ANNUAL STAIENENT jr TRANSYLVANIA COJNTY, BEGINNING ON DEC. 1,1924, AND ENDING NOV. 30, 1925 it pauper claims for DEC. 1, 1925. Mabel Zachary (Relief) ....$15.00 Bob Johnson (Relief) 7.50 Mrs. Neoma Lowe (Relief) 4.50 "Solomon Jones (Relief) 5.00 Alfred H. Owen (Relief) . . . 5.00 Mrs. Carolina Hogsed (Relief) 5.00 Mrs. James Lance (Relief) .. 4.00 Mrs. Barney McGaha (Relief) 10.00 Mrs. Jannie Raines (Relief) 7.50 Saphronia Raines (Relief) . . 5.00 Mrs. Roxie Masters Relief J 7.50 J. N. Whitmire, (Salary as Manager County Farm) .... 65.00 Lissie Canirell (Relief) ..... 5-00 Mrs. J. H. Summer (Relief) 7.00 Mrs. Cassie Smith (Relief) . . 10.00 A". ?. Blythe (Labor on County Barn 11.00 E. r. 7?Ioffit, 'Lnboron County Barn) . . 6H.65 Ward, Breedlove. (Labor on County Barn) . . ... ... .... 19.75 Farmers Supply Co. (Supplie. . for County Home) ........ 1 1*96 - W. E. Blythe. (Labor on County Farm) 13.52 E. H. Kitchen, (4 pigs for County Fa>-ni) ; 30-.00 II. L. Allison. ( 4 yards sand for County Farm ) ......... 6.00 H. N. Blake, (Supplies for County Home) ...." 12.7," ilenry Barton. ( Labor on County Farm) , : . . . IL20 V". J. Whitmire. (Sand for ? bytr on County Farm) . . ..... ."?.20 CONTINGENT CLAIMS FOR DEC. 1, 1924. - \V. J. Wall is. (County Physician and Quarantine Officer) $37i50 I.. A. Ammo.'. iSulrry ;;s Farm Agent. Nov" Mo. 1924) - C. F. Woodfin (3 days service giving instructions as to how to build Eh ction Booth.-. .... 39.00 W. J. Wall is. (1 day as .'clerk' of Election in Brevard No. 1.) 300 Joh^. Brown. <1 day as clerk Election in Brevard No. I,) 3.00 Jason Orr (I day as clerk y election in Brevard No. 1 ) 3.00 John Morris, (1 day a.s Register in Primary Election) - -V.. . 3.00 Vndrew Hendrix. ( 2 and one half days work on Election Booth, Old Toxaway Precinct) ? 6-50 Loonie Meece (3 days work Election ooth, Old Toxaway Precinct) "-*>0 Ed Heudrix. (3 days work on Election Booth. Old Toxaway Precinct) - 7.50 W. M. Meece. (3 days work on Election Booth, Old Toxaway PrccLnct) 9-00 D. H. Winchester (Returning Section B'ixes and Booths Eastatoe and Busman I'recin.ctsV ............... 3.00 E. A. Heath (4 days service as Judge of Election. Cedar Mt*. Precinct/ . ~. . . . 12.00 J. W. Kilpatrick (2 days ser vice as Judge -of Election. Ctid;,:- Jit. Precinct) ....... 6.00 John Morris ( S days ^;rv ice as Judge of Election and regis 85 (a 3c each ) . 26,55 C. W. Taftev (5 days service ^-.s Judge of Election^ Boyd i net >? ........... .... 6.00 Chat . B. Dcaver. <2 day* ser vice as Judge of Election; Brevard No. '?) ............. 6.00 I.. W: Duncan. 1 3 days service a< J.?dg< of Election.)....-.. 9.00 R. L. Hogsed, (4 days service a- -Iudgc of Election) ....... 12.00 Clyde Blythe. <5 days service its Judge of Election Boyd Precinct )..... ....... 1 ."?.00 'Cecil Greta. (1 day as marker, Cloucestc ? No. 2) 3.00 J. H; Tinsley, (5 days service as Judge of Election Board) $15.00 A!--k? t C. Pri? (9 days ser v'ce as R*. gjster of Election. |y rame .registered* 27 J* 7 [ W. E. . Hal!. ? s-rv^ee as j Cff?c?r <? f '] ? . ? Jury) . . . . . ."?.00 I Farmers >'upph t o.. (Supplies j ' fr ? -C..m? 'I- i'-c ai.d Jail).. 74.30 I Mvrr?ll; i Firing Heater ??. >!o. 1924 and refund f ?>- washing) ........ . . . . . . : 44.60 - A. P. tamey. (Janitor Nov. j Mo. 1924) 25.00' D"*.vitt MieCaH, (Carrying Election Ballots and Blanks from Brevard to Gloucester j No. 2) LOO F. E. Shuford, ( I day working on tax list) 3.00 j Remington Typewriter Co., (Repairing Typewriter in ! Register's Office) 11.50 The Observer Printing House, (1 Buck Dial Dater for Reg ister's Office) 3.75 j Jerome & Pushell, (Supplies for County Jail) 25.98 Pharp and Scrupps, (Repair vork in County Jail) 3.10 i. M. Gosnell, (Error in tax) .64 W. S. Ashworth, (Refund for 8 head of cattle for County Farm 1 84.00 . T. Beaver, (Hauling booths and Ballot boxes and supplies 10 Hogback and Little River) 12.00 Tharp and Scruggs, (Repair v and- Plurtibing work in Court House) 2.30 Ulys Men-ill. (Feeding pri> Mo. .Nov.. 1921)..... T'J.10 .Valtcr Fish*"-, (.1' days service asludjre of Election (Ilou ci'Sier Precinct NO.. 'J).. 15.00 ?IY H. l.yday. (Hauling Elec t io.n boxes from Brevard to BoydV\ 1.50 ."?' X: ( Hauling Booths Ballot boxc- to Pis<ah . r . i-i .' ). ;>.00 ?? ?. A. (.Ml to ilaVs as Reuisur of Election) ..... IK. 00 PAUPER CLAIMS FOR DEC. 2. 192-1. ". E. .H'lui'oi d. ( Fin- on . Rkxih afld -fved . ; -at :Cout?t y Fa'ip .... 32.0" V*. . Nelson Holde.i. < I 'i-* ? Kel-ief > . . . . . ; . .;...... .\;00 t:?v . .*. - 'cia;c- i tie?; -'!-th!y .'.vr. i;?. hi hy ?' " ; *. CMiNGENT CLAIMS FOR DEC. 2. 1924. ( ' ? )? C'v;:r.i N U s. ( ( "ll5 tillV:" v)-.- ?? . . . . . . ^ ^ . . if .mii P.? > :.rd News* * Suppiie? i".' ?"v ;t??.ty). ......v......... ;?(M R. ' ?i'le-oo.'. (oii? nay \ eht'r "l ElevTienJf ".On T. I'. ..*l?.ffit. (.1 day :i> officer '?*' ? '? ?? o r i ? ? : ' Board. ) . .... . . .' ?I,. I'. ; \V;U?'iiii?y, .'day? v. a- -f-Uiijie i.f Election, !v -tat0e PveeilJ'.'t I H.0(< Ad:: Waiki r. < Salary . ,-\j;e?i.t Nov.. 1924 > . . .* Ij-.t'o i "V. 1 avton. ( 1 K:'.:':f ! i tj ?!> ov. ,v\ . i I oi.y Baiiif ?" EUetioiit -iliWI V. ije'ib. i Fl'vpei; ? s byijd . F'n tu ( >??; r ? I'i ei'fnct f ......... i ...?* I ... i ... II. vliison. I !' .iiayf service ? ? .' iic?*'SU !'. i i'ith . -K. ?????* . ?. '?'?."?>s?:iir. at'.*!.. R? gartfcrlrig! T i :.n;i;V . .1 ? .'. 27.21 ? "s ? C'.ven. (Capturinv: 1 : 'ufcii.t ?n 2. f <i;: -t ) 1 ".in' *??. 'y.'Ga-h. -f1 day I..: . j: i; ;s :r Board t.f E'e'-'.:" ) " . i ojivimj Ejection, u-iiivr. < . :i; Ilart. ? "i /lays Vi i vi. c as i ?If ?? ? f Eleri .'o'h, ? litiie it . '? . ???? Ti i\v n-hi pi ._ . 1 5, in* K. J?>jm.*?, (1 day r. water.r: ' ? 'it-. < '??dj?r Mu PceciiM'i ? . : . 3.''t) ?,..A, (Jifbr-eje. ( I ? 2 di.\ haui i.iif ".br. for E!e -lif.'i Boo'h ? i. ? T Fork) ... . .... 7.">l? ? s'iH (.?;? '"Vejv ?' :;-."d . . Bu/k ire. i.}12.fiet l.b;. , ? ?;?- Ei i litMv B*;oti; at ha>-t ? '?"oi k i " . , ? . . . . i ...... . . iU.!><v v. L. Towix-r-;. (1 day '? ?<:?ltf ' B?,sV> .I.V-ci: vt) . . . : . 3,t)0 E. > iiif - ii. ?4 day.'- ..?? _ liejii.-te-- ; ? tin* \:ar i .Vp. 1. .* ? day;, 'a' ' Judjie of Ele t:> n i Ru'risU - itrtr 1 2-!? name- ) " >.6'.) l?". (~a. tbd-t riy. (Vit- r niar'an v-??ik for 'he. Mo. oi Nov. PayiiK-nt in vol! of iht ?>h'o0> . 92.08 ?V, E. Shiinaa::. V l. copps r ' ?-: :i) w. 10.00 ?v. E. Shipn;:.a. t Summoning ' J..rurs) . . .... . ; . .. .?6..>0 Attis Chapp*. 1. 1 > ''ay watcher the Ele'ct ????'. Old Tox avay) 3.00 G'h?. A. But!' r. (one day wa? ht-r ol the -Election . ? I : Toxaway) :>.00 . ' t ' l.r\ . vcyisti. v . -I day:- as . of Ei?.c ?ion and rcjrsic-..-iu|f 43.-. rami .......... 25.20 j i . Sims. (Es?"nse f?>r Hurt.) Pr.lice. Nov.. PaV">K intr Highways. Setvia^ 1 ai ei>. etc..) 100.00 F.vd Johnson. <4 daj> n..s . j iicjrli-ivr ;in. BrtvarW No. 2) . . 12.00 Davir Walker Drujc Co., (Su?> plief: for (.'ounty > 30.2<" S. A. Miller, C. S. C. (Salary* C. S. A. Nov 1924) 150. 00 Paxton White Lbr. Co. iLbr. for buildinjr Election Booths in Old Toxaway) 26.92 ! A. Emei-son Eve, (Court Re porter; Xov.-Dec. 1924) ... 80.00 ; i PER CLAIMS fOR JAN. 5th. 1925. Mabel Zachary, (Present Relief) 15.00 Bob Johnson, (Relief) ...... 7.50 Mrs. Neoma Lowe, (Relief).. 4.00 Solomon Jones, (Relief) 5.00 Alferd H. Owen, (Relief) 5.00 Mrs. Carolina Hogsed, (Re lief) 5.00 Mrs. James Lance, (Relief).. 4.00 Mrs. Nelson Holden, (Relief IVesent) 5.00 Lissie Cantrell, (Relief) 5.00 Mrs. Jannie Raines, (Relief) 5.00 Mrs. Saphronia Raines, (Re lief) 5.00 Mrs. Dassie Owen, (Relief).. 5.00 Mrs. L. D. Fisher, (Prtesent Relief) 5.00 Mrs. Hnrbert Summey, < Pres ent Relief) . .' . 5.00 Mrs. Lee Masters, (Present Relief) 5.00 Mrs George Smith, (Present Relief) 5.00 Charley Zachary, (Labor on Cojjity Farm) 4.50 '. N. Whitnihe, (Salary a.-. >: '\.p. Farm Dec. 192-1) .6500 GaM 1* Ad. (U) VV.K. ?Uythe, (Labor on iV'jv'v Fariaj- '.t.l't Maze. W;,j p. ( I,a!*?r oj: Cuumy Far.?v) 2('.,:0 H: N. i}i;rki , (Supplit- !'<? County Farm) 112.71 CONTlNl.i: . : CLAIMS FOR JANl'.V ? V 5 i 925. I'. Sia'.i. ... - " kvi\ !>< c. : i . . . . . . '. . . . . -\.oo Aiii; \\ ?. l..?. /, i . ; a i.*? r.> I i:C.? . : i j '. S. P. . 1 i. (LV:V. . I ? , ? -, :mI P.ayjj'c ? . . 1 >? II. t . S"?v . (Salary I *?? ? . i:?'i4 },?. Si 0(1 ?/e?Hf.d c: ;-??! uf p.iy in Nov. . . 2.'?,d0 LAUPER CLA'M? i CK JAN. Gib. 1925. J T'lO ! !>.?.* ? i . < ?>. -lies iov .('? i: "i..< ? i ? r. ( n".- i>epartni*.-rti S* oiv : ; ' ?? C?. 1'<il'.< i . . ? j ' 'COiivpa-uy. ? ; C,-;tnty r'. rli. ? "J .'v/pslrk''-, fi*uP & C;(?i f*?r p. * Bill - rr-. .iu.i iia'nes yii-ijd. >i<isoU'a McXvo. k. ? Mai anc" <".\ .'ji.iie? (Y.m Ziifhir}-;!'-, - . , ....!. It e ? ; A.^txcUjii ? hj.i'vti?-ft. ( Monthly aj?reein? ?? of Bftai ! ) ... Tij.-.d ljar.'ks ( Pr?s(;i- f ; ? ft r>.oo CONTINGENT CLAIMS FOR JAN. 6th, 1925. ; \V. C. Fisiji-r. (1 day ! P. a inf. Hogback i - ? ^ ! ^ .i.00 |C. 1 Kilpatrick. (1 -lav- Sfe" ./uiIl' of. Flection .15rt ? N.V. 1. .!. ....... .... 12*0" Towi? of i ? it v;ir'i, (Wat*' l't'irl in ('; U. and. Jarli .... i ili't'V* ?*< ? Li. & Pi/wv.'" ( v. ( 1 i.;!:* iViit in C-'H. Nov.. I i.. ...... . c.i'O | Bl[*yard Li. & Power <V-. . (Lit lit i tut i.i Jail Nor. r I.92-J ? . .... .> ..... .h.8" W. K. Shipiiian, (('allium ("ourt 2 ?'?'.>.<) 1.00 G<?o. \V. I.i.-hop, ( 1 dry :. Peace Officer' in Cedet .Mt. j Prec{>K t ? . .si ........ .... :?.uo. ! Lrevat ii Lt. ii PoWer Co-, t ? ( Li^iii Kt h-f- i?n Court- House. 1)? ..w -iov. lV?2 1 ) 7. Ut P-revajd Lt- & i'ower Co. fLitfhi r? it ii! Jail I've. 1??24) m.uO '?'..?ir.daj J CKithing Co. (Sui? . pliis for county Jail ) ...... "j.75 | 'I. A. AlUlcr.; iSir.n .us. En ! A- Pnpi r f-?r venr j l.j 1.; 1 til! 1 io .h'ii ! r? ?>.:?? ;...... 2 . " S:;.I.:iry a ? S. C., !??.? : ! ? 1 50.00. I The- Mil!< r Sup.ilv Co. ? Tir 1. 1 1.< for Tra"?;*!van:':: Co. i . . . !2t).7o Jarrets Press Inc.. (Tickets & oilier supplies for .Fleet jots Transylvania Coiinty) s r_\ 7 "? 3. M. Ma? fie l)'u?r Co. (Sup plies for Couniy) .......... 1 y.S> The Ckizens TeJephmu ( <?. ( Pho::c rent in Re?r. Of|ic.e> 'l.7"> COURT COSTS FOR NOV. -DEC TERM 1924. W. F. Shipmair i State V>. LeRov Streete;*) 2.00 V. E. Shu'ford. (State YY:. ?.e-. Roy Stieeterl ; W. E. Shipmnn. State V: . I\l*?rton Smart ) 2.00 F. E. Shuford. (State Vs. Morton S: trt) 2.10 E. L. Sin. , (State Vs. War rior Mull) 2.00 D. L. Glazcner. (State Vs. Welch Galloway) 75 E. L. Simms, (State Vs. Welch Galloway) 1.75 .. r. xio^c-tu, (dutie Vs. Welch Galloway) ?V. E. Shipman, (Sfcite Vs. .8. 1.00 Ge(ttis Wood) .... F. E. Shuford State Vs. Gettis Wood) L12 W. E. Shipman, flPtte Vs. A. V. Burchfield) 1.25 F. E. Shuford, (State Vs. A. V. Burchfield) ......... 1.00 W. E. Shipman, (State Vs. Wesley Hutchinson) 2.50 F. E. Shuford, (State Vs Wesley Hutchinson) 2.55 W. E. Shipman, (State Vs. Robert Howell) 1.50 F. E. Shuford, (State Vs. Robert Howell) 2.40 W. E. Shipman,. (State Vs. Clate. Osteen) 1.00 F. E. Shuford, (State Vs. Clate Osteen) .. 1.20 W. E. Shipman, (State Vs. Sylvester Jarrett) 2.00 F. E." Shuford. (State Vs. Sylveter Jarrett) 2.40 I F. E. Shuford, (State Vs. William Whiteside) 2.40 \V. E. Shipman; (State Vs. William Whiteside) LfiO W. Barnette . (State Vfc ' Sy!ve?t< r Stewart) L00 i T. M. Mitchell. < State Vs. ? Sylvester) Stewart) 05 A.. W. Barnett, (State Vs. R?d Nicholson) 1.50 T. M. Mitchell. (State Vs. Vuhoison) 1.10 W. E. S)>ij>m:.n. i St at e V.- . Lowell Bracken > .......... 1". E. Shuford. State Vs. Avery 1'oVvil > 2.75 !. I*. c:.llov.*!y. (State V-\ i Avery Powell) 2.00 PAIPER CLAIMS FOR FEB. 2, 1925. Mai.?) Zachnry 1.5.00 Hob !ohr. ?? ) ... ? 7.50 :: -. foma f.ow^ !...,. i.00 Soioir.on .for.. A If re;! !I. (hvt a ......: 5.00 M-- ? ; -r.Of -*! i La nee .......... i.oo ?: " . .Vei H()K1pb 3.00 H; N. H'r-'-.e. t ii* .- f >v. 'V'lii*;- JU*n:c) r. N. Whit mire, (Salary ;is Mah.?gvr t. dim! '. Fa.n;,* .T:in. .1 ...... . ? :r?3:0o t.lilll'.r MeG,!ia. (l.'-hur ? o.: < -Uiity K.:r .. i 7. SO W. E. BiiApi C6.? (Suui'lu ft * ( t?smty 2. Ml Mrs. Xr.ney S.-iit h. (Present Relief ? 5.00 Mr.. ?Jarh Fisiur, ? Present' * !{??!;? ;... r ;.' 7.5" ?li . Hui'iX'ri Siimmty, (Prc ' < nt R< !i. f i . 7.50 Mrs. i Jn rye Smith. ? l'r< -ent J'-viti") 7.50 Mr !>:. -?ie ( hvdi. i Present ' 'rtr'iof I .......... ... . 5.00 Mrs. Sherman Raine- ( Present R.? l.-.-f i 1"M?0 s. 1. < ,\i. t Pre .-ell t Relief ) .... . . 7.5' Ci.nt?vHf l I're>en: Relief 5. Mi W. S. Arhw'-rth ?V* Son t2<? < . S. Me:.l for f .ianty floii.e ) 15.00 Nicholson & Duclos ( Pluii~t Ijiiljr work i : i County Iiom< ? . .. 7.2" Mrs; ? r>-i :i 1'. Mo trail (Prv-ent Relief I 10.00 The A>so? iated Charities (Monthly agreement by ?pa*ti} . CONTINGENT CLAIMS FOR FEE. 2, 1925. T. E. Wright. (.-Error !;t 1024) . . . . . v. . . . ... . . . ..?? ';.U7 A. P. Staniey (Janitor .1 :n uary 1925) 25.?K? Ulvs Merrill (Kirinjr Heater January 1025.) IM.uu Ulvs Merrill i Feeding; Pris oners January 1025) PfuniTva r f'obbl*- Co. (Sup jjlie.s for Fred Cash Pns { ft: t-r ? 1.00 Miss A?'a Walker. Srlary as .iei.. Arreni Jan. I'f25| .... 5". (Ml l ai Brevard . Xovs, (Ktoo let 1 tev for C. S. ('.) .... *> 75 j'\. (.'ar.Jji.:: ( it ic-:.l & ; E' oiioinic S'rrvay ; iFof^sl Ffre Pf-vt nt ioii i .* ? Jol 'i P,. \'( rher ( ! e; y := n'n.!:;-r of Kleovi--.. lio< k Towii.-h;p) . JeV; <). Ca'ht rel". I6aj{? i l manure for T". 11. (i oiv..ds) . . i C. J. 0\Ven 1 l e?t sealp caught prior to J??. 1. 1925) 3'. 00 S?J"the i wi! ' rats Caujrhl prior to Jan. 1. !P2M I5.0u /?lie Wsir-.i Mf^. Co. (Sui> flies for County Jail; 43.0t 0. I~ Er\ in. (Supplies, for i County) 2.00 Jason Orr Juror in holding inqulest ovt r James Cades) 1.00 i The Observer Printing House ^ ^ J fSuppplies |for Reg's Office) 47.82 j (Salary as C. S. 1925) 150.00 (1 day as Baliff^ (Suppplies X. A. Miller, C. for Jan. C. M. Lance, /? * ? ? at Rosman) 3.00. Bishop, (Rope for Elec tion, C. C. Township) 3.50 L. F. Lyday (1 day as clerk in Boyd Township) 3.00 R. I. Led better (1 day as Bal iff in Boyd Township) .... 3.00 D. R. Holliday (9 days as Registrar, 108 names Reg. Boyd Township) 30.24 Willie Townsend (1 day as Baliff Boyd Township) 3.00 International Chemical Co. (1 case Thermosel) 12.00 Nicholson & Duclos (Plumb ing- work in C. H.) 3.8.r! The Citizens Tel. Co. (Phone rent in Jail Oct.) 3.5f> The Citizens Tel. Co. (Phone rent in Sheriffs Office) .... 3.7.'. The Citizens Tel. Co. (Phone rent Rejj. Office) 3.7.' The Citizens Tel. Co (Phone rent in Jail) j C. F. Wood fin (attending 9 meetings Co. Board of Elec tions, 108 miles (ff> 5c per mile) 32.40 A. B. Owen (Salary as Reg. of D<?ed,s J:in.) 15". 00 T. K. Patten, Jr., (One-half Co. Tw. Salary Dec. 19$4) <*2.5? r. E. Pattwn Jr. (Or.- half C<>. Trci. . Salary Jan. 1:?2.j> ' 2.50 \. Amnion (Salary as Farm Jiio. J 92-> ) i-'t 'Shti 'l Polk Co. (Reward for i F:k ??} .... ...... T. E. Pat: on Jr. (Semi::rnu.'tl!\ 1j? . . on L* notes. $20,000.00 t: i Aug. 1, 1024. Irvj. dt? ? ;.i Chase Natkrtu 1 i Fill. !, 1925) .... . !?'. I Ft: i kin- Co. < Ej: ! |.' n-f ::12".OUO.OO Bond ! 1 ii?-, Teh-graj-v. t ... ; or.-j ... i i ?> PAUPER C! AIMS FOR MARCH 2. 1925. 7. i-J.rry I * j M -. N'< ? ins Lowe .......... i S' .lOlh'S ? j ? i"r. < i H. Oweti ? : "??I'll: !fo(;s? .! ....... 'X | w t . Ian < < ! anc ......... - ' . N*. !sor llobUn ........ i I i. - i< ? Vi: . 1! ( Present K't - li< f " t jr. i: \\iiir. i?s- (Taking e.-tiv : <? >h) Vndie;:! In atmriit ! :i? M? . (\:-;! lli-nslcy) .... ! "Jj ; ()*,ren (ProMiu j RtbVfl . .'. . ( Air,. ( ( Pro- ><; Eeliv f v ...... . 7 I Mr-. lish-.-r ? Pre^-Ttt ? !; lUf ; . ........ 7. v. I 'H,. .: I;: : : (Prt-senl Relief ? ? M?v, !5ubi i . Su'iimey < Piv.-? ; . ?..*? ! "\T t*-i. : ii it- Raines I Pre? (-is: i > . . I Vi>.. I.n' Masters (Present i"- wiai. * ? ~ r #%' - . > ??,?????????? .. .... Vm. A J5>??p!v; Co. (Siri ..: ? C ? * v . y !?om?- ? .... W. I..' viijil. (Supplies i"?'. ' * i ............ . * 1 j i ?i:h- : >1. it ahr' Labor cu ("tu : -.rnt " ? . \". VV'hiiiiiiie (Salary ;>> *u . (.'? u: : y Fan.! Fv*-. ] 92."> I .:. .. .......... . ...... . ?T. Ii;ak? . (Suppli"- f'-? Cu H'-nu') iu;.< W. S. A>hv. <;r:h &? S?ui C. S. UK-a! for Co?i!Hy flotlii; > ?! 1.0" 5 l.o ? Al-j- ciated ChariJ j- : ? !\?oV.v'ily'ouun' l*\ .... J CONTINGENT CLAIMS FOR MARCH 2. 1925. ???;i!lt r, (1 wild cat scalps c: ug!:t ori?r to J:;n. 1. il'2."n ] Xii hol.-oji A" nuclo:-. (L*m , lift.'-kin!* S?-?ver r.t Jail) .... 1 " I". ,;:ih. .Su'ajdy Co. (Supplit fi.i- i 'o. I i . ? ? "d:.- .V/:i; V?";:ikt:- (Salary llniiui A^t'iit Feb. .... r>" !.. K. Calb. ?,*?}>- (I sheet iron . s? ill < aptU;'? d ? ! A. P. Owfii. ill?'fund for pny ? i?T Hairy Ran.-cy, child under I u y- ;.r- old fo" i'ri;>vint' Jury.) !."? T. .V <S;!\i as At! V "? ? I f .:: i,.X I lS2a) ?* ; I'!. Sh' ' rjirds [ and Staid;' 1 *?<.-- >...... |.l. ..S. line. ! i v .Mil tor J.::l i A. P. Stanu-.N (Janitor for Feb. 1 92.*? ) 2.yv Ulys Merrill (F?edi:ig Pri - oners Feb. )92;"?i The Brevard News (Supplies for County Offices) ........ Ulys Merrill, (Firing Healer Fi b. Mo. 1925) 10.0.1 R. E. Mc Call, ( 1 wild cat scalp caught prior to Jan 1, 1925) 3.00 J. S. Bromfield, (Supplies for County Jail) 12.10 j Dewey Winchester, (one wild cat scalp caught prior to Jan 1, 1925) 3.00 J. S. Bromfield, (Refund Ex press & Drayage) 3.14 T. M. Mitchell, (2 days service on Board of Health) 8.00' Dr. W. M. Lyday, (1 day ser vice on Board of Health) .. 4.00 G. T. Lyday, (2 days service on Board of Health) 8.00 Brevard Lt. & Power Co. (Light rent in Jail Feb. 1925) 5.90 Brevard Lt. & Power Co: (Light rent in Court House) 1.30 E .L. Sims, (Salary for Feb. 1925) 125.00 B. J. Sittori, (Bringing Jim m ~ Burrell from New Jersey to * Brevard, telegrams, etc.) ..18:5.4:5 TheCitizens Telephone Co (Phone rent in Reg's Office) ::^J0 The Citizens Telephone Co. (Phone rent in Sheriffs Of ,**> -Y^, L. W. Brooks (2 days on Pen sion Board) i.0<* J. M. Thrash, (2 days on Pen ion Board) 1.0** T. II. Galloway, (2 days on Pension Board) 4.0" Emergency Supply Co. (Sup plies for Rrg^s Office) .... -1.0<> The Citizens Telephone ("<>. (Phunc Kent in Jail) :5.50 Br: vard 1 .1 . & Power <'o._ (Light rent in C.H .5.70 Overt on Kitchen (I wild rat caujrht prior to Jan. J. 1925) ::.<?<? N. A. Geological & Economic Survey, I For Forest Fire Prevention) .......... 14:'!"' N. A. Miiler. (Salary as <\ S. ('. Feb. 1925) r.0.?? A. I". Ow:n, (Salary as i i? ir. < f Deed- Feb. 19251 ...... 1 B'rt vard I.t. Power < '<>. rent in Jail) 11. H< ! T. K. Patti.ii. Jr. (one half Tre.o. Salary Feb. 1925) .. Sumhu-y and Miller. (Sup plies for Co. Jail) . ?>. I,: K. I.. Nicholson, (Po-taue Stamps for Rejr's Office)"., -" Fi. S. Winchester. (Auto Hire bringing Louie Galloway jn?mEa- L Fork when ? . . T. "n ' A. Amnion. Salary a> Ff.ime A tent Feb. 192." < .. . < [ The Seliff Co. (Supplies f?>r H. ai ?l Jail ) PAUPER CLAIMS FOR APRIL 6, 1925. jiabej Zacfiiy . i .%.???? Bcr- Johnson Mr-: Nr-.nia Lowe .... . . . ;.<?? SoI^iVion J ones ."?.<?< Alfred H. Owen . r..?M< *ltv. (-a r?d ina Tlogsed ., . "..of Mi--. Jnmt- l.aai-e I."1 a! k Nclsr.n Holden ? ">.n<' i. - lie Cantrell . ">."0 V. M. OWeUby, (Sup..! . . >i Th.-.d Banks-)- ... Hr-uj-e Mas-on HdwV < j. (Wire for r ounty H ttiiii- 1 . ? ?. . ? ? W. S. A.-.i ? worth & S<'M. <2<< L S: 1'V :;! and ti - ? ?? . -oj liea i County H?.f. 1 Ivi; Peulah .vorjiaii. ( I'm -. ?? k? Klfpati irk ."???:! and < ?>. <1 cj?. ket ..i Ti.-ad l'a.;k-> . .1. V V . 'traire. (S.\l:'"; S\yr. County Farm 11*25) ? . <:.*,. 4? .w.-. I?u!v rt Smuniey, . pi. - ? 1 Hell' f ? . ? 7. ".< H. .v. Hir:':e. t Sui'pl :? - '. ??r ? vuhLv ? j ? L.;*vier .M' tlah::. (W..:. ( ?. ...ri ; ! i.rn. i . , '.'T.'H Mr . Jack F -he;". (JV. h -it IWiefi :?>" ' '??mir.;.' . 1 - thir.;r I - Jireutlie P:: Fan.K".- Si:'*- < '?>r:..*ar. ; ? < ? ? ha'f br?. i>?<tii!'> >eed Hi'iv.c* Mr-. Smith (!' ? <?: Leiu; : *" Tlie A--' .altd < i.:n ' ? - Mot.thh eivieitt i . . . . ; CONTINGENT CLAIMS 1 OR APRIL li. 1U25. L'iys M< > 'Firiny i;. ?< an<i : :i. : for hanlir:^ -* .. j Mrs A. I. Stamey. <U..-; ? ft I!"i>iir?t rst 1 !j> .' i< ";!? < Feeditiif p!-:T >n ers M.- vii 1!'25> ?? Dr. Thos J Sumiiiey <Ta ? Mos. as re. Phy.-ici:'!i .. ?' i|'uan.r<ain< O f hcer t .. E. F. GilK -nie. < Paint ii. r S. C. A. Keg's Office! . A. P. Statm-y, i Salary it. . around C. II. Man h !? ?' J. H. Hob." . < day< ir. I ; Primary ;????{ \*<iv. El*. Housi 11a- ?on I!.!?v. iFrc.VH prepaid on rient <'f ^-tJ-25 1 ....... Miss Ada Walker, < S-:l. ; Home Agent Mo. AL?r. 1 ? L. A. Amnion < Salary Farm Agent Month . 1925) Fate Speed ( 1 d;ty as > ' keeper in Gloucesl?-r cinct So. 1 ) "? ' - y

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