Legal Advertisements 1 ? NOTICE 1 toX dcrsigned Trustee, which said tk'ed in trust is recorded duly in the of fice of the Register of D?^d?, th Transylvania couMty. State o r>v 1 ' fcWSSi tM?5 fera-^3? l*id default not having been made i ' n?/j tYw? holders of said notc?? evWencint said indebtedness, having declared all indebtedness under said deeif 'n trust due, and having re I, nested that the undersigned trus tee that the said deed in trust f? NOW6 THEREFORE: The under rtrr>?"' sr., Wis house dor, in the town of |revar$ county of Transylvania, St. te of ^S;frs2' ^nU? statejofj N^h Carolina.^and adjoining the lands so ? (jlazen- 1 Ttk particularly describe ac"es lying on j and the waters of " ^ Hamnn farm, 1 ?d?Teing fully describedd by metes , dated February 2, IW,?^ Reg registered in the lvania coun ister of deeds of Transyiva of ty, N. C., in Book 47, ?lv;nto the feed 'ecord. of Trafny county, N. C., ana tract of complete description vof(,rence is land hereby =?nv,eyeb v mentioned hnokan^ page, and they are | deed book ana P & red to and , hereby spec" description for , ?? 'pu*PO? "? tW' iSS^S r?- ? ? ?"Th"? S^Yr&J'StU-Is'a' Welch Galloway, Trustee FORECLOSURE sale eJ Under nnd ,vl[tU? ?ccrtain deed ! of sale container 1 ' - March 1st, I in trust bear,!"gA nchor Finance Cor 1926,. from the Ancno d Trusteei poration to th Grogan, Jr;, for the use OX W ? w trust is and others ?hich No 16 at page registered in cords of' deed in 19 1 et Sf. ? ngy\vanfa county , N. C. trusts of iransy v,pen made m and default ha g ; debtedness se the Payment ?f the ^ whereby cured by said a *y.erein contained the power of sale therein ^ notlces has become ?Peroani^ deed in trust required under sa ^ default having been de good and the not having been evidencing said holders of thc "?^e declared all of indebtedness hav g requested the indebtedness J said be forecfosed. 55f? -A -8 house door in Brevard N. ^ & '??? re.l P'?sC.r,y^ ? Lna Xh.'A bc.nd.d BEGINNING on ,J?I ?west niargin of gt COmer street, Thrash s -n 0f said and runswiththem ^ iQ0 fwt street north oU a g TUiia Trow to a stake a corner of JuM bridge; thenco wth her ^ whit 77-dcg. west and P?f?net0 a stake; mire street , west parallel thence south 30 deg . *e* V a to Caldwell street 100 ith stake; thence south 77 defeeet t0 the Mrs. Thrash s line 10 Vialf acre Beginning containing one half more or less. t ap_ pllir?y.rSVL?,'2.S"??. JTi-ie-a. D. L. English, Trustee J 2-9 10 SAMS' SALV17 FOR Pneumonia, Co1d?, Croup Influenza, Headache Aik Your Dealer Or Write Caldwell Medicine Co. BOX 318, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Dunn's Rock Lodge ? 267 A. F. & A. M. Meets ervery Second and Fourth Friday Nights at 7:30 O'Clock. Visiting Brethren Always Welcome NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of a Deed of Trust with power of sale executed by Georgw Temple Jr. to G. H. Valentin?, iru> tee, securing certain notes mentioned given for pai?t of the pur chase price of the land therein de scribed, said deed of trust being dated March 15, 1926, and Vfcoriiea in book 20, page 168 of the records of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust for Transylvania counyt, and default having bien made in payment of in terest, and part of the principal of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, whereby the entire indebtedness has been declared in stantly due and payable, after live days notice, said default not having been made good, and the holder of the notes secured by said deed of trust having called upon the under signed trustee to advertise and sell the land therein described in order to pay said indebtedness with inter est and ?xpenses: I 1 will on Monday the 27th day of I June, 1927, at 12 o'clock noon at the court house door in Brevard, N. C. offer for sale at public auction, land sell to the highest bidder for cash, the land described in said deed of trust, to-wit: The following described lots or ! parcels of lan dsituated in the town of Brevard, North Carolina, county of Transylvania, on the south side of Main street, and more particular ly described as follows: BEGIN NING on a stake on south margin of Main street, the northeast corner of lot No. 5 of a subdivision of the Allison property, runs with the south margin of Main street, south 58 deg. 40 min. cast, 40 feet to a stake, the north west corner of lot No. 8 of said subdivision; then with the line of lot No. 8, south 31 deg. 30 min. west 100 feet to a stake on the north margin of a 10 foot alloy; then with the north margin of said alley, north 58 deg. 40 min. west 40 feet to a stake ,the south east corner of lot No. 5; then with the line of lot No. 5, north 31 deg. 30 min. east 100 feet to the Begin ning. Being all of lots Nos. 6 and 7 of the Plat and Sub-division of the Allison property, which map is recorded in Book No. 33, page 100 of the deed records of Transyl vania county. North Carolina. This May 27th, 1927. G. H. Valentine, Trustee. 2-9-16-23 Notice of Sale of Bond*. $50,000 School Bond*. Bids will be received on June 20, A. D. 1927, at 2 p.m. in the commis sioners rooms in the county court house for $50,000 school bonds. These bonds are for the purpose of meeting a deficit in the sinking fund and deficit in the county school bon^s for the year 1927-28. Part of the money will be used in finishing the high school building at Rosman and making improvements on the school property. This the 8th day of June, 1927. (order) J. H. PICKELSIMER, Chairman Board Commissioners of Transylvania county, N. C. 2t LAND SALE By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust exe cuted on the 1st day Of May, 1926, by Welch Galloway and wife, Effie D. Galloway, to J. F. Ford, Trustee, to secure the indebtedness therein described to William Farr and The Howard Investors, Incorporated, which said deed of trust is duly re corded in office of Register of Deeds for Transylvania County, N. C., in book 16 page 230, and default hav ing been made in the payment of both principal and interest on the notes secured by said deed of trust, and upon application and demand of the holder of said notes, the under signed trustee will, on Tuesday 31st day of June, 1927, at the Court House jloor, in the City of Brevard, said county" and state, at 12 o'clock noon, offer for sale, to the highest bidder for cash the following de scribed tract or parcel of land, sit uate, lying and being in the town of Brevard, Transylvania County, N. C., on the South side of Probarte Avenue, adjoining lands of H. C. Ranson, C. C. Kilpatrick and others, and bounded as follows: BEGINNING on a stake at the in tersection of the west margin of the alley leading from Main street to Probarte Avenue and the south mar gin of Probarte Avenue, and runs with the South Margin of Probarte Avenue, north 64 deg. west 90 feet, more or less, to a stake at the Ran son corner; thence with the Ranson line, south 26 deg. west 139 feet to a stake at the Paxton line; then with the Paxton line and Kilpatrick line, south 64 deg. east 90 feet more or less to a stake on west margin of Itjhe alley above mentioned; (then with the west margin of said alley, north 26 deg. east 139 feet to the beginning, being the same lot de scribed in a deed made by R. H. Zachary and wife to Welch Gallo way and wife, said deed duly re corded in office of register of deeds for Transylvania County, N. C. This the 20th dav of May, 1927. J. F. Ford ( Trustee. 26; J2-9-16. NOTICE North Carolina, Transylvania County. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT John King vs. Josephine King. The defendant, Josephine King. \*ill tjike notice that an action en- ' titled as above has been commenced I in the Superior Court of Transyl- | vania County, N". C. by the plain tiff to secure an absolute divorce from the said defendant; and the "aid defendant will take notice that ;ht is required to appear at the of fice of the Clerk of the Superior | Ct urt of said County in the Court ; House in Brevard. N". C. on July 11, 1927, and answer or demurrer to 'he complaint in said action or the |. plaintiff will apply to the Court for '? > relief demanded in said com< plaint. This 10th day of May, 1927. Roland Owen. Clerk Superior Court. July - CHURCH DIRECTORY (Notice- ? YOUK church ami Sunday School is not list-'d ir. this column, please speak to your pas. or or Sunday School officials about the matter and get them to send in then church directory.) UREVAKD PRESBYTERIAN ??THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Rev. Vernon A. Crawford, pastor; Services: Sunday School, 9:45 a. m.; morning worship, 11a. ir?. ; Chris tian Endeavor, 0:30 p. ni. ; mid-week service, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. ; S. S. Supt., L. A. Amnion, A cordial in vitation is extended to members and friends to every service. BREVARD METHODIST O. L. Simpson, pastor; Services: Sunday School, i) :46 a. m., Dr. J. K Zachary, Supt. Morning service II; Epworth League 6:45; Evening ser 1 vice, 7:30; Prayer Meeting W'ednes j day 7 :30. All visitors to the city are cordially invited to worship with j us. We need you ? you need us. BREVARD BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wallace Hartsell, pastor. Sunday School 9:45 A. M. ; Preach ing Service 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P, M. ; B. Y. P. U. Sunday evening; Mid-week Prayer Service, Wednes day, 7:30 P. M. Julian A. Glazener, Sunday School Superintendent. ST. PHILIPS CHURCH (Episcopal) Rev. H. Perry, rector, phone 134. Holy Qommunion, 8 a. m. ; Church School, 10 a. m. ; Holy Communion and Services, first and third Sun days, 11 a. m.; Mo-rning Prayer and Sermon, second and fourth Sundays, 11 a. m. OAK GROVE BAPTIST Quebec Z. Isaac Henderson, pastor; Sanday School each Sunday at 10:30 a. m.; C. W. Henderson, Supt.; Preaching on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 11:30 a. m. ; Conference on Saturday night before each first Sunday, 8 p. m. ; Prayer meeting each Wednesday at 8 p. m. The public is invited and members are expected to attend all these services. ZION BAPTIST Roimin, N. C. H. F. Wright, pastor. Preaching 1st and 3rd Sundays at 11 a. m. and 8 p.m.; Sunday School each Sunday 10 a. m., C. R Clark, Supt.; B. Y. P. U. 7:30 each Sunday; Prayer Meeting each Thursday evening 7.45. LAKE TOXAWAY BAPTIST Lake Toxaway Z. Isaac Henderson, pastor; Sunday School each Sunday at 10 a. m. : L. V. Sigmon, Supt.; Preaching on the 2nd and 4th Sundays at 11 a. m. Welcome to all. Special invitation to visitors and tourist. ?' ROSMAN CHARGE $ev. J. C. Richardson, Pastor Rotman Preaching every 2nd and 4 th Sundays, 11 a. m. ? 7:30 p. m.; Sunday School 10 a. m., ? A. M. White, supt.; Prayer Meeting each Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Lake Toxaway Preaching 3rd Sunday, 11 a. m. ? 7:30 p. m.; Sunday School 10 a. m., W. H. Arrowood, supt.; Prayer Meeting Sunday evening 7 :30. East Fork Preaching 1st Sunday 11 a. m.; Sunday School 10 a. m., W. W. Gravely, supt. Preaching at Connestee 1st Sun day 2 :30 p. m. ? Selica, 2nd Sunday 2:30 p. m. LITTLE RIVER BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. F. Scott, pastor. Sunday School 10 a. m., Mr. Chas. Ashworth supt. Preaching service 11 o'clock. Junior B. Y. P. U.Sunday 2:30p.m. W. M. U. meets Thursday after the second Sunday. BREVARD WESLEYAN METHODIST Rev. G. E. ICellar, pastor. Preach ing each Sunday evening 7:30; Sun day School each Sunday 10:30, W. L. Pierson, supt. Prayer meeting Tuesday and Thursday 7 :30. Z. M. ,W. B. Society each second Tuesday 7:30. W. H. F. M. Society each 4th Tuesday 7 :30. CARSONS CREEK Preaching services seccmd Sunday ?it 11 o'clock, and fourth Sunday at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 10 o'clock. Everybody is invited to come out and worsnip with us. TURKEY CREEK BAPTIST Brevard, Routa 2 C. E. Blythe, pastor; preaching 4th Saturday at 2:30 p. m. Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday School each Sunday 10 a. m., C. E. Orr, supt. "Welcome to every service." PISGAH FOREST BAPTIST Rev. H. F. Wright, pastor. Preach ing services 2nd and 4th Sundays at 11:00 a. in. and -7:30 p. m. Sunday School each Sunday at 10 a. m.. ri. H. Orr, superintendent. All cordial ly invited to each service. BOYLSTON BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. P. Holtzclaw, pastor. Preaching 3rd Saturday at 3 p. m? and 1st and 3rd Sundays at 11 a. m. ; Sunday School each Sunday at '0 a. m.; Henry J. Garren, supt. Every body is cordially invited to attend all services. Follow the small grain with a planting of soybeans or cowpoas for hay and seed. Tom Tarheel says the reason his children have such good teeth is be cause he has always kepi cows "ii the farm. Improved Uniform International Sunday School ' Lesson T ? HWV. !*? H KITWfc'ATBII, I? !>.. Utah. 'Moody HiMc liihtlioid of ChUn*" ) i (A i *? 2 7 . W ehtc* i ii Nf w?pjiper Union ) Lesson for June 19 PETER TEACHES GOOD CITIZEN SHIP Temperance Leston. I,ICSSON TKXT? -I Peter 2:11-17; 4:1-6. UOliDKN TKXT ? Isoye worki'th no i 111 to 111? neMlibor.? Horn. 13:10. I 1*11 1 M All Y Tol'ICi-IVter Telle I'm I I low t<> liehave. ! JONIUH TOPIC ? Rules for ttlifht : MvIuk. l.NTKHMKPIATK AND SKNIOIl TOP j xc ? What Maketi u Good i'Mtlzeu. YOUN'l| lo'la* I> I. \ t v These cars stand up! EVERY General Motors car is built to repre sent General Motors quality and value throughout its life. Whether its potential mile age is to be used up by one owner or several owners makes no difference. That is the reason for the high resale value of the current series of the General Motors cars. It is also the reason why USED General Motors cars offer real opportunities, j General Motors dealers are dependable mer chants and will give you,' if you wish to buy out of income, the advantage of the low rates of the GMAC Plan of time payment. The price ranges of the new General Motors cars are given below. Pick out the car which interests you most. Then clip and mail the coupon. We want to tell you all about that car and also why General Motors care, used or new, offer real value to their purchasers. 8 model* ? $525 to $780. The quality car of the low-priced field. 3-speed transmission. Dry-disc clutch. Smooth, powerful engine. Fisher Bodies. Duco finish. Fully equipped. CHEVROLET TRUCK CHASSIS: V4-ton, $395i 1-ton, $495. 6 models ? $775 to $975. Has largest 6-cylinder engine in Its price class. Fisher Bodies. Duco finish. Beautiful, stylish lines. Value proved by unprecedented sales. PONTIAC V4-TON CHASSIS, $585; with screen body. $760; with panel body, $770. 11 models ? $875 to $1,190. Gratifies your finer taste. Satisfies every need. Fisher Bodies. Duco finish. 6-cylinder motor. Har monic balancer, 4-wheel brekes and other new features. 7 models ? $1,095 to $1,295. The "six" that is winning and holding goodwill everywhere. Fisher Bodies. Duco finish. Rubber silenced chassis and other tested improvements. 4-wheel brakes. 18 models ? $1,195 to $1,995. Everybody knows Buick's worth. Now finer than ever. New models vibrationless beyond belief. 6-cylinder valve-in-head engine. Fisher bodies. Duco finish. HaSalk 6 models ? $2,495 to $2,685. The new and beautiful car designed and built as a companion car to Cadillac. Has V- type 8-cylinder engine. Bodies by Fisher. Duco finish. Now on display. 50 body styles and types ? $2,995 to $9,000. The pioneer in the 8 cylinder field. Standard of the world. Duco finish. Bodies by Fisher and Fleetwood. 500 different color and upholstery combinations. (ALL PRICES F.O.B. FACTORIES) GENERAL MOTORS -----CLIP THE COUPON? ? ? ? General MOTORS .(Dept.'A), Detroit, Mich. CHEVROLET Q Please send, without obligation to me, illustrated J literature describing the General Motors product I PONTIAC OLDSMOBILE 0 OAKLAND ? BITOK . ? LaSALLE CADILLAC I have checked ? together with the name of th? nearest denier in case I may wish a demonstration. ALSO TOUR PROVING GROUND BOOK. y N urne ? ? - [~~1 Address ... ? T'RIQIDAIRE Electric Refrltcvnlnr Q TJEl.CO-lAQHT Electric VUtM [H J