Y. & B. RECEIVER SPENT MONDAY IN CONFERENCE HERE Hopes To Be Able To Save Stock' holders Much of Their Money Invested WILL MAKE REPORT BEFORE FIRST OF YEAR To Continue Purchase of Cream ? New Quarters Just Below Western Union Telegraph Office Announcement received late Wednesday was to the effect that the Y. & B. cash produce and creamery has leased the building adjoining the Western Union Telegraph company, just below the postoffic? and will continue to buy cream. Within the next few days, Mr. Hamil ton states, he hopes to be able to buy chickens and eggs. This announcement is very hopeful in that it keeps the place in opera tion. and it is hoped that it por tends continual operation of the cash market in its entirety. \V. J. Shuford, receiver for the Y. & B. Corporation, spent Monday in Brevard, in cpnferences with people interested in the affairs of that concern. The receiver lives in Hick ory, and is well versed in the dairy, creamery and produce busi ness*. Friends of the receiver assert that his only failing is that of being too big'-hearted in matters where human beings are concerned. Stock holders and creditors of the Y. & B. Corporation see in this element of the man's nature ons of the greatest promises in bringing the company s affairs to a satisfactory solution. Mr. Shuford says he has. hardly had time to fully investigate affairs of the company, but promises a pre liminary report before the first of the year. By the middle of January Mr. Shuford hopes to be able to make full statement as to the money each stockholder can expect on his investment. He says the company has very valuable holdings in real es tate in Charlotte and Mecklenburg county, and it is his intention to have this property disposed of in or der to realize cash with which to meet the obligations of the corpor ation. The Brevard branch of the Y. & B. is closed, temporarily, until such time as the receiver can see his way clear to operate this branch- Mr. Shuford made it plain, howevei1, thnt h? would be delighted to have the Brsvard branch continue the pur chase of cream and eggs, providing this could be done in an economical manner. These two products are al ways in demand, Mr. Shuford said, ; and could be handled profitably. It is not known whether arrangements can be made for continuation of this portion of the marketing system, and announcement of the company s jilans cannot be known until next week. While here the receiver conferred with several leading men of th<3 town and county, all of whom were im pressed with the earnestness of Mr. Shuford in his work in connection with the Y. & B. COURT CALENDAR RAPIDLY CLEARED Late Wednesday evening the jury that had heard the case of Big Tom Wood charged with striking Big Elbert Owen over the head with a shovel returned a verdict of guilty of affray as to both, Wood and Owen, with the additional verdict of assault with a deadly weapon against Big Tom Wood. Sentence in the case will he pronounced later in the week. Court has made unusual progress since convening Wednesday morning one week ago, and the docket has b?en pretty generally cleared up to the time of going to press. The biggest case on the docket of Tues day and Wednesday was that of big Tom Wood charged with striking big Elbert Owen over the head with a shovel. The solicitor made the last address in the afternoon Wednesday and the judge began charging the jury on Wednesday evening, and the jury not having returned its verdict, re sult of this case could not be given. Several cases have been contin ued for one reason and another, and this has assisted the court in pre paring the docket. Jt is understood that sentence upon those convicted will be announced by the judge next Saturday. The county jail is filled with con victed persons awaiting sentence. Mr. Viand Mrs. Ulys Merrill had a house just about full of hoarders, in - eluding four white girls, fifteen years and under, 18 white men and 8 negroes. KIWANIS OFFICERS GUESTS OF SHIPMAN Tho?. H. Shipmnn, the newly i '? ctcd president of the KiwaniJ i'i i>. ontcriainrrl the officers and di 1 ? tor* a' tiis home Wednesday eve l"': at which time plans were made f .>? t ? ? v< work and ' "'limit' ? i ii appointed t( handle th* v: io"r r.ct ivitics of the club. ! GRAND JURY WANTS I NEW KEEPER HIRED :j FOR COUNTY HOME J - ? Work of Jury t'i used B y? Judge Moore Goes Into Many'Caiei For the County I j RECOMMENDS CHAIN GANG BE ABOLISHED i ? ? Ccuvi House, Jail and Gang Pro nounced Good ? Body Returns Many True Bills Transylvania Grand Jury, drawn Wednesday of last week, finished the body's work Monday of this week and made report to His Honor, Judge Walter E. Moore. The court coinpli- ; mented the Grand Jury upon its painstaking and careful consideration j ' of questions which the body had 1 considered and acted upon, and j j stated that nevei in his experience on the bench had a Grand Jury! worked more faithfully than the body of men whom His Honor j thanked and discharged. In the report concerning county j institutions, the Grand Jury paid compliment to the manner in which the court house is kept; stated the jp.il is in good repair with the ex ception cf a defect that should be ] romrdied; reported the chain gang in good shape and recommended that it be abolished upon completion of the road on which it is now en gaged, and sounded the Grand Jury's note of real criticism when the mat ter of the County Home was j reached. The Grand Jury found the County Home operating without many things which the body considered essential to its well being, recommended the purchase of such needed articles and equipment, and added the further ! x-ecommendation that a mor? compe tent care-taker be appointed for the j . institution. Following is a complete copy "of ? the Grand Jury's report: TO His Honor, Walter E. Moore, 1 Judge Presiding: j We, the Grand Jury, having fin- j ish?d our labors, submit the follow- ! ing report: We wish to thank His Honor for ? his able charge, and spfecial instruc tions, and we also wish ltfc thank the I Solicitor and other court officials { for their aid and assistance. Wa have investigated bills sent to us by the Solicitor, and returned i Jvn into court, with notation of our j work. i We have examined the Court House, Jail, County Home and Chain-gang by committees. Court House ! We have found that buildings and offices in the Court House to be well kept and in good condition with the exception of a hole in the floor near the men's toilet, which should be recovered. Jail The Jail was found in excellent rendition with the exception of one -en which should be repaired. The prisoners are well cared for. County Home The condition at the County | Home is bad. We found an old j woman, over eighty years old. do ing the cooking. She is incapable of | doing the work required of her. We ! rreonv.r.end that an able-bodied, j competent cook be employed, in or der that the food for the inmates be | properly prepared, and the house ] 'seeping done in a first-class man ir.rr. We also recommend that some! j new mattressc? be purchased, as we j . found that, with only one exception, j ' those in use were either excelsior j ! or straw. We also recommend the i purchase of a number of additional ' i cooking utensils, as the number now j ; on hand is entirely inadequate, and | most of these are worn out, some of : | them having holes in them. A new I ] dining room table cover js recom- | i mended, as the one now in use is I 'worn out. There should also be two | or three rocking chairs provided for i the old lady inmates. The house j should be kept cleaner in general. ! We recommend a. more competent | ; car" taker. We also recommend j ! that a co,il heater be purchased and | i installed in the lobby. "? Chain-gang Conditions at the chain-gang were n Transyl 'vania county would be worth more to u? than all the tourists that come ; h 1 de ! " re thai i\v !?.'? out into the county. ' !i r..n''r linn with t he Chniiilwr < f . . , ,i v . , I ??hi-- .-r.j'?y /. laigcr illcr< .!.??? i | ?h ;s ? of ih>- t ovirist business, or m?n officer. Throughout the ufacturing enterprises." President I Shipman urged upon the members r the importance' of team work, and |j plead with the members to do their ic work individually and collectively, all ij for the glory and advancement of a Transylvania county. ?lames K. Barrett, editor of Th? ? Brevard News, was installed as vice- |c president, anil pledged his best sup- c port to the president in assisting the Ifr program adopted for the year. |t Dr. T. J. Summey, retiring presi- * dent, was installed as district trus- j, tee, and spoke of the pleasure of . the past year, his appreciation of the support that had been given him (J by the members, and pledged his !' best efforts in attendinu district |* meetings, taking to and bringing . from such meetings matt rs of in- j* teresi to Kiwanis. ii An unusually stroma board of di rectors were installed, made up of Randall W. Everett. II. A. Plum met". Lewis P. Hamlin. C. C. Yongue, Frank D. Clement, Walter Cobble and .! .S. Bromficld. Kach of these i, members, it was pointed out, are j men of ability and high standing in , the community, public spirited and j devoted to the interests of this coni-j| inanity Members of the club gave |, hearty applause to the presentation jj of tin- executive board, expressing!, belief that the croup will work . wonders for this section. ij Judge Walter K- Moore. Solicitor i Pless and several members of the; club were called upon for short ; talks, all of wr.u ii were iiitrhly pleas- j< insr to the clu'u. Yhe club gave a > fNing vote of than!;* to Mr. Broese > H- ' r\ ? .->?: tnat '.1> ;.:n:if! ti.< r: t- , ? ?il *i i-l\- . HOSPITAL IS OPEN FOR RECEPTION OF PATIENTS TODAY Hospital Committee Works Diligently Until Way Is Found To Operate Institution BKOMFIELD, SHIPMAN AND PLUMMER ARE CHAIRMEN Miss Martha Boswell's Untiring Ef forts Given Praise at Meeting of Hospital Committee At a well attended meeting of the fVunty Hospital association held at jh? Chamber of Commerce rooms last Monday night, the hospital sit' nation was reviewed and further plans were made for supporting hos pital work and assisting charity hos pital cases in this county. There was a unanimous sentiment hnt Brevard cannot afford to be viihout a local hospital, and the tssuranct of the re-opening of the Transylvania hospital was hailed vith enthusiasm. It was pointed >ut, however, that the re-opening of he local hospital was somewhat ex x-ii mental, and its continuance in >peration could only be assured by h" co)\?al support' of th' entire immunity and County. J Under the leadership of the chair nan. Miss Martha Boswell, the neeti:.,; drew forth several helpful lugger ions as to how the Hospital li-sock ion could best meet th? situ ttion. It as pointed out that every I vospiu.l without ample endowment I las two serious problems to face, he securing of adequate equipment ind of aid for charity cases. Ever ince the establishment of the first iriva: ? .hospital in Brevard, a num ?er of years ago, various agencies mye contributed to hospitals here, hjefly t ough linen showers. Last I pring n hospital Guild with repre- j entatives from every church and f .?omen's organizations in town was! rganized to sponsor Hospital Day f nd to raise funds for hospital { quipment. ' < It was unanimously voted that the !uilus articles of merchandise. Local ifficers hud bloodhounds brought icre from Pickens, and worked up he case which lead to Stanley's ar ?est and conviction. The young man is well known icre. Recently much excitement vas created in town when a negro I lashed the young fellow in an al- 1 e rent ion on Main street. The ne-I cro has never been apprehended. SNELSON RESIGNS FROM TOWN BOARD T. 1.. Snelson, who has served al :og<*ther about 12 years as a mem ler of the board of aldermen in the own of Brevard, has resigned from hat position to accept a place on j ;he' Brevard police force. Mr. Snel- j >on is one of the most popular men if the town and has many friend | ?vile will be glad to see hint on ;h ? police force, while regretting that he s no longer connected with th< :own governing board. I' is predicted that II !.. Wi5s?p ivill be selected liy the town ??min :il to fill tho unexpired term ..f M Sne'..-on. Il this be a ? ? safe to predict th.it the ' :?!. ? ?f R.-wrt.l wi*.; :? w. it I '? i ?.ton. ? V. ? i t . '.nont il'" Ui.ii' -.i 111- ?d. NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL OF BAPTIST CHURCH USED LAST SUNDAY Unusually Fin? Structure For ? 'I'own of Brevard's Size?Is Great Pride | MARKS MILESTONE IN GREAT CHURCH PROGRAM t Church ?? Enjoying Era of Growth ? Building Committee Highly Compliment eel ! ? ... I Members of the Breva^fCjiiiptist ?church ntv receiving nAnr-Vinitii'atu lations and expressidiV or iiivorable comment over ttajl -completion/of their $20,000 tliree.s8|*y brick edi fice housing the .Sunday'* School de partment of this prosperous and progressive churA. The structure, which adjoins the old church audi torium, forms the first unit' of a proposed $78,000 church, the 're maining; unit of which will be erect ed sometime within the next two | years, according to present plans, | Initial. Sunday Schoo! services were | held in the new building the past Sunday, and an enrollment of nearly 1 300 pupils and teachers was record ed, despite the inclemency of the [weather on that day. The building, which comprises 35 rooms, in addition to hallways, stor age cupboards and utility, clostts on each of the- three floors, is to be used not only for Sunday School pur poses but also as meeting placc S for the various organizations of the church. It has an estimated seating capacity of 600. Erection of this attractive build ing. which is of shale brick, is.- ac cording to plans and specifications of the latest creation in construction work for Sunday School require.-, ments, as designed by Print's E. Burroughs, of Nashville, Tenn.. who: is head architect of the department of architecture of the Southern! Baptist Sunday School board, and an expert in this line of wor!(. Th? construction work was in charge of R. P. Kilpatrick, Ideal contractor. The building was completed and ready for occupancy in six months after the first excavation work be gan. f On reaching the new structure by connection through the old church' auditorium, one enters the. .iiainj floor, which leads, by descending a 1 few steps, onto the ground floor, where are found 12 or more vooms, including the beginners class rfto;> for the "4 and 5-year^old children.' 'Tf>' primary assembly room for child ?>'i from 6 to 8 years. Encircling ihiS ' room are six small rooms for the as sembling- of the individual classes by the six different teachers of this de partment. On this floor are al.w found the heating plant which hents the entire building and the old building with its up-to-date sr-oi'.c-, less furnace, the small room far ihe. pipe organ blower, the cradle till room, which will later be equipped' with little beds and used as a ruiv:/> ry. and the kitchen, which is ampH' and modernly equipped with -lil1 conveniences. One of the at':o:n-. (Continued on page eight) GREAT LOCAL PLAY TO BE PRESENTED! ? On next Friday evening at eight o'clock a piny entitled, " A Bunch of Fun" will be presented in the Oarmmar School auditorium. True to its title it is a comedy in thrvin' nets. Seven college girls and boys; disturb the pjsce and quiet of the' village Kect-'v and bis wife and sis-' tor. who venily need an exhilarating breeze from the outside wrtlld. They, however, find that old heads can be kept young by the associa tion with young hearts. The young students cntrrtain the conin- inity people, giving the village "PeH" quite a chase. The jokes played by the maid furnish much aniusemmt. Following is the east of , charac ters: Rev. Stephen Grandon. D. D.. Re tor of St. Paul's . . . Roy Hco'le^ Mary, His wife ? Flustered on oc- ? casions .... Winnifred Nicholson Martha, his sister ? a trifle wan*-.! Thelnin Orr Christina, a Swede maid ? stuck on the movies . Hattie Sue Sill an Raymond Hunting ? a live wire Walter Ashworth Vera tyatheson- ? a baseball win ' Err.nia Dfavtar Nina Lee ? a stage aspirant Thelina .lo'-n^on Cecily Woodard ? -the Manddin girl Mildred li rives Sylvia Stewart ? the dancing rrir! I.ouise Gil'^spie Lynn Lock wood ? the man "who takes off his face" Kd. Mottiftian Alice Hunting ? the entertcin;ng girl Christine S.lti Murray Kent ? a ? college v'ay- . wright Francis Plummet "Tacks" Mulford ? a fool hjil' star . . . Richard A'kcTi Mrs. Selina Blair' ? a pest 'ho Parish Margaret Ha artte PRIMARY DEPARTMENT PRESENTS PLAY TUE5 PAY A play entitled "Betty Christmas P; can-.'-' wil! be piv.i?n!*?l 1 by the pi ir.wiry department e." Ci rannn ri '? S. l,.n.| Tu? sda.v nich'.. reiTibi r :!ti. Iiefcijiiny 7:110 o'ebv' a. lo. . ?? . 1 ? ???? ? y, ' 1 i.'.f < :-.:.u!i> invllc'l U present.