Legal Advertisements notice of Sale of land | By virtue of the power In me vested by a deed in trust made and ? xi rujted to me by Ral|4i It. Fisher on December 1, 1925, on the land hereinafter described to secure the payment of the indebtedness therein mimed of Thirty-One Thousand, Five i llunrded ($31,500.00) Dollars, rep resented by six notes made and cxe ? cutod by said Ralph R. . Fisher to Ceo. H. Smathers, all bearing even date with said deed in trust, one of Raid notes teeing for $250.00 due on or before December 1, ,1926; one other note for $2500.00 due on or before December 1, 1926; one other note for $4562.50 due on or before December 1, 1^26; three other notes for the sum of $8062.50 each due respectively on or before December 1, 1927, 1928, and Decem ber 1, 1929, all of said notes bear ing interest from date of execution at the rate of six percent per an num payable semi-annually, which said notes were given as a part of the purchase money for the land de scribed in said deed in trust and hereinafter described, which deed in trust was duly recorded in book 53 page 3. record of deeds of Transyl vania County, N. C., on the 20th day of January, 1926, reference being had to said deed in trust for a description of said lands and the indebtedness secured thereby and for the terms and conditions thereof and f6r full particulars, default ?^.having been made in the payment of both the principal and interest of the $2500.00 note aforesaid at ma turity thereof and in the payment of interest on all the other notes on December 1, 1926, and by virtue of the provisions of said deed in trust all of said notes have become due and payable and said dead in trust ' having become operative, at the re quest of the holder of the $2500.00 note, I will offer for sale at the Court House Door in the Town of , Brevard, Transylvania County, N. C., at 12:00 o'clock noon, Monday, April 18, 1927, at public outcry to . the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing tract or boundary of land, situate, lying and being on the West Fork of French Broad River ???' on the south side of the French Broad River ,that lies inside of grant 230 to Geo. Latimer in Transylvania County, N; C., formerly known as the Brevard Land & Timber Company lands, more fully bounded and de ?; scribed as follows, to-wit: t BEGINNING at a stake on the j}: north bank of the west fork of (^"French Broad River in the Meigs ?e *nd Freeman line, and runs with that line a northwardly course to the Vanderbilt line : then with the Vanderbilt line to tne ridge that di vides the waters of Diamond's Creek rom the waters of the west fork of ?' Wench Broad river; thence follow L-ing that ridge, a southerly course to W cn^line of the Lee R. Fisher hoj ? tract; thence running with the/ijilc * of that tract to the John D.Jfcaii0_ way tract; thence running 3&h the line of the John D. Gallov/ay tract 'crossing the west fork o7 French 't Broad river, to the line cjf the Chap S?ct; ?'* ^ 6 # r* running with the line the chap_ man tract, and su^if course from Where, to the Me^ and Freenian line, as , will intfude aU the' lands owned by the fjrevard Land & Tim ; 2? /e waters of the west or irrej/ch Broad river; thence Meigs and Free ta/r a. northwesterly course to Jffginning, also any other lands were conveyed by the said p. 3. Smothers and wife, Daisy Smathers, to the said Ralph R. .Iter by deed bearing even date V herewith, on the south side of the toaain prong of French Broad river .'and its tributaries that lies inside of gTant 230 to Geo. Latimer, formerly known as the Brevard Land & Tim ber Company lands. It being the same land sold and conveyed by Brevard Land & Tim ber Co. a corporation, to said Geo. H. Smathers by deed bearing date 1, 1918, and which deed was duly recorded in book 42. pages 344, etc., records of deeds of Transyl vania county, N. C., on 29th of . Npvember, 1919, reference being I had to said deed and record of same for a further description of said lands. Said lands being sold to satisfy the amount of the principal and in terest due on the notes aforesaid, costs and expenses of said sale. This March 16, 1927. 1 William M. Smathers, Trustee. Mch 17-24-31; Apr 7-14. NOTICE By ^irtue of the power of sale i *iven in a certain deed in trust ex I ecuted by Stoner Interests, Corpor ation to the undersigned trustee to _ ?cure certain indebtedness men tioned in said deed in trust, which ~eed in trust is dated 16 day of tb. 1926, registered in Book 16 at 45 deed in trust records of isylvania County, and the 6aid ^indebtedness mentioned having be Vcome due and unpaid, and notice I required in said deed in trust |ving been given to the makers of deed in trust to make good the ,ment and the default not having en made good, and the holders of Ltd notes having demanded that the kflydescribed in said deed in trust ?seld to satisfy the said indebted andeost of sale: ?fu sell to the highest bidder ?h at the court house door in hwn of Brevard, N. C., on Mon _ April 11, 1927 at 12 o'clock M. The 'following described lands: Lyir?j? on the waters of East Fork French Broad River, Beginning a whits oak on Crawford moun f the beginning corner of State nt No. 201 to W. A. Batfon. said nt dated Dec. 10, 1883, and runs ?56 deg. west 100 poles to a ? thence south 42 1-2 deg. west E&ftw to a black oak; thence IS deg. west 50 poles to a W. W. Graveleys line; thence uiid Graveley's line nortii 4 5 .rest 26 poles to a small poplar, 1 rid?r<*. in old road, in trap of the thence down and with the meanders of the top of the vidge a| r.outhwest course 140 poles. to ai ' .ake on the ridge in East Fork! ??ad; thence along and with the con- j ricr.'of said road, the -follow! jg ' i turses and distances, south 70 1-:' . I deg. oast. 24 poles; south 3'< dig. ? cast 4 poles; south 7 deg. east iO| j poles; thence south 41 deg. '?east 42 | ' ;*oles; then north 43 deg. east 4 ! j ,,ples ; north 84 deg. east 27 poles;! [north 24 deg. cast 13 poles; north i >2 deg. cast 4 poletf; north ?Sf> ?icg. j | _?ast 4 poles; north GO deg. east 9 j j joles to a stake near the fork of an I old road; thence leaving the road \outh 10 deg. north 68 deg. east 57 j uules to a dogwood; thence south f> I tiLg. west 14 poles to a birch on the I east side of the branch; thence south 41 1-2 deg. west 56 poles to a loc- ? ust stump and hickory, W. W. Grav ity's corner; thence south 20 deg. 76 poles to a chestnut; thence south 27 deg. east 40 poles to a hickory ; thence south HO deg. east 20 poles to a poplar, the BEGINNING corner of the Beezley tract, now the Maul din tract; thence with the line of the Mauldin tract, south 19 deg. west 34 poles to a chestnut; thence south 61 deg. east 17 poles to a hickory; thence north 86 deg. east 32 poles to a stone; the southeast corner of a 5 acre tract; thence with the Fedderer land south 40 deg. east 41) poles to a stake; thence with the I-Ydcrer line north 45 deg. east 41 polos to a large white oak in the fork of a branch, Fedderers corner; thence north 70 poles to a stone, the 6th corner of the Cison 100 acre tract; thence up the ridge north 3 deg. west 20 poles to a spanish oak on a ridge, the 2nd corner of the Mauldin tract; thence with the line of the W. C. Gravely tract, north 60 poles to a chestnut oak; thence north 23 deg. east 19 poles to a stake; thence north 43 deg. east 62 poles to a black gum on the bank of a branch, a corner of the Scruggs tract; thence with line of tne Scruggs tract north 40 west 16 poles to a black gum ; thence north I 4 deg. east 74 poles to a white oak; thence north 27 deg. east 62 poVes to a locust in a gap o.f Crawford Mountain, a corner of the Gravely tract, also a corner of tfye w. A. Batson Grant; thence witjhf the line of said Batson tract crossing the East Fork road, no yfctf 113 poles to the Beginning, confining 480 acres more or less. / This the 4tl>.''day of March 1927. T. C. Gally^ay, Trustee 17-24-31; 7 / NOTICE OF SALE In/the Superior Court, Before the / Clerk r SPECIAL PROCEEDING State of North Carolina County of Transylvania. Lee It. Fisher and wife Nettie Fisher,. Monteith Snedegar and 'A. Rash, s ; ? vs. . .T. L. Murphy, Walter Murphy, John Chastine and wife Pearl Chastine, Earl Murphy, Annie Murphy, Hoke Murphy and Wash Murphy, all heirs-a't-law of Cannie Murphy, dee'd. Under and pursuant to an order of the court in the above entitled matter, the undersigned Commis sioner, duly appointed by the Clerk I of the Superior Court; will on the 18th day of April, 1927, at 12 o'clock noon at the Court House I door of Brevard, N. C., offer for ; sale and sell to the highest bidder j for cash, the following described property : ! The mineral interest of the de I fendants in and to a tract of land described in a deed from L. R. Fisher I ct al. to Monteith Snedegar, said ] deed bearing date of May 3, 1926 I and recorded on the 15 day of May 1926 in book 56 page 10 of the deed \ records of Transylvania County, N. |C., to which record reference is here j by made for a complete description ; of the lands mentioned above., j Said sale to be made to partition [ the mineral interest in said land or : the proceeds of the same, as by law I authorized. ? This 21st day of March. 1927. j C. W. Fisher, Commissioner, 24? NOTICE OF LAND SALE Whereas, on Feb. 12, 1926, T. H. Case and wife, S. J. Case executed deed in trust to the undersigned trusee, to secure a certain note therein mentioned and described 1 (which deed in trust is recorded in Book No. 20 at page6), and there has been default in the payment of said note, and the owner of said note has directed the undersigned trustee to advertise and sell said land, under the power of sale con tained in said deed in trust, and all necessary notices have been given ; On Monday the 25th day of April 1927 at the Court House door in the Town of Brevard, at public auction for cash, I will sell the following described t^ract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Transyl vania county. North Carolina, and in Brevard Township, on the waters *f Lambs Creek, described as follows: Reginning at a stake. C. C. Case's corner and runs with his lind south 62 1-2 east 47 poles to a stake at a ditch; thence down the ditch, south 25 east 24 poles to a stake; thetjee south 39 west 8 poles to a stake in 1 the Allison line; thence with the Al lison line south 85 east 31 1-2 poles to a stake in Lambs Creek; thence up the creek 106 poles to a slake; II. X. Davis' corner; thence -orth 73 east 6 1-2 poles to a stake; thence north 23 west 10 poles to a stake in :5v?- road; thence north 4." \ve>t 6 pole? to a stake in the road; thence ?NY-ili 24 West 51 poles t" h stake in the Old Ashevillo Road; then wi'h She old Ashcville road sotith -rrJ dep. 20 min. west 385 feet to a stak??; ?hen south 13 dec*. 55 min. we32 1-2 feet to the beginning. Sale made to satisfy said f '113)0 coiituiiijud in a ? ? rtahl d< in trust made by K. L. S'.oK.-s and i wife, ?Ha'/.el. . Scott .Stokes to the' un-' tlersigiied trust'-. foi the use arid ! jboneiit i f suit! de* i | tn !; ir< tl.'iU- I February 24ih 1 .. jl\ i . vi vezi^XeVcii :n the 01 '?? ' of !k;. >itr of .Di;cd* *?f 'Iran-: ,? ivji . Coi .i fto iik i - .a puge ' rt3 w "'iiii'h m?i:1 bo%k and page ?'cf- ' ei nee is hifivby made -?oy the i?ur- J ! / of description. ami default hav- ! be ci: mail" in tin- payment of the 1 .ulebtedness see'ured by said deed in [ crus wh.'reby. the power of sale* thvr; in contained has become* opera- ! \e, K. \\\ Wells, the undersigned! ..:-j?tce, will, on Monday, April 25, j ,J4 7-, at 12:00 o'clock" M. sell at ? /.lui.e auction for eash to the high- j .v. L.dder at the Court House door ? \ the Town of Brevard, County of . r; :isylVania and State of North j j;volina, sell the following lands j .. <1 premises to wit: Situate in the Town of Brevard,' 'ounty of Transylvania and State of ] N'orth Carolina and described as J follows: Beignning on a stake on Main [ Street, K. Ji Pickelsimer's north- j west corner and runs with the Pick elsimer line South 20 dep. west 73 feet to a stake Pickelsimer's corner; hi ru e? with his hack line south 64 dep. east 19 feet to a stake, his cor ner; thence south 26 deg. west 12 feet to a stake; then north 20 dep. eatit 85 feet to a stake on Main Street; thence with the same south G4 dep. east 30 feet to the Begin ning. Excepting- a small strip of land in the rear which strip is duly describ ed in a deed made ny T. S. Wood et ial to M. D. Cooper, registered in book 14 page 454. Proceeds of sale to be applied up on the aforesaid indebtedness, after paying cost, commissions and ex pense of said .sale. R. W. Welis, Trustee 3.1; 7-1 4-2 IB SALE OF LAND BY TRUSTEE Under and .by virtue of the power of -sale contained in a certain deed in trust txecuted by J. Mack Colt (unmarried) and Bessie Shaffner to the UTidersigned trustee, said deed in trust bearing date of March 4th 1920, and registered in Book 20 at page 106 of the records of the deeds of trust of Transylvania County, N. C., and default having been made in payment of said indebtedness, se cured by said deed in trust, and all notices required having been given, and said default not having been made good; The undersigned Trustee will on April 11th, 1927 at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door in the town of Brevard, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following property, to wit : Beginning on a stake on the West margin of Caldwell St. and runs North 66 1-2 deg. West 136 feet to a stake in the line of lot No. 17 of said lands as represented on map be low mentioned; then with the line of lot No. 17 South 31 deg. West 88 feet to a stake, corner of lot No. 15. on said plot; thence South 60 1-2 tie p. East. .138 feet with the line of lot No. 15 to a stake on the West margin of Caldwell St; then West with the margin of said Caldwell St. 100 feet to the beginning. Being lot No. 16 of the lands of J. A. Galloway as laid on a map( of said land made by A. L. Hardin' and registered or platted in Book No. 28 at page 78 of Deed Records of Transylvania County. This Deed in Trust is given to se cure the balance of purchase price of the lands herein described. Said sale to satisfy said indebted? ness, interest, commissions, costs, etc. . . This the 14th day of March 1927. Judson McCrary, Trustee Galloway & Martin, Attorneys M. 17-24-31-7 NOTICE By virtue of the power of sale given in a certain deed in trust ex ecuted by Stoner Interests, Corpor ation to the undersigned trustee to secure certain indebtedness men tioned in said deed in trust, which deed in trust is dated 16 day of Feb. 1926. registered in Book 16 at page 42, deed in trust records of Transylvania County, and the said indebtedness mentioned having be come due and unpaid, and notice as required in said deed in trust hav ing been given to the makers of said deed in trust to make good the ayment and the default not having een made good, and the holders of said notes having demanded that the lands described in said deed in trust he sold to satisfy the said indebted ness and cost of sale: I will sell to tfte highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in the town of Brevard, N C., on Monday April 11, 1927 at 12 o'clock M. all the following described lands: Lying and being in tbe Township of Eastatoe, Transylvania County, X. C., adjoining the lands of J. S. Silversteen. Anderson Hubbard and others, lying on the waters of Laur el Creek, Beginning on a white oak and runs thence S. 05 deg. west 96 poles to n chestnut; then south 35 deg. west 98 poles to a stone; thence south 20 deg. west 130 poles to a chestnut; thence south 30 deg. east 77 1-2 poles to a chestnut; thence north 50 deg. east 120 poles to a Spanish oak: thence south 52 deg. east 57 poles to a chestnut and hick ory; thence north 50 deg. east 70 poles to a chestnut oak; thence north 7-1 dep. cast 32 poles to a chestnut; thenre north 25 dev. east 50 poles o a spanish oak; thence north 40 1 ?lee. 10 poles to a spanish oak:! Iluhhard corner; thence with h:* !rlh 1 ? ' dee. west 50 p?.le> ;o ?i Mono on t..l|,j.,i By virtue . .. . c) in tvu.-t .\.th nowcj of Kale, executed by Mrs, Z. W. Nichols and husband Z. W. Nlchoi?, to .'illcr, trustee, ;;o euritig two? cei ui..i notes. therein, made payable to Ralph Fisher and '('? K. itcid, said deed iii irus; being rc'.-'H'ilcd .in boor. 21 at 83 of tin? Records of deeds in trust Co.* ( Transylvania county, N. C. and de fault having ? ? : inade In tin- pay ment, of a part of the indobr -dness, 1 secured by .said deed in trust whereby the " entire ' dne.>s Las becohir , due and pa\.../. and the holder of the said notes. ?v? ured by said deed in trust, h'avi t ? called upon the- un dersigned V to advertise and sell the land therein described for the purpose of paying said indebted ness. I will on Monday, May 2, 1927, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door in Brevard, N. C., offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash, the land de scribed in said deed in trust, to wit: Being all of lot No. 1 as shown on the plat recorded in book 33 at page 90 of the deed records in and for Transylvania County, N. C. in the office of the register of deeds ip and for Transylvania County, N. C. in the court house at Brevard, N. C. and is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a stake in the east ern margin of Hampton avenue and in the margin of Probart avenue and runs with the northern margin of Probarte avenue 42 feet to a stake in the corner of lot No. 2 as shown on said plat; thence north 22 deg. I 12 min. east 125 ft. to a stake in the line o* y'~*. No. 21, thence with the line of lot No. 21, 8.7 ft. to a stake in the margin of Hampton av enue; thence with the margin of Hampton avenue 129.4 ft. to the place of beginning, containing all of lot No. 1 as shown on said plat and reference is hereby made to the rec ord referred to above for full de scription of the said lot. This be ing the same land described in a deed from Ralph Fisher et al, to Kate K. Smedburg on the 8th day of july 1925# The said deed is recorded in the office of the Register of deeds in Transylvania County, N. C. in Book of deeds at page This 30th day of March 1927. N. A. Miller, Trustee. 31-A7-14-21 NOTICE State of North Carolina County of Transylvania. By virtue of a deed in trust with j power of sale, executed by Mrs. Z. ! \V. Nichols and husband Z. W. Nich ols, to N. A. Miller, trutsee, secur ing two certain notes therein made payable to Ralph Fisher add T. E. Reid, said deed in trust being re ! cOrded in book 21 at page 54 of the iiecOrds of deeds in trust for Tran sylvania County, N. C. and default | having been made in the payment of I a part of the indebtedness, secured by said deed in trust, whereby the j entire indebtedness has become due iund payable and the holder of the 'said notes secured by said deed in trust, having called upon the under signed trustee to advertise and to sell the- land therein described for the purpose of paying said indebted ness. I will on Monday, May 2, 1927. at 12 o'clock m, at the court house door in Brevard, N. C. offer for sale at public auction and sell to the high est bidder for cash, the land de scribed in the said deed in trust to wit: Being the same lots described in a deed from Ralph Fisher et al. to Mrs. Z. W. Nichols, bearing date of Nov. 9, 1925, and which deed is re corded in book at of the deed records in and for Transylvania County, N. C. and to which record reference is hereby made for a com plete description of the lands con veyed herewith. It being two lots known as lots Nos. 2 and 3, as shown on n plat made of Eastabrook Hill, which map is recorded in book 33 at page 30. This March 30, 1027. N. A. Miller, Trustee. 31; A7-14-21 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Ida E. Nicholson, deceased, late of the county of Tran sylvania, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at the office of Ralph Fisher at Brevard. N. C. on or before the 30th day of March 1928, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. H. P. NICHOLSON, Administrator This 30th day of March 1927. of estate of Ida E. Nicholson. 6tc R. R. F. 31-7-14-21-28; 5 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed in trust dated January 2, 1925 and registered in the office of Register of Deeds of Transylvania county. N. C. in book 19 at page 4f>9 to which said book and page reference is hereby made, said deed in trust be ing from .lack Atkinson, (unmar ried) to \V. E. Breese, the under signed trustee, to secure certain in debtedness therein set forth as evi- , .denced bv notes therein described ; and default having been made in ;hc : payment of said notes and the hold er of said notes having directed the I undersigne-l trustee to advertise and i sell the property hereinafter des< rib- I ed to satisfy rmd pay said notes, in- j r!ohte. at 12:0u. ..'cloc k M at pwM .- an.- . for ? ? to the hieh"st bidder. f- I! -wine ' d'-scribed tra? ? . f land >iti;ate. Iv- ; int.' and being it' Tratt* vlvanra court- J and State f N- th < ..rolina: v.:nLr ??**. a wh '? ' 1 j ADAPTS COUPK AND ROADSTER ^OR COMMERCIAL USL H "Oiiifj's,! Inc., ittiiiouncir. that h-veni r either the ilod^i Krotlu'M standard coupe or: iht roadster can ? hi purchased cquii>jj"d wiili u sliding drawer which Will per il: it r? ady adaptation to commercial as W? II a - other uses. 'J' he telescop ing drawer is built into the rear oi i the two types ol* cars and can ])< pulled out t*h. 1 and ro-.ristevd "t ? fire ->f R.-iri?t?-r of I |? for Train rour'y. N. reference t" 1 which el?-i?,| made f -r di s? rirt i '*" ? pr?p. riv sold, ar.d . 1 r>: :? ., part of this de- : p: . n < the purpose f thi?= ?, Sale made 'clock. Everybody is invited t? rome out and worship wi;h u TURKEY CREEK BAPTIST Brevard. Route 2 ( . E Wythe, pastor; preaching: 4!b Saturday at i?: LO p. m, Surday at !' ? m. Sunday S. hoo! each Si:v ! v in a nv. r E. O-r. V. . . .