CROP PROSPECTS GOOD IN COUNTY (Continued from front pas1') creased acreage, which is not much after all, when so small an , is cleared. Much attention bc,"h | paid to making more per acie, anu many men- in that .section can tell you of how their fields are *ncrca?" Lg in yield. Clover and high grndo fertilisers, with better use of ma nine is. doing the work. See Win banks for corn, same with Leo Case. Ituvbe Mr. llaines will ihallcn|,c vou to come up and see his place, mul you will find the best farming md crops. Zeb Owen, just starting, is not to be left out, and just where to stop is hard to tell. , Oakland has its usual crops. an" looking ahead to better conditions^ us the road is finished and things ^Sapphh^'reporte things doing out thei*%nd Mr! K. C. Parsons is try inU?m,r SSpfXd. in some good of farming, amTyou will fin plowing about all thej. ? jan(j P Kast Fork section shows new land 3 ?&?} w increase in y nV(ier of Piedmont vi^Xw^mSrc -eag^and land lv el{f?? Good* ^tand?r and all crops | "rU'SuiS S"r?'h.l= h.. ? f??j , .f cor", h? Wfflsrjns- I good crop for 19^ '? FACTSDEALf WITH AT KiWANIS MEET | (Continued from front Pas*) and as good treatment in the Bre\ ara stores as anywhere in the world, and that this impression w?uld establisn the tourist business in such manne th^rn?Thonsg HU ShfpmaV was then introduced and spoke of the | financi al condition of the city - county. Mr. Shipman ^ted the tourist business is sp lenai^ and continues to grow a while. but on account of the tremendous amount of money that absolutely "^essar^to ^crease ^ -,rv ,vh.n |^nty problems of Tra . ~h t%vo par gjff ' MS? ;v tSSX tfV ? atfspfej. K S2LS ?? j-tes to every point in the ? t^eir people ;vill keep cows and ^eU th^ cream to the, ' ec;aUv fine fo" industry wouldbee I "ul1 keep ? Jsfe while o "h" $750. be given employment in the * 000 refinery that goes along the industry. ests %vero then ponded, pledging their fu? ??^ove. lion to anv Pr^am.. mrurpo ? the !TdevancemcntaSof the business inter sr&K Ss '^'"ktx .;-^-n,r'!,VfroKfpoX in.r out that these months are reauy the most attractive period of the yeMrsher?W. H. Duckworth res ponded in pledging her support anv tjrogressive program made for the interests of the town and coun ty\lr S. P. Hammatt, manager of the Franklin hotel, was present as the guest of W. H. Alexander, and was given much applause vihon told of the improvements n?Hi> n the Franklin and of how he hopirt that he would be r.ermiti?l to erate with Brevard and Transvlv.-nm county, and of how earnestlv h" de sired Ih- cooperation of .he local people in the operation of the hotel.' Mr. Hammatt invited the Kiwanis -lab to visit th<? h?ufp varming" at the Franklin .Hotel on Monday evening. .Tune 20. WEALTH OF NATION IS MEN: SCHOOLS OF SOUTH TRAIN' LEADERS FOR THE FUTURE Atlanta. C,:>.. .Tune 1 4. ? Proir'-e-" mad" bv the statf* of the S->u1'.i y\ ,>r'?"?d'rV ??-h<n,l facilities for the ??'S''nin:r of thn l'-ndor< of ' h " fu ( ire is brotisr''" 1 ?' *'v at ! t :<>n of (i,-. entire oo"n* **v b" ths Southern Pnilwa'* Sv?'<n in th- trn'b of a -of n lv r'isonients wh'eh i' i" (.^i ..v'.v. ;n n:.tion tl n !>;*azir<? hav rr .<?' cir< illation "f r< than t? OOtl.noO: The text '.f :!v r,lv'?..' ??Imw.PBl !s H" follows: "'Th" wealth of a nation ?v n --not silk, and cotton, no' Such is the spirit of the ?outh." A senator nr- ? *!"?' sions of Contrves^ involve ?" 'i er-^ r.iottfjiHe:' -to <.f piib'i" ni'>ni-v. |. : what of the long ones? Junior Order Brands Rumors Being Circulated In the County as False Juniors over the county. t.onie 10 the front with the statement that their order is in better standing:, .fi nancially and in number of iw ,.i 1)1 -.-ship and hsiulits .than ever be fore, in refutation of a n.ino.. which is said by them to be ci:vul inn- to the effect that the order is in bad standing. A statement of the situation fol lows: < Brevard. N. C., June 13, l'.iiiT. To The Juniors and the. Public of Transylvania County: It has come to our attention that reports are being: circulated thai t lie insuranev feature of the Jr. 0\ U. A. M. has been eliminated from the order and that any good citizen wishing- to unite with our great and good organization would not be -pro tected by the insurance features. We beg to brand this as false, and give you below, letter from our State Councilor, Bro. C. W. Snyder, of Winston-Salem, N. C. And beg to say we welcome all 100 per cent red blooded Americans to unite with us in our efforts to ac complish all that is good and right., ami i.y >o doing we will havf a l>> ! ? ii t ouniy and Slate in which to 1>\ 1 laurnaMy, i-. i!. i;au,o\vav, \V. A. I.YDAY, C. C. CAN'TREl.L, Committee. j Transylvania Council N'o. 37(1, .Jr. l>. I!. A. M. lilNcerps from ihu letter from Slate Councilor follows: The special action of the National Council at >'hni.tiuuiOffii was for tlte purpose of allowing any Council not already enrolled in the Funeral .Hc nefit Department to do .so regard less of the age or condition of the health of i's members, also to allow a Council in Class "A" for $250.00 lo transfer to Class "B" for $500.00. This action does not effect the slaading of any Council in North Carolina, and you will continue to enroll your member just the same as you have in the past, and all death claims will be paid in the usual pr?mpt way, and I sincerely hope that you will make an effort to en roll as many as possible bofer June 30th. If ivory Council', will do i ills and hold la! the mcuilu'i's they, now have, we would be able to ft i'l'ii .? splendid gain for this year. Tin annual report of the Funeral J.J ; neiit Department shows that this i 'epartiin lit is in excellent condi tion, atul has assets of nearly three Vi.llion dollars, and that , 7 i> 0 . !i;iins, amounting to one ami one o . iter million dollars were paid by . ;;t 1 uneral BfciUfit Department dur- ' inn 1 U-li. I v.. .ild alsn like to call the at tention i f our membership t<> the splendid i. million of the lienclieiary , , which shows assets of mow than three million dollars. Some of t hi lust forms of insurance avail able offered to our Inenibers through this department of our Or der. The policies carry all the mod ern features, including double in denuiitys total disability, cash values, etc. I would like to urge our members to enroll in the Beneficiary Degree and thus give their families this ad ditional protection. C. W. SNYDER, State Councilor. Winston-Salem, N. C., June 8, lt>27. Fifty dollars in prizes will go to the best three hog callers at the State Farmers' Convention this year. The convention dates are July 26, 27 ! and 28. CITY TAX LIMIT HEARING ITS END . .?? ,'ij Kor i!i<* convenient.- of Brevard lux I'.tyv i the i uy Fathni extend ed the time uf paying ilu IWL'ti ;mxi-s until (he last day of June, which time will l>i' the iiiiul i xtension Inn it. An advertisement coin-cming t liis notilieation signed 1?> t'ity Tax Col lector Harry I'attnn may bo found in another section of this issue t>f Tim Brevard New*. MANY COMMUNITIES ARE COM INC. OUT OF THE MUD (Industrial News Bureau) One of I he ehief benefits the far mer derives from veallv Rood roads is that of being able tto move his farm products to market over them, quickly, cheaply and without inoon Vctii'.'iiM. The fanner's crops are his stock in trade. If he can market them without delay when the price is up, he is the gainer; if. because of bad roads, he is unable to get his products to market until after the price has declined, he loses. In the old days when roads were good only in good weather, the CYDER & GARRETT ' MOVE 1 0 MAIN SV (' U. Hyder of lite t lectrical sup plies concern am! U. U. Uatr'Hti 'elec trical colituietor, have moved their place <>l" busjnes from tli finnicr lo cution on News Arcade to tlii' King building formerly occupied Wy Simp son Uarber shop, on Main street. These yountr business men, who re cently moved' U Hrcvard, felt that their increased business forced thuni to s cuif larger quarters and a more coi:.-.nieni location, in order that they may be enabled to carry a larger sto. : of electrical supplies. An ad- . vorusement of ttlis convent appears in the advertising columns of this issue of The Brevard News. a farmer could do little satisfactory marketing. Hs was forced to take a chance on (jetting his products to the buyer on a rising market. One decided advantage in good roads is that they encourage the use of motor vehicles by the farm er, effecting a saving in time and worry in moving his crops, and in getting his family to church and' children to school. Home-folk And New-Comers See The Ideal IN MONTCLOVE ... "? " *. . ? ?*. ' . . ** - " ? ? . ' - ' Brevard's Social and Thoroughly Restricted Residential Section ASJIN: ALL CITIES-IT HOLDS TRUE IN BREVARD In every' city in the country? the choice Residential Section? -is that district which enjoys an air of refinement and exclusive ness produced only by the features of a Country Club and Golf Course. Brevard people have already sensed this fact as |is proven by their early purchase of hometracts. At the Country Club, on the Golf Course, the best, meet the best. There, one finds an atmosphere that's different ? that's pleasing in its assurance of well guarded surroundings. Wherever one finds a Golf Course ? there you will find good homes and splendid people. And Bre vard is^'not unlike other cities, for Montclove on the b? Links, has already won its way into the hearts of the folks? and its place in the homelife of Brevard. Let. lis tell you more? belter still, let us SHOW you Montclove. Write, phone or call for a representative Montclo ve OFFICE Main Street? Opposite Courthouse ASK YOUR REALTOR

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