NEWS VOL. XXXI BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, MARCH 8, 1928 No. 10 BOARD REJEI RESIGNATION MR. PICKELSIMEI Lyday Elected CKairman Pro T?m and Board Proceeded With Regular Bu*ines> UNIQE SITUATION IS I NOW FACING THE COUNTY ? ' I McNcely and McCall Recommended by Executive Committee ? White May Resign County commissioners in session Monday morning read the vesigrivi- > tion of Chairman J. H. P ckeleiv -r, and immediately rejected it. Clerk i of th-? Board Ira Galloway wa : sent to My. Pickelsimer to inform him that the board refused to accept his resignation and that his place was awaiting him. Mr. Pickelsimer made no comment, it is said, nor d-d he at tend the meetinsr. whereupon the other four members elected (J, T. Lyday as vha'rman pro tern, and proceeded with the various matters coming before the board for action* Records shnv that Messrs. Lyday, [ Yongue and Whitmire voted for re- ; jecting Mr. Pickelsimer's resign a- ' tion, while the other member, Mr. J Wh te. voted -igainst the rejection. J Chairman Pickelsimer's resignation j was mailed to the other members of j the board two weeks ago, and spec ulation has been rife since as to the I next move in the interesting situa- ' tion. The board's refusal to accept the chairman's resignation came as a surprise to many citizens, and this action br'ngs to the front a question of procedure unique in political cir- j cles. As many lawyers interpret the 1 law governing vacancies on county boards, th? clerk of the court is au thorized to appoint members to the board only after a vacancy has been declared to ex'st. By rejecting Mr. Pickelsimer's resignation, the other members of the board are doing the very opposite from declaring the ex istence of a vacancy, therefore the clerk has no authority, according to the views of many, to make any ap pointment on the board. Nor can the appointment be made, it is said, until such time as the remaining members of the board accept Mr. Pickelsimer's resignation and de clare hik place vacant. ?f he republican executive commit- j tee met at noon Monday, and it is I said they recommended C. R. Mc- , Neely, .prominent merchant and lum- f berman of Toxaway. and J. Frank ? McCall, farmer and business man of ' the Cherryfield section, for the places Two names were recommended _ to the clerk, it is said, that he might exercise his choice between the two, or that there might be another name with recommendations of the com mittee in the event one of the sug gested men should decline to accept ( the place. Persistent rumors going the rounds are to the effect that Commissioner | White, of Rosman, will resign from j the board within a short t me. The commissioner would make no stater j ment himself as to the foundation for such rumors, yet close friends of I the Rosman man assert that there is j strong probability of his resignation , going in at an early date. WOMEN BANQUET AT i WALTERMIRE GRILL | Organization Promiies Much to Bus- | ine?i and Professional Women ? Attended Show The Business anil Professional ' Women's Club of Brevard held a very 1 enthusiastic meeting on Monday eve ning at the Watlerm re Grill. The meeting of the evening took , the form of a banquet, served in the : Grill room, .by Mrs. Salts. About i forty-two young business and pro- ? fessional women of Brevard were | present, together with several visit ing club members from the Asheville ( club. , Miss Elizabeth Godfrey, president of the Asheville club. Dr. Elizabeth Smith, Misses Jane Hume, Marie Shank, Norma Thomas, and Roxie Dobson. all of the Asheville club, made very interesting talks along the d-fferent lines of club work ? what the Bus ness anil Professional Women's Club meant to them, and ] what it would eventually mean to the Brevard ladies. Their talks | were very inspiring and wore thor oughly enjoyed by all present. After listening to these splendid i talks, and enjoying the good supper sewed by the Gr-ll, the members of! the club and their guests were in - ?{ vited by Mr. Clement to attend the performance of Rose-Marie then be- ' ing shown at the Clemson Theatre. 1 This invitation was unanimously ne- ' cbpted, and the club attended the : | ?i*ure in a body. A fhort bus. ness meeting of the I club will be held on Thursday eve nn"- ?f this wee|; at the Chamber of Commerce rooms, at 7 :-'!0 o'clock. HENSLEY BROUGHT TO TRANSYLVANIA JAIL Sheriff Sitton has returned from ^'ickens, where he went for Cecil H< nsley who had br en serv ng a sen tence in the South Carolina county, i.n.i who i^- wanted her" on a rharg". ? 1 of driving :"i automobile while under the influence of whiskey. I ; .! n rlu- r"unty j,l : ?? H-id :?! 'V .\ ii! Utm I of < 'i ir i . in. I ' o:im. PROGRESS Case of IWCall V#. English and Others'ilow Being Heard? ? Outers Disposed of Much progress is being made in the special term of Superior court now in session for the trial of civil eases, .fudge Cameron F. MacUae of Ash.ville is on the bench, th s being his lirst appearance as judge, and lie is making many friends by hi: courteous and considerate treat ing nt of all who come into his court. The case uf N. A. M ller vs. K. H. Jennings was continued. Montvale Lumber company vs. Ernest Paxton, et al, was continued. The case of Wales Bryson vs. A!. B. Bagwell resulted in a non-suit. In the matter of Hose Barton, ad ministratrix, vs. Southern Railway company, the ciise was stricken ? ?1V the docket on account of settlement having been reached before the case was called, R. Sharpe, administrator. vs. Carr Lumber company, resulted in i a non-suit. George McKelvcy vs. John' <?? Mc lCelvcy was set for trial nox. Mon day. The case of J. Frank Mi-Call vs. D. L. English, yt al, was started i Tuesday, and continued through | Wednesday. This was the first cas' i going to the jury, am! the following were selected to serve: Y mcey McCrary, V. F. Joiner, S. H. Siniard, G. H. Simmons. Ernest Paxton, Chas. Bryson. J. M. Gallo way, W. P. All;son. R. E. Mackey, C. C. Morris, R. F. Whitniire, D. H. Orr. TWENTY STATES TO SEND DELEGATES' . I Letter From State Manager Gives | Some Idea of Bigness of Con- i ference To Meet Here Following is a letter received by The News from Mrs. Eflfie E .Rogers, state manager of the Supreme For est of the Woodmen of the World, that gives some indication of the big MRS. EFFIE ROGERS of Raleigh, N. C. State Manager Woodmen Circle, nt-ss of the convention to bo held at ! Camp Sapphire during- the summer. ; The letter follows: Editor The Brevard News: "I enjoy rending your paper at all times, hut more so when it carries the news of the ? Supreme . Forest. Woodmen Circle to the people of your section of the State, and jrives them information of the activities of the Society as a whole. "Thj conference to lie held this' summer at Camp Sapphire, will bring into your midst, members, from more than twenty States who have in ?iuctu many people to protect their j hoir.<- through thft Woodmen Circle., thereby w lining a trip to our State. ? We have been honored in having this meeting come to us, and am sure i each of us will do all in our power I to have theni go back to their homes j with praise for our State and mem- ] bership. "I would be very ungrateful if I fa led to mention through your i paper, the interest anil effort that | has lu'cn put forth to secure the iv.c< ting of the \V .C. and upbuilding j of same by Mr. and Mrs. \\\ II. Grognn, of your city, whose efforts are greatly appreciated by the Na tional Officers, State Manager, mem bers of the Society, as well as the people of your city and county. Such untiring efforts ns have been given by these Sovereigns will bring great success. "Any service that I can render in 'he preparation of this meeting or '1 ? unbuilding of the Society, and promotion of its interest. I am v.-ady and willing to do my part. Thank ing the good people of your city f->. innnv entitles e? eMeiidcd me. asm wiching you purees ? in all yojr un dertakings, "I am fraternal! c veins. ?KI-FIK K. UOCKItS " ANOTHER MILLS STORY SOLD TO McFAD^EN Wonl h;is r.'inic finm Mr.-. Mnr\ i I s?m |?t ?>?) Mill*, who s her in f\l w ih Iht ????? th:;t h;.- one f *?#n i? ^ *>< I*. : ' r XTutrn Yi ? ' ? ? ' > w ? . * . i i . in s? ii i n. i.:' !'..r tti*?n. Miss Adelaide Silversteen The above picture, shows Miss Adelaide Silverstecn in the white 1 leather costume in which she ap peared as Brevard sponsor sit the re cent iiistor'cal costume ball at Ken ihvorth Inn, Asheville, representing the Indian princess Kiycesee, a for mer princess living in Western North Carolina, and for whom the head waters of the French Broad rver are named. Miss Silversteen re ceived many expressions of admiva ation for the elaborate and appropri ate costume worn by her on this oc casion; and much praise for her at tractiveness and the splendid man ner a which she represented Brevard at tins notable event. Brevard High School Girls Win Western Carolina Championship Brevard High School was hilar iously happy Wednesday because of the basketball name in Hendersonville Tuesday evening:, which made the [Girls' Team of the local High School champ'ons for Western North Caro lina. The game was played -against the strong team of Fletcher, and was won by the narrow margin of one point, the result being 27 to 26. A large crowd of Brevard people went to Hendersonville to witness the game and cheer their favorites on to victory. It was a hard fought game all the way through, and had the locals given up for a single mo ment the championship would have been lost. Only by fighting right on to the bitter end were the Brevard girls enabled to win the coveted vic tory. Following is tlu> line-up of the chainp-ons and thciv vanquished foe: Brevard 27 Fletcher 26 ? F Ponder 20 ....... . S. Souther 16 F J. Clayton 2 ......... E. Wolfe 6 C Jones 5 ... ... . . ..... B. Wolfe 4 C M. Clayton ............... Poteat G Hollinshead ............ J. Wolfe G Zachary Watkins Substitutions: (Brevard) Snelson for Zachary; (Fletcher) F. Souther for Watkins. Referee, Allen (Tus culum) . lHARTSELL SPEAKER I AT TEACHER MEET Rev. W. H. Hartsell was the prin cipal speaker at the March meeting of the Transylvania county Educa tional Association held Saturday morn'nit in the Brevard High School auditorium, basing his remarks on the scriptural text in the book of Matthew, "He taught them as one haying authority." Mr. Hartsell. In a con vmcirig manner, told of the different methods used by Jesus n his teaching when ha was here on earth, and suggested ways of ap plying these methods by teachers of the present day. Fust as the great '.eacher of "1<| had th-.r authority of " i' dt m aiid knowlviltre, and km- v." his subject matter and studied his imp!ls, Ju.'t so may the teachers of tod.iv most profitably' follow this ex ample. pointed out the speaker. In the absence ol" t lie president. '.Julian A. Glaz-ner. the meeting was .presided over bv the vice prtsid-nl. K. I>. Wilson, of Iiosman. The fol lowing delegates were appointed to atremi the State Educational Asso ciation convening in Kal?igh March 22-24: Supt. T. Henderson, I'rof. .M. II. Shore. S. 1'. Verner, Noah Miller. Otto Alexander. X. I.. Ponder. IV M. Robinson, Miss .lulia | Heaver. Miss .lulia Skinner. Miss Hertie Hallard. It is expected .hat at least some of these delegates will be able to'attc-nd this state meeting. Following this feature of the 'meeting, the departmental groups ! met in other rooms for study and ! demonstration of partii-ular work 'n the various grades. INSURE DEPT. OF PISGAB BANK Tin* !'? t?vai?! In.Miianre AwiU'; . for ir.any y?ar< o?n? "f lomhi.u iiiMiraiKN* air<*n<*ii*> in thi> >??<?! im;. r..i* !'??? :i Mm h\ tin* I,;>uali In ? in.- 1 1 :a! Hank, an-i ti off* cm is nou f i:- fa:r ?. ! ? ! i ! h?* liank utiiMmu. <??; !*-??? ?*. K. S'nif :yu\ T. II. (ialiouav. ..\\jm-, ! '? *' ? ff.\\ fi*f s ii ? * f * i ?vi'h iH-? TiVlm' 5 ??-; ? ! ?\t: ?-.? ZTy .a- .t ' $ ' Rev. John F. Kirk, presid dk elder of Hit- Asheville district, will wench at the Methodist church next Sunday morning at the It o'clock hour, iinmod:ately after which the; second quarterly conference of <.he local church will be held. The pastor, l!ev. A. L. Aycoek. is making preparations for the two weeks' revival services which will begin at the Methodist church on Sunday, March 25, and conclude with the F.atser service, April <S. The pastor will do the preaching diuiiu" ' this special series of meetings. FAilfAGENT WILL ' BF, ENGAGED SOON i Several names were nnv.'i'U d the board of county commissioners Monday for the office of farm agent, and while n-> action was taken it. is known that this off ce will be filled within :i short time, and the work of farm demonstrator resumed in Transylvania county. Air. flood win state man, was here and presented the names of those whose services can he had. and told of the qualifica tions of each Much interest centers in ths work, as it is generally agreed among all citizens that there should Ik- a farm demonstrator at work even now. GREAT INTEREST IN MASONIC MEET l.'Uri i\?iura! ir.nnl i n Ma-??nry wil! ln? r\ ^ ? i in-rr ?"i t h<* ? v? niuji* "l* ?i'it' Friday in th s month, \vh?*n :1 s hopcl that ov <???> n:c n lu r of hiinn*< Rn<-fc I ? ?? ! ?? Will l?it pfi'M'Ht. This ( itura **.Miial wnnk is (i ifdtfl ]?y ?h,- (iranrl I ?? * 1 1 ? of Nor: I Carolina. : ml :i i < i -?l t hat ??!?*? vs; ? ? ? *. i ! -\* \ \. ill) ???? ti :!ths. A n \ ? ? t - 1 j ? vi t . . *?., ? V FIVE MEN ADDED TO 1 FIRE DEPARTMENT I Will Not Permit Crowds To Hinder Firemen In the Future - ? Special Officers Chief Bromfield, of the lire de partment, was instructed by the town j council Monday evening to add live ?members to the lire force, raising the number to twenty. Front the force of twenty men, the chief is further ordered to select, five who will be nuuic special policemen, with all power and authority exercised by a regular policeman. The object ill having those special l deputized officers as members of the | force is (o control the crowds that 1 usually follow so closely when .'this ! department is answering a tire alarm, and keep the grounds cleared ?vhil. the fireman are struggling w'ith the flames. People who go to the fir? have been crowding so closely about tiie burning buildings, t is said, that the fire fieiiters have been terribly handicapped' in their ef I'OI'IS. The other day when the big fire 1 ;:t Shelby d d so mu.h damage. Chief . IJreinfield and a few of his firemen wen", to the Cleveland county town, and win's ed th? damage that can C'lrtie through interference of crowds with th. tire, forces. . It is said that much <>: niiig" could have been avert ed. !t'n possibly - oi.ii,' livt s- saved. ! had i lot b'.'on for the" big crowd, ihiu h. dieappi'd the ftremeii all the > time. '.'' hotel was being consumed ' with i: .r.K's. Clpth'iig members of. the department with ? authority is the :;hft to be the best plan for , handling the fire situation. It i. expected that the five addi- | tional .iien will be named at an early i date, end offic'als say the new order | of keeping the crowds back will be; strict i\ enforced at all fires in the ! i future. ;T0 GfaSERVE ARBOR i ; DAY ON MARCH 16! ! ? n n ??# P .1 ?_? , Woman s Bureau to ueauiny scnooi Grounds ? Mrs. Breese In Charge of Program ! One of the most enthusiastic and ?largely attended meetings of tlie Women's Bureau was that of Mon day afternoon, when nearly 40 members assembled at the Chamber J of Commerce room for the regular March meeting. Three new members ' were enrolled, and much interest was ( manifested on the part of all mem- ! ibers in the program of community work which the Bureau is outlining ! for the coming year. i By vote of the organization, the Bureau will exert its main efforts at ' present along the line of beautifica- : tion of the local school grounds, ami in furtherance of this movement, i Arbor Day. March - 10, will he ob served by the planting of trees and shrubbery around the school build ings. The following committee was appointed by the president to super vise the Arbor Day activities: Mrs. T. 11. Shipman, Mrs. W. M. Ket/.er, I Mrs. David Ward. The program for the afterm i was in charge of Mrs. W. E. B.eest , group, and a program of unusual lerest was presented. Mrs. / jKizer san;v "Spring's a Laughiil | Lady." accompani- d by Mrs. Kill 'Fuller at the >>i>ao. Mrs. Bree I told of the ihododendrpn festiv :? n< ! carnival to hi held in Ashsviij June ?!-!'. and nf the starting of flower garden for the culture of 1 jtiv. plants in Ashevillc. and su getting that the Women's Bureau: | tempt sonc.'thinj, nf this nature on smaller scale In Brevard, Airs. Addie Garrett told of the servance of Arbor Day March I and of the most su table trees plant to aiirnct th.- birds. Site :-ti <?.1 that this date has been des g ? i : . ; for observance throughout state. Alis. Garrett spoke of t sassafras tree as the best tree plant to attract the birds, and al for its beautiful and lasting c;ua tio.:. Another tree mentioned suitable i" plant for its attract for l>:: -ihiI fi,r iis heautv is I'lea^n us. or Kursian wild olive. Tea and wafers w. re served membei.s of the group at the concltl ion of the program. JUDGE M'RAE TO ATTEND KIWAN! ?Judge Cameron I". MacRae, presj ing judge in the special term court neie, is to be the speaker It he meeting of the Kiwanis Hub tW Thursday evening. Judge M:ieRae| ? one of tin- best speaker.- of the Ash ' ville bar, and it is expected ? ve I member ui the ciub will !>?.? i:. ? I . II . !!.-??? i U 1 1 i trill . I 'i rams fur the month - f Mur| ' v. ? .? .ti ranu <1 ? v :!-? !>?:..? . i ?, f r. a" a nn ting h?M Mon if I'.'I ii?e. ill home .if i . i Wiirtiv. I'h. dii eetors wciv gv| an unu>ually fine <linn, r bv M:| V*igu<\ ju*t preceding the busiti ?c ??ion. On Thursday night of i'c-\t w? . Jt'apt. Bill Rroese will put the ? i n lii-rs Ihroii.-h various : turns .11 .Icsrription . |l is tn !??? ,| ? m." an. I '< ' Mr. M -? ? ;;; tr?*. i; .. i-ir ? ? shi.i real t mi* ? <*. ii h, i t he ? t c n i nt ' - ? - > ' i i ? ?; ; , POULTRY AND EGG CAR TO BE HERE ON FRIDAY THE 23 Farmers Federation Will Make This Regular Monthly Trip If County Co-operates WILL BUY EGGS, TOO, IF PACKED IN CASES Hoped That Full Car Can Be Pur chased Here ? "Cash at the Car" Is Motto On Friday, March 23, the Farmers Federation will have another ear on he sidetrack at the Brevard d?pot, tnd will buy poultry and eggs aljt'ay !ong. Til a first car that was here ;wor weeks ago was a disappointment o the Federation, until explanation iVarf made to them about the condi :ions of the roads in the county and how almost iiuposS blc it was fo ? riany ol' i lie I'uniH'VS of the county ;o brill}; their poultry to town over iUOh roads. It is expected that many more pads of poultry will be sold on I ho iSrd than was the ease when The ar was here. Then, too, the Fetle.i' \tion will buy eggs this time. a,nd ;|fji will add much to the day's {rati ng and to the amount ot' .vady noney the day's work \Vill li'r.y,' liming the farmers ar.u poultry :rs of the county. In the matter of eggs, i: i T(hl by Federation official- that an, ex perienced egg mini from Baltiivov-. is now w.'th the Fed 'intion and w\!l ievote his time to building up ill-? sgg business even as the poultry business has been built to its pret; fine state. Air. Gtorge Evans, in .thaw < ? this part of the Federation's work, hopes -to build up a business hci'A so that he can come, once ? ?.?aeh month and buy products trM farmers of this county. Whether or not the buying will be continued de pends altogether upon the co-opera tion the organization receives from the farmers of the county. Following are the cash prices to be paid when the car comes on Fri day, March 23 : Heavy Hens 20c Light Hens ............. 17c Cocks .............. . .. . . 0!*c Ducks 15c Geese ... . . . ............. 12c Turkeys -25c Eggs, the dozen 20c In case lots, including the ease. SCHOOLS TO WORK THROUGH LAST DAY No Entertainments Will Be Permit ted By School Authorities ? Applies To All No entertainments in any ;of the county schools nor n the High schools will be allowed this year. r.<?r cording to action taken by tii? board of education Monday. It is said this policy is adopted in the interest of time, as the pupils are bavin"; to make in eight months this year {!?<? same grade made last year in ni?^

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