THE BREVARD NEWS {, published every Thursday by THE TRANSYLVANIA PUBLISHING CO., Inc. Entered at the Postoffiee in Brevard, N. (J., as second class matter . 4 James K. Barrett Editor! Miss Alma Trowbridge Associate Ed. , ?? mn ? . . i ^ ^ SUBSCRIPTION KATES ^ (payable in advance) One Year $2.00 Six Months 1.00 Three Months ? 00 Headers are invito' <1 ^o use the columns of The Brevard News in expressing their 'opinions on . y matters of public interest. Personal attacks on indi' /iduals will not be published for ?dny one. THURSD AY, MARCH 22, 1928 WHO IS HOOVER? WHEN'ce CAME THE MAN? On e of our subscribers asked us to ?lvf ? some information as to the Mr. W'oover now waging battle for nom nation for the. presidency on the republican ticket. We are unable to giw the information, and so we pass the question on to our readers. In presenting the question as to "Who Is Hoover?" we fell into some kind of a trance; perpetrated a piece of alleged poetry, which you may read if you want to, or throw it away if it pleases you. It is bum poetry, or near-poetry, if you in your mag nanimous nature desire to show your charitable inclination by term ing it such. Anyhow, here is the fool thing, and if you know any more about Hoover than we do, please give us your information, so we can satisfy our subscriber's curiosity: Who, Who, Who, Is Hoover ? - The chubby-faced boy of fame? Who knows this man Hoover, Or whence the Big Boy came? Is he a British nobleman, Traveling- in disguise, Or is lie a Turkish Sultan Throwing dust in America's eyes? He's ii real good dam builder, Many of the people say ? - But is he a damn good runner is the main question today. 'Xis said he drove the bread-wagon Throughout the big World War, But can he drive an elephant In keeping with, the G. A. R. tie d ctatcd our meatless days, And bossed every American home; But can he do the same thing With such as the Teapot Dome? But Who is this Herbert Hoover? With his high and mighty air? Of course, he rationed our sugar, But can he handle Sinclair? Who is he, this man Hoover, For whom politicians toil? 'Tis said he measured our bread, But can he measure Oil? .Who, Oh! \yho is Hoover, The worry of this campaign? Who the devil is he, We ask you again and again? BIGGEST TAX PAYER STRONG FOR SCHOOLS. in all that tias ui'ii said anil wit ten about the sche !-s of the county, the cost attached . hereto, and ad visability of reducing the length of the term and the ? ,)position regis tered against such i.ction, no state ment is of more ; unificance than that made by Mr. Jo-. S. Silversteen to ,u group of friends, one day this week. Some one had reported that Mr. Silversteen was in favor of cut ting the term to G months. "X never dreamed of such a thing,' Mr. Silversteen was saying, "I think it would be a calamity, and the very worst thing this county could do," he continued. With even stronger emphasis, the manufacturer went further and vowed "the only change I am in favor of making in the school term is to place the high ?? ill", i* hack on the nine months basis." .* .ftaao i that Mi'. Silver steen is the county's biggest tax payer, this statement has real sig nificance. Then, as one of hia friends pointed out, this is the last ?year that Mr. Sllversteen's children will be in the public schools, as his youngest is now a senior, still great er significance can be attached to his stand on the school matter. Thesf facts are published because of tin- report being circulated that ? Mr. Silversteen is in favor of a six-': month:-' .school term. However much one mu.v disagree with him on the j question of the schools, there is notjii'i'- but admiration for the pub lic I wh'.ih pi>?ni|' : . j tax-payer in the county to stand ^ squarely for his convictions on the ' Kwhen this stand calls for the ' t by him of several thnu?an9,5 7 carloads of freight totaling ;}?ri0,2(>3,t>0S pounds, us well as i f, J 52,2-1 7 pounds of less-than-ear :?iil freight. , "Our freight hill wa.s considerably , ii.lis'r last year than in any previous :ii in our history," Mr. Scharff und shipments ? . mater nls and for building cars which were lived from sources of supply on v. This, (iirtu'e does not include the .. unrolls amount of freight cars re tired 10 move this . tonnage, in its Viv state, into the various points . I . re it was manufactured before ?ing shipped to the Chevrolet Motor company. "Out bound shipments ? finished'iilc's and 23i,9!)0,l4S pounds ? traffic ? totaled i:!l!,079 .irifiad.s weighing 1,972,902,117 . Tlu-e ti !>u res also are ex .1.: t? of 202.5^1 drive-away cars .'veil would have approx'mated 65, ;i:?S additional carloads, and of out oou n d shipments from parts and ser >ice depots. "This tremendous freight move ment was accomplished through the splendid service and co-operation ? :n>-.uHry l'Or 1927. it is csti a'ted to bo approximately 900.000 rb iiils of automobiles and parts; uh?ile the total number of carloads hip'jjtl last year which can be di rectly credited to the automobile in dustry :s estimated at 3,125.000. "nnskWing this huge, volume it is ob vious that the automobile is one of iv.? railroad's chief benefactors." WE THANK YOU We have noted with much interest and appreciation, the management of The Brevard News under the direc ?;*ni of Mr. James -P. Barrett since he becanic editor of our county paper. We have watched- its growth nd improvement with peculiar aiisf action. We have noted the ed orial columns and rejoice in the ? vo, candid and 'rank static) the i tor takes iti thi important de > niell t of The NVvs; also, we arc ' ghced with the fr.rness and loy !ty of The News editor in giving the news items fair and impartial, of and foe, without fear or favor; * Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Transylvania Council No. 376, of United American Mechanics, that we put ourselves on record as endors :'g Editor Barrett's policies and management of The Brevard News, air county paper, and pledge to him u\r loyal support and whole hearted cooperation in his efforts to serve tin- people of Transylvania county n a worthy way. We feel that The Srevard News is in safe hatds. By order of the Council. Commttee: W. A. I/YDAY, C. R. CETARK, H. F. WRIGHT. Brevard, N. C., March 10, 1927. MISS McGEHEE SINGS PRAISES OF FLORIDA Friends hero of Miss Fanaie Mc Gehce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McGehee, of Macon, Ga., and who have the r summer home in Brevard, vv'll be interested in the following clipping taken from a recent issue of The Macon Telegraph : "I am really afraid to mention "!iv! ida again tor fear some one will hink nr.' a real estate agent in dis ?ni'se. when I don't even own a grain of that precious sand, but Fannie WcG'heo, who graduated from La 'icr in February, and was voted the :v. artest girl in her class, is visiting n Jacksonville and has boen in so many places and seen so many inter esting things whie down there, that Florida must be referred to again. | X < . w, if you've been to Silver . S). lings, just skip over this little ' chat. Fannie went there, and as customary, went out on the lake in th? small boat. This boat had a ?'ass bottom and at places, the lake .- 80 feet deep and you can see the ?v.irtlcs and many varieties of fish on lit- bottom as if they were only in i brook, as the water is clear as a crystal. Fannie says that if you go wii; on a pretty "sunshiny" day the nushine makes rainbows on the wa <-r surface, it is truly a magic lake. She went also to the ever interesting city. St. Augustine, the oldest city the United States." Specialist ? I assure you, niadame, course will make an entirely dif f rent woman out of you. Client's Husband ? That settles it. j I -ike it, Margaret ? never mind the 1 ? ->st. *"? ' 1 1 m iii > Spinster ? When I was ?orn, my father made me a promise ?> give me ten pounds every birth- 1 ? y. and I have one hundred ninety ! mnds now. j; I'aclielor (dul>oi>-lv? ? When is he' '??itiir to pay you the balance. _ !i Mrs .Magee is not noted as a good 1 1 ..?ok. But her husband says: "I | ??id burnt offerings before me three imes a dav." 1 Peter S. Miller I'clor S. Miller, ? lormer resilient nf Brevard, died at his homo in Au gusta, Git., Thursday evening of last week, after an illness of three weeks. Funeral services wore held at his Augusta resicleuco ? Saturday afternoon and interment was in the city cemetery. Mr. Miller s survived py nis wife, Airs. Mary ivauvtrtno Miller, of An usia; one urotner, 11. M. Miller, of Brevard ; one nephew, K. 0. Miller, of Ahseville; and three nieces, Miss Nell nud Miss Margaret Miller of i.revard, and Airs. M. A. C. John son, of Augusta. "INSIDE" INI-'OKMATION When you cut a dress wth a nor- 1 mal shoulder seam and set-in sleeves , .oe that the back section is half an lH'h longer across the shoulder than; ,ne front, section. This extra miner al is eased into the seam to give imm for the shoulder blades, if a person is slightly round-shouldered it i< particularly necessary to make this allowance. Leg bands on children's rompers or bloomers should never impede cir culation, For this reason eliistic hands are not advised. '.Cloth bands are better. Tluy should be wide . nough to slide up the leg five inches i>r .more when, the child bends over. U. cause they must be so loose it ;s necessary to make the legs of the ?.at meht short or they will hang ('.own uncomfortably over the knees. Cottage cheese cat) lie used in iiiy type's of salads. It combines well with other foods, and may be . vrved with French, mayonnaise, or boiled dressings. Cottage cheese for salads may be formed into balls, or slices; it may be molded' into t ny cups or passed through a pastry ?.ipc. l'ooits that combine well \y th rottagy cheese 111 salads are crisp, fresh vegetables; cooked or canned vegetables; fresh, dried, or .preserved fruits; nuts; and olives. . CM CALENDAR APRIL TERM, 1928 Monday, April 9, 1928 No. Case ? Georgia McICelvey vs. N. A. Mil i ler, Guardian and John McKel vey 12 Galloway vs. Willis ct al. j _ .ii-.-Neely V. ilooper Kloyd Jones V. Posey Owen et al. 3'2' W. R. Kimzey et al. V. The Stoner Inst, et al. 8.2 1-2- Carolina Mountain Realty Corp. V. R. R. Fisher et al. Tuesday, April 10, 1928 13 English V. Fisher et al. u7 Leon Gillespie V. C. P. White et al. 30 The Standard Electric Time Co. V. L. C. Loftis et al. 40 D ra Owen, Admr. V. Gloucester Lumber Co. Wednesday, April 11, 1928 41 Grady Ilolcombc V. Gloucester Lumber Co. 50 Pickolsinler & Haml n V. Griffin ct al. ? ?") 1 Coren V. LoWe Hamilton V. Rutherford Lumber Co. et al. Thursday, April 12, 1928 "ifi Nichols & Nichols V. C. P. Wil kins et ai. 63 & 04 J- E. Clayton. V. Clarence Tinslcy 1 65 Thomas 'A. Osteen V. Southeast ern Life insurance Co. TO Ward Breedlove V. Southern Fire Insurance Co. 71 A. T. Kimzey V. Carr Lumber Co. Motions & Divorces 1 38 E. J. Whitmirc V. Earnest- Pax ' ton 40 Hovey V. Hovey 47 Morgan Brothers V. J. C. Gallo way 48 Kennon V. Kennon ii7 Bishop V. Bishop '08 Winchester V. Smith 09 Devore V. Devore 72 Lowe V. Lowe Motions and divorces may be heard at any time by consent "or on one day's notice to opposing coun sel. BREVARD BAR A.-S'N. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE. i North Carolina, Transylvania County. >F. E. 13. Jenkins Vs. In Superior Court ,S. L. Duckworth ? By virtue of an execution direct led to the underpinned, front the Su iperior Court of Transylvania County jm the above entitled action, I will. Ion Monday, the 16th day of Apirl, 1 1928. at 12 o'clock noon. at the 'Court House door of said county sell j | to the highest bidder for cash to sat- ; isfy said execution all the right, ti- , tie and interest, which the said S. L. ' Duckworth the defendant had in the following: described real estate on J Mar. 1, 1926, prior to the execution of a deed by S. L. Duckworth to W. j H. Duckworth, which is recorded in ; Book 55 at page 254, said real es- 1 late being; described as follows: ! All our undivided interest in the estate of J. E. Duckworth, deceased, I that lies in Transylvania county. N. C., not heretofore disposed of in . special proceedings brought for sale for assets or partition. It being in tended by this deed especially to in- J elude cur undivided interest in the ?' ?I. K. Duckworth farm where he lived at the time of his death, and where his widow now resides, the deeds of J. E. Duckworth and the records of same being hereby re ferred to and made a part hereof for the purpose of description by metes and bounds. It being in- j ??ndeil by this deed to convey to' iho said W? H. Duckworth, all our I undivided interests in any and all I real property that descended to the! children and heirs at law of J. E. Duckworth deceased, at the time | i>f hs death. n^t hereotfore r lisposed of. that lies within the con lines of Transylvania county, N. C. This 15 dav of Mar. 1928. B. J. SITTON. Sheriff Transylvania fV'inf y It? M22-29 AS-12 ;00D FOR ; MAR! L MEETING A program of unusual interest has' Veen arranged for the March meet ng of the High School Parent- 1 Teacher meeting, which will occur at '.he school auditorium next Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. An ur eiit invitation is extended to all parents and interested friends to attend the Meeting. The following program w 11 he car ried out : Devotionnls by O. II. Orr; four three-minute talks by high .tool girls, including "My Ideal acheii" by l.ilian Jenkins and Beu nh Mae Zachary, and "My Ideal Parent" by Helen Sitton and Mar- 1 garet I'atton; music; talk by Mrs. I M. II. Shore on "Character Itui)d ng Through the Teaching of History;" alk by Miss Pagan on "Character Building Through the Teaching of Math, piatics discussion of "How ! c.i n we become nearer the ideal par- j ut or teacher?" I WANT ADS ,rOR SALE- ? Potted Flowers. Mrs. ! James Siniard, Maple St. Itc WHY PAY KENT? ? We own good ! . lots on thi' principal streets in | Brevard and will bu Id you a house to suit. See Shirlev & Pendleton, Int. E. R. Pendleton. Mgr. M'22lfc j. ' ' ? " FOR SALE ? Medium Sized 'Refrig erator ? Bargain for cash. Ad dress P. O. Box '573. . MA WANTED ? All the worn-out Ford generator Arinituris you can find. : 'V c will pay 20 cents each for 'em. | Brevard Battery Co. M22 ? ? ? BOTTOM LANDS that have never been limed are very acid and will 1h- greatly benefitted bv BASIC 1 SI .AO. P, & B. Feed Co. ltp ; FOR RENT ? S-room House, 3 blocks oil' Main street; furnished or un ' furnished; reasonable rent. Address , I'. O. Box 4S4, Brevard; ltp j BASIC SLAG, best fertilizer known for clovers, grasses, soy beans and ,oth:r legumes. Rich in lime and ! phosphate, and other valuable plant I foo Is. Ml 5 ltc COMING? a car of BASIC SLAG, $15- per ton at car on arrival, SI 6.50 from the warehouse. Place vour order now. B. & B. Feed & ,8eed Co. M 15 ltc | ~ {WANTED TO BUY ? Typewriter? ?Must be in good condition and cheap j for cash. K. H. care NEWS. Mlotf I TCP. SALE ? One of our subscribers taysMle has- 72 acres of land, just , "it the State Highway, which he says jhe must sell. He will take less th;::i .one thousand dollars for the whole . boundary, and just a small cash pay ment is all that is desired. Balance lean be paid in agreed terms. Fur ! ther nformation will be given any really interested person upon appli cation, by letter or in person, to The Brevard News. j FOR RENT ? April !.ti. ? Four room i Aparanenl, furnished;. private j bath, iiot and cold water, screen I po!'?h. Quite home like. Emma |B;;jjwell. Fb 10 tfc FRESH MILK COWS for Sale? See Tom Wood. Brevard. FIG tfc j PHONOGRAPHS? We sell Victrolas, I Sonoras and Columbia Fhono I graphs. Victor Records, Columbia i Records, 0. K. Records and Vocalion i Records, if we have not got what you want in stock, we will be glad to order it for you. HOUSTON FURNITURE CO. Successor to Medforu Furniture Co. Brevard, X. C. Sep 15 tfc 'SEWING MACHINES Needles for j all makes of machines, Bobbin? for sewing machines, Shuttles for , sewing machines, leather belts foi machines, oil for machines, oil cans ' for sewing machines. See us foi [anything in the sewing machine i line. If we don't have it we can get it. I HOUSTON FURNITURE CO. 'Successor to Medford Furniture Co. . Brevard, N. C. Sep 1 5 tfc j MONEY TO LOAN ? On Improved farm lands at six per cent, for long or short term, in amount' from three to fifty thousand dol lars preferred, however, one 1 thousand dollar loans will be ac-j cepted. 1-20 tf 50 A. F. MITCHELL, Atty at Law. J FOR SALE ? Adding machine. Good ' as new. Regular $125 machine for$50, cash. See machine at Frank Clement's, The Jeweler, Brevard. N. CLOSED CARS FOR HIRE ? Phone ? 104 when you need a tax. Good : drivers, closed cars, reasonable charges. Always at vour service. F23 tf WANT TO TRADE ? A seven room house for a four or five room house or for a small farm. Box 416, Brevard, X. C F har F-23tf FOR RENT ? Sm.ilt Farm near Bre vard. See M ss Martha Boswell. Brevard. N. C. M8-15p. Sec T. J. LOFT1S for Sanitary Plumbing and Heating. Latest Methods. WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCK? Eggs for sitting $1.00 doz. Strain, [?'ishel. Stock procured from flock iveommendeil by Oliver of Poultry [>(pt. Raleigh. .Mrs. John Maxwell. >1 15 22 p. I ALL SHOULD JOIN IN COMMON CAUSE (Continued from page one) beat, neve,- mind which party ? ?' ] favor of it. t discuss is ; The M??^o.> l ??>t county.1 the taxes of Transy vantu ,t a and I an* going ... ,) cal stand iEHsfe na ,u:; U-t and Xa lmVever b^n placed TK SSJ' ri ks.. ".????' j*MS; sssu*tf ? n , 1 un his notes when . (tuirrd t? P O J j t bankrupt ,h..y ame due it JOUI 111 nm, ? )argi number o! : out cui ,. j that does not apply thc entire {van in county, but to ? United States. t if we con 'sr!;^sl rs ? !?>'?' 3'S'?'^ that we v. ill onl> ** wil\ eventu Klerpei in debt "elU which 1 ally hav, to repay thi?B? wo borrowed, so t ?.jevc the I whic h are n TransvWania county, is, i Slh?" '?fgjs'iS'h.KStau" ? ..very ev?rv man and cor 1 would mU ??- ? v whose prop ir oration in . the ^ law directs to i y+v is \ i\Uu u ii- .1.. ,,f once, ' tin "it taxe* ]>i'oniptly? ? 0??i : ? tU,.!uA..'.& 32 it needs it * money to pay his S^v^5r^5r.taB \ than the ric tl Government j Henry Ford !'?> Y0h0*000.00 per I .iniroximately vUA ,' f ..fter he year as income .tax. b. at aftci ^ pays that hen ?U" a?v pood" hard while thoie ; ?ie . . T>ransvlvama working citizens of liar. ^ county who. atterth^ vc^>.crit r0. taxes, will not ha ? {,s anj they arc'^'he pJop^Wo should be aided and protected. . public and ^?rSsrrtea ikriofo'Si." sv??* p?? ithat thev do not . expenses. l? The B?oaniaof Road Commissioners have agreed and h^e c^ d are penses move tban o ^e?ej?n S effort reduce the taxes of. ,hTh?UCounty Commissioners are spending but a small amount on the ^fhope0 that theeSnLegislature *ii oKnlUh several county offices, and if possible, reduce the sal??* of the remaining, officers and I ^ ant to urtre every citizen of Tiansyivaniu county, never mind what church o | political party they belong to, and what business they are engaged in, l<> join in. a conceited movement tfl reduce llu- expenses? of this count|H and thereby reduce the tuxes, anu every dollar saved helps.' Unless sonu' ivl ef is given I pre dict that there will be a larger num ber of farms and other property sold for taxes this year, than ever be fore, anil that next year there will have to be a higher rate to take care of the deficit in this year's receipts, for the land sold for taxes cannot be applied on the county's indebted ness. until after the tax levy is made for 1920, and that will oring about the sale of still more property in 1929 ami which condition will grow from bad to worse. 1 am in favor of education, but it has got to be- given, our children at less cost. Abraham Lincoln got his educat'on, became a lawyer and one of the greatest presidents of the United States, but history shows that he studied by the light of a pine knot and what Schools he attended, he walked to and there are many of the most successful men in Transvl vania county who received their edu cation at little cost to their parents or to others, but who, being eager to learn overcame all obstacles and ' educated themselves I W.h'le we are teaching our ohil Idren io solve problems in Algebra and Geometry, (which they will ?never need in later life, except as a 1 mind training, or if tlv-v become ? teachers), it would be well to toacl> ; them that most essential branch of education, namely, self-reliance and th'.1 abil ty to overcome obstacles and I to realize in their early youth that i they are not going to have either the [pleasures or profits of this life hand led, thom on a silver platter, nor brought to their , doors by automo | biles, but that they will have to get. lout and work and hustle f.v thim i selves, if they are going to succeed. My earnest hope and s neerp ad | vice 'to the people of our county is, therefore, to gut together and by 'united effort aid our county contmiS* jsioners in formulating, some plan to raise the money necessary to meet our bills and also to cut down every ! possible expense in the management I of our county and every diviS'on i thereof. P.-T, ASSOCIATION I IN MONTHLY MET I An interesting meeting of tlio Elementary Parent-Teacher associa tion was held in the school auditor ium Monday afternoon, with Mrs. jHinton McLeod presiding in the ab jsence of the president, Mrs. Oliver I Orr. Devotionals wore led by Rev. jV. A. Crawford, giving; special em phasis on proper training in I home and the sacredness of pare^B jhood. I Mrs. F. P. ScdscV third crnd^ | children presented an interestu^t , two-act play, showing in a pleas^^^ ! manner the various costumes to j resent the d:fferent national holidays 'observed. Mrs. Sledge's grade was Ifriven the picture for the coming 'month for having the largest num Jber of parents present at this meet ing. POPULAR YOUNG MAN DIES AT SHELBY HOME ? ? I Many friends in the community of Brevard Hennessa, a former resident of Brevard, regretted to learn of his J death, which occurred at his home in I Shelby, monday night, after a short I illness of pneumonia. Funeral ser j vices were held at Shelby Wednes ' day morning. ; Young Hennessa was an all-State football player and attained wide reputation as a star athlete. He was a star half back at State College in 1926. He was a student at Brevard Institute a number of years ago, and made many friends during his stay in the community. Mr. Hennessa, who was married only two months ago to Miss Eliza j beth Edwards, is survived by his widow and his mother, Mrs. P. L. Hennessa. and a brother, Meredith Hennessa. The Ladies of BREVARD Will be glad to know that we will have with us on March 26th to 31st inclusive, Miss Mullins, the Dorothy Perkins Beauty Specialist. Miss Mullins will give free Facials ? and teach the scientific method of caring for your complexion. We will have a private booth in our store. Phone 85 for appoint i ment. Davis-Long Drug Co.