XXXII BREVARD, NORTH CAii CLINA, DECEMBER 22, 1927 1? VOL. CHRISTMAS SPIRIT REIGNS SUPREME IN BREVARD! BREVARD , THE BEAUTIFUL, IN FINE CHRISTMAS DECORATION "The most beautiful thing I've ever seen in Brevard." This is an expression often heard from even the oldest citizens who look upon the Christmas decorations unit have been placed in the town to rcflect the Yuletide spirit. Light? red, white and blue have l.-en strung along the main'.slreets <> the town, connecting with . Ch: istmas trees stationed by the light posts, all converging into the central point on the Square, where a big Christmas tree has bsun planted in the very center of the town of Brevard. These decorations were made through the activities of the Kiwanis club, in cooperation with the busi ness men of the town. It is hoped that all people of the county Will en joy the beautiful picture presented through th e decorations. Of course, the best effect is to be oo tained at nighttime, when all the tra lights are burning. It looks like a veritable paradise, with the differ PRESIDENT PROUD OF THE WORK DONE ? ? i Thos H. ShipmaYi, president ofJ;he Kiwnnis club, was so delighted with the manner in which the y','66 appointed by him last Thursday night had decorated the town for the holidays, and so afPre^tlve s ! the manner m which the town res ponded to the club's efforts, m!?led the following expression of giati tude to Chairman Mack Allisoh. As president of the Kiwanis club, I wish to congratulate the committee named by me last Thursdaymfehtfor . the purpose of decorating the greets of th" town for the holidays. That committee had Mac Allison as xhair man and H. A. Plummer TV alteluC? ble, Bob Garrett, A. H. Houston. This comimttee has performer d 1 duties wonderously well and 18 high ly deserving of the gratitude of the Kiwanis club and of the community in general. In making possible this P^'yule nlav in our town to reflect the Yuie tide spirit, I wish to thank the i folio ^ - snrr ffims and individuals for tneir cooperation in time, labor and money, The Brevard Light and t Power com pany, whose president, J. H. itcKei simer. furnished, free of cost, th current necessary to light up all t additional lights placed upon the streets. 1 consider this a -plendi demonstration of civic piide. The Garrett Electric company, j whose manager, BobGarrett mad , an unusually hard trip to Charlotte to nurchas? the necessary equip men for lighting the streets, and gave of his time in the supervision of the installation of the w01'v; Louie Loftis, and men furnished by the Brevard Battery Company and Ihe Citizens Telephone company assisted in this work, and all those Who witnessed the labors of the men throuch the cold weather of Monday and Tuesday will join me in expves - ing the community s appreciation. It takes money to buy such , nicnt and the following public spir ited firms and individuals made dona tion, o? cash, which made possible the splendid display of our beautiful t0.c'lemson Theatre, F. D. Clement. IVZl"? tw s * NS1 x. nuclos Ward's Barber Shop, Fol-man Jewelry company Brevard, Building & Loan,' Toastie sh?P' ? WLS. Mo.yJ.lo. cmfMJ,, SrpeWft i P??V Wi Wators. Pisjrah Bank, Mayor T. ? V'"itm'rc. Davis-Long Drug com-. i ? Puihell's Department store, A. :"m'o Houston Furniture com- i ia?v Simnson Barber Shop, Fleet-; wood Lunch Room. .Pa"1?rs?GroCery partment store. ^ c y pat_ I STS&A B?v.rd p.ankimr company. The lire\.?ra . NC\o' greater demonstration of line ??. t ever been wit ooMimuni^-l cohesrve action of ?^Tbo^ named Arms and indiv^ ",,p ?f lub'^iml 'hereby' cordially fn vite' and urge all the citizens of the counjy to visit B^vardjurin. the ^Torts" of the public spirited cltt " Wishing6 on""' and all a Merry ('hri THOS * HmsHIPMAN. . President Brevard Kiwanis Clu . NEW BUILDING CANNOT BE USED CHRISTMAS Due to an unavoidable delay, i^tinas services of St. Philips f'uii will not be held in the new rhureh edifice, as was originally planned. It is hoped that the n^r !-tiil?!'ii?r will 1m- ready for occupancy jit sn curly date after the first of the year. ent c olorings of elect tic lights in a bia...' setting made beautiful by ihe sr.. rounding mountains. It is ex I'.cted that hundreds of people will _oiue from the county to see Bre vard in all its glory of Yultide dee orations. Much work was necessary in making this display to reflect the mason's spirit toward the people-, in the community. It is, indeed, a beau tiful showing, and it is safe to say that no other town 111 tile whole country the size of Brevard ha;; any thing that would nearly equal ihe malchl'jss display which greets every visitor to Brevard_ during this \ve;k. SMf ACLAUSTOOK BREVARD SATURDAY 1 ' Santa Clau3' presence on the I streets of Brevard Saturday created* much interest aiul excitement among the littie folks, of the town and county, a large delegation of whom was . at The Brevard News officii Saturday morning to greet Old Santa when, promptly at 10 o'clock, he knocked on the office door and was admitted, to the delighted cheers of all the children. His long flowing heard, and red and white robe gave the appearance of a real live Santa Claus. The children were given an oppor tunity of shaking hands with their friend Santa, many of them talking to him and enumerating the things they, wanted him towering them for Christmas, 'while others handed hint the little letters they wad written, expressing in that way their var i6us Christmas wants. The kind old fellow was patient and courteous to ward them all alike, promising to ful -fill -their many , wishes. After an inspectidinrf? The News equipment, Santa Claus then led the procession of children out on the street and made a tour of all the .'.tores in the business district. As tlicy went from store to store, an increased number of children was added to the procession, and in a short time several hundred little > loiks were following their leader, who showed them all the pretty toys and Christmas articles displayed in the various business houses. Santa Claus was seen on the streets throughout the day Saturday, and even to the last he had a following of children, although the procession dwindled somewhat toward the end , of the day. WHAT CHRISTMAS MEANS TO B. CARR ? f (By F. BROWN CARR, Pisgah Forest, N. C.) Christmas, according to YVebster s definition means, The Festival on December 25th, Celebrating the Birth of Christ; On this day God sent his Son into the world, that the world through Him might be saved ; and the Sacred Scripture, plainly, states in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His v,iuy b?*oUen soil, that whosoever beiieveth i:i Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." So with this most generous promise from Him who possesses all the authority u.iu po'wci, both in Heaven and on earth, and believing as we do that our Saviour died on Calvary's Cross to atone for our sins; Our hearts should bubble over with joy, and be able ta 'celebrate the day, and glorify His Name, in a way that will be pleasing to our Blessed Saviour, and indulge not in any thing that would not be displeasing in His sight. Lest we forget let us enumerate the many blessings which the Lord has be stowed upon us since last Christmas, and show our gratitude to our Saviour on His BIRTHDAY. SCHOOL BUS TURNS ? OVER ON HIGHWAY School bus No. 8, in charge of Prof. Eugene King, turned over on | the Highway near Lake Toxaway last Saturday, as Prof. King was I brinpfinpr the vchiclc to Brevard for overhauling. In the bus were some teachers who had asked to ride with the professor into town. Miss Mor gan, a teacher in the county schools, suffered a broken arm in the acci dent. It is said the brakes were frozen, and would not work, this being ?riven as the reason for the accidtfnt PLESS BECOMES MEMBER OF ASHEVILLE FIRM Lawyers in Brevard wfl| inter ested in the announcement^jpadc a few days ago that Hon. J. W. Pless, well known here, had formed part nership with Adams, Metrimon and Adams, one of the biggest law firms < f Asheville. Mr. Plow Once lived here, and is the fnttl^r of .1. Will I'L.'s, J i-., solicitor of -this district. Car 'thief C-'ls Three Years in State Penitentiary ? as Horse Thief JUDGE MOORE MADE UNUSUAL RECORD HERE I =? ? ? , , Two Weeks' Perm of Court Cleared Doc'iet- ? Bub Wliiicsidcs Gets E i k h f. : e n Months ; THu : day was sentence uny 'wth JuJ.-jv- \V (liter K. Moore, anil th:* court seemed to hav" but one I'l-jvei in tuiiiil ? that of ftiaking >>ple know they must obey the (law, or suft'er for their, disobfcdienoe. ' .Iuc'f;o Moore, during the trying day. took occasion to warn the citizens ;>>( th? county that unless th? law is upheld the county cannot hope to prosper or make any progress, i "This is the hardest thing I am ever called upon to do," His Honor ! said, in passing sentences on many -defendants. "It nearly kills me to sei:d a man to the chain gang or a woman to jail, but the people must be protected against crime, and the ji lily way to do it is follow the law." Following are. the sentences pro nounced Thursd iy afternoon : ; j Walter Crawfori and Avery Owen, ? tried in court last week for making liquor, were given six months each on the county roads, and sentence : later reduced to live. | "Thank you. Sir!" "You're welcome!" Such we re the words of courtesy ! j exchanged between Abe Whitmire and Judge Walter E. Moore, in Su perior court here last week. Whit mire had been tried for shooting his ' son-in-law, found guilty, brought into His Honor's presence for the purpose of receiving sentence. Judge Jloore pronounced a sentence of 12 months 011 the chain gang for Whit-1 mire, whereupon the prisoner said to the court: 1 "Thank you, Sir!" And the court answered: 4'You're welcome!" Next day Judge Moore reduced j the sentence to 10 months. Driving: cars while under the in fluence of whiskey is considered one of the most serious crimes of the , day by Judge Walter E. Moore. Mose Kemp, of Brevard, was tried in Judge Moore's court on this 1 charge and drew a sentence of twelve months on the county roads. Kemp is a well known character in Brevard, many of whose citizens have expressed a certain degree of relief in the fact that Mose will not Jie meandering about these sections for the next year, at least. i James Wall; err ~Ti??gT?i ? who at- t tacked another negro by the name of Marshbunks, and tried ir> the [court just ended, was given a ren i tenc. 1 of six months on the roadr. tit will be recalled that Walker is the negro who was shot by Police-1 'man Freeman, while the popular .Brevard officer was making arrest of Walker after his attaei; on Marsh banks. Marshbanks was given a fine of twenty-five dollars. I-cwis Hensley, convicted of driv- . ing a car wiiile drunk, received a j 'sentence of six months for manip- ' I ulating a gas wagon while he him-' | self was filled with another kind of | fluid. Ira Daves, convicted for cutting 1 one Aiken with a knife, drew a sen- , tence of six niQnths. | i Homer Galloway, tried twice dur- 1 ing the recent term of court, the | first effort resulting in a mistrial, ' and the second in conviction, was j given a sentence of 15 months. It was presented to the court that Gal j loway was driving a car in which | ?there were 11 gallons of liquor. | I I Doll Swangum, tried and convicted . jon a liquor eharge, drew a sentence i of 12 months on the road, later re duced to five. Wade McGaha, charged with mak ing liquor, drew a sentence of 12 months on the roads. The court stated that inasmuch as Mr. MaGaha told the truth and refused to falsify, the sentence was cut down from what it would have been had the de ft ndant tried to lie his way out. J. D. Medlin. young white man employed by the State, Highway de partment, who shot Gudger Smith, colored, at Pisgah Forest, several weeks ago in a controversy follow ing an automobile collision, was given a fine of S.">0 and half the costs in the case. Gudger Smith re ceived the same ^ sentence, anil it was provided in the event the fine could not be paid by the colored man. that he serve three months on the roads. Simon McCall and Wiley Smith, tried I'i.i- an affrav in which Smith used a knife on McCall. resulted in McCall h< ing lined "lie-half the '?> !>. while Mr. Smith was given a fin" of $250 and half the costs. M. A. I'ctit ami his wife, tried on a liquor eharge. brought a sentence of 12 months to Mr. Petit, and six months to Mrs. Petit, her sentence suspended during good behavior and ol>s, rvalue of the law. and payment oj ilTi fine. . , < ? ,<? . < . Ywr ?.ii :.i.- : :: i.-.J i .UiL-iL / tl vVj. ' Ct(U!.iit(c2 > Kumed for the Year, unci Chairmen Selected tor Each Committee DECIDE TO DECORATE THE TOWN FOR XI.1AS Many Other Matters Acteil Upon President S'tipman Depcnil:i U;jon the Mimbers .. Brevard K:\vai:!.* ?!ul> luM om* of t]"' cIltliUMaS! IC* ;"l)i ttiligS i Vt-1' held here last Thursday evening, wh i'i csdi.'iu Thu:.. II. Shipimvn m:id.* hi.-- bow as presiding of ficer. rhe Wnlti nvro Grill had r.J! :k ,-i h-iTilii: .-.ii-ancrr.- is;> to i' the Wiustjally large crowd, and ail Ki wmiians raid compliment to the host f.:s, Jliv, Sallz. Committee appointments were read, and the program for the year given brief outline*. President Ship man made it plain to the members thai the club would be only what the me; make it, and wrgfed all Ki wanians to stand squarely to the of ficers and directors in making: vhe organization one of great service to the community. Mr. Shipman ye cited some of the great things that had been accomplished by the club since its organization, and paid glowing tribute to past presidents" who had worked so faithfully. It was decided at the meeting to decorate the streets for the holiftav^,, and string lights through the mam business section. A committee, with J. 31. Allifon as chairman, and II. A. Plummer, Bob Garrett, Walter Cobble and A. H. Houston, as mem bers, was to have charge of raising the funds, stringing the lights and decorating the streets. This commitee has workfled faith fully, as the appearance of the Vpwn is evidence of the work well done by ! the committee. It was announced at the meeting that Jerry Jerome had been re named secretary-treasurer of the , Club, his re-election coming about in unusual manner. It was reported that th edirecters, when the question of secretary-treasurer came up, simply refused to even consider it as a matter of business, sftifinfr that jerry Jerome is secretary ? will .c main secretary, and that's all there ; was to jt. Much other business was transact- : ed, and the following committee ap pointments were made by President . Shipman : Secretary ? Jerry Jerome. Attendance ? Bob Garrett, Bob Lawrence, Jerry Jerome. Classification ? Whit Whitmire, Brown Carr, Loy Thompson. ; House ? Clarcnce Yongue, Henry j I'lumi.iev. Alex Kizer. Business Standards and Methods ? ! Bob Gash, II. I.. Wilson, Frank 1 Clement. ' Education ? Calhoun Henderson, j. B. Jones, Spank Macfte. . j Grievance ? Ed McCoy; George Lynch, David Ward. Inter-Club Relations ? Tom Sum mey, Bill Breese, John Smith. Laws and Regulations ? Ralph Ramsey, Hunter Martin, Bert Sitton. Music ? Walter Cobble, Randall Everett, Wallace Hartsell. Public Affairs ? Patrick Kimzey, ' Anthony Trantham, Roland Whit mire. Reception ? A. H. Houston, Whit Whitmire, Muck Allison. Membership ? Jim Bromfield, Jerry) Jerome, Rush Whitmire. Publicity ? Jim Barrett, Charlie Wilkins, Duncan MacDougald. Agricultural ? Clarence Yongue, Julian Glazener, R. E. Lawrence. j Under-Privileged Child ? Joe Sil- ! versteen, Lewis Hamlin, Bill Fc tzer, ! J. H. Tinsley. CHRISTMAS CAROLS TO END SEASON Christmas carols will be sung on ) the Square Saturday evening from I 7 to 8 o'clock. This is to be a com- ! m unity event, and an invitation is c xtcnucd to the public ? men, women Mid children ? to be present at this hour and join in the sinking of 'the carols. Copies of the songs will be j distributed among the people, so that j all present may assist in the songs. . It is expected that the municipal : band will also assist with the music. | This evmt is being sponsored by j the Brevard Music Lovers' club, and , members of this organization are an ticipating full cooperation on the part of the general public and a large attendance on this occasion. , SCHOOLS CLOSE FOR THE XMAS HOLIDAY VACATION; Uoth of the city schools closed for the Christmas holidays on Tues day, while the Institute tame to a < lose Wednesday noon, and the county schools. on Tuesday. The ma jority of the teachrra of the various t schools left to spend the vacation at their respective homes, and a large! number of the Institute students Sep-, a rated for their homes in various ??.??? n>ns of 'Jin country. They will ai! return Rrc.-cd !""n aftir the first of the year to c'Titi'iiu their school work to: an other four or live months, l \ '?c.2"MiL iliLDKEN . ' mm BUT LITTLE OF THE SOUTHLAND * ? Taught More About the Congo Than About the Romanes of the Southland CHARLOTTE OBSERVER MAKES STRONG STATEMENT To Issue Special Edition In Which Text Books Now In Use Will Bo Attacked i '.be cnars.1 of an announcement of a special instio planned for publi cation by The Charlotte 01?erver thr f.Olov injr amazing; is made about the lack of information in regard to North Carolina in the text books studied in the schools of the state. On this point The Ob server says: "The High School students of North Carolina find more informa tion in their text books about the resources of the Congo than they do of tlu own state. There is not a ' text book in print which .gives tlu> slightr t conception of the dramatic ' 'made by the leaders of indu. . y to place North Carolina in the j out rank of states as a great indu iai center and the rising gen eral: i is given practically no infor mation about the. state's billion dol lar industry' or the history of its es tabli^r nent." ' ' We do not for a moment question the .-.ojuracy of this statement, and yet it :'s a striking illustration of the unwisdom of educational work in tiie South .vhich never has adequate ly set ft h what the South has, what it is doiiiii, and what the history of the old South tells of the men who created the business interests of that section. We" have often marveled to find that many professors in Sou thern colleges know so little about the Old South or the real achieve ments of the South of today. For years we hav<? tietn pleading with Southern educational institutions to stress the importance of the history of the South from the industrial or business standpoint as to its past and its prssent. It is gratifying to sae that The Obsetv-er -h?a -oome out with such a bold statement, which should challenge trie attention of every ed ucator in North Carolina and chal lenge the attention of every father and mother in the South who should demand that their children be ade quately trained and educated in a knowledge of the South. $10,000 CHECK TO MRS. KATE WRIGHT C. P. Wilkins, known among his friends in Western Carolina a* "Charlie" Wilkins, has been desig nated by the powers that he to play the role of Santa Claus in St. Nick's truest sense this year. Mr. Wilkins, who is general manager for Western North Carolina of the Security Life and Trust company of Winston Salem, left Brevard Tuesday to de liver a check for $10,000 to Helen Pauline Kate Wright, the widow of Charles N. Wright, who was killed two weeks ago when the automobile in which he was riding went over the steep precipice at Lake Toxaway curve. Last July Mr. Wilkins sold a pol icy for $5,000 to Mr. Wright, which carried with it a double indemnity feature. In case of accidental death, the double indemnity policy calls for twice the amount of the face value of the insurance policy. Mr. Wilkins is very naturally proud of the quick service in having the check in hand to deliver to J.Irs. Wright, and attributes this to the fact that he is right here on the ground, and that his companj. 's headquarters in Winston-Salem elim inates all the delay sometimes met in 'sending proofs to and receiving n- check from more distant headquar ters. Mr. Wilkins said, when inter viewed by The News, that he was deeply grieyed because of the death of his friend, Mr, Wright, and the fact that the deceased cannot be with his family at this Christmas time, but inasmuch as Providence, or what ever it was that decreed Mr. Wright's death, then Mr. Wilkins is happy in being able to present to his friend's widow and five children this $10,000, which will be of tremeft: dous value to them now that the good man is gone. MANYVOTING ON C. OF C. DIRECTORS Many members of the Chamber of Commerce have already sent in their ballots for the eight director: t<> lie voted for in the membership li:t. All the ballot8/flre expected to be ::i and ready '<pr tabulation at i the meeting on December 28, when announcement of the s^cces-fu! names will be made, and the elec tion of officers for next year will In had as soon as the ncv ?iii?i.tor organized. All nienVU i- are m <! !o en?t their ballot for (i)ei-- ,-iio.< of eight directors. t A <i m kot fB TO RUM IN 1928, - SAYS MK, PLUMMER Refuses *1 o Be Candidate T :> Sue* ' ceed Himself as Head at (he C. of C. (THINKS ANOTHER MAN SHOULD BE NAMED Had Fine Support of the Bcdy, for Which He Expresses His Appreciation "I tlo not choose to run in This is President Ileniy A. tra iner's reply to The Brtvjtrd v.;w . Last week this paper nominated Mr. Plummer for election a<jp head of the local organization, and ; lie fol lowing letter was received fi-y.r: uiio popular otTicial: Mr. J as. F. Barrett, Editor of The Brevard News. Dear Mr. Barrett: I read today your kind stSr. ; ?cnt in which th; Brevard News ?- >min- , ates me to succeed myself as . resi dent of the Brevard Chamlit . of ? Commerce. j I deeply appreciate your ks:> l but undeserved words and thank yc li for them. ' i The Brevard Chamber of Com merce has a great work to o and :one that necessitates not onjy tlie support of its members but for ?.very citizen of Brevard and Transyjvania county. 1 I have been fortunate indent is>. having the loyal support of tfccf Di rectors and members of the B; ?; vard Chamber of Commerce and w^nt to thank each and everyone of them. It has been a pleasure to serve them. Sometimes, Jim, some of u: are pi-one to kick about this thing and that, but after all, when I think of living in Brevard and Transylvania among its people I feel as if 1 and all of us should "count our ble -jings and name them one by one." To my mind we have the best peop:.. and1 the finest county to live in, iu our' state. Now Jim, while I thank you for naming me to succeed myself, I think you are making a great rri:i tgke. . T)ur ' former' * presldeitTtS hftvT-- h?e* far abler men than I, and like v.V'im, I believe that one term ill ofltivo the best for the continued sue ??;? of our Chamber of Commerce. In this one respect Jim, I nr.. :!:e President Coolidge? "I do not c.V'os? to run." Yours truly, HENRY PLUMMER. Brevard, Dec. 15. FULL PROGRAM AT THE PRESBYIER1AM i ? Beginning next Friday after" ton at 3 o'clock there will be held a; ;he Presbyterian Hut special Christinas services, with a Christmas tree, t lor ies and fun in general for the- chil dren of the Sunday Schooly Sunday morning at 9:45 Christ mas carols will be sung and the reg ular Sunday School program carried out. At the 1 1 o'clock hour of worship the Lord's Supper will be commem orated, with special music and ser mon appropriate to the Chrir.lmau occasion. Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock ??s per services will be' held at ihe church, including a Christmas pag eant, "The Sign of God." All members of the church and friends are cordially invited to at tend these services, friends of other denominations being particularly in vited to the vesper service. . , ? ? > STAR ROUTE PROVES ITS GREAT WORTH 7J Star Mail Route facilities betw Brevard and Greenville are proving their genuine worth at this time fc Brevard. Postmaster Roscoe -Nich olson states that more mail and pack ages have gone out from the local office than ever before at *his -e::son of the year and that there is im ap parent rush at the office. U\ >pit? of the increased volume of bu: inrsf . the apparent ease of dispatch'' of mail is attributed to tips jnlditioijRl mail route, whifch ? was pot in eH'?<it during the holiday rush of last year. Postmaster Nicholson maker ? the request that all persons intending to mail Christmas packages,- tlo .- ?. .not later than Thursday evening 'to i I'r.rlr such destinations- as^th? Caroliuas,, Georgia and nearby pbfrtts. Gratification is expressed l>v Mr. Nicholson* and his" co-worker- i.vcr the fact that people havp -sir.:. out their Christmas mail. earlier thi.n ever this year, thus greatly facilitating ' their work. HIGH COST OF LOVIN C SUBJECT OF SfcRMON Rev. Wallace Ilartsr .?? cr' the fourth of his svr* . re next Sunday morhinp '? r-ct "The Wijrh C o*t of^ '?iis series of : ? J v provvn wry P^P'iK, .- in .?pir;iti??n:il .iin in-y wiefcs. (V s \ W

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