stock tor soup. Th in-as should' always be heated in their own brine. Salad Made of Peas Green peas make excellent salads and sandwich fillings combined with cream cheese and onion, walnuts and apples, and walnuts and celery. To make the cream cheese and onion salad combination, use 1 can of peas. 2 tablespoonsful chopped onion. 4 tablespoonsful cream cheese, grated; 4 tablespoonsful sweet pickle, let tuce and salad dressing. Mix thr cheese, pickles and peas, add the salad dressing and serve on lettuce leave-. For the sandwich fillinc try 1 can peas, with 'C cup chopped walnuts. M cup chopped celery, and mayon naise Heat the peas in their own liquor, drain and mash until smooth. Add tlx- walnuts and celery and ??rough mayonnaise to moisten. 55] vro a-! on graham bread. Fall Fabrics of Unusual Beauty In patterns and in colors,} these Fabrics for Fall surpass in beauty and assortment any collcction we have previously offered for your approval. We welcome you to come and see them soon. I BREVARD'S ONLY QUALITY DEPARTMENT STORE I / THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER J9th. PREPARE YOURSELF TO 1 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THINGS WHEN THEY ARRIVE SINCE there is no LAID-OUT way to Success. tFere are certain things neccssary that lead to it? - THE WILL TO STICK ^:.7v ' --COURAGE - - A GOOD STRONG MIND MANY an opportunity is let go by for the lack of funds, MANY a bank account has been neglected for the lack of stick-to-it-iuene^s. The Bank of Personal Service. 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Account Brevard Banking Co. POPULAR EXCURSION TO CINCINNATI, 0. The Southern Railway will sell round-trip tickets to Cincinnati, September 17th, with final return limit to reach original starting point before midnight Oct. 2nd. SPECIAL TRAIN Sept. 17th, Leave Asheville, 9:00 P.M. (E.time) Sept. 18th, Arrive Cincinnati, 10:40 A.M. SLEEPING CARS, DINING CAR, DAY COACHES AND BAGGAGE CAR. A Splendid opportunity to visit Cincinnati and all Points in the Middle West. RAILROAD FARES: Tickets wiii be sold from the following stations at rates named : Hickory, $13.50 Marshall, $11.50 Black Mountain, 12.00 Canton, 12.00 Hendersonville, 12.25 Bryson, 13.50 Lake Junaluska, 12.25 Tryon, " 13.00 Sylva, 13.50 Marion, 12.50 Ashveille, 11.50 Brevard, 12.50 Morganton, 13.00 Waynesville, 12.25 Newton, 13-50 Hot Springs, 11.50 Andrews, 13.50 BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL: Cincinnati will play the following teams during this Period : Philadelphia, Sept. 18 19-20 Boston, Sept. 21-22-23 Brooklyn, Sept. 24-25-26 Pittsburg, Sept 27 RACING MEETS: Horse Racing at Latonia daily { except Sunday) Sept. 18th, to October 1st. Buy your Pullman accomodations early, and secure further information from your local Agent as to best schedule into Asheville to join special train night of September 17th. * J. H. WOOD, Division Passenger Agent, Asheville, N. C.

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