PERSONALS Dr and Mrs. J. F. Zachary and little daughter, Lillian, left Tuesday for a visit of several weeks with Dr. Zachary 's brother in Snoqualmie, Wash. Prof, and Mrs. W. W. Hanaman and daughter. Miss Eloise, spent the Thanksgiving, holidays with Miss HSf^jbeth Hanaman ai N. C. C; W., (Jreensbo io, and ail attended the football at Chapel Hill. Miss Evelyn Jones spent the holi days at her home in (?~eenville. Mr. and Mrs. Rube Lewis, of Char spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. is' parents, Mr. :: i Mrs. 0. L. . . Born to Mr. and 32 Tillman N. Meece. November I u' son, Paul Lynch. .Miss Annie Shipm ? left Friday for a nio:;.th*s visit v-'i* relatives in "Tampa.: Miami, an ! - rf points pf 'Inl-rtst -in Florida. ?' Miss i rom r sivr.' r:? T'aanksgiv iig holidays- with i-v'-V? folk.-, in Hickory.. r Kiri^riDe -'ani1. Loft is., of Yshovi'Mv,. wt'iV xWvk.-w "id ?? " itU-Vt > thVir uruk' an i ;,u -.'..Mr. and Mrs. ?'? : ;.A T?o;^e;L- j* ? i '? . i d; . '? .'t: /- * . I* ' " h' ir ' 11 /f v' ."'i t'' ? XVS; \'V-' .. , . .. ? - ;?> ' j ??Ve p.-* . : ? ? . ii.ji.i.s uiv-.:wx,v -i f.:.' | ? Ttn ? j . |he-;,w.-i'v' "... -V'" " >t. v.. - M ??*'.. ? ' ?i it''.. I 7 in \"".y i- ?' .j ; ... Vho ' ? ?jtii ?' -j ?. ' . v- v.-;,. j \N\M i: . > ho had H 1 -vpUai . ia-'t. . k. \* ??.- . able *t$ j. ? 3?v?$ b?-r ? . .."{Vr. nc duMvV\Mdp.! ; . ij ^rriini... : :* . . I . :M. ~. H.nti-r- ? ^? -:t.*;'lire'..'vv^ek>'t: . i ? i at .hvr -h ;lr a:t<: Sir< "f jsb^rfu1, aiSc'J ? \v-. K. :Bisi ?? . ? *$ - - '? Rorv;'n;.^ij- M.r.-'arj: ] S. :b*.- .l;iui?ht**r ? 1 v?; ; 'vy.ti ?. a m< iv v party to. ? "w frajy ? ' tht-y Vh-;' :s -. ? he'r . ? ..ii in PenHsyKaJi:^.- ' r'' ? . Ai .hur it;.: * -II. " Thanks^. . . v.- tlV I:-!.-- ,.rei:;.- ? zhe eastern j v-** "ft.. ? ? ? "* *.? ? ?.! ' ? (H .? ? >* >? . % Judge and Mrs. W. F. Harding, of Charlotte, are stopping at The Bry ant during the present term of court. Mrs. P. A. Starrette and Mrs. D. F. Moore spent Monday in Hender son ville. Miss Swanee Hedrick spent Thanksgiving in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Plummer and Anthony Tranthani motored to Greenwood, S. C., Thanksgiving where they spent two days With Robert Plunjmer, who is attending Bailey Military Institute. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Walker are spending sometime at The Bryant. Mi^s Ruth Waters spent the holi with relatives in Greenville. Mr. Kric Ralls, of Asheville, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Rockbrook. Mrs. Adeline 'Garrett of Asheville. v rsrtv i Mis< Delia Gash several days last week. , .Mr. and Mr,s. K. Li>we and children spent Thanksgiving with. Gu\ towel at Bailey .Military lnsti- ' tute. Greenwood; S. ('.. ; Mr. and Ira Hamilton and soil Gha rle . of Spurtahhurg. Mr. - -Sr! T. :iyu ; :;'Ui !'w ia ? th? c:rj ?! ; J ' i i't ' lie I in Soinc I - . Sua uey, >!;?:? X.-rn-viJh- Wedii! - i- % ;'?>? ' ? ? I. y.v . s n ' ( a ? Wii Whiiesides sj). n. : . '? ?*? v ? ? * , I . ' .?* I : ? ' - .< ?niiilv < . 'during the- i htJ?lk>- J !;dav>. : V '?">v ..,.11.. Pendjetop spent sever-- 1 . T.he p;tst v.v.ek : n CoTUmhui. f Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCarrell of Ashevilie, spent several days last week with their sister, Mrs. S. W. ! Radford. Mr. J. W. Duckworth and family who have been spending the past few weeks in Florida have returned home. Mr. Pruitt Hartsell arrived from Mars Hill on Sunday. He was called here by the illness of his brother, Rev. Wallace Hartsell. , Mrs. N. Morris and little son Stanley have returned after a weeks visit to relatives in Newberry, S. C. Rev. Happai who is conducting Bible classes at the Baptist church each evening, tilled the pulpit at the Baptist church Sunday during the pastor's absence. Mrs. P. Noble Simons has returned form New York City where she ha/ been for the past several weeks enpajred in musical productions. R. V. Neel made a business trip to Greenville Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Wike moved from Fairfield Inn and are now located in apartments with Mr. and Mrs. Push ed for thi' winter. i. .'lij Hart sold the iirsi I ?? : Seals at the booth in tn ?jY' . e Ti.;- --lay ttontjbg,. V (ii.lhuv Wi.'t'.j r i L\vo hou; . ale ii- nr< r ? well day - '? uay o i ' i . \\ ii or1 ha> ? ????!? y?n:lir- ti '<'<.{ -,v sever t! day> the pas. vrei. . . ? ? avv.U'U '?f illness. 5UiiM I :"K :7DIST LAI5IE3 GIVE ENJOYABLE SUPPE T'.; I.-ti:- / ? >f the ! ., ;,i ehurch-Kaye :i high! . r ;;n i ?. hieken supin rhui:;'d.'.v v . i:V.'h r^utatMP. : .attaiiie/^1 by ;ijl{ h.jSes in .their eifl'i.-iai'y :iuilii;. . >. Ik-'evi 'i;:.ed ilv .luiv . .uiiiua! >, . A sum was. j ixat: - :?> - ? "? tr.p iu-v ?rea>ury i'u;fd. . j AN IE WILSON HAS BIRTHDAY. PARTY 1. i t lie Jan ie .Wilson e.rh-brated her fourth-' birthday .artiUvi-rsary Friday afternf "Farm Tenancy in North Carolina", discussing facts -concern ing thi ?i.ri;riv. and 'cause of tcenm y. and the .social, economic ivje conditions ef the State during that arioiL fe. its hi ? . .nucra.. . r .s w:-r ? - : v ? ? ; ' V: by % . ' ' I-rry ? AP r?^'- ?? ? . y?\" ?: ' cl-vMii . >v:th.' ' ?; tu t ?' V< ' i : i ? L . ?? ?. ' A : ? . i ' Loftis. NEsii rica&ss M.\s. ,i. (,*. Rog. ?? -I* ?a>e " : 'V' ? . i :? IK :e >tr. .!. R. Xei-'. . i . Xove vbe:v '2tL X. .. ' : : ' Xi-iil will - !('e Mt thrO*i '? ? the winter.; p APTrST .vis sio:'y ' r.AD:-: MEET V' ~ 'TIjv. monthly foje f the. V/ man's ? 'A: I . a: were led by the >v ie.;.-; . ij'j i'. Hamlin. .Mr- i.!. K. 3 ?>-, ? pvograni leaner, . trivinj a v k ? estipg. . ?i i -i u. - 1 nr. fh? "CbiWljcn tV'her 1 mi-" ing on:, v-us:-io ing t?; vh- -":"' "ra. . ? | This was folluUt ?? tp. ? en ii: w [. , . ? Florida Buyers Are locking at Western North Carolina with ever increasing interest. In. the Fore Myers district, particularly, Brevard and Transylvania County are the focal points' of this interest: '?Through our Fort Myers office we are in a position to offer to sellers in Transyl vania County a direct personal contract service.:! service by a trained, experienced ' .organization of real estate, experts who know butii this section and Florida sec tion. Y 's v.r property listed in our Brevard ; office, will be listed also in Florida, and vominv into our Foit flyers of fice will be handled by men who know Transylvania County. There i> no service charge for listing ? your property in Brevard, in Fort Myers and in Gastonia. Our commission, pay able onlv when we sell your property, covers everything. Pinnix Land Co. OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE Brevard, N. C. Gastonia, N. C. Fort Myers, Fla. '? ? ? ' ?' ? ' j ' ;? ' v ' ' . i regular business session. MUSIC LOVERS' CLUB MEETS Mrs. R. R. Fisher and Mrs. J. F. Zachary were joint hostesses for the Music Lovers' Club Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Fisher, on Broad street. Following a short business sessio^, a highly entertaining musical pro gram was ^iven by Mrs. P. X. Simons. This included an Opera- i lo/rue, Wagner's "Die Walkure," a musica} drama in tliree acts, render ed on the piano and illustrated in story form. One song of particular merit and rendered so beautifully by Mrs. Simons was Siegmund's "Love Song". At the conslusion of this most enjoyable musical treat, the- two hostesses served refreshments during the social hour. HAYES SHIPMAN ENTERTAINS Hayes Shipman entertained a number of his school friends at the Shipman Cottages, Saturday even ing*. A delightful evening was spent by the young girls and boys in games of various sorts. Refresh ments were served to the guests during the evening. C ive Tn te r wo ven Hosiery For Christmas. St? ndardClothing Co. A. K. HAMPTON, Mgr. Main Street Brevard, N. C. -T.-vrr n?r Why take]rhks with important docu ments when you can have a box in our fire and burglar-proof vault. You may have some notes that are your > only security for money loaned, and if your house or office burns, you are up against trouble, as it might be difficult to prove that the makers owed you any thing. Boxes rent from $3.00 to $5.00 and 7.50 annually. Come in and let us show you over. 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Accounts. "The Bank of Personal Service." BREVARD BANKING CO.