Society News o, Lrevard _ MRS. HANAMAN ENTERTAINS WITH DINNER PARTY Mrs. W. W. Hanaman entertained at dinner Thursday evening at her k horre on East Main street, in honor f of Miss Fannie Holt, director of Keystone Camp, who is spending some time ill Brevard. Covers were laid for ten. Among the other gue.-ts were Rev. and Mrs. V. A. Cr. wi'crtl. Mr. and ilrs. R. E. Law rence and Miss Marguerite Robert son. A very beautiful program of pia:it> iii.! violin v.;>* rciidw?-? ?lar i :.-jr the evening by Miss Robertson and M.S.- EUza-JCith Banana;.. FORTNIGHTLY CLUB HOLDS MEETING ' An enjoyable meeting: of the Fort nightly chib was held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. O. K. King. Announcement was made.-ttlC-the fact that the Fort nightly club won the five dollar gold piece offered by the district presi / dent. Mrs. -J. S. Silversteen, to the club bavins the largest attendance in proportion to membership at the recent district meeting held in Ashe ville. Following the business session, an interesting program on the subject of -"The value of women voters to a community," was led by Miss Alma Trowbridge. A general dis cussion of the subject followed , in which th ' club members partici pate.:. INC "l TUT E SENIORS ENJOY HIKE Memb'Ti of the Brevard Instit--.n senior eiass enjoyed a hike and pic nic- suppei at Gicn Cannon Falls Wednesday evening, chaperoned by Mrs. Oliver Orr. Twenty-seven- members comprise the senior class this year, and tho ordinarily arave and rev?rend sen iors lost their accustomed d'Cnitv "for this ocasion and enjoyed them selves to :he fullest extent. " BARACAS TO ENTERTAIN PHILAHEAS T!v lUraca class of the Baptist church- will entertain the Philath?a cl?4 F: i" evening of this week with a barbecue at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ramsey. EPWORTH LEAGUERS HAVE SOCIAL FRIDAY Members of the Epworth League of the Methodist church will have a "tacky party" Friday evening in the recreation rooms of the church, at which it is expected a large number of young people will be preseni. T. E. L. MEETS TUESDAY The T. E. L. class of the Baptist cu h will meet next Tuesdaj r, ft -noon at three-thirty o'clock a" th" :iome of Mrs. S. C. Yates, on Whitmire street. MATHAASIAN CLUB MEETING IS POSTPONED The Mathatasian club will hold its regular meeting Fri^ny #>ft:>r nocn of this week instead of Thurs day, at the home of Mrs. W. W. "T'lr.aman. The change is made for 'his week in order not to conflict with the Week of Prayer services at the Methodist church on Thursday. WaM. S. MEETS The V, "oman's Missionary Society of the Baptist church held its regu lar monthly meeting last Tuesday afternoon at the church. The meet :tir was conducted by the president, Mr?. T. P. Ward, who lead the de vot'onals. The subject of the pro gram for the month was' "Europe and the Near East," and Mrs. P. S. Kint was leader. A very interest ing and helnful talk was made by Mrs. Ella Duckworth on "Peace," and the work of the Southern Bap tist church in the different countries wa? discussed by several of the kulies. After a short business ses sion the meeting adjourned. DUNCAN-HAMILTON A wedding, beautiful ' in detail, was that of Miss Larue Hamilton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hamilton, and Virgil Duncan, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Duncan, of Hendersonville, solemnized Sunday aftfrnon at 2:00 o'clock at the home of their pastor, Rev. J. F. Scott. The groom'- is a young Henderson ?"lle business man, who has many friends, both in Henderson and Transylvania county, who wilf be ; interested in his marriage. I The bride is a charming young lady, very popular and attractive. ?Her many friends wish her much success and v happiness. The bride wore a very attractive gown of rose and tan satin-back crepe. She wore a charming hat and a beautiful coat to match. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan left for Heiulorsonvills, where they will mala* their home with Mr. Duncan's parents. McNEELY-BROO.KS Coming as a to their many friends throughout the county was the marriage of Miss Lela V. Brooks to Mr. Charles R. Me N 'ly. both of Lake Toxaway, the 1 wedding being solemnized Wednes day morning at eleven o'clock, at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. W. S. Price, Jr., in Brevard. Rev. W. H. Hartsell, pastor of the Bre vard Baptist church, officiated. The room in which the cere mony was performed was beautiful ly decorated in autumn leaves and other suggestions of th? season. The bride was most becomingly attired in a dark blue, satin-back crepe dress, with a traveling suit of crystal crepe in green and accessor ies to match. Immediately following the cere mony, Mr. and Mrs. McXc-ely left on -i wedding trip of ten days, after which they will return to Brevard to make their home. Those witness ins: the fpremony were: Mrs. W. S. Price. Mrs. Joe Zachary, Miss Reubenia Nicholson, Lem Brooks, Whit Brooks. J. 0. Barrett moved his family this week from Asheville, and they are now located in the J. A. Bishop house in North Brevard. Patronize St. Philips Guild each week for pies, puddings, rolls, cake. Orders taken on Fridays. Phone Mrs. C. E. Orr. Carl McCrary has leased the Bre vard service Station on Caldwell street, and is prepared to render ef ficient service to his patrons at all timf'S of the day. :*]w. 77^ ; v ?> j -.'" ? ? (-.'?? *? ??' . Items of Personal Interest Friends of Mr. flaggai who con ducted Bible study classes at the Baptist church here last fall, are in receipt of announcement of the tirth of a son, Paul Martin, to Mr. and Mrs. Haggai, on Sunday, Oct lober 17. # Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lowe and fam ily attended the football game in Rutherfordton Friday, and from they motored to Forest City where they spent the night, leav ing the following day for KannapOlis A'htre >hcy spent the day and night with Mr. Lowe's brother, returning home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hanaman hau as xheir week-end guests Mrs. Hanaman's sister, Mrs. J. T. Bled soe and Mr. Bledsoe, of Asheville, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Demaree and Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Brownlee, of Ashe ville, and the latter's guest, Mrs. Church, of Providence, R. I. Mr. Gideon Miller, R. O. Thomas and Mark Whitmire, of Lake Toxa way, were in town Monday. Mrs. J. M. Kilpatrick and son, Carroll, spent last week in Spartan burg and attended the Fair. Mrs. M. Vr Miller is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. S. Nicholson. Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Popvey, of Lenoir, were greeting friends in Brevard Tuesday, Mr. Poovey being called here to officiate at Mr. Town send's funeral. Mr. Poovey was a former pastor of the Brevard Metho dist church, and is now pastor of the first Methodist [ church, Lenoir. Mr. ErneSt Monteith, who is prin cipal of the Maishall high school was a B: evard visitor Sunday and greeted friends on the Institute campus. , Miss Maud Ellen Pike and Miss Doto'ihy Silversteen attended Dr. Potter's organ recital at the Wo man's Club building, Asheville, Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Roman an nounce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, November 6, at Transyl vania hospital. Ylr. and Mrs. Frank Townsend, of Walpole, Mass., are visiting their mother, Mrs. F. L. Townsend. They were called here on account of the death of Mr. Townsend. Mr. and Mrs. VV. W. Croushorn left Saturday for Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Morris and rm.-'ll son were Henderson ville vis itors Sunday. Miss Ada Walker, home demon stration agent, and L. A. Ammon, farm agent > are attending the W. N. C. Fair in Asheville this week. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Crary, of Charlotte, r were week-end guests of Mrs. Clary's parents Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Harris. Little Mary Crary, who has been visiting her grandparents, returned home with her parents. J. S. Bromfield was the guest o] his sister in Louisville, Ky., . las week. Mrs. J. M. Kilpatrick and son Carroll, were Greenville visitors Sun day. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Sid Barnet a son, Friday, November 5, at Mis sion hospital, Ashevflle. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Murray and two children are moving this week from Pisgah Forest to Mrs. Elzie Hamilton's house on Whitmire street. Rev. C. S. Kirkpatrick, - presid ing elder of the- Shelby district, stationed at Gastonia, was called here Tuesday to assist in the funeral services of Rev. F. L. Townsend. Rev. Air. Kirkpatrick was pastor of the Brevard Mpchodist church a num ber of years ago, and greeted many old-time friends while here. Miss Earleene Poindexter was an Asheville visitor Sunday. Miss Mary Powlas, of Salisbury, but now teaching at Sawannanoa, ..pent the week-end with Mrs. J. M. Tatum. A!.:;. Charles B. Dcaver and bro T. N. Loftis, and Mr. Benedict motored from Nastwille ,Tenn., the fiist cf the week and will remain here until after Thanksgiving. Mrs. J. E. Waters and daughter, Almeda, were in Greenville and Eas ley, S. C., Monday. H2V. and Mrs. J. H. Stanberry anc daughter, Miss Alma, and Rev. Stan berry's song leader, Mr. Sumner, 0 Mars Hill, are stopping at the Wal : hoiri during the Stanberr revival meeting at Cherryfield. Overton Lewis left last week fc West Palm Beach, Fla., where h will engage in business with Ovei ton Erwin. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Thomas, o Cranberry Lake, N. Y., are vi6itin Mrs. Mabel Kellar, while en rout to St. Petersburg, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. N. Morris and smal son spent Sunday in Henderson Seasonable Bargains Jit Patterson's ' Grey Cotton Blankets 98c Ladies Outing Gowns 79c LADIES DRESSES One lot Ladies Poiret Twill Dresses, Values to $25.00 $4.95 Ladies $4.95 Felt Hats $2.95 Cotton Batting Per Roll 10c LADIES COATS One lot Ladies Coats, Values to $18.50 $9.95 Ladies Jersey Knickers $1.00 Ladies Undervests and Pants 49? HEAVY OUTING BEST GRADE 25c VALUE .19c You Can't Seat These Vjalues | LOOK AT THEM! QUALITY >FOR | QUALITY THEY ARE REAL BAR GAINS IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD! TRUE ECONOMY IN EVERY | ITEM SHOWN, THEY ARE TYPICAL OF WHAT IS WAITING FOR YOU. STANDARD QUALITY MERCHAN DISE AT A SAVING. FOR ECONO MY'S SAKE C-O-M-E. \ 1 Table Childrens Shoes Values to $3.25 $1.98 1 Table Ladies ? All Leather Slippers $1.98 Silk Wool Hose 1 Table - Slippers, $7.95 I BREVARD'S ONLY QUALITY DEPARTMENT STORE I IBREVARD. N.C.I MAROON OR NAVY SHAWL COLLAR , SWEATERS 36 to 46s \ 4 Cakes Palmolive Soap 25c Full Size Brown Suit Case 98? MENS WORKSHOPS One table Mn's Work Shoes, Values to $5.95 $2.98 \ Mens Flannelette * Shirts Checked Designs 89' \ ? Mens Collar Attached Shirts Values to $2.50 $1.49 . ? SWEATERS Boy's Wool Pull Over Sweaters, Neat Color Patterns $1.98 i 1 Table Childrens Shoes All Leather $1.69 Mens Ribbed Union Suits 95c O. D. SHIRTS DOUBLE ELBOW LINED FRONT $2.98