GLADE CREEK NEWS Mrs. J. R. Brown had as her quests Monday, her children, Mrs. Lucy Mae Galloway, of Horse Shoe, and Mr. Carl Brown and family of Hendersonville. Mr. Clyde Brown of Asheville, spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Brown, recently. A number of people of this section went on a picnic to Caesar's Head Sunday. After enjoying a nice lunch there they motored to Looking Glass , where they had sup per. A fine time was reported, al though a shower of rain came dur ing the afternon. Mr. B. I. Brown made a business trip to Brevard Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Cox andj children were in Brevard Monday. Mr. Jerry Orr of this place, and Miss Mazzie Moody of BlantyreJ were married Saturday evening in the presence of a few friends and , near relatives. Miss Essie Metcalf visited Mrs. j J. R. Brown Saturday afternoon. FOR JOB PRINTING SEE STARRETTE & STERLING W bird in the hand is worth two in the bush * "Take off-brands of gas oline for example. They may be good or bad. But why use something you don't know anything about and run the risk of all sorts of trouble? When right at your very door? everywhere you go? there's "Standard", the reliable gasoline ? always dependable." "STANDARD" GASOLINE ALWAYS DEPENDABLE M i We wish to announce to the public that Mr. A- C. Norton, o5 Shelby Ohio, who is an expert shoe maker, and who was in business here some 25 years ago has purchased one-half interest in the Nicholson Shoe Shop. Mr. Norton has had 40 years experience in this business. All Work Guaranteed FOR QUICK SERVICE SEE Mon & Nicholson LOCATED NEXT TO LOWE MOTOR CO. .... m EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING MAIN ST. BREVARD, North Carolina , Auction Sale "Maplehurst" 1 j i POMY AND SADDLE CWEM AWAY. jj WEDNESDAY JULY 14th. 10 O'CLOCK A.M. 25 BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE LOTS TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION IN "MAPLEHURST" The Dr. T. M. Marr property on the east side of Maple Street has been made into a lovely subdivision of real home sites . Without a doubt, you will find in this subdivision, "Maplehurst," some of the most beautiful lots that are to be found in or adjacent to the growing town of Brevard. Maple Street has been paved and side walk built to the city limits, therefore, whether it is business for Father, or shopping and social calls for Mother, or school for the "Kiddies," the weather conditions will make little difference. These lots have on them an abundant growth of fine shade trees which would take an ordinary life time to grow, if they were not there. Also, they will have city conveniences such as water, lights and sewer. Again, you want to remember that these lots have not been through the hands of 2 or 3 speculators, but that this is the very first time that this property has been offered. Your price will be the first price ever put on them. These lots will have some restrictions which will make them all the more attractive for the home seeker. REMEMBER! I WE GIVE A PONY AND SADDLE ABSOLUTELY FREE; A FREE BAND CONCERT, AND BEST OF ALL, WE SELL YOU THESE LOVELY HOME SITES AT YOUR PRICE AND ON VERY EASY TERMS. TERMS WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON THE GROUNDS. Brevard is growing* now and will continue to grow for many years to come. . So, get in now on the ground floor. Come and bring your friends with you. We want you to be there. Williams & Singletary, SELLING AGENTS \ P