NOTED PROCESSOR SUNDAY SPEAKER Dr. W. T. Thompson Delight) Congregation of the Pres byterian Church A large ami appreciative audience gnth< iv(l al the Presbyterian church last Sunday morning to hoar the ex ct Hi nt sermort delivered by I)r. W. T. Thompson, profe.ssor of religious education at Union Theological Sem inary, Richmond, Va., und director of religious work at Camp Carolina 'during the present camp season. Dr. Thompson chose his text, on the subject of Temptation, from tho hook of. Hebrews. He referred to the fact tha! 'nil, whether in the city or country, are subject to tempta tion and cannot get away from it, and that to overcome it will always do a gt-nuine fi^ht and a real strug gle. The speaker further said that things should he called by their real name ? -a lie should not be called a fib, and anger in one's heart should be given the name Christ gave it, murder. If we have made up our minds to fight against temptation, then what we have hereafter may be of some use, but if we have not re solved to fight then what we hayo will be of little value. It will help us in .our fight against temptation if we discover what our special tempt ations are and under what circum stances they most attack us, and then make "our fight accordingly. A knowledge and recognition of these facts will aid us to be particularly on our guard against temptation. Dr. Thompson closed his timely re marks by reminding his audience that .Christ can sympathize with us and Will help us in our fight against temptation, because ho was tempted in every point as we are, yet with out sin. Adding further to the enjoyment and impressiveness . of the service was the otfertory solo rendered by Miss Phylis McCollum, of Camp. H lahee. '? ? _ On next Sunday morning the pas tor, Rev. V. A. Crawford, will preach on the subject, Obligation of Oppor tunity. * CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS! LOST ? Black, white and tan-spotted Walker Fox Hound, female, wear ing collar marked: "J. H. Wilson, Clearwater, Fla." Last seen in race between Williamson creek and E&st Fork. Reward for return to J. K. Wilson, at Beverly Trantham Farm. Jly 26 tf? WANTED? To hear from owner of farm or unimproved land for sale cash price. F. R. Severns,~Bwx-Kj Lawrenceville, Illinois. ltc FOR SALE ? Kitty Coupe iti fair condition. Apply Mrs. Charlie Patton, ltp FOR SALE ? One young saddle horse at reasonable price. Apply to D. L. Glazener, Rosman, N. C. 11 FOR SALE? M. D. Chappell Farm/ near Pickens and Brevard High way; 75 acres in this tract; 18 acres good bottom land, has been making ' MOO to 1000 bushels com, 15 to 20 bales cotton. Good buildings and pastures; good water and close to good schools and churches. Terms to suit purchaser. See J. H. Holder at Pickens, S. C., or M. D. Chappell at Pickens, R-3. p2G Ag2-9-lG-23 LOST ? Hugh Sharp has lost a Pol and China Sow ? -weight 200 lbs; color dark. Finder please notify News Office. tms? 3 YOKES WORK CATTLE for sale. Large, fine, good condition. See A. S. McCall, Gloucester Township, Balsam Grove, >,'. C. p 26 At;2 MULE FOR SALE or trade for any other stock. Good condition. See Walter P. Fisher, Gloucester bridge, Balsam Grove, N. C. 2tp26Ag2 WANTED? A small gentle pony for child, during August. Address J. H. Williams, Caesars Head, S. C. It FOR SALE ? Fine cabbage, under market price. Call for J. A. Bish op, Phone 261. 2t 26 A2? WANTED ? Young man for general work about place. Chestnut Hill Farm, Brevard, N. C. 2tc 26Ag2 CORN FOR SALE ? See P. C. Orr, at the Everett Farm. jlyl2tf FOR RENT ? 8-room house , fur nished or unfurnished. Lights, gravity water, good growing garden, plenty of fruit, very low rent. Near Penrose. See C. F. Woodfin, Pen rose. N. C. Jly 5 tf \ MONEY TO LOAN? On improved farm lands at six per cent, for long or short term, in amounts from three to fifty thousand dollars pre ferred. however, one thousand dol lar loans will ho accepted. l-20tfc50 A. F .MITCHELL, Atty at Law. CLOSED CARS FOR HIRE? Phone 104 when you need a taxi. Good drivers, closed cars, reasonable charges. Always at your service, Paul Sitton. Feb 23tl FOR RENT ? Two houtei. Good garden with ertch house. > Reason able < nt. See Frank Jenkins. May 3 tf< FURNISHED COTTAGES For Rem at T.ak ? Soga ? by week or season II. E. Lawrence Al- tfc PASTURES FOR RENT ? Rate U< onnhle. See C. K. Osborne June 7 tfoc 2 FRf.Sl-; COWS f. r ; ale. See Dr K. S English. Brevard, N\ C. jne2i Personal Happenings I Ml-.-. J. A. l'.'U ni, "i Mai-ion. i? | ^ hflr pan-lit-. Mr. and Mjtt.] \V.' Blythe. ? 3rjvs; Jeiry -.Jy/ftRW.-iuKl Alitt Em ily' Moore were *h< ppjng i?'? Grem v Tuesday an. I \\ ednesday. Mis* M?ry Rose lMme* ami Mn*. M ? >1 li?- Belle llruVlU-. of Natchez, i\iiss? are pleasant visitors ;n Hre- j vaul, having come. here to attend the* summer lei-ill of the Boston School ,vf Expression; They are located wdh '.irs (). I.. Mrwtn, on Caldwell ay iiue- These thlehud yoUng la.iits will lie a social addition to the town. Mr. William F. Dunbar, manager of the Southeastern Underwriters association, of Atltanta, Ga., is visit ?ng his sister, Mrs. K. D. Murray, and mothfcr, Mrs. M. 0. Dunbar, M-'ss Dorothy Hale, a talented young lady of South Carolina, has a.rived In Brevard for the purpose >.i' attending the summer term <>t the Boston School of Expression in ses s-on here, and is stopping with Mrs. l? Sledge, at the Norwood House. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan, of ?i iiai-lotte, were week-end guests of , Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smathers. j. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Houston have ! c,r- their guest this week, Mr. Hous ton's aunt, Mrs. fr. H. Miller, o j. Charlotte. , , ,u Friends regret to learn of the very serious illness of Mrs. George \V. Hayes at her home. M. D. Chappell, of Pickens coun f was a Brevard visitor Tuesday, ' \lr. Everett Simpson is stopping with Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Kdpatriek on Jordan street. ' ? ..... , Recent guests at Mr. J. C. Wlkes are: Mr. and Mrs. Shackelford, of i ? Charleston, Mrs. Walter Carrmg t?.:i, arid son, John, of Spartanburg, Mrs. Sprague, of Raleigh, and Mr. English and Mr. Schuck, of Cincin naAri?s Betsy Hollinshead returned on , Monday from a visit of the past j c two months with her aunt, near Macon, Ga. _ . _ , Miss Ctaherine Lowe, of Concord, is visiting Miss Betsy Hollinshead. Mrs M. B. Waters has returned! from a visit of the past six Weeks ? c with her son in Leesburg, Va. k lW. nnd Mrs. Loy Thompson mov ed last week into their new home on j 1 Park avenue. , H Mr. and Mrs. Came Aiken and | family have moved from their home cn Probarte street, to the home for- ; r.'erly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Loy u Thompson on Park avenue _ s Miss Mary Harris Hubbard, of j i Asheville, is the attractive guost of Miss Margaret Lyerly for the week Dr. and Mrs. John Townsend and two children, Jill arid Moultrie, of Charleston, S. C., are spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Alli S? Miss Minnie Breese, of Charleston, spent several days this week with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Breese. Miss Brftrif ic an aunt of Mr. Breese. Ward, of Asheville, and Miss Mary Seagle, of Salisbury. , Miss Roberta Bryant has returned from a visit of several weeks with her sisters in Tarnpa,- Fla. Miss Avis Styles, of Mooresville, is "the guest this week of Rev. and MrHehiVLc????f' New. Mexico^ visiting relatives and friends in the CO,Mr.Unand Mrs. L. E. Mull "ml . daughter, Miss Leoness, of Charlotte,^ ar-? visitors in Brevard. f , | Mrs. M. L. Nalley and children, of Atlanta, are visiting relatives and l'viends here. Mrs. N alley was for 1 m?rlv Miss Louise Mull, of Brevard. i Miss Agnes Hunt, of Greenville, ; S C is visitinp in the city. 1 1 Miss Catherine Biles, who ^spent | , last week, with Rev. and Mrs. 1A- L- [ Aycock, h.\s returned to her pme j ! n Winston- Salem. ,, 1 I Little BoVbie Norwood, son of Mi an d Mrs. Harold Norwood, who has been quite ill the past St-vcal wc*ks, \" Mack?VSitton and. Glenn Galloway lleft last week for Indianapolis, Inu., where they have accepted positions | 1 Mr. and Mrs. Avery Neill have re ' turnued from New Mexico to spend the summer in Brevard. ] I Mr and Mrs. William Wood Mni i 'chant', of Laurens, S. C.. were we0^v, end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. I ' ' Miss" Rowena Orr tar returned from a visit of two weeks in Palm | E?rh,* Oliver Crary and little daugh- j ' . . r. Marv, are spending two weeks , with Mrs. Crary's parents, Mr. and Mrs W. H. Harris. . . Mrs Frank King has as her guest lur sister. Miss Frances Gibbs, of UMi?rs?MV- uret Miller is visiting i her sister. '.Irs. Mack Johnson, in AUMUses Dorothy and Adelaide Sil- 1 versteen were Asheville visitors TUMissiEdna Mason h*s returned from a ten days' visit with Miss Mary ? Smith, in Bryson City. I Mr. and Mrs. Jess Tinsley, of Washington. D. C., Mrs. Betsy Rpy- 1 nolds and Mrs. Gene Loftis of Ashe V 1U- were Brevard visitors last week, j Miss Katie Lee Bailey, of Ft. Lau derdale. Fla.. is spending a few days I in Brevard as the guest of Miss Has fie Tinsley. ' FOR SALE? Three fresh yong Jer ? ?ev cows. Whitmire Motor Sales | , Co. ' lt"1 STUDIO DANSANT ' , Studio Damant ? Pottofficc Bldp | ? DANCING LESSONS i Elaine Kilpatrick ; and Adelaide Sil versteen 1 Rates .... $.1.00 Monthly ? Fancy Dancing - Ball n"'>ni Dnr.i ing j 1 Private or Class Lessons [Phone 17" or 5?>. jn'il t auirl 'FRESH MILK COWS for sale? See Tom Wood. Brevard. F1C tfc TOR SALE ? Small new hoc- and I aril - lni;d. K-.-s than J <"00 it. 'Address Smith, care News. j" .'Mr.-. 'I . e. NVolv, turmery (?!'. II re but now (if Liberty* 8. ? . .K iul iij?. u im nth' with Mr. ami Mrs. .i. A. Bishop at their homo iii N>u th Brevard. , . ..Mif, Margaret Brec.-v.-, .of < harie ?? ion, -8- ''.. is vUlt hits her. sister, Mrs. M. Allison), . Mi;-* ' Miu-guor/te Galloway, "f ! ;i i < iislioi u, s j > 1 1 1 ? the' " week-end ?iili in father,.'!'. II. Giill.oway. > Julius iliiitun arrived home from the military training 'camp at' Fort '..ylitborpe Wednesday of last week, where he reported an "enjoyable time. On liis return home he visited his aunt; Mrs. I'., .1. Ha den,; in- Atlanta. .J. U . I'ai ri>h a.nd two' children, 15 illy and Lillian Hurst, and his sis ter, Miss Sural Parrish, of Benson, ate visiting Mr. jnd Mrs. A. N. Poole, Mr. and Mrs. Ilymer 12. Whitniore and' littlf son, Billy, have returned to their home in St. Louis, Mo., :tfter landing. their vacation with Mr. \Vhil mire's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Whitniire, of Clierryfield, and Oth ,i relatives in the county. Mr. and Mrs. Kay Styers, of Cher yville, were week-end guests of Mrs. siyer's parents, Mr. aiid Mrs; E. J. IVhitmire. Miss Willie Bishop, of Asheville, .'isited her cousin, Miss Martha Os jorne, last week. Mrs. Frank Orr, who has been se ?iously ill at her home, is improving. I Mr. and Mrs. Watts, of Asheville, j , -isited friends and relatives in Bre- , ?ai d the first of the week. Mrs. Watts is a granddaughter of Mrs. T. J. S'eely. Mrs. Lawrence Holt spent Friday, iv Asheville, the guest of Mrs. Irene i ?yday. | Mrs. Hume Loftis and little daugh- , er, of Camden, S. C., are visiting- j l\ T. Loftis. Miss Louise McConnell, of Washy ngton, D. C., is the guest of her i ?ousin. Miss . Mildred Trantham. ! Opal Fulbright spent Sunday in' ^ullowhee. | Miss Vesta Young is visiting riends in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Ghris Passmore, of 'ashiei's, were Brevard visitors Mon Ifty. Miss Eleanor Townsend, of Char eston, S. C.,' is the guest of Mrs. . M. Allison. Julian White, of Greenyille, was ! B t vavd visitor Sunday. Miss Marv Roberts, of Piedmont, Ua., arrived last week to spend the unimer with her sister, Mrs, Louie ..oftis. Misses Eleanor, Ruth and Sarah , ^athcart, of Andersoh, S. C., who pent the past week with their coU in, Mrs. B. E. Nicholson, returned .londay to their home. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Brunson have (.turned to their home in Meridian, rli'ss., after a visit of two weeks in irovard. Mr. and Mrs. O. Duclos were week nd visitors in Charlotte. - Mrs. Shytle and children of Ashe ille, were* guests the past week of trs; Shytle's parents, Mr. and Mrs, V. H. Duckworth. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Orr were Ashe ille visitors Monday. Misses Eva and Ruth McFee, of ; Asheville, and Miss Nelle Lowe, of Concord, are visiting Miss Eue Hunt, j Mrs. Tom Dekel arrived this week :rom her home in New Orleans to ;pend the remainder of the summer ,vith her mother, Mrs. W. 11. Alli lOn. Mrs. C: C." Hodges, who spent the ,>ast several months in Atlanta, and Birmingham, has returned to Bre rard for a few weeks, and is now ivith- Miss Catherine Griffin on Pro bart street. Mrs. Clifton DuRant, who has been in Eylva with her husband, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Cordia King. Miss Earleene Poindexter left Thursday for Washington, D. C., where she will spend a few weeks. CAKE SALE A cake sale will be held Saturday, July 28, in Plummet's old store building. The sale will be conducted by members of the Local Department Missionary Society of the Methodist church. Chevrolet Touring, 1927 model, only $350. See Whitmire Motor Sales Company. 1 MT. MORI AH SINGING' CONVENTION SUNDAY Program for the Fifth Sunday Sunday School rally * at Mt. Morinh Baptist Church. Calvert, has been an nounced as follows: 10:00 ? Sunday School. Lesson taught by regular teach ers. 1 1 :00 ? -Sundav School Address, by Phil, L. Elliott, of Mars HSU. 1 2 :00 ? Dinner. 2:00 ? Opening Devotion 2:15 ? Preparation for and Teach ing the Lesson, by J. N. Carr, of Mars Hill. 2:45 ? Relation of Church to Sun day School, by Rev. W. II. Hart sell, of Brevard. 3:00 ? Sunday School an Evange listic Force, by R. O. Ar-bvekle, i?f Biltmore, LIBRARY NOTES Library report for the week end ing July 23 shows that an increas ing number of people are taking' ad vantage of the books and magazine; to be found on the shelves of the XI, D. C. Library. During the week there were 2111 books in circulation, with an attendance of 255, and 1 1 new members were enrolled.. FIFTH SUNDAY SINGING AT THE COURT HOUSr Fifth Sunday Transylvania coun ty singing convention will be held .t the court house next Sunday. JidV 'Ml. beginning at Hi o'clock. A splc n did program is Ining prepared t,\ the song leaders in charge, an ! t ?\\p? et< d that a large crowd will l>< a attendance on this occasion^ .\ cordial invitation, is extended t<a th' pub! . !?? be pi -cut for fh's :M ' \ ? ? ? ??iiir. and to bring with thei# :?? . I : / SOCIETY NEWS Suss MARTHA BREESK WKOS i.iK. jdllN K. HUDSON i < rthiftii M',ft >urprs:- iu frivnil.s in I>i:y\ iii'i.l was t lie" fill liouncenXMit of ill. Wf.lilinu Of Miss .Martl'.;i I breeze and Mr, John Randolph Hudson, which event occurred at Uiilherford tou on Saturday, .July 21. J'o.llo>vi|ijf .tin ceremony, Mr. ami Mi s. ? Hudson: h'ft for Shelby. where they made a brief visit with' the groom's mother, ? Mrs. John I Unison, after which tliey motored to Freder ic!;, Maryland, where Mr. Hudson is in' business and. in Which city the young cou|>ld Will make their home. Mrs. Hudson is the youngest ; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William K., and is popular anions the i younger social set in Brevard, where she has always made her honie. Mr. lInui>on was associated with the It. R . Eagle real estate company ? in Brevard several y?#w ago, and j made many friends during his stay j hero. ? ' MISS DEYTON BECOMES THE ' BRIDE OF W. W. BRITTAIN A wedding oif surprise to many friends in the community was that occurring at Burnsville, the home of the bride, on Friday afternoon, July 20, when Miss Velma Deyton became the bride ?f Mr. Willis W, Brittuin, of Brevard. ? Mrs. Brittain made many friends in Brevard during the past year, when she was a member of the fac ulty of the Brevard Grammar school, and also taught n the Brevard' In stitute summer school during the summer session just closing. Mr, Brittain is a prominent bus iness man of Brevard, beinc a mem ber of the firm, B & B Feed and Seed . Store. After a honeymoon trip, Mr. and Mrs. Brittain will return to Bre vard, where they will make their homd. MRS. L. C. LOFTIS HONORS SISTER WITH BRIDGE PARTY An enjoyable social event of the week was the bridge party given by Mrs. L. C. Loftis at her home Thurs day afternoon, complimentary to her sister, Miss Mary Roberts, of Pied mont, Ala., who is spending the summer here. I Throe tables were arranged for play, and at the conclusion of the games the hostess was assisted in serving a salad course by Mrs. Harry Loftis. High score was made by: Miss Laverne Weilt, while Miss Rob- ' erts cut consolation. Guests playing were: Misses -Rob erts, Gladys English, Elizabeth Ramseur. Laverne Weilt, Eliza Hen ry, Eloise Lewis, Clara Johnson, Jennie Aiken, Bill Aiken. Mildred Trantham, Ava Gray Mewbourne, Almeda Waters. 'l GUESTS ARE HONORED WITH ENJOYABLE PICNIC .Mrs. 1!. K, N icl)olsoii honored her house KU.e>ts, AJisse.s Kloanor. Ruth aiul Sarah Cnthcart, of A nderson, S. with a picnic in-. '(ho (iovern nioiit roscryation Wednesday vve iiing. A 'most enjoyab'lo evening \va.s spent around -the camp five, masting woiiiei's and in partaking <>f thf delightful picnic lunch: Tho*c iii' attendance The Misses Cathcsrt, Mildfed Tranlhnm, Ava Gray, M ivrbourne, BUI Aiken, Ruth and Christine Sncls'on, Reu benia Nicholson, Anthony and Jack l iaiithani, Lewis and Harry Johnson, Albert Kilpalrick, John Jenks, John Nicholson, Koy Sitton, Mr. and Mrs,. 1!. K. Nicholson and children. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS ENJOVS PICNIC The 11 -year old girls of Miss Odell Nicholson's Sunday School class of the Baptist church, enjoyed a pic nic at Laurel Fork Tuesday evening. \ The young girls, chaperoned by their teacher, reported a delightful occa sion spent in the usual enjoyments of a picnic. The thoroughly satis fying picnic supper added much to tho pleasures of the event. DEPARTMENT STORES GIVE I PICNIC FOR EMPLOYEES Management of Pusliell's and Pat terson's department stores gave n picnic Wednesday evening at Camp 1 i ? > - A'i: : ? iu the il rk? < nt ployed in lii tw# stores. The evotu was byboating' and .swimming in (hi! pretty camp lake ami, in the Hij.rfynifiit <4 ' tin; bountiful picn'-C' ?upper. ' MISS SH1PMAN HONORS visiting buests Miss Elizabeth Shipman was host ess i?t a bridge luncheon Tuesday morning, h< r home on , Broad street, honoring Miss Carolyn Win ston, ef Chapel , IIi'll, the guest of ~ Miss IJornthy Fetzor, ami Miss Mary Harris Hubbard, of Ash-viHe, th' Suest of Miss Margaret I.ycwJy. Tjvp tables were made up for play, and after the games a dainty lunch eon was served. Guests present were: Misses Win ston and Hubbard, Nancy M'aclie, l-'anniv and Xida- MeGehee, Adelaide Silversteen, Roberta Bryaijt, Doro thy Fetzer, Margaret Lyerly, Ro wena Orr. " .1 MRS. NICHOLSON IS HOSTESS TO BLANCHE BARRUS CIRCLE Mrs. George Nicholson was host oss to the members of the Blanche BarrUs Circle of the Baptist church, Tuesday afternoon at her home in Forest Hills. The meeting was presided oVer by the president, Mrs. Roy Long. An interesting program on the subject of China was in charge of Mrs. W. E. Ryf-ty, assisted by other members of the circle. It was decided to . send a box of clothing to needy fam- s ilies in the cbmmunity. A iJleasanit social (hour and re freshments followed the meeting. Ford Roadster, 1924 model, $100. See it at Whitmira Motor Co. It Brevard's Service Barbers Are ready to serve you. Ladies' and chil dren's work given especially good atten tion.. YOUR HOME PAPER And favorite magazine can be had here, too. Also your favorite Cigar and Cigarette. WARD'S BARBER SHOP and NEWS STAND Clayton Hotel Bldg. Maift St. Your Wife is goodfcounsel but- ? ? n. Set? This Bank Has Had More Experience When it comes to deciding upon what to do in a financial crisis in your life, the more experience and judgment you can call upon for guidance, the more cer tain you will be that your decision is right. We welcome you to use our experience and advice at such- times. We are here to serve you ? and will always give you the best we have. Come in and get acquainted. Brevard Banking Co

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