PISGAH FOREST MEWS We are very glad to see the rain, as our gardens are very badly in need of water. Mrs. Carlos Morris has as her guest her sister, Mrs. Lance. We were very sorry to hear of Mr. 1'ress Norma's small son, Lee, being snake bitten, l.ittle Lee was out play ing in some bushes Thursday when lie was \>itten three times on the arm. At last reports he was somewhat im proved. We are hoping for his re covery. Mr. B. Montgomery, a mechanic for the Carr Lumber company, left Monday for New Mexico, where he is going to do some mechanical work for Mr. Carr, who is running a mill there. Mrs. Willie Morris has as her guest her sister, Mrs. D. Lombard and daughter, Willina, from Grim shawes, N. C. The two Intermediate Sunday School classes of the Baptist church went on a picnic Thursday to Miss Julia Denver's place. ? The two teachers, Miss Mildred Barnette and Miss Florine Carter, accompanied by Mrs. Jim Lyday and Mrs. Frank Allen were in the party. A fine time was reported. Mr. Henry Mackey is at home on a 15-day furlough from the Navy, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marckcy. < Mrs. Pruett was a week-end vis itor in Asheville. Mr. Minard Stepp had as his guest Mr. and Mrs. Reaves, from Georgia. > ;?! Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Morris have as their guest Mr. Morris' cousin, Miss M, Cagle. We are very glad to see the work at the Davidson River cemetery im proving. i. Little Mary Nicholson has been On the sick list, also little Billie Ly day. Miss Rheba Tipton has returned to her home here after attending col lege at Mars Hill. Miss Mamie Lyday was the guest of her grandfather, Mr. Joe Orr, Thursday. "if#] Little D. S. Orr has been on the sick list. ; i Mr. O. L. Martin was a visitor here Saturday. I ? Mr. Raymond Reed and Mr. L. Davis passed through this section Saturday. usiifi Airs. Kd McCoy was on the sick list Inst week. Mr. 15. Mullcnax and family were he truest s of Aunt I. ue Mullenax ?Saturday night. \| >? i.; Mr. Clarence Wyatt and family ??erf intents ojf Mrs. Sam Wyatt Sunday. Miss Bculah Allison and Mr. Ji*j Wicker wore visitors of Mr. and Mrs*. J. Killian Sunday. A large crowd attended the eing ?ng from this place held at Brevard Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Colburn had as her miest Sunday, Mrs. Carl Morris of ,l.ltnio"? and Mis. 1 Kennon of Brevard. .'Jr. Cli.uii Galloway and Miss I.uhi Julio way were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stepp and family Sunday. M'-s I.ucile Burns was the guest of Mrs. J. Sentelle Sunday. Miss Ida Corn was the gues?t of "Sisses Annie and Corinne Sentelle Sunday. Mr 'Jeorge Townsend was the guest of Mr. Jess Cagle Thursday. We were verv much surprised to iicar of the wedding of Miss Mattie Cody and Mr, Otho Cairnes, which occurred Monday morning at the home of Mrs. B. Murray in Brevard in the presence of a few friends. Those present were: Mrs. J. Morris, Mrs. S. Albert, and Mrs. B. Murray. The couple enjoyed a wedding din ner at the home of the bridt, given by her mother, Mrs. W. Cody, after which they left for Spartanburg and other points on a short honeymoon trip. Upon their return they will make their home here. The com munity joins in wishing for them a long and happy life. Mr. J. Buckner and family mot ored to Kimes Creek Sunday. Mr. U. Thrift was a visitor in this section Monday. Miss Rheba Tipton was the guest of Miss Cannie Bryson Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. B. Davis have as their guest, Mr. A. Jones of Ruther ford. Mr. J. Wiles was the guest of Mr. Russel Sunday. The revival meeting at the Bap tist church is continued for another week. COMFORT AND GOOD TASTE are combined in the living room suites which form an important part of our furniture display, staunchly constructed, deeply cushioned, and covared with ve lours, mohairs, and tapestry, in a variety of pleasing- and attractive designs, and priced unusually low, quality considered. BREVARD HDW. and FURNITURE CO. i A GOOD SCRUBBING is what your car gets when we do the cleaning of it. Every day with us is like the housewife's "spring and fall house cleaning." We scrub and scour and polish until your car shines like a bright new silver dollar fresh from the mint! MAIN ST. SERVICE STATION Tel. 290 SERVE THE PUBLIC We want your business. You pay for service as well as Gas & Oil. Try our brand. Cleanliness, Promptness and Courtesy. Greasing. STANDARD SERVICE STATION Caldwell and French Broad Sts. $9.95 buys a ladies white or yellow gold filled bracelet watch. We -just received 10 0 and we will have a special sale on Fri day and Saturday. Foxman Jewelry Co. The Dependable Store. u n ] SOCIETY i MRS. HOY l.ONG HONORS MOUSE GUEST Mrs, H?y Long was hostess at un ' informal tea Saturday afternoon at In r home on Broad 1 street, cntvr ? tabling in honor of her. sister, Mrs. ) W. l>. Reaves, of Greenville, who i was her guest the past week, j Receiving at the door were Mrs. ! Walter Duckworth ami Mrs. T. H. t Shipman. Mrs. I ,oii|; was assisted in reviving the guests by her sister. jMrs. H. 1.. Wilson invited the guests i into the dining' room, where the block cream, cake and mints were served by Miss Nancy Mactie and iMiss Elizabeth Shipman. The cream was cut at the dining table by Mrs. Hume Harris and Mrs. Harold Nor wood. An attractive color scheme in ycd low and white, was carried out in the dining room, the table being prettily decorated in sweet peas and ? candles. The rooms were very of jfective in their decoration of a pro fusion of cut flowers and mountain laurel. | Adding to the pleasure of the oc casion were the piano selections rendered by Miss Marguerite Robert json during the- reception hours. I Forty guests were present. i SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS HOLDS PARTY Little girls of the Sunday School class of Miss Odell Nicholson, of the ' Baptist "chord), enjoyed a party at the home of their teacher on Cald i well street Friday night. Games and other forms of recreation w?re enjoyed during the evening, after which refreshments were served. CA1RNES-CODY Miss Mattie Cody, of Pisgah For est, and Mr. Otho Cairjies, of Jnman, S. C., were united in marriage Mon day at noon, the ceremony being performed at the home of Mrs. Hazel Murray, on Whitmire street, by Justice of the Peace, F. D. Shu ford. i The bride is the daughter of Mr. | and Mrs. Willard Cody, of Pisgah Forest, and the groom is well known here, having been connected with Simpson Barber shop for the past several years. MISS HELEN DUCKWORTH WEDS MR. CORDELL RUSSELL Coming as a surprise to their many friends was the marriage of iUiss Helen Duckworth and Mr. Cor <'f|i RiissqII. the ceremony being performed Friday afternoon at five thirty o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Duckworth. In the absence from town of the bride's pastor, Rev. W. H. Hartsell, pastor of the Brevard Baptist church, the ceremony was performed by Rev. O. L. Simpson, pastor of the Methodist church. The house was prettily decorated in mountain laurel, ferns and dais ies. The bride and groom entered unattended to the strains of Lohen prin's Bridal Chorus, played by Miss Rowena Orr. During the ceremony. Miss Orr played softly, "To a Wild Rose." Witnessing the ceremony wore members of the immediate family and a few intimate friends of the bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Russell left immed iately for a short wedding trip to Greenville, Atlanta and other points, after which they will return to Bre vard where they will make their home, having leased a cottage in West Brevard. MATH AT ASIANS HOLD FINAL MEETING OF CLUB YEAR Members of the Mathatasian club met Thursday afternoon at the home of the President, Mrs. H. L. Wilson, to transact the necessary business relative to completing the work of the club year. The club decided to study the sub ject of "Homemakers" "as their study tonic for next year. The dub refused to take action on Mrs. Paul C. Benedict's resignation, on ac count of her expected absence from Brevard during the greater part of next year, requesting that her name be kept on the roll as one of the charter members, and that a substi tute be appointed in her place. It was agreed to send a basket of fruit to Mrs. Julia Trowbridge, who is one of the charter members of the club and now on the honorary list, in view of the fact that she is confined to her home on account of her recent accident. A program committee was appointed as follows: Mrs. Ernest H. Norwood. Mrs. Roy Long, Mrs. Oliver Orr. ('niiciudiiii; the business ????won was the annual election of officers for th ? ensuing year, the entire ol fu-.ial staff being re-elected as fol lows: President. Mrs. H. L. Wilson; vice president. Mrs._ Oliver Orr; re cording secretary, "Mrs. Roy Long: corresponding secretary, Mrs. Paul C. Benedict; treasurer. Mrs. H. C. Ranson. MRS. SMATHERS ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE One of the delightful social af fairs of the week was the bride party given by Mrs. P::u! Si-.iath r. at her home on Franklin street Fri day afternoon. > honoring Mrs. Paul C. l!<-nedirt. who will leave shortly for Washington, D. t'. Six tables were arranged for plav. a! the conclusion of which dainty refreshment* were served. High sci re was made by Mrs. B. T. Payne, .-f Rockintham. and low score i>v Mrs. G. F. Smathers. of ,\ shov'lli-, Mr*. Benedict was pre t.-vmed ait attractive guest prize. Th- looms- were attractively nr j rnngi-d, !i?ing a color scheme in pink and v '.ite. he little pink Dorothy I Perkins r<>ses lidding to tii?- effect t i veil ess of the occasion. Sweet ;? i.; r, U-' ! as favors. fjne-i. present included: Mrs. Paul ? Benedict. Mrs. W. K. tiri-e-.. . Mi - Martina Rr ? Mr-. I!. I?. I ..-in. Mrs. \V. W. y Misses Margaret ' and Martina l'earce at their attract-; ive summer home, entertaining in i honor of their cousin. Miss O'Brien,: of St. Petersburg, Kla. An old-fashioned square dance: f atured the occasion, which was thoroughly enjoyed by the seventy-; five or more young people present, i Punch, cake, sandwiches and nuts were served during , the evening. JOINT HOSTESSES ENTERTAIN INSTITUTE LADIES I Lady members of the Brevard In stitute factulty were entertained at an informal reception Wednesday! afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. E. Loftis, who was ass:sic'd in enter-' taming !\v jilns. \V. N ic:io:s, }!rs| \\ . li. Utulcryvood, Mrs. K. M. l'sus- ! rr aiui Mrs. J. 1), i'irltoUilut'r. An cnjoyablu ci.iiicsi was engaged i in, after which musical selections* were rendered by Miss Ia'wis and Miss Koth, of tin- Institute music I department, and Mrs. H. K. Nichol-j son. Refreshments were served t>y the joint hostesses during the after noon. El'WOKTH LEAGUERS ENJOY PICNIC Pronounced by many to be one of the most enjoyable social affair? ever held by the Kpworth League was the picnic given by that organ ization Thursday evening at Maiden Hair Kalis. After a delightful climb around the mountains sur rounding the falls and other for ins of enjoyable recreation, the fifty or more Leaguers in attendance par took of a bountiful picnic supper around the camplire. Weiners and n'.arslnnallows were toasted over tiic liiie. stories told and sonss sun;;. Miss Bill Aiken nad charge of tin entertainment program, assisted by s< ve.ral other members. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES ENJOY SOCIAL Young lady members of the Sun day School class of Mrs. 1). I1. K l; patrick and the young men of Mi. t". . M, Poiiftlas' class enjoyed a ra cial gathering in the recreation rooms of the church Monday night. Various games we're played and a general good time enjoyed by all present, including the two teachers. Refreshments of ice cream uiui cako were served during the evening. ENGAGEMENT IS ANNOUNCED Mr, and ^lrs. A, I.. York i.i> nounce the engagvment and ap proaching marriage of their daughter, Jean Crouch, to .Mr. Man Coleman, f Chappcll, S. ('., the wedding to be an event of tise early full. Miss Crouch is a populns . i.n of the Bre vard high school. Mr. Coleman is well known 'in Brevard, having served in the ca pacity of athletic instructor I'.t. th< Brevard high school the past ,s .ar. and has made many friends during his short stay in the community. FISHER-COWAN Friends . throughout the county were surprised on learning of the marriage of Mr. Jack Fisher. of Rosman, to Miss Elsie Cowan, of Webster, the ceremony- being: per formed in Sylva Saturday, May 2S. The bride is the daughter of Mr. :in0111 is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. I.ee R. Fishor, ? f Uoj man, and has many friends through out the county, lie is cormeeieJ with Smith's Barber shop in Brevard 30] From Seven a. m. to Eleven p. m. In order to better serve the citizens and visitors, we have made ar rangements to keep our shop open until 11 o'clock at hours will be observed during the month we will have full 24-hour service ? day TAKING A RIDE, Is now one of the most general We know how unpleasant it is to supper, and then find that your car will not start, or that some tires. JUST RUN YO I And we will fix the thing in ( your family or friends, spinnj Brevard WHERE CAR TROI AND WORR" ^=omo!Er^o PUS Week Enl Sheeting, 36-inch 12 Yards for ....... 25c Cretonnes Per Yard ... . 15c Curtain Scrim Per Yard . Ready Made Curtains, ^l^S1 Pair Peter Pan Prints Per Yard . Figured Voiles, 50c values 3 Yards for i Rayon Crepe, $1.00 values Per Yard Silk Pongee, $1.50 value (all Per Yard . 9-4 Pepperell Sheeting, unble* Per Yard ? 9-4 Sheeting, bleached Per Yard ? Pillow Cases, 42x36 Each Linen Finish Table Damask Per Yard Pushell's THE HOME OF HART CLO'