Personal Happenings Miss Mary Nicholson has returned from Cohutta, Ga., where she spent the past month with her sister, Mr*. Hoy E. Cooper. Mrs. F 10. Strickland and children visited relatives in Asheville Satur day. Mr. ar.d Mrs. M. F. Shert'eseV and twv) sons, of Houston, Texas, visited hi-i ohi home place at Davidson liiver "Tuesday, better known as the l.edbetter place. Mr. Sherfcsce left h?i;e abou*. 10 years ago when only a boy. - ? Mr. ;uw! Mrs. U . W. Ledbetter have moved into the second floor apartment of the house belonging to t!sv Baptist church, adjoining the e hunch building. Donald Moore returned to Charlotte Sanatorium on Friday for ti'i;:t nit ir of hi., injured knees. Air. and Mrs. 1'. W. Smith and family, of Greer, S. C., were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Gaxrett. Mr. Smith is editor of the Greer Citizen, and Mrs. Smith is a sister of Mrs. Garrett, ' The first arrivals at the Norwood, under the management 'of Mrs. F. P. Sledge, are Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith, of Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Zobel. of Charleston, and Mrs. M. W. Wadsworth, of Greensboro, Ala. Mrs. Wadsworth will remain the entire season. , Mrs. Carrie T< Dorsett, who is spending the summer in Asheville, , was a Brevard visitor Thursday. Mrs*. C. E. Orr and daughter, Miss Rowena, were Asheville visitors Thursday. I F. V. Cato, of Rome, Ga., was a Brevard visitor last week. I Mr. and Mrs. George Mayback of i Asheville, were Brevard visitors Tuesday. \ Miss Louise Smith, of Greer, S. C., ] is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. T. Gar rett. v ? . t Mrs. Moltz, Misses Jennie Aiken | and I.averne Weilt were Asheville \ v'stors on Tuesday. , > Louie Chappell, of Jacksonville, $ Fla., who is spending the summer at Hendersonville, visited friends in E Brevard on Thursday. Ij Misses Agnes Clayton and Ruth Waters left Monday for Greenville, ] where they will ' attend summer ; school at Eastern Carolina Teachers College. e Wood Paxton, of Greenville, S. C,, visited friends in Brevard this week. I). H. Garner has returned from a business trip to Atlanta. A. G. Ober, of Asheville, spent v ilv> week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. ' F.. C'.nvton. ' J Mr. nnd Mrs. Lamar Lewis and ! Mrs, L B. Brooks spent Tuesday in t Asheville. il Walter Clayton returned on Tues day after spending two weeks in j Asheville. \ Mr. and Mrs -Samuel Summers and w children of Cameron, S. C., were j A week-end guests of Mrs. Summers' . u V parents,' Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Snelson. j ? Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McCall and , t family spent Sunday with relatives r in Easley, S. C. ' ( Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nicholson and , children, of Asheville, were Sunday j ? guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Nich- i olson. I s Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Crary, of ] Charlotte, were week-end guests of . Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harris. { Miss Bruce Johnson, of Atlanta, !? spent several days the past week as J the guest of Miss Mildred Trantham. I Mrs. Carl Merrill and children, of < Umatilla, arrived last week to spend I the summer with Mrs. Merrill's par- j ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Snelson. I \ Miss Ella Zachary, who has been teaching at Sellers, S. C., arrived t last week to spend the summer with I her mother, Mrs. Joe Zachary. | ill's. John Sprague, of Raleigh, is the guest of Mrs. 11. H. Znchury. Mrs. Murray and mother, Mrs Dunbar, of Natchez, Miss., have ar rived to spend -the summer at-Petei i'an milage. I'rof. :i ti<l Mrs. M. 1>. Ba.xter and ? anviiy, of I leiirmont, l'ln . are guest!. i V.h .in i Mr-. |t. Y. Ntift. Mrs. laxtec is a sister of Mrs. Neel, and !.)(? family are stopping in itrevard ii route to Tennessee. Mrs. K, M. I'arker has as her quests, Mr and Mrs. John Asendorf ud daughter, Jean, Mr. and Mrs. O. ). l!r. iIiiuiiiii, Mrs. J. N. Knight and i', r>. I. Inn, all of Savannah, Gu. M is. Harrison 1'ace, of Asheville, the truest of her daughter, Mrs. Kush Whitmire. Paul Smathers left Tuesday for a ousiii ss trip to Cadillac, Mich. Mrs, J. li. Summey has moved .rom the Nichols apartment to the noine of Mrs. Baxter Summey on Jordan street. Mr. and Mrs. Kush Whitmire and iittle daughter, Sarah Jane, were ?v. ek-er.d visitors in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. J nines I.. Hisk and family and Mrs. P. C. Neodham, of Cocoa, Ha., arrived the first of the .v:<ek to spend the summer at their ii.mie in Forest Hills. Mr. Archie Nichols and son, Henry, ^f Asheville, were guests on Tuesdav >f Mr. and Mrs. Z. \V. Nichols. Mr. Frank Turner and Mrs. Hur jld Turner, of Asheville, were Sun lay guests of Mrs. Surah Taylor. M iss Margaret Bosse is spending a month visiting relatives in Brook yn, N. Y. 51 rs.. L. K. Stanford is attending he annual meeting of the North 'arolina Business and Professional Vom?in's Club convening in Fayette ?ille this week, as delegate from the ocal club. Ralph F. Osborne went to Raleigh his waek to accompany to Brevard lis wife and little son, R. F., Jr., his vife having spent several weeks with ler parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sams. Mrs. W. L. Aiken and son, Lionel, ire spending several days with Mrs. Viken's parents in Racford. Miss Elizabeth Zachary returned ;ist week from Salem College, where he has been teaching the past year. Miss Elise Wall spent the week nd at her home in Spartanburg. Miss Mary Witmer has returned o Brevard for the summer. Mrs. William Bailey and two chil- ' Iron, of Asheville, are spending the veek with relatives in Brevard. Edwin English, of Chapel Hill, and :I:ss Gladys English, of Salem Col- ' ege, have returned to the home of | heir parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. S. ' English, for the summer vacation. Mrs. Wilbur Baxter, of Asheville, s the guest of relatives here this veek. 1 Mr. and Mrs. George Morris, of Memphis, Tenn., were week-end :uests at the Franklin Hotel. Mr. I >t orris returned the first of the week J o Memphis, but Mrs. Morris will re- | ,';?in here unil the opening of Camp Chickasaw in July. Tom Whitmire, who has been a tudent at Chapel Hill the past year, ?eturned last week to spend the iummer with his parents. Mayor and VIrs. T. W. Whitmire. Edwards Breese returned last week 'rom The Citadel, Charleston ,S. C., ind is now with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Breese. Edwin Perkins has returned from Chapel Hill to spend the summer with lis mother, Mrs. H. E. Perkins. Leon English, Jr., a student at Jniversity of North Carolina, has ?turned to Brevard to spend ;he summer with his parents, Mr. and Vlrs. D. L. English. Mrs. C. M. Douglas spent Thursday Buy the only car whose sales equal the combined sales of any other thrze cats in its field v ^ "r <* I 4 Demand for Buick has in creased at such a remarkable rate that Buick sales equal the combined sales of any other three cars in its field. What better testimonial to Buick value than this? What more convincing evidence that Buick, of all cars at or near its price, best measures up to the world's conception of what an automobile should be? Buick's vibrationless six-cylin Valve-in-Head Engine ? powerful engine of its size in the world ? the Buick Sealed Chassis, and a score of other exclusive features explain Buick's popularity. The world-wide preference for Buick. is your guarantee of sat isfaction. Choose the car which outsells any other three cars in its field. Bujsa BUICK All Buick models have I^ovejoy Hydraulic Shock Absorbers, front and rear, as standard equipment SBDANS $1195 to $1995 ' . COUPES $ 1 195 to $1850 SPORT MODELS $1195 to Si 525 All prut i f. o. b. Flint, Mich., Tht G.M.A.C. JiMMnc* pUn, tkr 4*trroJ<le, u is. .t KAYSTONE MOTOR CO Hendersonville - - North Carolina W'lton Better Automobiles are built. Buick will build them i OAKLAND NEWS i , ? - ? _ . In th, :il?encc i>f i he pastor, Rov !'?? '? Mndorson, K?>v. K. K. l'endle , toil. of Brevard, preached at the Bap list church last Sunday. 10 very oik .?M'ressed themselves ;is being well pleased and also expressed the de ; .sire to hear him again. We also had ?i VC>S i?tt'resting Sunday school, Mr. C. R, McNeely is doing line as 1 superintendent. Mr. lien Egerton ? was- with ui iiiul made an interesting talk in the Sunday school. Mr. Kolaiul Kob'u.son announce.! that In- will conduct pruver .services at tin- Baptist church every \\ ednes lay ingjit, beginning at 8 o'clock. It ls hoped that the people of tlie com munity will feel mtfiestd and come out. -Mis. I>a vid Miller veiled Mr.;, K. A, Koid Sunday. Mrs. Keid has been | on the ,sick list for some time. Miss Kvaund Sanders and Myrtle ' Met 'all visited Misses Flora ami lless j lie* id lit st week-end. Mr. Kay Sanders and Miss Myrtle Robinson .ittended preaching ser ves at Bosnian last week. clarence Norton, his mother, and Mr. 1. Si Sanders and their little son Lane, attended the funeral of Mr. J. 1'. Coward' at Cullowhec, last week. Mrs. Lee F. Norton visited her sis ter, Mrs. R. J. Galloway of Glenville, last week-end. We are glad to see Otto Alexan der out again after a serious illness caused by measles. Mrs. S. E. Alexander had as her guest her daughter and Mrs. Grace Bennett, for dinner Sunday. The many friends of Mrs. Charlie Bryson will be sorry to know she is quite ill at her home near Sapphire. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Scruggs, with their daughter and her family called on Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Reid Sunday afternoon. I The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCall are glad to have them home, after spending the winter in Florida/ Clarence Norton will soon be I ready to serve hot lunches on short notice at his new stand near Oak land post office. His friends wish him success. This writer would like to say that Air. R. K. Ballard expressed my sentiment in his letter to Mr. T. W. Whit-mire in regard to his banquet ' given to the old folks of Transvl- 1 vania. AVish others \vould catch thot, spirit and do likewise. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Marshall, in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lieto and fam ily, of New Orleans, will arrive the latter part of the week to occupy "Overlook," one of Miss Florence j Kern's cottage in Huntridge Park. | Mrs. Thomas Teague and children have returned from a visit with Mr. | Teague's parents in Asheville, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Sledge have | leased the Norwood house on Pro- t bart street, having moved from their former residence on East Main street. Dwight Pickard, Bud Raker, Joe Pickett and Howard Leonard, of | Lexington, were guests Sunday of L. J. Peacock, Jr. Friends of Mrs. Welch Galloway will be glad to learn that she is re covering from the serious effects of a vaccinated arm, when it was feared for a time that she would lose her arm. She is recuperating at the home of her father near Hendersonville. Miss Evelyn Lane, of Asheyille, is visiting Mr. D. F. Mayberry at the Patton house. Miss. Lane is the daughter of Judge Lane. Mrs. Charles Rogers and daughter, Miss Carlotta Rogers, of Blenheim. S. C., and Miss Estelle Ellerbe, of I Latta, S. C., have arrived to spend ' the season at their summer home, Rest-a-Bit cottage. Prof, and Mrs. J. B. Jones and small son left Wednesday for Chapel Hill, where Mr. Jones will study for six weeks at the University of North Carolina. T. T. Loftis has returned from a visit of two weeks with his daughter, Mrs. C. B. Wilson, at Abbeville, S. C. Mitchell King returned the first of the week to Lilesville, where he has employment for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Terry, of Hen dersonville, are occupying the Nor ton house on Probart street. Mr. I Terry is manager of the Caldwell avenue Standard Oil Service station, succeeding Mr. Hartzog in this posi [ tion. I Mr. Hayes Hicks, of Knoxville, ? Tenn.. was the week-end guest of I Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Plummer. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wilson re turned on Saturday from Caroleen. where they were called the first of the week on account of the serious illness and death of Mr. Wilson's ' father, which occurred on Friday, funeral services being held Saturday afternoon. Mi*s Beatrice Burris, of Ander- | son. S. C? is visiting Miss Ruth Cantrell. SAM B. CRAIG Attoney-at-Law MASONIC TEMPLE j BOYLSTON NEWS j ? ! It. Brown of Glade Creek, was a ' | visitor, in our burg lust Sunday. I). II. Orr and two sons, Mownnl ? , and D. S., visited Rev. 1*. P. Orr [lust Sunday. 1 1 Claude Simpson of Ktowah, visited jhis grandfather, J. I.. Simpson, oik i 'night last week. , .1. .\.l. l':ttn>M \ ???! I .ulo I i- ? ' ; (In- last -Monday. j T. R. Ihim-ait was a caller 'i , lliome of Air. M. Townsond one <lay | recently. I 'I'. J. Ilolliny.- worth made a bti - 1 ;ness trip to ilctulcrsnnv'llo last. Mov j day. , j Carlos1 ilolilt ii w nt to H'Oly I ,'Spi inirs on important '>v..?in?'ss Men- : idav morning. ! .lo?sc S m|)rO|i visited his broth"!- j ! William T. Simpson, ore night re- | cently. Kriu-st l.yday was a e::ller in our j I >n IK last Sunday. Mi?< licit Reed of Blantyro. was a Itoylstoii visitor Sunday afternoon. I Mexican Boa u Beetl >.> is the gen^r- ' al subject in our settlement at the j present time. j Mrs. . T. J. Hollingsworh had as her guests last Saturday night, two ! of her nephews, Messrs. Reuben i Mackey of i'isgah Forest, and Wad. .Scruggs, of Boylston. Mr. Lee Benfleld and children of IPisgah Forest, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Patton last Sunday. Friends of Robert Taylor are glad to know that he is recovering from a bad case of "flu." i Miss Leotu Simpson and brother, Jesse, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Patton last Sunday, week. ! Some of our truck growers have (been very busy transplanting potato, .tomato and 'backer" plants during the last few damp days. ! .Tack Frost played us a slight I visit one morning last week. We are all glad to know that a great interest is being taken in the flower gardens this year in our sec tion. Mrs. J. I.. Simpson visited her daughter, Mrs. Cleveland Burgess, last week. Mr. T. R. Duncan made a business call at the home of Mr. Jesse Simp son early last Saturday morning. Walter Carnes has been busy haul ing logs from our section to Pisgah Forest for the past few days. The Boylston people are well pleased to know that Mr. Leverette has completed our new road to the Hendersonville county line, and now has started working on our Boylston Blan tyre road. We wish to give him a good word of ecouragement and | extend to him a rising vote of I thanks. We may or we may not think that ' it is particularly wise for men to give | up everything for their work after , they have passed middle age; but when it comes to investing one's money it is a good plan to select se curities of a company that has such | a man at its helm.? Forbes' Magazine, g USE YOUR BANK I "Built for Service" A great many people fail to fully appreci ate the many services a modern bank is prepared to render. Banks have become the mainspring of commerce. There are few, if any, business transac tions in which banks do not play some part usually many parts. We Are Ready T o Serve Y ou. BREVARD BANKING g COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. IT IS HIGH TIME That you phone us, and let us send an experienced man to assist you in making suggestions for the things you need in making your house make money for you during the Summer Season. THOSE SPARE ROOMS Can be made to bring in a lot of money, if properly fur nished during the season. We have just the very Furni ture, either in odd pieces or in Suites, that will make (your home most attractive to the family and to the visitor. Do not delay ? NOW IS THE TIME! The visitors are already arriving. Be ready for them. Farmers Supply Co. The Old Reliable Brevard, N. C.

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