Our County Agent, Mr. Amnion, seems under the impression that East Fork is in some kind of a pig contest: ? Well, we are not in any kind of competition except we might be in a bantam hen egg-laying con test. Mrs. W. W. Gravely has three bantam hens raised last year that began laying in September, and the three have layed nineteen dozen eggs and now two of them have decided to steal nests out and raise a flock of their own chicks. Lots of our folks were in Bre vard Monday, but none of them got the Ford that was given away. Some came home in their old cars and the others walked. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Goodson and small son and Mrs. Kennamur, from Easley, S.C., and Miss Eva Holder, of Pickens, visited at the home of W. VV. Gravely,, Sr., Saturday and ? ^unday. Also this party and Misses Rachel and Edith Gravely visited Mrs. Martha Gillespie and daughter, Miss Jane, in Brevard Sunday. Mr. J. T. Gillespie of Rosman, spent Friday night at the home of his sister, Mrs. W. \V. Gravely. | Mr. Elmer Gillespie is "rilling J ?around in a iu-w Chevrolet coupe. | Mr. and Mrs. B. Head were in! Rosman Thursday. * * * BREVARD * * KU KLUX KLAN * No. 102 * ' * Me;ts every Thursday * * Night * ; * * .ft * * , 1 1 ? " 1 '' ? " J."-1,:11 1 , PRESBYTERIANS WIN TWO MORE IN WEEK TAKE ONE FROM BAPTISTS; ONE FROM METHODISTS The Presbyterians added two wins to their already big league during the week, winning one from the Baptists Friday 13-8 and from the Methodists Tuesday 6-4 " ' FRIDAY After going scoreless in the first inning, Misenheimer's league leaders bunched hits and with the aid of several Baptist errors scored eleven I runs in the sceond inning and the Baptist crew went under for the third time at the h^nds of "Admir al" Dewey Wood. But during the remainder of the game Jerry's crew established for their motto: "Don't give up till the last man is out,' 'and then settled down to hard work. The outstand ing feature of the game was their nice comeback by hard fighting and heavy hitting which almost caused our brave Admiral Wood to have to be relieved. They lived up to their motto and the reward was that they scored eight runs while ! the "Hutmen" were getting only two off Galloway, who proved some what rejuvenated. Wood Paxton, little grammar s.hool boy broke into the Presby t.-iian line-up and played a nice game scoring two of his teams runs.. He has the honor of being the youngest player in the league. Guthrie Kilpatriek for the Bap tists and Branch Paxton for the Presbyterians, were the outstanding stars of the game. The two out Good Things T o Eat MADE BY SPECIAL ORDERS Phone your order now For 'GOOD BREAD, CAKES, PIES'. AND PASTRIES Phone 24 Philip p s Bakery BREVARD, North Carolina THE EAGLE ENGINEERING CO. Civil Engineers BREVARD, N. C. Boundary ar.d sub-division surveys and layouts. General Engineering practice in roads, streets, sewers, water; bridges, dams, etc. ONLY REGISTERED ENGINEERS ON OUR STAFF. Office third floor Erwin Building above Theater E .jn- ir ij.. iinn i fielders show some class.: 'l The fans were very much please'd | ^ With the umpiring of '"Doc" Hard ing and associates. Box Score:? "LOST." TUESDAY The Presbyterians hit Lefty Johnson rather freely in his first appearance in the box, getting next to his "system" in the last inning tearing down the lead established in the first part of the game by the Methodists, and coming from 4-3 in the beginning of the last to a 6-4 win. Presbyterians Player ' AB K H E Patton, 2b 4 0 0 0 Misenheimer, 3b ..... 5 0 2 1 White, ss 5 1 2 1 Osborne, c .......... 41 1 0 Tipton, If 4 1 2 0 Price, lb 4 1 1 1 Lyon, rf 4 0 0 0 Foster, cf ... .j . 4 1 1 0 Wood, p 4 1 1 0 Paxton, ss . : . 2 0 0 0 Totals .38 6 10 3 Methodists Bryson, 3b 4 1 0 0 Atwell, 2b 4 0 0 0 Clayton, ss . . 4 1 0 1 Osteen, lb ? '4 0 1 0 Loftis, If 3 1 2 0 Johnson, p . 3 0 0 0 Mallory, c 4 0 1 p Trantham, rf 4 1 1 1 Whitmire, cf . . 4 0 0 0 Totals 34 4 5 2 TURKEY CREEK NEWS Miss Ruth Clayton of Glade Creek, spent last week visiting in this section. are sorry to hear of Mrs. Addi<; Sims' sickness. Mrs. John England and Mrs. Mc Call spent Monday in Brevard cel ebrating the 5th. Wedding bells have been ringing o'er hills and valley. Many were surprised to hear of the marriage of Mr. jerry Orr and Miss Mazzie Moody which took place last Satur day evening. Mr. Clarence Orr and family, Miss Mary Belle Orr, were dinner, guests of Mr. Jerry Orr's Sunday. / Mr. Clyde Brown of Asheville at-/ tended Sunday school at this placi Sunday. t Mr. and Mrs. Will Norman and sister of Hendersonville, also atj temied Sunday School at this place. Come on visitors, you have a warm welcome. We're glad to have you ami to have your I aid in boosting our Sunday School. Mr. Andrew Boggs met with an accident Sunday wtyile out horseback riding, when his horse ran into an auto. He was not seriously injured. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Galloway and family, of Sylva, have been visiting his nephew here. Mr. Otho Scott was visiting in this section Sunday. HUDSON COAj&H A'g w F. O. B. Detroit, plus GovemttJtit l ux New Low Prices New Reduced Prices Are: Brougham $1395 7-Pass. Sedan *1550 F. O. ii. Detroit, plus (Jovtrtuneni Tex Standard equipment includes: Front and Hear Bisnipt-rs. Auto matic WiudsiiirM Cleaner. Rear View Mirror, TVansmisst on Lock (built-in). Radiator Sautters. Moto-Metor. Combination Stop and Tail Light. In the world's largest production of six-cylinder cars, Hudson has every manufacturing economy. It offers unequalcd savings because of thorough distribution. That is why, today, the finest Hudsons ever built are priced the lowest in History. Hudson gives long, hard service at low cost of maintenance. It gives easy operation and little service care. It is easy to steer, safe to operate, and most brilliant in performance. Its pride of ownership is voiced by owners everywhere. Buyers pronounce it the World's Greatest Value. TRANSYLVANIA MOTOR CO. vws 0 Under Big Water Proof Tent Theatre THE SHOW WITH A MILLION FRIENDS ALL 100 PER CENT ENTERTAINERS ONE BIG WEEK of good, clean, wholesome enter tainment at a very low price of admission. Your fav orite Show Bigger and Better than ever this season. As usual my policy this year will consist of the best of Good, Clean Modern Vaudeville, consisting of Music, Singing, Dancing, Magic, Illusions, Circus Novelties, Comedy Plays and Dramatic Sketches. Featuring among others ? ROSMAN WEEK JULY 12th. EDWARD A. RENO'S FUN MAKERS BABY PAULINE CHILD WONDER SYLVIA RENO QUEEN OF THE AIR AL (SMOKEY) LYLE Black Face Comedian OLA DAVIS Latest Popular Songs THE WATSONS COMEDY SKETCHES EDWARD A. RENO Magic and Illusions GEORGE MASSEY Singing and Dancing FRED MILLER Character Comedian Add Attraction Reno's Novelty Orchestra A Dozen Other Features Added to The Above Be sure and come Bring The Whole Family I will make it my special business to see that you are made to feel welcome. So come and make Yourself at home. ADMISSION: Children luc. Any old Show can come once?A Fair Show can come twice? BUT IT TAKES A WHALE OF A GOOD SHOW TO KEEP ON COMING YEAR AFTER YEAR DURING THE WEEK WE WILL GIVE AWAY OVER TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS IN CASH PRIZES AND PREMIUMS Free Band Concert In Front Of The Tent Every Evening At 7:30. One lady FREE with each paid adult ticket on our opening night