^ Personal Happenings The many friends of Mrs. C. R. Sharpe will regret to learn that she is seriously ill at her home in Selica. Mr. ana Mrs. J. M- Allison and two children were Hertdersonvill? visitors Sunday. Jimmie Sledge and Lawrence Holt spent several days last week in Char lotte. Mr. Hammond and JJ. M. Garner will leave this week for a two weeks' trip to Florida. Miss Dorothy Silversteen, who is i) .student at the University of. Ohio, Columbus, Ohio, is spending the spring vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Silversteen. Mrs. Cos Paxton and children of Greenville, were week-end visitors in Brevard. Mrs. Jones, of Cedar Mountain, is recuperating after an operation 'n Transylvania hospital. Miss Elsie Hays, of Asheville, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hayes. Harry Patton was a business vis itor in Asheville last week. Mrs. Win. Ray, of Toxaway, was a Brevard visitor Thursday. Mrs. Kay has just returned from a two weeks' visit In Cuba. I). 1'". Moore has been confined to iiis homo for several days the past week on account of illness. Mis. L. M. Hart has been ijnite II at her hon?? the past week, but ,is improving. Mrs. Rebecca Glenn and little daughter, Jean, returned last week from a visit of several weeks with ? heir aunt, Mrs. J. R.- Withers, at Davidson. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. 1,. F. Mo Call, a daughter, Eva Jeannette. Mrs. V. A. Crawford, who under went an operation at 1 Transylvania hospital Tuesday, is reported to be ueo voting nicely. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Verdery and 1 ttle son, John Albert, of Charlotte, were week-end guests of their unele and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Whit mire. Kiln Lee Yates, of Tryon, was the ?wook-end guest of friends in Bre vard. ? Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Miller and laughters, Misses Nelle and Margar et, and J. M. Kilpatreik and son. 'irroll. attended the funeral of I'.'ter .S. Miller in Augusta, Ga., last Saturday. I.eon English, Jr., and Edwin Eng- j SPECIAL EXCURSION FARE TO Charleston, S. C. Account of Opening Magnolia and Middleton Place Gardens. The SOUTHERN RAILWAY will sell round trip tickets good on all trains (except Crescent Limited). Friday and Satin-day. Marfch 30th and 31st, April Gth and 7th, round trip tickets on these dates will be ;?(.>! d at rates less than one fare for the round trip. The fare from Asheville will be $8.50 and equally low rates from other stations in W. North Carolina. Final limit for these fares will be to x*each start ling point before Midnight of Wednesday following date of sale. Special sleeping cars will be provided on trains and 10, also steel day coaches. In addition to the above, round trip tickets will L>e sold to Charleston March 23rd to 29th incl., April 1st to 5th incl., and 9th to 12th inch, with final limit fcl' seven (7) days in addition to date of sale. Call on your local agent for rates and reserva tions, or, write to the undersigned. J.H.WOOD Division Passenger Agent 42 Haywood St. Asheville, N. C. Cleaned in Time for EASTER PARTIES , We can take your soiled dress and clean it so that you will be proud to wear it to Easter social affairs. Our special process removes all soil without harming the orig ' inal finish of the fabric. Phone 153. We call for and deliver. New Way Cleaners Main St. Brevard, N. C. I hish. students at the Uniycraity of North Carolina, arc spending vacation in Wvard w.th their respective parents. Mr. u.ul Mrs. George Kay, of CI>ut_ lotto, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jacobs, of New York, were guests lust week of Mr. unci Mis. J. ?? .Smith. Mr. and Mrs. lUy will re turn to Brevard the first of June and occupy tin- Kay cottage on Maple street. , , ? >r w The many friends ot Mrs. i. ?? Whitmire will be glad to learn tha she is improving after a serious u? nr, Bosnian, 2 pair; Tonie Galloway, t Calvert, one pair; M. W. Galloway, . Brevard, one pair; T, T. Patton, (l Pisgah Forest, one pair; J. M. T rhrash, Pisgah Forest, one pair; R. IV. Everett, Brevard, two pair; Al- ; | >ert Price, Lake Toxaway, one pair; 'raig Whitmire, Rosman one pair; ^arl Allison, Cherryfield, one pair; ?. W. Owen, Cherryfield. one pair. ; Tom Tarheel says he didn't know t wa sso easy to raise baby chicks , intil he built his brooder house. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator )f the estate of L. M. Glazener, de ceased, late of Transylvania county, ^Torth Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the ?state of the said deceased to ex libit them to the undersigned^ at Brevard, N. C., on or before the 22 lay of March 1929, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re- ; jovory. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immed ate payment. This 20 day of March, 1928. M. HENRY, Administrator of the estate of L. M. Glazener M22 6tc | ANDRE MOUROIS IS PROVING POPULAR "Disraeli" by Andre .Muurois, is < the most recent rental book added to the U. D. G. Library, and is proving a popular book with the reading public since its addition to the shelves last week. Disraeli is described by literary critics as an eloquent book' about an eloquent man, in which the author brings all his wit, irony, brilliance and charm into the study of that ex- I traordinary diplomat and novelist, Benjamin Disraeli. It is the story < of an obscure Jewish youth, assailed by religious bigotry and worried by debt, determined to become Prime Minister of England. He never lost sight of his goal, which accounts for ? his finally becoming Prime Minister and winning bis seat in Parliament. It is a story of a tempestuous ca- ! reer, a life of vivid contrasts, said by many uuthorit os to bo more fas- ; limiting than any novel. Its author, .Muurois, traces Disraeli's hopes and em-hing defeats, his brimming cup of success, his romantic worship of his w fe and his ripe friendship with , Queen Victoria, his triumphant lead- j ership and his bitter struggle against J Gladstone. This book-of-the-niOnth is well worth reading. NOTICE By virtue of the power of sale given in that certain deed in trust, executed by K. R. Pendleton and S. Iv .Shirley, to the undersigned trus tee, to secure certain indebtedness therein mentioned, which deed in bust is dated Oct. 1st, 1925, and recorded in book 19 at page 231 of' the public records of Transylvania ?ounty, and default having been made in the payment of said indebt edness, and all notices required by aw. having been given, and the de fault. -not having been made good, md the holders of the notes having lemaiided that the land therein men :ioned be sold to satisfy the same and the costs: I will sell to the highest bidder 'or cash at the court house doof in he Town of Brevard, N. C., on Mon Iny th? 23rd day of April 1928, at 12 o'clock noon, all the following de- I oi ibed property: I.yinpr on the west s'de of North ?iildwell street, in the Town of Brc ?ard. X. C., and- on the south side if French Broad Avenue and known i s Cascade Filling Station lot and 3KGINXING at a stake on the west ide bf Caldwell street at the jun< ?on of Caldwell street and French Sroad Avenue and runs south 29 1-2 C}'. west with the margin of Cald ,-ell street 95 feet to a stake, H. A. j liken 's corner; thence north 60 1-2 eg. west with said Aiken's line 141 } eet to the said Aiken's corner; . hence north 31 deg. east 101 1-2 eet to a stake on the south margin j f French Broi\d Avenue; thence' outh 50 deg. east 140 feet to the leginning. Said sale made to satisfy said in- , ebtedness, interest and costs. This 20th day of March 1928. P. Hamlin, Trustee. 22-29 A5-12 Dunn's Rock Lodge ? -267 A. F. & A. M. Meets every Second and Fourth Friday Nights at 7:30 O'Clock. Visiting Brethren Always Welcome FOR SALE Purebred Rhode Island Red Cockerels Hatched from eggs direct from one of America's greatest Red breeders. It will pay you to buy them to mate to your hens, for they will certainly prove a good investment. See or write Julian A. Glazener for prices. Act at once. ?*-** * * * * FOR SALE Full Set Glass enclosure Curtains for Chevrolet Car. Sell at a Bargain. See A. T. GARRETT Brevard Hardware & Furniture Store . LOVE YOUR DOG? The satisfaction and pleas ure of knowing that your Dogs are in perfect health and condition, lit for any occasion, comes from the regular, every -day -in -the year use of Perfection Dog Food The Food that all Dogs Relish For Sale at B. & B. FEED & SEED STORE BREVARD, N. C. GOOD FOOD-CLEAN FOOD COURTEOUS TREATMENT REASONABLE PRICES The New York Lunch Room is enjoying a splendid patronage, thank you. We're doing our best to de serve that good patronage. Everything clean as it can be ; food well cooked ; lunches and regular dinners served. Special attention to ladies and school children. NEW YORK LUNCH "Pete's Place" Broad St. Next door to Pushell's Store Dry Cleaning That Pleases You will be surprised, and delighted too, with the many tasks that we can do for you in the way of cleaning that will lighten your labors during house cleaning time. Call us in on the job for suggestions.' PHONE 94. BREVARD: CLEAN IMG UDIfS WORK ft SPECIALTY H. MOTTSMAN.Mfcr DRY CLEANING - PVCI MG-PRESSING