. ? . i L VOL. XXXIU. BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, JANUAUY -V, i ' No. '1 iii CAROLINA SAN AVMV Wills RKSi Oi4 o3U$i.i*i Review of 1927 Shows Our Old State is 15; st State ii| the United States FACTS THAT MAKE ONE'S HEART KILL WITH PRIDE First In a Great Many Things ? Edu-' cation. Good Roads, Increased Wealth, Growing Values Apiih Carolina litis the larg hosiery mills, towel mill, overall i .c tory, and second largest aluiv.-.ium p'r.nt in the world. North Carolina has the largest denim mill, damask mills, underwear factory and pulp mill in the United States. North Carolina has re cotton mills than any state ? ..he Union; is second in the value of cotton n>an ufactures; first in the number of spindle hours; has more mills that dye and finish their own products than any other Southern state. It consuiv.ad in its textile mills 1,411,710 bales of raw cotton in] 1926. Leads In Increase In real property and _ improve ments, the increase per capita wealth during the ten year census period from 1912 to 1922 was as follows: l North Carolina $ 2,371,365,000 Increase 238 percent United States 176,414,444,000 Increase 61 percent In manufacturing machinery, tools; implements, etc., the percent increase for ten year period was: North Carolina 180.0% United States ....... 159.1 % Wealth North Carolina's property value is estimated to exceed five billion dol lars. (681 million in 1900; 685 mil lion, 1910; 4,543 million, 1926.); Federal taxes paid U. S. government in year ending June 30, 1927, North Carolina paid $205,648,000.00; pre- ; ceded only by New York, Pennsyl- 1 vania and Illinons; leading all states , in per capita tax paid and in amount ' of tobacco taxes. Bank resources, state and national, 1 in^North Carolina, increased from ' one hundred and fifty million dollars ? in 1914 to five hundred milloin dol- | lars in 1926 ? a gain of 230% in 12 years. The banking resources of the United States increased .from twenty-seven billion dollars to about fifty-four billion dollars ? slightly more than 100%, in the last 20 years. i Education The University of North Carolina, founded in 1789, is the oldest State ? University in America. The state maintains ten other colleges for white and five for colored. North Carolina leads the South in educa tion. Spent 35 million on public school in 1926, 34 % for new school ? leading the United States in the latter, with New York second.^ Duke University at Durham, N. C., has the largest endowment of any Amer ican college. Highways Hard-surfaced roads connect prac tically every county seat and princi pal citv in North Carolina; 7,384.3 miles of State Highways; spent more on highways in 1926 than any Sou thern state; $125,000,000 in five; years. Built an average of 1.54 miles of hard-surfaced roads and 2,4 miles of other dependable roads for every working day in 1927. State highways are financed, ' built and maintained out of revenue" from auto license and gas taxes. ; Industry . North Carolina has (estimated) : over one billion and a quarter of dollars capital invested in manufac turing establishments (68 million in 1900; 217 million in 1910; 669 mil-! lion in 1920 ? U. S. Census), and approximately an equal amount in i annual output of its 6,2000 factories | (216 million, 1910; 951 million, I 1925; 1,050 million, 1926 ? U. S. i Census). North Carolina leads every Sou- j them state in the number of mill | and factory wage earners, 182,234 : (Continued on' page four) COUNTY IS FACING BIG DAMAGE SUIT m Connection With School Bus Ac cident In Which Miss Morgan I Was Severely Injured Transylvania, county will be sued for damages on account of injuries sustained by Miss Morgan, of pre vard, a teacher of the Quebec se^col, when the school bus in which she was riding turned over near Toxaway. This was indicated in the commissioners meeting Tuesday, when Ralph Fisher, retiring county attorney, asked the board ii his con nections were completely severed, but stated in making thoxrequest that he had some suits to Irt* instituted against the county. and mentioned among them that of the case of Miss Morgan. I'rof. Kino.' teacher at Toxaway, drives the Toxaway school bus. and it is said, was bringing the bus into Brsvard on a Saturday for the pur p?se of having it adjusted and re ? nirerl Movan and others ?were in the bus with him, and be ?-ait"" of fr>. i'r hrnkt'e the driver l???t i< r"v.l .i f ;h ear. which turn'-d "V( i and limke Mi-< Morgan's arm ?'.in! inflicted ith?r injuries. aO Yiioi.G \i<u \rjt iv'. ; ; . ? . h\ X v."^ \V\Jkili?? ii fc- i.Afl V 2 ? i L \J L \i * ?' W ? W: j ai iu ? U i lalf Hundred of County's Finest | Attending Colleges in Eleven Diffe^nt States I. 1ST DUL.S NOi 'N^^LlntsI .MANY COUNTY SlUDt-NTS r^tieally All of the Young People Soent Christmas Holidays in Their Brevard Homes Practically 50 young people 1 eft. Brevard this week to resume then studies in the schools and collcj,t> various sections of tho country, a i spending the Christmas holidajfa Aiut relatives and frionds here. Brevard is represented by . V,V half a hundred young people different educational liistitutions and in 11 different states, including. North Carolina. South ( l,ro|' ; I r'icrida, Virginia. Tennessee, Npw , i'ork, Ohio, Indiana, ? Massachusetts, j , Connecticutt, l'ennsylvama. ^ , 'ine , I largest number of Brevard suitu. ? at an\ one school is at Christ School, 'where six local boys are enrolled with the State Women s College at ehensboro and the State U"W??t> j Vt Chapel Hill running a close .-tt onf;:,, iiowinc- is a list of the Brevard students, not including those hving !in other sections of the county, ami the educational institutions rep Vented, as nearly accurate as the list '"fit Avd.n_H.vry rlavton t)onald Jenkins, A. J- John ?on? Edwin Johnson. Eben Morrow, .Jim Morrow. Gl.ccnsboro? Eliza J u ' L Mildred Trantham, Catherine Osborne, Christine Snctson, Pauline GnChaoel' Hill? Edwin Perkins, Leon English, Edwin English, torn Whit-j "UMars Hill? Mack Grogan, Emma "VSUri^SiEobev,. Bvy-| Colto-Marvinj V'wmv? Wllkto,'j Eiarvs:ao;^*rT?.?h,,,,; T..CJ ?. I ^Converse College, Spartanburg ^. C.? Elizabeth Shipman, Nancy fiC:rhc Citadel, Charleston, S. C.? Edwards Breese. ? Virginia? Sweet Briar College, Sch?o1- v"a"'"' -t?,TB,lm"f.C"ashvil1C, T??. 'Si UnW-vlty. Flft ? Margaret LySS,'mon4, Va.-A??te ^York Conservatory of Music, isew Ja ff ir.! i>ii ?Medi c al Collceg, Pennsyl ind. FrUn\veSmof Ohio Dorothy Sil-j. VC Harvard University. Mass.-Rob-j ert Plummer. Randall Yale University, conn. Everett. , ZERO WEATHER IS ;? THE WEEK'S GUEST Brevard, not to be. ou.t(,?n^hinother lin" of endeavor, J?>"?^v?th North cities and towns in ?..t vemely low' Carolina m recording temperatures on thj ?fficial . New Year. According to lnsti. weather bureau reports ? d 4 I tute the t,hf rm"^fCoarly Monday rapid Ih'op'in temperature vr?. noted j Sunday rft,'r,;rre^g throughout 1 Sunday1 night, and continuing for working over-time all th ^ pairing frozen watei p^pes ^ ^ 1 the worst 01 Mews 'ing the maid. NEW CASHIER IS j GIVEN TRIBUTE ' I I Tuesday morning, the. first day I ! that Miss Annie Shipman served in her new position as cashier of the i Rrevard Banking company, a bj-auti : fuT basket of flower, was Pr?cnted i-r MicauTni" ?" V con.' ! ' cdns in the town had apart;" pur , ! chasing the flowers, and ^Y.nrrett is.'ssi.rs, ?v ,hV K :SJ?. ?y ?: i Itouched at the tribtt .? , ? . ! th?* Bre.var.l Uusincv. W-' " ii>d the spokesmen t->i ?"< [lira nee. I LADIl a' NIGHT AT KiWANIS am muhmAY eveninl Hilars. lay. cvtiiiiij-r :i f 7 oVlyck l.:nl:is Nijrlit will b> ol>.->i*rve<l al tin i.iwaiiis eiub. Frank 1). Clement 111..I ' uaiulall \V. Kwr tt. from the iioartl 01' ilirectors, ami Kev. Wallace lia.i i-l!, u f \he mu.s'.c committeo, will have charge of 1 lie program, ami it is thought the meeting will be 0110 of l he most enjoyable tver helil ? iu* -iiiv. I ili?! unusually la rue lUu.T.i-r i n oj li \v;in have sinnilieil lh ir iiiU'iii xii ?.f allerulintr. the .'lUM iiiiK' will ii ? held ill the ilinint; . a :i. s .syioini floor of the Waltennire Ijot'o!, an<J the dinner will l?i> served by Mrs. Salt/., pio priitor of the Walternilre Grill. iTiMIRS MOTOR'S GREAT OJWS More Than Thousand People- Face Zero Weather To See New Chevrolet Car at Opening Whitmire Motor Sales company celebrau t\< the New Year with a , grand opening . ot' their fine new , home', and at the same time made a | display of the new bigger and bettei' j Chevrolet cars. The new building, which is owned by J. L. Whitmire, of the Pisgah Bank, was beautifully decorated for the occasion ana caused much favorable comment by the hundreds of visitors who braved tho zero weather Monday a> attend the opening. Boland Whitmire, sales manager of the firm, had charge of the decorations and the display and ; received many compliments en his work. .'"i | The opening started at 10 o'clock Monday morning, and until . 10 j o'clock Monday evening there \vas a j steady stream of callers. Signed ( cards showed that well over a thous and people attended the opening and j inspected the new home: and the new j Chevrolet cars. Throughout the day : a musical program was rendered, in- ' ?ludinjy the famous colored Silver Lee quartet, which has already estab- ? lished a splendid reputation in this i comm unity. A radio concert was provided for the evening, the Bre- 1 vard Power and Light company hav ing installed for the occasion one of their RCA sets, and Frank ' Duck worth, a member of the 'Power and j Light company, tuned in on the best , programs of the evening. A Vic-1 trola furnished by the Houston Fur- ; niture company, added to the enjoy- j ment of the occasion. HRETfiREMitB I METHODIST CHURCH; I Rev. Aycock Expresses Gratitude To Fire Department For Saving the Building From Flames Considerable excitement was caused ' Sunday at the Methodist church im- [ mediately after the morning services j when fire was discovered on the in- . side walls between the church audi torium and the annex, said to have started in a wooden beam which was over the furnace pipe at this place. ; The fire and smoke was first discov ered in a small room adjoining the church annex, by two or three m.'ii who were the last ones to leave the church, and who had gone in this room to get their overcoats. Th? alarm was at or.ee turned in and the fire engine reached the scene within a few moments. The firemen, with the assistance of other nun among the crowd that had gath ered about the building, soon had the play of the hose on the blaze. The flames wore soon extinguished, hav ing done but slight damage to the interior of the- building. The damage is fully covered by insurance. Fearing more serious results, the pianos and all movable furniture., were taken out of the building, but were replaced after assurance of no further danger. ,' Rev. Aycock's Statement Rev. A. L. Aycock, pastor of the . Methodist church, expresses himself, ;? in behalf of the church membership, , as highly appreciative of the prompt and efficient services rendered by the fire department on Sunday morn ing, when the fire was discovered in the church auditorium. Following is Mr. Aycock's statement. "We wish to express, through The Brevard News, our appreciation of the splendid work done by Mr. Bromfield and his fi-.ithful volunteer fire fighters .for the wonderful work doir in saving our church on last Sunday morning. The fire caught ; from the tiue, and would have made quick work of the entire building but for them. But they were on the spot and had the fire under control, so that there was not much damage; the principal damage being from water and smoke. We thank you boys, one and all. As we now see it there is no reason why we should not have our regular services in the church next Sunday, beginning with Sunday School' at 9:4"> a.m.; morning wor ship at 1 1 a.ryS Subject; Shall 'my own church live? If so. what ran I as an individual nv mber do t<> make it live? Text Acts, 2:-17. Evening, 7 jt.ni. Subject: Am 1 a Pilgrim or a Squatter. Which .' Text: <1> Cor. 0:24. Our youmr ? people will meet in their League ser vice at 6:15 p.m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday evening at 7:30. We cxten 1 to you a most sincere welcome to each of these services. Mak" a special >fT'>rt to he with us; Sunday. Wt- appreciate tho splendid > ??mnpany pros"!!! l\-t Sunday morn- ' ins. I- ? u- i..ake,mhe concr-'gation vi ; in. ii i next .SAtl.v. . not t to <?. \ preys j . ^ Termed b>* the Manufacturers as ! the "Bipfjer and Better . Chevrolet" .Surpassing. a it us former achieve- ' ments in the building of low cost transportation, the Chevrolet Motor company, announces its most dis- 1 tjjtctive low priced automobile of all time. The announcement of a complete ; new line of Oheyj'olat cars follows : immediately on the ctese of Chevro- ! let's greatest year when its volume of | on'* million units made it the world's largest builder ol" automobiles, and ; presages a year of unexampled activ ity for the organization that has been the pioneer volume producer of gear shift motor cars. Known as the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet, the new car that goes 09 display throughout the United States this week, not only succeeds the "Most Beautiful Chevrolet" but in corporates all the advantages that made the latter so popular and in ad dition embodies a host of refine ments that combine to produce what j General Motors officials believe will | ba the sensation of the automobile ] industry i;i 1928. A quick picture of the new car.'i that seems destined to write a new i chapter into the history of the auto-ji mobile business may be had by not- 1 1 ing the following highlights of the I 1928 Chevrolet: 1 Extended wheelbase, greater speed and power, four wheel brakes ,long- 1 er, roomier Fisher bodies, new Duco ] colors, thermostat cooling, shock ab ( Continued on page two) |i WOMAN'S BUREAU I MAKES GIFT OF $100 j Hospital Receives Aid From Ladies' < Organization- ? Plans For the Year's Work Adopted ij Outstanding among the matters of j business transacted at the Woman's Bureau Monday afternoon was the , unanimous vote of the members of that organization to make a gift of i $100 to Transylvania Hospital, the money to be used in any way the ' hospital authorities see fit. The i treasurer was instructed to write a i check for this amount and present at j once to the hospital. i Other matters coming up for ac- ' tion included the reading of a letter 1 by the president from a tourist, who < has her summer home here, stating ( that her home here had been ransack- ' ed by house breakers, and requesting < the Bureau to take some measures in , ] presenting the matter to the proper;' authorities to put a stop to suci. ".aw- 1 le.ssness. In this connection, a mo- '< tion carried to the effect that the '( president take the matter up with j I Mayor Whitmirc for "Kim to present i for the consideration of the alder- |i men at their meeting Monday night, ji Members present discussed pro j - ! ' erts to be undertaken by the Bureau H during the coming year, and general If plans for the year's work were out- J lined, showing the wide scope of this i organization's proposed efforts for)' the progressive program of 1928. 'j HARTSELLlS GIVEN ' FINE EXPRESSION, At a meeting of the deacons and ] officails of the Brevard Baptist ' church last Sunday a review of the I past five years work whs made, this i covering the period of time- that Rev. ( Wallace Hartsell has been pastor of this church. It is known that Mr. Hartsell has ( received many flattering offers from ? other churches during the post few months, and this matter was vouched lightly upon in the meeting, it is said. In fact, it is reported the of ficers and mqmbers of the church would not even discuss the question ; of Mr. Hartsell's going elsewhere, j and one of the deacons staled that ! this question might be brought up i five years hence, but not before. All ' of the officers and members present j not only gave concerted approval of ' Mr. Hartsell's work, but made talks l as individuals praising hint for ni-> efforts here. our appreciation of the kindness shown by Brother Winton in opening, and heating *W?e auditorium of the Brevard Institute to us for our ser vices Sunday opening. Let us_ all pnay and plan for larger things in our church work this new year. . "With best wisties for the year. I am, , "Sincerely. \ "A. I.. P < <" K\ i DIRECTORS NAMED i:Oi( insAMBER O!1 n ^ ^ if U v ? MMtfUiiilUi btfili Special Meeting This Friday at j I Which Time a President and Other Officers Will Be Elected WILL LEASE BUILDING FOR THE COMING YEAR; Mayor Whstinire Elected to Board? Discuss Question of Care of Property ,,"^7..n '!,,'Kc"'y attended meetiiH* ... He c hamber of Connm w, ballotsi lor the election of eiftht directors ' "???re canvassed nnj the toll,.wiuK do- ! j. l7.' oleHod:. W. E. Hreese, 1,. p. [ Hiimhn , Weltw'jCobbk., Roscoe Nich u"'1l.A,lv.cr m'r' w- T.i N. Uhitmire, C. C. Yongue. This' "I""!' elected lu- the membership at large, and the 1 7 members who" ueie elected nt a previous meeting will constitute a full board of direc tors of 2 ..members. Those previously elected are as follows: , J. M Allison, James F. Barrett, ?I. S. lii'omlield, I-'. 1). Clement, H. '??'"?in .0: I.. El-Win. R. \v. Kv-I 0 J' Jo,*-y Jerome. Alex Kizer K E. Lawrence, E. P. McCoy. S. M. I Mache, H. A. Pluninier, Thos. H. i Shipmtxn, Jos. S. Silversteen, Thos.! J. Snmnwy, J. H. Tinsley. A s; ocial meeting- will be held tills ' iMid.T. evening at 7 o'clock in the. . an or of Commerce room for the j purpo.a of orianizhig the new board and eleeUf? officers. All of the ijewly elected members of the! board are urged" to be present on ; time co the work may be completed5 m time* for members to fil| other on- j parents they have foy that evening', jl Attention was called, to the Cham Der or Commerce thuaugji. communi- I rations concerning recent robberies < in the \ vp. Some lion-residents, 1 who ow: nummer homes, in Brevard and spend their vacations here, were i: somewhat disturbed because of one i or two robberies a few weeks ago ' 1 of such homes. The Chamber of i commerce .will assist the city and:< county authorities in any way they !j pan in the protection of property in i 1 this community. It was brought out 1 j however, that thes:- robberies had! been perpetrated by young boys', whom the officers hail already arrest- if rd and had recovered much of the1 stolen property. i The hop., was exprVsned thafnoiP r:su.ent property o?wnei'S would rec- 1 Vrn-.ze the fact that there is house I nreaking and robberies in every.' nty, town and hamlet in the United States, and that it is somewhat nu- 1 "air to Brevard for any one to as -ume the attitude that "such depred- I itions are peculiar to this town alone, ! lowever deplorable the situation may t !>?*. The directors went on record, 1 loweyer. as standing ready to go to t :he limit in the protection of prop- i arty in this community. i t DEATH OF RHODES ' SHOCK TO TOWP' !t News of considerable concern to ! nany citizens in the county was that } if the tragic automobile accident oc- j *urring in Asheville Monday night, r ivhen Lieutenant Louis L. "Rhodes.,'1 >1' that city, was fatally injured, as ? lie alighted from a street car and | ivas struck by an automobile driven p i >y Edward R. Sutherland, of Hcn-jt lersonville. Mr. Rhodes war. taken !< ;o an Asheville hospital, aecompan- ! led by Mr. Sutherland and citv of-it Rcials. where lie died an hour later. ' Local interest is added to the traffic', event in that among the survivors j of Mr. Rhodes are a brother, liar- i rison Rhodes, of Pisgah Forest .and , 1 tie phew, T. L. Snelson, of Brevard. * Mr. Rhodes was a well known and !t liiehly respected citizen of Ash;'- ; j ville. having been connected with j the Asheville Fire Department for a ( Ioiib: period of years. ! , Reports coniinc to Brevard con- i periling the accident state that Mr. I Sutherland, who has many friends in < Brevard, is prostrated over the sad,; iiceurreiic.e, which is said to have > been entirely unavoidable on Mr. i Sutherland's part. t MRS. RAMSEY NOW '! AT HIGH SCHOOL .' I C Mrs. R. II. Ramsey has heenje elected to succeed Miss Grace Holt ( as leat her of Latin and Civics i r> ' i the Brevard Hij?h School. Mrs. Jj Ramsey is a graduate of Coker Col-'] lege and has had several years ex- is perience in teaching in the Charlotte l< schools. The school officials express them selves as highly pleased over the fact that they were able to secure the services of Mrs. Ramsey to till this vacancy in the school faculty. SCHOOLS OPEN AFTER HOJUJ^r VACATION in $ J. LVPlimSiMER iS Mffl? Fisher Makes' filial Report Mart in Assumes Olf:c^ of County Attorney FARM AGENT '(O BE ENGAliKD AT EARLY DATE' Fisher To Act us Sp.ecin* Counsel for CoRlinisiscncu ir Two , Suits Now Pending H. Pitkclsini"!' was .v-cjccted. chairman of the hoard 01" cm ?yty commissioners at the regular my > \ ing held Tuesday. Amoiijj, tJio important Hots of the board at ihi.sVL meeting: was a MarjjneSt made upon ^ the governor for a special term, of court to last for two weeks, begin ning January 23, ior the trial of . civil enses. K. R. Fisher made IhA rcpoi:; county attorney, and hVe. Alattin, newly elected county attcKsey, as sumed the duties of' the ' office*. ? -or*1 Fisher was retained as special cifta. sel, however, in two cases, one beiti* that of the Southern Railway com pany involving the taxes 011 vhw -v*- \ cant piece of property near ihe* Southern Railway depot. Mr. .Mar- * tin, who is counsel for th*. Southern i Railway company, asked that special " counsel be employed in this c.'Ue by the county. The other case is tha/. in which Mr. Fisher will act a<? spe cial counsel in the matter of fhj j-iiad commissioners against the county commissioners, a proceeding which started ? sometime ago before .1 udge Schenck, was appealed to the Su preme court and remanded by that body back to the local court. In view- of the fact that Mr. Fisher had handled the case so far, he was ask ed to continue until completion of that matter. The board decided to enspJoy a farm demonstration agent just as ;oon as a suitable man can be found. Mr. Goodwin, of the state depart ment, was present and agreed to un Jertakc the task of finding a suitable ? igent for Transylvania. Many mat ers of minor importance were be fore the board at this meeting. GREAT WORK BEINU . DONE BY P.-T.MT? Vlrs. John C. Maxwell New Hend of Parent-Teacher Group ? Mothers Are In Deadly Earnest r> t (By Mrs. S. P. Vorr.e ?) Two things were made evident at he last meeting of the High School 3arent-Teacher association ? ? One vas that a large number of mothers n Brevard are in dead earnest about :he development of their children. Another was that the Brevard School ran congratulate itself upon having 1 superintendent who knows how the' larents of the community can! help lim, and how to put his wisha^ into oncise, definite language. The five points in which he ;isked heir cooperation were these: ? i 1. At least two hours of 'daily lome study. 2. More home training in- ,sc!f ?ontrol. ' **^S^ 1 vi. 3. Promptness in school sften'cvl#-' ince. 4. The showing of activc injtevest >y visiting the school rooms and l>y ittending and taking part in chapel 'xerciscs. 5.- The creation of an atmosph -rs >f- work. , The association informally adopt ?d these five points given by , Prof. Tones as a platform upon whi<'h to >ase its work for the rest of <he ichool year. While regretting very much in ieed the resignation of the prssiden! . Mrs. R. E. LawTence, the ar-sociati i! s fortunate , in securing Mrs.; John j. Maxwell to fill that position! The executive board now' con.-ists of: Mrs. J. C. Maxwell, president; Urs. R. P. Hollinshead. victi-, presi lent; Mrs. Cordia Junn- tretfsitrer; Urs. II in ton McLeod, chairman pro tram committee; Mrs. Beulah./ac' ir.y chairman membership com 111 ee; Mrs. Alfred Hampton, ehtoirmi lublicity committee; Mrs. Til Js Ship nan, chairman (inane- c-^jcittee; Urs Lottie Huckorth, chaii ?m-^ios litality committee. , ' It is the hope mf the association t io some really constructive ! worl luring the year ii&Rhc bringi lie parents of the High School <li Ircn and the tcachorsj. into clo" .ouch with each othdr; and r.t ?" ?neetin'gs to offer interesting nelpful programs bringing; out alaps of the teachers and -*a same time, looking toward_ a d?fi realization of the Important 1 ihat the parents ha\?b in the ?u ar failure of their sons and ters in the High School. Read over Prof. Jones' itv once more, and remember meetings are Held on tlv day of each rn ont " " the next one the Higl afte 3:30 dre w u

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