Rosman Section Of Brevard News ^ H. F? WRIGHT , Manager ? Rosman, N. C. <? ROSMAN PEOPLE USE THIS PAGE As every one knows, we are en deavoring lo give each week news items untf things of like nature that may be of help to the citizens of our town and community. We, therefore, have the high purpose of serving all the people as best we may, and not merely a part of them. It is not our purpose to serve any one class or classes, family or families, but ALL the people. We have invited one and all to co-ope rale with us in this un dertaking and help us put it over in good fashion. Mr. Barrett, the big-hearted editor of The Brevard News, is very much interested in the progress not only of Brevard and the lower end of the county, but in the progress of all of our people in every part of the coun ty. To this task he is devoting him self, without reserve, and is working day and night for the people of this county, irrespective of class or- cir cumstances. And all of you know that he is making one of the best county papers it has ever been our privilege to read or examine. .There are other counties that would wel come Mr. Barrett right now with his. paper into their midst. It was, indeed, the dawning of a new day for the towij of Rosman when Mr. Barrett invited us to use one whole page of his paper each and every week to boost our town and its wonderful opportunities, and to tell the world about our noble citizen ship. We should grasp this opportu nity with a tremendous grip and hold on and work and toil on until some fine day we may grow and prosper, until our streets are paved and all modern conveniences are installed in our town. Let's use the space more freely as a broadcasting station through which to scatter abroad the matters of in terest and importance. Little inno cent jokes that would provoke com ment of a clean and wholesome na ture, that would promote friendli ness and good will may be publish ed; but anything that might cause bitterness and ill feeling will not be acepted for publication in this sec tion of the paper. So give us your news items ? we appreciate them ? H. F. W. ROSMAN LOSES GOOD MAN On Monday of this week at 5:30 o'clock, Mr. Joseph Stepp, one of Bosnian's most respected and dearly Deloved citizens, passed away at his home here. He had only been ill for n few days and hi3 death was a a :\*ere .shock to the community. Mr. Stepp was 78 years of age and had lived at Rosman for the past sixteen years. He was the son of F. M. Stepp and was born and reared near Black Mountain. He was twice married and was the father of four children, two of whom arc dead and two living. His firsV wife was Miss Polly V. Gudger, who died many years ago. Mr. Stepp was later married to "Miss Addie Henderson who preceded him to the grave some fourteen months ago. J Mr. Stepp was one of those quiet, unassuming gentlemen of which Ros man abounds. He was honest, and J thoroughly reliable, a man of which , any community can feel proud. He , will be greatly missed, but never can , be forgotten. He will live on in the hearts of his friends until that day when they shall be re-united ,V?ith him on the other side of the cold Jordan. ?' Rev. H. F. Wright attended the ministers conference at Six Mile, S. | C., on Monday of this week. This . conference embraces four associa tions, in what is known as the Piedmont section of South Carolina. The meeting was held in the famous Six Mile Baptist academy. Prof. Richard Hallum, Jr.. is the efficient principal. The Academy is doin? good work. F'OWELVILLE IS THRIVING SUBURB When we wrote up our magnili eicnt little* city some clays ago, we failed to say anything concerning the southern division <JT Rosman. This section is located on the south side of the French Broad river, on the highway, leading from Eastfork com m inity to Rosman. Being, as it is, settled un largely by Mr. Muck Pow ell and (lis sons and sonsj-in-laws it' seeing to us that this section of Ros man could well afford to call itself Powell vilje," with no bad effect. Of course there ajV many other good citizens located here a'nd sure enough but a few other business ad ditions would make it a real town. But for the present we suppose the people of the community are content with being cons ireedfii i WWoPntW with being considered citizens of the city of Rosman. ROSMAN LOCALS Mrs. Gus Glazener is not enjov In*f very good health of late. She is reported as beirte very ill but we hope for her early recovery. The- lady teachers of the Rosman nigh school took a trip to the moun- 1 tarns on last Saturday. Going up on the wood train of the Gloucester Lumber company. This was a most delightful experience to the ladies, as they are not accustomed to things of like nature. Miss . Vesie Porter of Pickens, S. spent the past week-end with her aunt, Mrs. H. F. Wright. Her visit was one of genuine pleasure and satisfaction both to her and those whom she met. She returned home on Monday of this week with an urgent invitation to come again soon. ?ii ^I,s" Barnie Batson has been very M for the oast several days but is now improving. Business is improving very much *irice the coming of these ' lovely spring days Our business men say ' Business is picking up." Miss Magie Owneby, a former res ident of Rosman, but now of Bre ard visited Mrs. Jordan Whitmire on Monday of this week. Quite a large crowd attended the singing convention at Oak Grove on last Sunday afternoon. A real nice time was enjoyed. The convention will meet next with Cherryfield on the third Sunday afternoon of this i month. ? I .We notice a new barber shop out- : . s heeiv installed in our city yet it's hard for some folks to think we are making progress. A large crowd of sorrowing iriends attended the funeral of Mr. Joseph Stepp at Calvert on Tuesday afternoon. The services were con ducted by Rev. J. C. Richardson and Rev. II. F Wright after which in terment took place in the Mount Moriah cemetery. Mr. Flem Glazener announced his purpose of preaching at a certain well known mountain camp, but has not yet decided on the time. When ever and wherever Mr. Glazener de fines to make a public address, we shall be on hand, because when it rains sugar, our cup must be turned right-side up. IJncle Harvey Searcy has been suffering much of late with rheuma tism in his legs. We hope for his early and complete recovery. We see from The Pickens Sentinel that South Carolina is to surface treat the Pickens and Rosman high way from Easlev to the foot of the mountains. This will greatly assist N'O Til C E There is a law prohibiting people from parking on the public highways, unless they clear the paving with their cars. This law applies to stops even of short duration. People stopping their cars on the high ways should, in keeping with the law, drive to the side of the road until their car is entirely clear of the paving. The law also provides a penalty for those who drive into a main highway from an intersection or side road without slowing down and blowing the horn. On April 1 the State Law will be 45 miles the hour, except around curves, ir. school zones and at road crossings. I intend to enforce : h . e laws regulating highway traffic, and will appreciate the co-operation of the public. Those who violate the law. however, may expect to be arrested. ECK SIMS High way Traffic Officer CHEM. STUDENTS VISIT BIG PLANT Mr. Black's chemistry class has finally convinced .him t hut his. def inition that "Chemistry is a science that the tenth grade knows nothing about" is absolutely incorrect. lie is very much pleased with the progress which the class is making, so much so that he carried it over to Canton Friday to study the man ufacture of paper in the largest pap'^r mill of the world. After a thorough examination and study of the different processes that the wood goes through before it is made into paper, the bus driver in sisted oil returning by way of Mt. Pisgah. After many winds find u:rns and exciting adventures, the top was leached in time to see the sun set under the lovely hills below. The pup''s. were quite thrilled over seeing the wild buffalos, elks, deer and many ot.VT smaller ani mals in the park. Those who enjoyed the trip were, Mary Jane Price, Azixf*' Owen, Joe Galloway, Lyle Henderson?*, a member of their sister class, (Jrfk ten Galloway FORMERPASTOR VISITS ROSMAN Rev. T. C. King, a former pastor <>f Zion church, spent the week-end visiting among the people of Ros man. Brother King has a host of friends in Roninan and throughout the county. We were all glad to shake his hand and welcome. him back again. Brother King preached at Zion Sunday morning, at Calvert in the afternoon, and at Rosman again at the evening service. His sermons were all able, interesting and help ful. The people seemed to hear him gladly. Come again, Brother King, the traveling public.. But what seems that is also needed very badly is the highway should be hardsur facod or surface-treated or some thing done, before the next winter weather begins to improve the Ros man end of this important highway. Miss May White, daughter of Mr. Elmor White, of Asheville, was a pleasant visitor here for several days last week. Mr. Leslie Owen treated himself and family to a new coach Chevro let. The coach is perhaps the most popular car the Chevrolet Motor company is putting out. The B. Y. P. U. of Zion church had a social meeting at the home of Mrs. Stroup on last Saturday even ing. The young people were invited to meet in honor of Mr. Tom Stroup. the young son of Mrs. Stroup who is a member of the B. Y. P. U. Mr. Carl Eldridge and his mother were business visitors in South Car olina one doy last week. Mr. G. C. McClure and family visited relatives in Jackson county on last Sunday. Mr. McClure is manager of the company store here. A party of young people from here motored to Whiteside mountain last Sunday, taking their lunch and spending the entire day at sightsee ing in tne Land of the Sky. Mrs. W. F. Garren and children of Asheville, visited Mrs. Garren's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Glazener, last week-end. Mr. Dan Glazener has returned (from Middleton. Ohio. He reports a wonderful trip. He says* that the only regret that he has is that he [didn't have longer to stay and more 'time in which to see the country. Little Rubv Glazener visited the school last Monday. We are very glad to have Wil liam Watkins, one of our old high school boys with us again, but very :.orry that he had to leave school on account of his health. We hope that he will soon bo able to resume his studies. Dunn's Rock Lodge ? 267 A. F. & A. M. j. Meets every Second and ? Fourth Friday Nights at 7:30 O'Clock. Visiting Brethren Always Welcome NOTICE All persons holding claims against the estate of the late Col. C. C. Hodges will please pre sent same, properly item ized, to the undersigned. MRS. W. H. McCOY Box 145 Brevard, N. C. _ , We have just learned, of the death { of Mr. M. .1. W el bo rn of the Mount Grove section of I'ickeits county, S. i ?(.. lie was one of our life long friends. Ami it -brinks jronuino J grief to our hearts to learn' of his 1 death. He has been a great suf ferer f<>r the pBSt few. years. While death was not unexpected, yet wo J grieve at his going. He was a roal i friend and neighbor to us. Bless- j ings on his memory and the Heart j broken family ( II F. VV. ) Mr. J. W. and B. T. Winchester : were business visitors to our town on Monday of this week. WANT ADS FOR SALE- Nice blooming , Johnny .J limp-Up plants ? 11) cents peri dozen. Mrs. Marcus Williams. ltcj WANTED? -Reliable man to driv>j Buick car to Winston-Salem, leaving Brevard April 10 and return ing Easter Sunday. P 0 Box 911 FOR SALE ? Dahlia Tubers. Best varieties, $1.00 each: Many good varieties cheaper. Surplus in un labeled collection $1.00 dozen. Mrs. John Maxwell 3-31- 2tp J. ^R SALE ? One Stutz Roadster in iro7*d condition. See it at the Brevarc? ..Battery Co. 3-3 1 tf , *t ian<l LOST? Lad?^? beaded handbag hiKh school night of bu.... play ? Owner may M^ceive same by applying at Brevard^^j^'4 ?m?t + and paying for this ad. Z4-lt. WANTED? 50 Suit, lo clW" press" at 75c. BREVARD CLEANING CO. MONEY TO LOAN? On Improved* farm lands at six per cent, for long or short term, in amounts from three to fifty thousand dol lars preferred, however, ? one thousand dollar loans will be ac cepted. 1-20 tf 50 A. F. MITCHELL, Atty at Law. j WANTED ? 25 Suit, to Press, 35c. I BREVARD CLEANING CO. FOR SALE ? Several wash stands, doors and some window sash suit- J able for hot beds. Not new, and will be sold at very reasonable F rices. See O. H. Orr at Brevard nstitute. April 7 tf FOR SALE One Hudson Coach ? For information apply to Mrs. C'. C. Hodges, Box 145, Brevard, N. C. 7-1 4pd, If. L. licricy, of Moxrco, Mo., Mill wuiii.s on ' special ' bccuHion* the suit* In which hu was married 10 years u?o. A Belgian police dog recently brought to tlii.s country is said to have led to the capture of nearly 100 bandit* in France. 1st ! Our institution is distinct in its plan, dif ferent in its service and objects from any other kind of financial institution in this County. We are engaged solely in financ ing, through first mortgage loans, the buy ing, building or improvement of homes. Those who invest savings with us provide the funds. Earnings come from the in terest on loans made after expenses have been paid. Our plan stands FIRST in rapid growth during the past ten years. FIRST also in its record for safety. OFFICERS THOS. H. SHIPMAN, Pres. J. M. ALLISON, V.-Pres. H. E. PERKINS, Secy-Treas. DIRECTORS W. M. HENRY S. M. MACFIE \ r vnNrtiP J. H. TINSLEY C>C. YONGUE j M ALLISON R. vKyEVERETT THOS. H. SHIPMAN BrevM^l Building and Loan Association BREVARD, Nt C" THE PISGAH BANK^ Announces the appointment of MR. OLIVER H. ORR As cashier of our institution, to succeed Mr. Lewis P. Hamlin, who has been ad vanced to the office of active Vice President. Mr. Oliver Orr needs no introduction to the people of T ransylvania County. He has long been active in the business, educational, civic and religious life of this community. We are proud to make announcement of his addition to our institution. Mr. Orr will assume his new duties June 1st. THE PISGAH BANK OFFICERS J. H. PICKELSIMER, President W. W. CROUSHORN, V.-Pres. LEWIS P. HAMLIN, V.-Pres. OLIVER H. ORR, Cashier J. L. WHITMIRE. Ass't. Cashier R. L. Nicholson \V. W. Croushorn C. R. McXeely O. H. Orr Lewis P. Hamlin DIRECTORS J. H. Pickelsimer .!. L. Whitmire H. A, Hlummor K. S. English Rish W. Whitmire

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