N. 1 H. A. PLUMMER CHOSEN AS PRESIDENT OF BREVARD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NEW MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN LAUNCHED Alexander Gaei to Florida Feb. 1, to Turn Tide of Tourist* Toward Transylvania County II. A. Plumnier was elected pres ident of the Chamber of Commerce Tuesday night by the new board of directors. Every member of the board was present and the meeting, which lasted two hours, started the New Year's work off with a bang. J. A. Bromlield was elected vice president, and L. P. Hamlin was re elected treasurer of. .the organiza tion. ... W. H. Alexander was re-elected secretary b.v acclamation, and many expressions of appreciation for the past year's work of the secretary were heard. Goes After Visitors W. H. Alexander, secretary, will leave about the first of February for a tour of Florida and other Sou thern states, for the purpose of in viting people to spend the coming season iti this community. This ac tion was agreed upon at the meting of the Chamber of Commerce Tues day night. It is planned to have Mr. Alexan der visit all the principal points and establish direct contact with people and organizations through which the tourists of the South can be in duced to spend the summer months here. Much good is expected \<> re sult from this campaign, and lead ers are enthusiastic over the pros pects of 1927. Membership Drive Every citizen of this community become a member of the Chamber of Commerce, as a result of plans adopted by that body Tuesday night. The board of di rectors were divided into two teams, headed by J. M. Allison and James F. Barrett, twelve men to the team, with C. C. Yongue acting as referee, for the purpose of securing new members for the organization. Ac curate scores will be kept, and the team showing up at the end of the campaign with the lower score must pay for a dinner for the whole board at one of the regular meet ings. This whole section is interested in the tourist trade, it is pointed out, I ? and every man in this community is directly interested in getting more people to come to Transylvania county, therefore, it is argued, ev ery man should be a member of thfi Chamber of Commerce and lend his assistance in boosting this section. It is hoped to double the membership of the organization, which, it is i said, will more than treble the ef- ! >ev? >1 sti'l.s ill lu* j la si i. n ?!;?>- .- tin* record >?-t by] tl.e ill".- t' The \ *%v>. in wh ch ttii; i * i . ? I ha: four .-tills had beer. .a;?l ureii, three ot:v rs \te:e ?yed b> tr.e officers. l)in* ? f i In *? -mi ^ rnmt-nJ |. r ? ?t - !h. 1 ..? : .a li " r. aiiti . .. . - a Woodruff < ri i k. I'.arl : i ri and !?, ;>. WOMAN'S BUREAU ^ 2K3 LEGISLATION "v\ ??-i!d Mal;p Vaccination CompuU - i'ry ? Letter Atldrcsjet! to Representative Wilson Matters of interest and importance featur ii tilt' mef Commerce ?oeni, demonstrating the fac. 'hat his. organization is lending valuable ivsistanec in the welfare of the ; community. - The Bureau will launch a "member hijj drive for new members and' to ?cure the payment of membership, 'oes of present members, (.'ontmit ees will be appointed to. solicit mem ? 'is .and fees in the different' sec ions i>f, the town,, with tile arttieipa ion of a ready response and hearty o-operatidn on the part of all ladies : hroutyhout the town who are inter- j sated in Brevard'/? growth and up- 1 ift. ? he. Bureau went *>n record as 'ully. emloi'sing .the movement' to ejchr.cr, a county -health officei- and x pressed hearty co-operation in the | ti? ? -f the Chamber of Commerce ; e.onphte. JEROME & PUSffF.T.I. CHANGE FIRM NAME jANtAKY FIRS I The urn: f. : . rly e : - rmne I'u-h. i Ivp:,--.- .1 .:..w li :> li eh: ? . ?? ' i* ? {. ? <. \V| f'l Vi'DIORD C O |inVF/AS)j{SPLAN HEALTH OFFICER: V.ihik to Pay proportionate Part ? Cii?in(y Kv:pc*ctc?. i from, the Ch;. ,Mb?*r -of (.'omaierve which appeared before the board in accordance with instructions given t h j delegation by tlie Chamber last Tuesday. Mr. R. W. Kve'rett headed the delegation, and "introduced I>r. T. ?(. Sunimey, who had been chosen as spokesman -for the commerce body. Dr.. Siimmey mad" a ..strong appeal to .the city ^oVcrni)!?, ui'^iii); thill) to take whatever action necessary to the employment of a . full thm* health oirieer. In his ? remarks, Dr. Sunimey told the aldermen of sorin cx.sii?;V .conditions that were of .such nature as to rlioCU not only the city officials but the spectators . a*f well. These -conditions . .could' be remedied if there Were a full time health officer here, the doeior ex plained/ Cost of the p.la n will he about .$5000 a year. Of this amount .the statv pays $2500, and the county "ftri/l/tity . jointly pay the oth?!i; $2500. This county is already paying out about .$730 a year to the part time health officials; This leave* only $1750 a year additional for both city and county to lnCet. ROSMAN SMALLPOX RUMORS UNTRUE I Contrary to current rumors, . the smallpox situation in Kovmah is well1 under, control and there are only a comparatively few cusqs of the dis ease at the present tinie,- according to a statement made to The News Tuesday by Or. J. B. Wilkerson, of Hosman. Those who have not been vacill ated in the section are doing so. and it is the opinion of I)r. Wilkerson that by far the worst of the disease in and near Rosman has passed. missionaryIvork TOPIC OF STUDY Communion of the Lord's Supper will be celebrated at the Presbyter ian ehurch at the morning services next Sunday. The pastor is anx ious that all members be present, and has issued a cordial invitation to all visitors and friends in the city to join in this worship. Study Of missionary work will be special subject at both the Christian Endeavor meeting on Sunday even ing, and at the -Wednesday evening services. Quite a large .number of young people have enrolled in tlie-? classes, which are at present study ing Iiray.il. These "schools of mis sions.*' as' they are known, ar- prov ing very interesting to ni? mb? rs "T the church, not only in l.iward but throughout the country. It a ir.otifice I that :h*-i\- \. " l.? no Stii.-lay evening preai i vices unt l further notice. mmwmmz \ \ \ t I'- * ' .May??r ,r. W. " ' ivrjccinated Th.- u-.n ?... I km n v.r; u, 11 f... . A and th s I;. * -s ? ?. ? n ;; *i ? ? IV.i ...r f , 1 r .? ? CM 1 NJVV I i ? N N 1 11 liiiv'MlM AID BUILDER MERE J. Knk.-, will S ll A.lieville Home mjd C?y jn ii rt.* v.urcl Great Addition I'. J. O.tur.iriCr * | Mi '?> : >:ns i \|>rrii'ii< amiouiVc-; tu'-JI, jtiat Ii ? w I! air..- .u lii vai.r .i.iiy ?'??'I... Air. I;iiki.: week* III tilift .jtiH-ti'Oii, having U;.d ihn.n,. .,r;Uu t,. ,<'.&? mj<|' ,.uj, \ ior L, I lir-u.ie on hii?h>va.v constitution in Tran.-yl vania rou'ity. :Su ? -thi** s'eciki" i i rapid growth. ||t. u:i.s born and reared. in ileum be county, l, r spent several years hi Xwrch'. ar:r'. ' East in construction work. Fxir I ja.l several years. however, M.\ Baker has la-en working in Aiiheviil" and in Florida,. whore lie wai ? cn ^agcil in some or the build? t?RK of the two :.:.cetioti;v . Mr. Baker was superintendent ok t h"' new Hi), i Mure Ik building -i Asln viUt', and on the new city mark et house, thv rack Memorial k: '?iary, Uie in w hniracks for Bun cf lulu- county a| C;rji?j*ry, and scYei - a! ? :Ikj l.\iildi;iCs tijat wei'a .eroH under his direction. ..In i* Mr. 'Bak.-r : : 4; - 1 ?. ntenden, in the building of six j schools i? Fori Myers, Ihe .Cotfr.t> j and the city jail in Tain pa. and a j T"*0.room hotel in .Gainesville. ' Brevard's future looks ?cood to me. Mr. Baker said to The News, "and 1 would love to take part in building the city I know is to staiki here in this beautiful spot." Mr. Baker will sell his property in Asheville and buy a home here at an early date. METER SYSTElflS GIVEN APPROVAL I Nectwary legislation will hp ."might at the present session of the general assembly to enable Brtvard to change it system of water chare? fr om the flaT~rate to "that-of meter rates. The city council voted Mon day night to join in the request for. such legislation. The matter was brought to the at tention of the board by Mr. 'Thus H. Shipman, representing the Chamber of Commerce. It was pointed out that under the present plan, which was declared unjust, the man who used little water was required to! pay just as much as the man who ' used many times the amount of water used by the other citizen. The city officials stated the mat ter had been discussed in their meet, mgs many times. and expressed their willingness to join forces with other citizens in obtaining the nec essary legislation to make the.* change. STARRETTE BACK TO l!!S OLD LOVE; 1" n.nk A. Starret* i.?-- , .* -j ' former owner? <.f Tie I: v.j; J ! Ww-. has returned id the vw '.ned The N. \v> f..re?\ l\ ie? Mr. and Alr>. ivtt*. an- tl. .1 in , ;?. ? i that tin. are- to j.v. 1 ? ' ' ' :????: ? ,, ,,J. :. j1 !*r ^ : :r..! M : .S:arr? : A A ' .? and rciur?.. ? SMALLPOX MOT BOTHEKlMi SOKOOL'I I Nearly it Children Have Etc '? J ?The* l ew E?:pect'.- ehtliiren in lit- elemr'n?.iir> ? school, anc1ies*d- -Ofl ioialtf ;l : living to iivoyaiil a one hundred .v. j j rent vaccinated wl??^ I eiifelL,' n-.. ^ ji *aid .( ih re .< i.vi'i' .L.y'.ii", j ? ! . Tl.f : I .i disCcV Uiiit t Will ,i., : . : vi'ti-iiij | the <'J?kr people, -as the* 'sch* ?>i *-hi; ?' I dreh will be immune from the dia- j ease. . 'iki PkAii>s dssam THE NEW lie vdaiions 21 :5 We. fancy --a New Year,- cTiangodiirj many things from the Old. We hope J it will be new, not only as a division ??f ti*t . hut now in tlr* bappittey it hriii^rt us ? Tin the- friendships wt < cement, in tilt lives we live, in tin love we cherish, in the worship we rentier, in the' pood we do". If any of" us would have the new in all the year, fresh, beautiful and satisfying, let hint love in some mea sure as Christ laved, and live in some form as Christ lived, and the. word- of the Christ shall be in him a well of water, springing up into everlasting life. God who renews and beautifies the face of nature; will crown with the light and joy of. heaven the soul that loves Him. If we would cooperate with God, or let God use us in making ail things new in time and place, we must bring the Divine into the mind, and heart, and life. Failing in this we shall doom ourselves to live in." the old, and never be satisfied; l Let us nourish the mind on the word of God. Man cannot live by. bread alone. Read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the Truth. Let us refresh and strengthen the heart, by love ? the love of God and man "Love thinketh no evil. Love is the fulfilling of the Law. Only in the exercise of practical love, ever kind, ever doing good, can we have all things new, and be useful, ami happy. Let us live a noble life, Godlike, rising above all that is low, narrow, selfish, sensuous, and purely earthly, and reaching up into the light and life of God, then shall we make true character, and find all things new ? ( changed as. if by the Power of God. A PRAYER FOR THE NEW Our Heavenly Father, we thank ; Thee for ihi.- Sew Year, upon v h e?. We have inured. And we pray; Thee, thai u may be new? not only .i;t ;i UiVi.-..oi? .?[ tune. IlUt row in th?' 1 I.a.p.p:tiiV.? r *?.*. ill'. ' ih : v\? live. ,.:i ,ri. . ?? 4d:e*..i.--h. t. th?* wi?r.-hi|i w. ui.ij'.'i, in th-. ?:!. ????!?? niea.'Ui . ? f*?rt'i as c ' > i . ! - 1 J,v c. ' i.'-M ? ? ? ?!' 1 . -J,, ; . .J. : j. W! ; i | . i KEW OFFICIALS ARE iKSlALLED iwaoiant islftrl New Yc?r'? ,'Vork witli R'-)iewe.4 D.-se'i t.tlnutici; Crtnl Frof'm hi r . v NAMED THK VARIOUS COMMITTEES Club hsidorsrc! i'lan to Kniptoi' "lime Health Officer for 1 t'ar>rylvania Full svilh ' >U)il 'he f?eW Of ii'ioru Joy (ioo.d fl;UtiV\..slllp rettfl*' r| Mi, and the Spirit 01' 'the ,\Vw .Yeas its dc.orin;nut.r?ii< io iL binder belter thing* was plainly felt ; meeting of' the .Kiwarils ciu.f. Friday night. Installation ? officers was the special* orde the program; and pledges. of. regular attendance'. iui<| ? ally .to- the ideals 1" Kiwanif ? corn pained the induction of ne-.v lieeis into their respective el, air W'ilJ.'.iin- I--- ,'ii?** i i [? presi dent, presented Ur. T. J,' Suminey; the . new president, and in turning over the reins bi* (he cmb .'to, .-hint, m geJ . ih- olembort? -Ip work ?v,,|i !i - i*i faithfully IfciicJ en Uri.-l.'. -tiiaily.; to bc> r'.\ad y at al] tinge's to sponsor any good movement $iat means advancement J'or this town and county; to refrain from "etatt iive too nui'uy things, but he cei lain to - first finish' the thnig>" rhn* :*re started. Prevalent . Suminey made ;i*r jih prtofttjve' .'talk' in .accepting the ' fiHce; declaring it to- he the ''purpose ??}' Ki wanis to re rider ] service to tho com mufiii.v, io bu.id- &V?n.g'; wlnitev-r-r lines' that meant ir.ost "t?ing named to this office. Mr. Glaxener. made a strong- plea for the chlb to lend its activities, support ant) in fluence to movements that .tend to make life better and: brighter f/?v the farmer. The boys on tho farytr can be materially aided, the vice, presi dent asserted, and their lives made brighter and their opportunities greatly enlarged, if the Kiwan.iS f:.N ?:lub v/ith will establish personal cbntft;". the farmers of the county. ?Terry Jerome, Brevard's ow: sec retary and boaster extraordinary, was then called to assume his duties for another year. Mr. Bi'tese. in presenting Jerry to tho club, de clared him to bo Brevard'- most consistent booster, and gave t- the secretary much of the credit the wonderful progress '.that has Wei* made by the club since its organiza tion.' Mr. Jerome, in accepting tho olTiee again, plainly showed his ap preciation of the confidence -nd spoke feelingly, of the pleasure . givey him t'? serve his fellows in 'hia community. f.i Hi tiriny President r.ive?e,- iv-ing installing officer.' and having iny h th idected district ir.t-ieo. tho embarrassment ?.? 1 aselV by n. U'M> t ji?u adv;tii*ai:>- m , . ^ to express* to Mr. ISt't-i sr m u? tire of the c-nnjiiunrly's v ?f his untiring efforts in he Hw'ViHil and Traii>ylv;?n;a A. district tru>;ei , Mr. |i'. :?? Vi-v . til! I.:. .-> r opporti; t li was kall elull ? HOIl ?? as ion J." of i *(Ly. ".-ill 'K I ? of