ARD NEWS 1.1NA, DECEMBER 8, 1927 No. 49 CRIMINAL COURT GETS UNDER WM Unusually $tron^ Body of Men Been f Drawn for the Grand Jury ? j Petit Jury Incomplete JUDGE MOORE'S CHARGE IS WEI L RECEIVED Very F ew Cases Heard At Time of. Going to Press with Paper ? I Delay Caused Confusion Criminal court began WednV sdny morning at 10 o'clock, having: been delayed two days on account- of th Hon. Walter Moore, judge, b'e ig tied up with matters at Header. mi- . ville which made it impossibl- for him to he here on M onda.v. ? mi no tice, it is said, of such postponement was received by local authorities, therefore defendants, attorneys and witnesses were in Brevard Monday morning, ready to play their respect ive roles in the court room. Jt is thought the court will make unusually good time now ,in order to gain as much of the lost time as pos sible. At th etinie of going to press several no! uros cases had been dis posed of, tu! no cases of importance had been tried. Leo Case was chosen foreman of the grand jury, and the following Composed that body: . S. F. Wasson, R. L. Hogsed, C. ! C. Wheeler, L. P. Wilson. T. E. Pat- 1 ton, B. T. Wh.itmire, N. N. Pass-'' more, A. W. Barnett, T. L. Glazencr, \ W, W. Croushorn, J. Ooleman i Owen, W. S. Ashworth, Geo. L. j' Glazener, Edwin Poor, Clyde Blythe, j Ed Hendrix, J. C. Galloway, Ray mond Bishop. The petit jury was not complete, I only a partial cmfw SHRDL SR Ra'j The petit jury was only partially ; completed at the noon adjournment^ Wednesday. Judge Walter E. Moore delivered one of the best charges to the . grand jury ever heard in Transyl- ; vania county, when court convened Wednesday morning. The judge ex plained the delay in opening court from Monday to Wednesday, and j then set in to tell to the grand jury , its duties to this community. Judge Moore took into considera- j tion the new inventions enjoyed by the public and stressed the import ance of people who enjoy these new 1 inventions in looking after the safe- j ty of their fellows on the highways. , The judge paid strict attention to law violators and urged upon the j trrand jury to indict those violating the automobile laws, and stressed . th; point that there is a law calling ' upon pei pie to slow down on curves. A:- another laws calls for the con- < trol of the one-light system, he asked ' thy grand jury to indict all those violating this law. Attention was called to the fact . by Judge Moore that in the olden days a man who stole, a horse was branded as a horse thief and lynched, ? and while ho did not advocate the idea of lynching, yet he expressed to j the grand jury that the same law ought to prevail against automobile . thieves as used to prevail against j horsi thieves, and the court urged u?on the grand jury that in all cases of thievery the very maximum of J the law ought to prevail. Judge Moore delivered a great : ' literary speech on the tax question'! '?i this county. The judge told of 1 a f w years ago when it was utter- f ly impossible to travel certain high- j ways, and that today one can sail - over them in all freedom from 1 dangers and that the citizens ought ( to be willing to pay for these new i accessories. _ 1 Judge Moore stated that nine- I tenths of the violators of the laws 1 court on n charge of lvm": the people of thi< county.! Th* Ww.? would !o?ht>sel v !i that a full '.v#Mi b h i V f Hi e - .!r?? the f the pay CHAS. WEIGHT D?% , IN Ail's 0 Cur Turned Ov. : ?v l.ak ? iosc:i\v*> as Result . t?f intense and Si.c'.i Road COMPANK N .'5 !iURT li\* !>Ei.iOU.i ACCDi N Be ill fr.oni J..<: cnsi C aunty 11 Arc Well Known in ,'i"bia Sec.ipn ? Des-'iorcvVe Accident As >1 KW I 'V ' i !' |II wf ?? ' > ; ; 'luring car tlow:i a .'150 clli i.anknivnt near tho Toxaway dam Sunday night. on man in i?k c w.\s killed, Charlie Writ-'ht. , 54, his companion, A. I'. Hi son. both ot* Cashiers \ al! y. seriously injured. The acciiu ? eurred at tile rock crusher n. .. i i': quarry, as the two men weiv ci ?: : ing toward Brevard, and was liv>; discovered by one of the werkm at the quarry, who reported news of it to Highway Patrolman Eck Sims. One of the highway workers brought the injured men in his ear to Patton Memorial hospital, Hen dersonville, where Mr. Wright died about four hours later. Mr. Brysuu ( suffered a fractured skull and minor | injuries and is still confined in the i llendersonville hospital, but Will re- j cover, it is said. Mr. Wright's body was removed ; on Monday to his home in Jackson county, where funeral services were held Tuesday. He is survived by his wife and five children, the old est 15 years of age, also three brothers' and two sisters. It is claimed that the giving away of soft dirt at the edge of the high way along which the two men were riding, and a dense fog caused the tragic accident. i Mr. Wright was the holder of a j Carnegie medal. Fourteen years ago i fie and Will Dillard clawed their way I iown the precipitous sides of White ?ide Mountain nearly 200 feet and > icscued Jess Baty, who had fallen >ver the cliff. ( For this act of heroism Wright and j Dillard were given medals and $5000 ionics by the Carnegie foundation. , Wright was one of the leading citi- j tens of Highlands, a son of the late . Barrett Wright, one of the pioneer ;itizins of Macon county. He was ^ :xeciitot- of his father's estate. ? It is understood that Mr. Wright ^ eaves insurance to the amount of 510.000 through the Security Life TrufJ company. C. P. tfnkw*. ocal agent. Of this amount S50QU ?; > with double indemnity clause. His ' iota for first premium, it is said, is - (till outstandng unpaid. ROMAN'S BUREAU |j ELECTS OFFICERS J < Matters of importance were trans- ' sctcd at the meeting of the Woman's - Bureau Monday afternoon, when j ibout 35 members were in attend mce at one of the most enthusiastic . W rlings of . the year. This being the last meeting of the ? ,? ar, the annual election of officers |r ,vas in order, and on motion it was : ? lecided to retain all of the presen; , ' ifficers, who arc as follows: Pres- . < dent. Mrs. O. L. Erwin; vice presi- , * lent, Mrs. Oliver Orr; secretary. | , Miss Alma Trowbridge; treasurer, , < Mrs. Beulah Zachary. The main project of the Bureau ' it this time, as discussed at this lie ;>ting, is to render immediate as- ' fist mice to the inmates c > f the county 1 fioir", in the matter of making do- J ( i \ lur^Te sized kitchen uten- 1 sils, in particular, and also to re- 1 .! with generous Christ-'1 mas donations. A committee was ? appointed ?o visit the home, in coin I any with one of the members of : the board of county commissioners. r.nd invv.-tigate the most urgent needs of that institution. The com was authorized t ? ? act ill this mr.tur and to draw the necessary : funds from the Bureau treasury. | Following are th- members of this . committee: Mrs. R. H. Zachary.. Mrs. R. B. Lyon. Mrs. W. II. Duck-, worth. Miss Florence Kern. Mrs. II.; ?V. Plummer. All members desiring | to contribute toward this fund are > requested to leave their donations at th ? Chamber of Commerce room anytime before Saturday of this? week Clothing or personal renmin bi aiues for the inmates will also be acceptable. The Bureau apreed to support the movement activities ?-f the Woman"* Bureau, and in many wav? ha* vard b?*n< -lit d on acc?*un? of th?- ? ?< Menc?? of t hi organization durintr the past year. Circle No. 2 Meets Monda ' A ?r?"e*inir "f *' ? V'?'inir !ad?< I :>??!!ay night at 7 o'clock at !: C'riM. Jiidgo Walter E. Moore SuKcitor .1. Will l'less. .Jr.. will be guests (if honor at this meeting. HOSPITAL BODY MAKES STATEMENT REGARDING OPENING OF TRAN3YLANIA It is most welcome news that r ran. sylvan ia Hospital will be reopen- . .'(1 at an early date and a1 :lear understanding of the sit jation and tlio conditions under .vhich i lie hospital will be op erated is of vita! interest to he members of the Hospital Asso ciation and the community at lavge. Transylvania hospiti-1 will be re iptned as a private institution, uwned and operated by L>r. CI. B. Lynch and Or. 1'. J. Sammey. and privat? practice in the hospital and u.-e of the operating room will be open to every doctor in the county who desires to place patients there t< c* I who is willing to abide by the Accepted rules of hospital practice, such us aiv in force in standard in stitutions throughout the country. The owners of Transylvania hos pital are reopening in answer to the earnest and persistent solicita tion of interested citizens and with the encourng'-ment of an active County Hospital Association, but the terms on which they reopen are not the result of any compact be tween these doctors and any group of citizens. At the insistent de mand of organizations and individ uals for hospital protecton, Br. I.ynch and l>r. Summey are reopen inir Transylvania Hospital on terms which they believe will best serve tht community and at the same time give some promise of developing the hos pitid into n self-supporting insist ?.? ??>.?. The'-.- action is a pledge of to this community and to the doctors of the county and a chal lenge to the cooperation of all good citizens. The r-.opening of Transyl vania Ho-pital is tentative; it is for our people to demonstrate tha' t h'-y are ready i'? cooperate in the estab lishment of a thorough modern hos pital in Rrtvard. In order to reopen the hospita; very extensive repairs must bp made n lid to insure this opening and < ffor some guarant'-e for the futur . il will be necessary to adopl a more business-like policy with regard In payment of fee-. As i> customarv in general hospitals evcrywli<-r< . patients will be required to pay hos pital bills a week in advance and the t\ pin ses of charity patients must lie guaranteed. I'litil the hospital is (irmly established. the owners will continue to turn all their operating fei s back into :he hospital, to be ap |.lo ii <-i|'.i pir.'-'it and running ex ponses. I'.. i -tM-ral weeks. members of II- -t.'n! a'ion have been . i . ' ' ioe. - f . . i .'Hi!' 'A < i l . ? u ... ii i , NEAR-SERIOUS ACCIDENT OCCURRED FRIDAY MORN A near-: 'trinufl accident i .v:i:r.'i iit ihe Baptirt pa.storivi,; V i day morning when the l-'ord ami i-te ? driven by I "i-year-ohl Thorn as Jcu dini collided with th? Che\ : ? ! * touring car driven by Airs. 'i'. Garrett, resulting in Mrs. (inrrt'tl being knocked unconscittu^ fur a short time anil also considerably bruised and slightly cut about the lac?. Her car was badly damaged but young Jordan and his Ford es caped unhurt. It is claimed that the accident was caused by the slick 11 ads and th ? Ford driver not being able to distinguish the oncoming ear on account of the heavy rain and fog. .v.: em '.'in < the hospital and op es ate it undi r the Duke Endowment. Successful operation of Transyl vania hospital on the terms out lined above should bring our dream f a community hospital much closer to our reach. Ill the new hospital we will nave thoroughly modem hospital ei|uipmer>t at the ?rvice of ail the doctors ? >f the county and in all essential aspects the hospital will operate as a genu in - community undertaking if the community is ready to do its part, l'le.iues made to the Holding com irirti ? have be. 11 very M'Kerouv but they are not transferable. The need of assistance for > charity < ;.?? > and our responsibility for ad opiate hos pital protection for the ritivns of i h couiity remain -.inci.aiiged. Many subscribers have alnady ex p-V*sed their desire to have a part i:i further couippiiiir and maintain ing Transylvania hospital, and to a> sis". in support of charity woik. For a fall discussion of the situation, a joint nit* "ting "f the KnocjIiVi Hoard of the County II-.-sp:!: I as. >> ciation and of the Hospital iruild is called for li st Monday eveniii*.. !> e. I "J. at I :"n. Chambt r "f <*? at :.icrun:.v H"-pital M.-\U 1 .. \ LvUh! M m FIRED A v l'iA? 'i ,'A.^dl ? '.. i'. iV; art i .i, Local Democrat, :VaintfJ To *i Ui't d Mr. Fisher In the Office , ! KiC I P A H I V VOTE IN CO., ML-S10NERS MEET t *t:n is /r!ut*n*y for Southern i>itilway Co. and Brevard Bank* Co. ? Brilliant Lawyer T. I;.li 1J. Fi' lu ) , local republican iiai i .'. \vas discharged Monday ? H orn j h. ott'ic. ?>f county attorney, an.! II. .'<1:; 'tin, young attorney in part- ! j ii i with Welch Gsitloway, ! I ? i to the post. Cummisfonicr J (V Yonvu'e made the motion in . t mniissionors' meeting and ov i..' .-inner Whitmire gave it a; v-cviu!. It is said lite thro? demo-j'i members of the board voted, .. the affirmative on the question, ..hili the two republican members j{ lid" not 'vote. ? At the election last N'ovc mber j < !n '0 commissioners were named, as j fellows, J. II. Pick'lsimer, -rcpubli-jj :ui; A. W. Whiti'i republican; f tli meeting show that he was j nailed, for a two-year period. Mr. I frisfc'c served only one year, and it i *.? not known just what steps will be j taken by the ousted official and his friend* to hold the county to its, tirgina! contract. Mr. "tin, the newly named j county . .torney, has made wonder- , ful progress since coming to Bre- j vard. Although one of the youngest j members of the local bar, Mr. Mar-: tin has been named attorney for the ' Southern Railway company, the Bre- ! vard Banking company, and is re- j tained also by several smaller com- j panics- and individuals. His latest work has been that of attacking, for i> clients, assessments placed j : vuin.-t certain properties. Mr. j >'ar.tin has appeared before author it' s at Raleigh and bad assessments ; reduced. C. OF C. DiRECTORS ! m SPIRITED SE A spirited session of the Chamber : >t Crmr.teroe was held Tuesday i \ .nii.'r. many <)ttrstions coming up! . er action and in. -tubers of the i i v. an! of directors taking decided .: :;-is npo:? all questions. A chancre ?ii' order <1 in the selection of ihc 'rectors fur the coming year, the president being authorized to name' :: comniitu e -of three to nominate ) v i third:- of the board, while the tiler third will be elected by th" i.-.ciiibcf.~!iip in general. This new plan was adopted be- i cause of tli" fad that certain mem- j lirs of the board are always in at tendance upon these meeting", doing , ?? h.'itevor is needed for the benefit of I the town, while other members of j the beard larely attend a meeting, i mul seem to be but little interested ' In the work of the commerce body.' The nominating committn- will have) 'ill recrds of attendance of the va- ? roius members, and will be ? ?naoied ! io suggest the names of men who | I. i;ve the work of tile town at heart and who have attend -d regularly ici such work. Th nominating committee was! named as follows: O. I.. Krwin, F. j I). Clement, and E. P. McCoy. The directors gave a vote of' thanks to l)rs. T. .1. Runiniey and ( ?. B. Lynch for re-o|H'iiing the i Transylvania hospital. This resolu- ' tion brought on ijuite a discussion ? as to the hospital situation, and much light was -died i n local eoaditions. : Mayor T. W. Whitmire is making arrangements to give a dinner to the Chamber of Commerce directors at iin early dnte. THOUSANDS SEE NEW FORD ON WEDNESDAY Thousands ??f people railed at th ? .loines Mot??i f-miumy to s?*e th ? n? w Kurd car and all who wi re hear I i ? t vprr*< opini'-n won* loud in ; in- ir j niisc foi th** auconiohile. i*he first days of :h- wn-k act.' j-ivt n nvcr to an ? xhihili< h . - and "Rt .*! t-nhrim. t w i ? v U? pt l-?-\ hand !.ne nut earrU the \i>itors f ??? ; ?M atui?'?. as I an-mint t ? f su? h j . :hai ihu.i-sinds al" p-rd-r! thai n?an\'i ; ? pl?- :h f :in'y will 1? iy thr I"ks this community has' been \ . : t V- ? > u t liuspital facilities, an (lit is ve*\ -.\. u ?rally known that factional '?Hiv-i ?nc; s existing in medical <. ; s :aused the closing down of " > is onsidered the community's fftci-.-.-.- :t isset. Interested citizens, mo.'t ot thorn belong to the. hospi .1 con:iv r ee, have been exerting all their best efforts toward the solution of the ?onf used question. Officials of Transylvania county lo.-.pital association are now i>i po rtion to announce the reopeiiiv;: of he Transylvania hospital, havi.:,L, had he success of eliminating such fisc ional differences as to assure thi vablic that all practising phyiicirn* n the county may bring their hos )ital cases to the Transylvaina hos >ital. The hospital committee has rccom iiended that a cash in advance ?y>: em be instituted, and those who lave patients for treatment :.'i thi iospital must be required to pi:y one veek in advance. This step is ccn idered 11 jeessary in order thr4 the ?ommunity may have hospital facul ties. Of course, 110 case will i - rc :used admission when in need of iospital treatment, this new rule np ilying in similar manner to the sonduct of hospitals in othei sec ?ions. There will be two classcs of aatients, the pay patients and the :harity patients. The pay patients fvill be required to pay in advance, ind the charity patients will be re quired to sign the necessary papers ?vhich will place them in the cliar ty list. Dr. R. L. Stokes, when inter viewed by a representative ct Th? Mews, pledged his cooperation \i liio iospital and authorized the pvoliea :ion of the statement that h" .-.on 1(1 ;lo all in his power to nu'.l. h - iiospital venture a success. The community must do its :v.', because it is a community )V. ;i i ? a problem of such magnitud.* 1- t I he physicians alone cannot r.dle it. Officials of the hospital associa tion have ex.'ir.ssed their intent ivs i?f conveying to the public expi' ??s:vti of gratitude for whatever assi;-T?nee ay be given in making possibl; .he reopening and successful op-r ; ::,;on of a hospital here. The Chamber of Commerce ical izes the importance of a hosnit:-l as does the Kiwanis club, the lnin' ter ial association and the wo-nin's clubs. This community, it is 1 ?'cog nized, could hardly expect a general patronage of summer tourists unless there is full hospital facilities to take care of any case of accident or sudden illness that might Cv.ur anion gthose who come here for their vacations. Therefore, the hos pital ha sclose relationship 1) the tourist business, and this com. 'null ity brings the question of a hospital close home to other citizens of the county. It is hoped that the hosp.tal '.vill be open for business by next Mon day. although the task of rt-v- ' g the building and installing the new boiler for the heating plant will en quire considerable time, then-fore this may delay the opening a few days. Y .& B. RECEIVER WILL BE IN BREVARD SOON Receiver Shuford appointed by the court to wind up the affairs of the Y. and B. Corporation is expscte-l in Brevard one day this week. Mv. Shuford expresses himself as tvvng confident of his ability to whid up the affairs of the company wi h ntt any great loss to any one ?>?" the stockholders. It is expected , Jir.t several of the leading men o"' >he town will meet Mr. Shuford upon his arrival in Brevard. SUPT. HENDERSON IN RALEIGH THIS WEEK Superintendent T. C. Henderson, head of the county schools. :-|)ent several days last week in Raleigh, where he had been called as .1 num ber of the State Historical society. Mr. H< nder.-e!i is endeavoring wget Transylvania county's histoiy the f the convention. v.-i '. -h later will !??? published in !>?><, '?* u-k Hue <\ who 1 <1 *!v field of starters by eijrht -tr -\ ..Irs. Macfie wa> playinij *v^? ho?! v ' f of | the *?,a< *'i> :?? \ wo.tio r.a* ?? h *. ? I ? en Colli jH t ' . , . f Tf1- ' ;f sh had pi;- *? 1 ' h> i>* . "I'h?* - ? ? '? i : ? iy.*? v cni r ' I ? n* ? f." , i M \ ' ,x ;