PERSONALS Miss Eleanor Townsend- has re turneu to Charleston after spending her vacation here with tier mother, Mrs. A. E. Townsend. - Tori Gash left Tuesday, to enter the Luiverstiy ot Cincinnati. Miss Martha Bo. -well has retained l'rou. .,ew. York City, wnere she at tended' . w.i.mer sciiool at Columbia University. Miss Betty Ciu-n left ihij week to enter Agnes Scoti College. Decatur, tia. 'I Mr. and Mrs Joe Nichols and daughter, Marjorte. and Misses Ari unna and Vienna Nichols, of Ashe- j ville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Z. \V. Nichols. | Mrs. Kate Starrette left Monday for Marion, to visit her daughter, Mrs. L. B. Coone. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kanipe were i week-end visitors in Marion. Mr, and Mrs. Hush Whitmire and , daughter. Sarah Jane, have returned home after visiting' Mrs. Whitmire's. mother. ,\i rs. Harrison Pace, in- < Asheville. Mrs. Maiiue Yerdery ana daughter Mar>v spent the week-end with friends in Lake Toxaway. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sterling re turned Sunday t>> their home GloUCe.-tei. N. -f.. alter .v,K-:idinK two weeks in; Brevard. They wuic accompanied as far :i,s Asheville by Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Sterling and daughter. Dorothy; and- Mr. and Mr'-. A. Starrette. Mrs. Lawrence Holt is. .flow able ?to. be out. following an attack of t : where will spend t.'xe winter with her ? - ster. Mi>'s ' 'Marguerite i Galloway. . nd a::et:d 'Greensboro High School R. ben Plumnur and Gu>" Lowe teft Monday for Bailey Military In stitute. where they will attend school ? :< vear. They were accompanied bv. .Mr. Plummer and Mr. Lowe, all .nio ' torii.g -through. M;rs Lila Bracken left Sunday ; ,r Greenville. S. ?., to attend .WVHtt'unV College, where she will spe cialise in music. '-. Mrs- Miriam Siherstel-n leaves the tatter uaTt of the week for New Vork City tu enter . Columbia l"ni ' vyrsitV. ; ' Mi- Albert Scha.n. of Now Ao'rk < Lty. is- visiting Mr. and Mrs.. .1. S. Sdversteen. Mr .and Mrs! Beverly T rant nam hna Mis-1 Ruben ia Nicholson spent - vera' days the first of the week at L ike -I unaluska. r Mis- Eva.- Elleroee. head ?f the LatjjC department of Columbia Uni versity. left Saturday for Columbia S. C., stopping enroute at .Jone-v;!le. ?S,.f..\ fur a short visit.-,' Mr. and Mrs. D. L. English and .-',n. Leon, '-spent Sunday at High " Hampton, lrvn. Miss Omega Ellerbee .was a week end visit. >r A.-heville. Miss, Geneva Zachary is visiting her uncie. I'r. J. I . Zachary, before ?turning t<> her. n?me in Atlanta,. . fte r attending the Zachary Reunion. Miss~ Uorwthv "SilversCeen left Moi re ? sume her studies in Brenau College. She was accompanied as far as .Greenville by; her parents. Mr and Mrs. jj.S.- Silversteen. Miss Amelia- Galloway ;vas a v.-eek-end guest of ' the Misses Kini 1;eriy. in Asheville. During hc| stay there, site accompanied a camping . artv to Mt. Pisgah. of which paity Mr. Lamar Galloway was also a member. Rev.-' A. -S. .Ivaper. pastor of La fayettv: Stree'. Methodist c'rn-reh, Shelby. N. C-. and former pastor of the Brecar i Methodist church, giy.-.-r , .-d iformer friends in Brevarti M'.n day an r.dlege t.iit cm -choot Vfki v. Mr. William Perkins left Monday for Clinton, S. C.., where he will re sume his studies at Presbyterian College. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hemphill, of Fort Worth, Texas, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hanaman the past week. Mr. Hemphill is a noted teacher of voice 'and has charge of the music at Lake Junaluska during the summer season. Miss Elizabeth Welch left Mon day for Greensboro College, when she enters upon her senior year oi study. Miss Laverne Weilt. Gladys Entr Hsh arul Elizabeth Ramseur left Wednesday for Winston-salem to begin their Sophomore year at Salem College. Miss Earieene Poindexter re turned the first of the week from Winston-Salem, whe^e she has been spending the summer with her father, who has been in ill health for several months and still shows little improvement. Rev. S. Morris and family moved the first of the, week from their .summer home at Connestee ("ove Camp, and are now located in one of the cottages on the Institute ("impus. ? Mr?. C. M. Cooke spent the past week in Florence^ S. C. . Rev: S. C. Morris preached at the Meth "'list church Sunday "morning] ?and Mr. Monroe had charge of the evenintr service. Rev. E. R. Welch, pastor, will return in time for the services . next . Sunday. Mr. C. V". l.ijron. who has been the guest of William Perkins. ha< returned to his home in Spartan burg. S. C. . . Miss Bess Duckworth, of Char lotte and Miss Nina Duckworth, of Atlanta, also Master Thomas Floyd, of Atlanta, are visiting Mrs. Ellen Duckworth. The earth's oldest circus, John Robinson's will soon be in our midst, as. the billboards throughout the country proclaim in loud and lurid colors, it's coming to Ashe vil !e for afternoon and night performances on Thursday. September 17. Hundreds of circus lovers of this community are making plans to attend the cir cus that day. as the merit and su periority of John Robinson's Circus is Well known here. Mrs. Wm. Ward, Mrs. Beam and Miss Mary Ward, of New York City > .' returned from Hendersonville. where she has been visiting the Misses I.ucile and Ernia Morris, at Terrace Rote i: SOCIETY CRAWFORD- WOFFORD On Wednesday evening. Septem ber 'J. at Prospect Baptiit church. Laurens. S Miss Mattie'Sue Wof ford became the bride of Rev. Vernon Allen Crawford, pastor of Brevard Presbyterian church. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Thomas Bryan, of Rutherford ton, assisted by. the bride's pastor. Rev, Edward W. Warren. The altar was banked with ferns and pines, flanked by tall floWer baskets tilled with white floWyrs and ferns. Several branched candelabra with white lighted candles burned during the ceremony. The brothers of the bride. Masters Lynt. and Bruce Wofford, lighted the candles and took their places at the altar. Gus I". Wofford. brother of the bride, was one of the groomsmen, and Miss Dorothy Crawford, sister of the groom, and Miss Maude Laiig ston Wofford, sister of the bride, were among the bridesmaids. The bridesmaids were quaintly dressed in pastel aades of soft French voile with uutching picture hats, and carried hepherd's crooks tied with tulle .-of matching shades. The bride entered with her father. Mr. 'ohn A. Wofford. who gave her in marriage. She was beautifully dressed in a girlish wedding gown of satin with '"chiffon and lace trim mings and a coronet fashioned veil. She carried a shower bouquet of white roses and valley lillies and was met at . the altar by the groom and his best man, Mr. Richard Baker, of Rutherf.irdtoii. N. C. The young couple left immediately after the ceremony for their bridal trip in the mountains of North Car olina. M. G. F. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS ENJOYS PICNIC The yoUng ladies of the M. G. K. Sunday School class of the Metho dist church enjoyed a picnic in the {nisgah National Forest Reservation : Thursday evening. August 27. Soon alter uark. the .party dispersed and attended the picture show at the Auditorium, by invitation of their .teacher. Mrs. li. A Plummer. About of the < lass, ii> ad dition to Mrs, Plummer, enjoyed this delightful evening. JOINT HOSTESSES ENTERTAIN FOR BRIDE-ELECT Mrs. Roy Kanipe and Mrs. Louie Loftis were joint hostesses for a kitchen shower, Friday afternoon. September 4. at the "Rehiring Inn." complimenting Miss Irene Erwin. who will wed Mr. Alexander Ken nedy Lewis, Thursday evening, Sep tember 10. The house was beautifully decor ated in cut flowers and potted plants. Each guest v irrival wrote a favorite recipe in the bride-elect's cook book. A most interesting trousseau contest was engaged i>' . and a prize of a b<>\ of correspond- ,}| ence cards was awarded Mrs. Wajter Duckworth for the most correct ans wers. Following the contest, the guests were invited into another room where was most artistically ar ranged an attractive box decorated in pink to represent Cupljd and con taining the kitchen articles to shower the bride-elect. A delicious salad course was served and novel favors of doll kitchen utensils were pre sented each guest. Those present were: Miss Irene Erwin. Mrs. O. I.. Erwin. Mrs. La mar Lewis, Miss Kathleen Erwin, Mrs. Walter Duckworth, .Miss Dor othy McKee. Miss Frances Scott. Mrs. Bates Patton. Miss Margaret Pat ton. Miss Bertie Ballard. Miss Ida Lee Patton, Miss Annie Mae Patton, Miss Alberta Perkins.. Miss Jennie Aiken. Miss Jack Clayton, Mrs. Harry Loftis. Mrs. Ed Loftis, Mrs. F. P. Skdge. Mrs. Roy Kanipe. Mrs. Louie Loftis: - MISSES BALLARD AND AIKEN ENTERTAIN Misses Bertie Ballard and Nell Aiken jointly entertained Monday afternoon at the BreVard Country Club, with a miscellaneous shower for Miss Irene Erwin. bride-elect. As the guests arrived, punch was served by Miss Jennie Aiken. The spacious rooms of the recently ac quired Country .Club were most at tractive in their decorations, which were novel ami artistic in arrange ment. A color scheme, using the colors of the rainbow, was very ef fectively carried out in every detail, with the many-colored strips of rib bon extending';" -from the ceiling in the center of the room, and flowers, potted plants and ferns artistically arranged. Concealed ;it the end of each rainbow ribbon was a minia ture pot of gold filled with mints for each gUeSt,. and a -larger one. con cealed at the end of the center rib- j boil filled with presents for the bride-elect. Little Miss Elaine Kil pa trick, dressed as a fairy, danced most gracefully before the guests, and escorted Miss Erwin to her pot of gold where she discovered' an ar ray of handsome presents. . and then escorted each guest in turn to the end of her -rainbow., revealing a dainty favor for each. Another original feature of enter tainment during the afternoon was the hemming of rainbow-colored dust towels for the bride-to-be. Cream and cake were served by the joint hostesses during the afternoon. Twenty-eight of Miss Erwin's for mer school friends were present at this enjoyable social event. MRS. LAWRENCE HOLT ENTERTAINS Mrs. Lawrence Holt wa> hostess for a handkerchief shower, Tuesday afternoon, at the Aethelwold Hotel, complimenting Miss Irene Erwin. Music was furnished during the r afternoon by Mrs. Paul Smathers, of Asheville. An enjoyable trousseau contest was engaged in. the prize for which was awarded the honoree. The numerous handkerchiefs were presented the bride-to-be by little i Ora Holt Long, daintily and appro priately dressed as a little bride, es corted by Masters Lawrence Holt, Jr., and Junior Nichols, marching in to the strains of Lohengrin's wed ding march. After presenting the gifts to, the bride-elect, much pleas ure was enjoyed in the opening of them. Each guest contributed a recipe in the bride's cook book, which was cleverly designed. A dainty salad course was served, with favors of mint baskets in the shape of a white rose ornamented with a little bell. About forty peo ple enjoyed this pleasant occasion. LADIES AUXILIARY HOLDS MEETING J The Ladies Auxiliary of St. Philips church held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. . Perry on Thurs day afternoon. September ?'!. Re ports from the various committees and officers were given. The sum of $207 was reported as the proceed; cleared on the Silver Tea. A pleas ant social time followed the business session, during which refreshments were served. About twenty ladies were present, including <>n< visitor. A Brick ? at a Time EVERYTHING IS BUILT THAT WAY It may be but a dollar or two a month saved ,?nd safely invested but it is intensely worth whik Practically all fortunes have been built in that way. If you are saving for home ownership, each dollar, saved can be counted as several bricks toward the home. Beause of our splendid earnings, the totals mount up fast, giving substance to your dreams, ? the home of your hearts desire. But whether you save for a home, or a start in busi ness, for an education, a travel fund, , security in old age, or aught else, ? our plan provides you the oppor tunity to practice thrift with the largest return that is safely possible. TO EVERYBODY We have fixed a policy to extend a royal welcome to you, whether your investment is large or small. We are most assuredly NOT the home of "big busi ness" or "pompous industry." We ARE a haven of protection and profit for the small investor ? for the average thrifty family. We understand the problems of people of moderate means and we fully appreciate the great responsibili ty of providing superlatively safe conditions for every transaction, always. We are doing a great work for the people in this com ? ' . - ' munity and we extend a great welcome to everybody at all times.