MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Manager? R^sman, N. C. ROSMAN LOCALS ; Rev. Wallace Hartsell, pastor of Zion Baptist church, filled his regu lar appointment Sunday. j D. H. Winchester, Arthur Pharr and daughter, Eva, were Hendenon ville visitors Wednesday. i Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hogsed and daughter, Miss Alza, of Calvert, at tended church services at Bocmaa Sunday. Edgar Reid of Lake Toxaway, was a business visitor to Rosman Mon day. ( W. S. McLean and son , Bert, spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Henvy* 'Sheltort atuEast Laporta. Marvin Edney spent the' week end at Cashiers Valley at the home if Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Wilson. Jake Gillespie of Calvert, was a business visitor to Rosman Monday. Miss Mae Jackson spent Saturday uicht with Miss Vera McCall. Mrs. 1 -essie Love of Quebec was a business visitor to Rosman Saturday. Misses Mildred Watkins, Mary Whitniirv and Hessie Moss, Messrs J. H. Rogers. Arvel and Elvin Edney motored to Fleetwood Hotel near dendi rsivnviHe, Sunday. Messrs .1. R. Mahoney and Dan $ la.ze nor were' business visitors to .lsliyvflle Monday. Vando Morgan spent Sunday with Toir M.?l tin. who has been ill for a W "' . !1 of months. ! -rs Charles Clarke and Allen Stss and Miss Rhoila and Jack Clarke vnenv Brevard visitors Saturday. Mis.- .Mary Kimzey spent the week- j end with h< r parents. Mr. and Mrs.; Wni. "Kimzey. Air. ami Mrs. R. F. Glazener at tended the funeral services of Mrs. W ri. f., Glazener Sunday. Oates spent the week-end ??yifh fris. family at Old Fort. Ai'i -- Pearl Lyday. a former teach er Ava ?? a . Sunday guest of Mr. and 'Mr- pj r 11. Fisher. "i>ii;ch" Brunei- spent one night ? a Hi ;-k. m Gloucester. Mr ami Mrs. IX H. Winchester iidVo-n. D. If. Jr. and Stanley wer< ' a!v, rt visitors Sunday. : . \ . and Mrs. W. E. Rufty and ?f> ? aM-i house guest. Miss Opal W'-tih. and Mrs. Walter Reece at r. ???]. ? ! Ii. V. P. IT. services at Cal vert Sunday. Mr -si s Jesse Galloway and Carl EMi id-jv w -re business visitors to A i'ie .Monday. \". V. Miller af Brevard, was a K a:an v'sitor Sunday. Mea f the week-end with \!'- a Galloway. [.. K Powell was a Sunday visitor cf Mi. and Mrs. T. F.. Reid at Bre Jan; ?- T. Harrison of Sapphire. w;i* .. Rosn'irrn visitor Monday. Mr and Mrs. L. Ci Sentelle and n. I h yd ami Opal, -spent the week-' ad in Hendersonville. Misses Ora and Betty Moore spent tin- ivevk-end with the latter's fath er. V. <. '. Moore, ftear Brevard. Iv'Tt. to Mr. and Mrs.- Anderson Re vi,- ?n March 1st. a son. iiiso Veru spent Thursday night as guest of Misses Ida and ; Mae Jackson. j W. R. Chapman of Easley, S. C., spent Saturday night as guest of ( his brother, L. R. Chapman. .{ Coy Whitmire was a business vis itor to Brevard Monday. ?Mr. and Mrs. D. Crow and chil dren spent the week-end visiting relatives and friends at Salem, Sk Misses Fannie Lottie ? and Reba Ranes of Middle Fork, visited tiieir aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Mac* | Raines, Sunday. i , Mrs. Hood Jones of East Flat Rock is spending a few day3 witn [her sister, Mrs. Zeb Strottj*. Mrs. Jim Nelson is quite ill at her i'.iome here. . . - Mrs: L..M. Watkins, and. - 9"; cha, were Brevard visitors Saturday. 1 Mrs. J. B. Watson and children of I Hendersonville, were dinner guests 1 f Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Moss Friday. ! Mr and Mrs. Oliver Galloway and I children spent the week-end in Gloucester as guests of Mrs. Gallo vay's father, Mr. Mark Mason, who ; v?ry ill. _ , Mrs. Frank Orr and son, Boyce of Brevard, spent several days last | week visiting Mrs. R. R. Rice. Messrs Homer Clarke and James ! Fassmore were Brevard visitors Sun lay * 1 ' Aliss Ada Galloway spent the : week-end with Mrs. D. L. Glazener. M. 0. McCall of Quebec, was a business visitor to Rosman Monday. Mr and Mrs. J. W. Glazener and hildren visited the former's parents, j Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Glazener, at Cal- ? ?rt Sunday. ^ I Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Galloway and ?hildren, Ethel and Thelma, Beulah Moure and Jack Fitzgerald -were Sanphi're visitors Sunday. Mrs. John Kilpatrick and baby ;i>rothv Jean of Brevard, spent sev vjil davs last week with her parents, and Mrs. W. H. Edens .. Mis. K.- K. Miller of Lake Toxa \\ ;iy . visit*, d her sister, Mrs. N. S. linilowav. Saturday. ; Mr and Mrs. Homer Orr and chil dren of Little River, were dinner quests of Mr. and Mrs. Taft Owen ^ 1 Mix* L. P. Wilson and children, ?So raid and Lois of Brevard, and Miss Ida Hutchins ot Scliuj k-rs Lake, New York, were Sunday quests of Mr. and Mrs. Jordan \\ hit Whit Duncan of I'ickcns, a for ntr resident of Rosman. spent the At-'-k-ond here visiting friends and ??e la lives. , . , ? Mrs. K. S. Winchester and sistei Ethel, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Raxter near Brevaid, Saturday. , , , . Robert Leathers, who has been very ill at the homo of his parents Mr; and Mrs. C. E. Leathers, with rheumatism, is slowly improving. Elam Galloway spent Saturday in Brevard- on business. ?? ? Dutch" Brunei- of Lake Toxaway sncnt the week-end with Welch G al io wa v. t r Miss Alma Galloway -spent last | week with her father, Carl Galloway, lift; Gloucester. . . -v. _ . ? Paul Rogers and Edwin Edney ; were Cashiers Valley visitors Sun 'l Mr. and Mrs, Grover Woodard ;v.vd children visited Mr. and Mrs. 1 ? Re id at Brevard, Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Stophel were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. t. i R. Clarke. , , Mr. and Mrs. Guy Neely and 'Mrs. B. G. Neely of Pickens, were guests Sundav of the latter's. daugh ter. Mrs. J. F. Corbin. . Mr. and Mrs. Craig Whitmiro No. 127 ? No. 120 No. 116 No. 130 No. 118 No. 124 No. 122 Agfa film about 15% less No charge for developing. |feK?)rt Frank D. Clement, The Hallmark Jeweler CLEMSON THEATRE BUILDING Wanted-Rug Makers A few days' practice should qualify you for a position. Classes are now being held all day and every day. Hours, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mountain Handcrafts, Inc. SCHOOL NOTES Berdell Henderson visited schoj Monday of this week. The seventh grade gave an int? esting program in chapel Fridj1 morning. The exercises consisted j an operetta and a minuet andi reading by Miss Lucfle Dryman. large crowd was present. Miss Louise Williams was abseil rfom school several days last we1 on account of illness. MRS. WADE CHASTA1N Mrs. Wade Chastain died Thursd.jj February ~ 28th' at her" home ' net* Pickens, after a lingering illness aid ! was buried Tuesday, March 5th, it : Mt. Holly Church near Pickens. Ti$ delay in, burial was occasioned if the fact that relatives from Monta(g were unavoidably delayed in arriviig for the funeral services. Mrs. Chastain is survived by hit husband and twelve children. Sle was a niece of Mrs. C. E. Whitmi:q of Rosman. 1 1 MISS MARY SWEENEY Miss Mary Sweeney died at tae County Home Saturday, death be ing caused by pneumonia. Burial | was made in the cemetery nearly Sunday afternoon. Relatives surviving Miss Sweeney, who was 84 years of age, are a sis- . ter, Mrs. Harriet Wilson and a niece, 1 Miss Leota Wilson. were guests Tuesday evening of Mr. ' and Mrs. T. E. Reid at Brevard. Taylor Banther of Gloucester, ! spent Friday night with Grady Gal- ; loway. . Uncle Andy Smith was a business visitor to Brevard Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lewis and daughter, Ruth, spent Sunday at : Pickens and Easley, visiting rela tives. Miss Berdell Henderson spent Sunday night with Misses Rosa and Emma Jane McLean. Messrs Sam and Robert Everctte of Easley, visited their sister, Mrs. W. R. Lewi.?# Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Fitzgerald left Friday for their home in Stan ton. Tenn., after spending their honeymoon as guests of Dr. and .Airs. J. B. Wilkerson. Messrs J. B. Rogers. Walter Rog ers, Arvel Edney and Mack Win chester were Asheville visitors Sat urday. Ms. Frank Galloway and children and Miss Ethel Mariley were dinner guests of Mr. L. E. Powell and chil dren Sunday. Miss Margie Whitmire of Brevard spent the week-end as guest of Miss Vera McCall at the home of Mr. and Mrs* Walter Whitmire. Mr. and Mrs. L, R. Chapman spent Sunday at Pickens as guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. Mary Can Irytl. ? , ' Miss Siva Clarke was a guest Sat urday night of Mr. and Mrs. Dyer Crow. Leland Gillespie, of Easley, spent Friday with his brother-in-law, Mar ion Glazener. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Glazener and daughter. Fay and Louise were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Zeb Bur rell at Brevard. Miss Pauline Raines of Lake Tox away, visited M. M. Bryant- Sunday. Robert Raines of Middle Fork, spent Saturday night with his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Raines. I Mi!.*. L. M. Glazener. and daughter, Mrs. A. M. Paxton, visit-id Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Glazener, Sunday Wallace Collins was a business | visitor to Brevard Saturday ; Mrs. S. Iv. Owen and children wore Suviay guests of the former's 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Staton. Mr. and Mrs. Flem Glazener and A. 0. Kit -lie ir. were Pickens visitors .-uiniay. Miss Janio Galloway of East Fork was a gu ? t of Mr. arid Mrs. E. D. Randolph Thursday. | M:sst*s !.iliie Mae and Mary Whit I mire spenL Monday night with Misses and Emma Jane McLean, j Mr. a i:d Mis. Clyde McCall and 'children of Quebec, were dinner | guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whit mire; E. D. Franklin of West Asheville, was a Rosman visitor Sunday. A. 0. Kitchen made a business trip to Asheville Tuesday. Mrs. Tal Petit is very ill at her home here. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the. power of sale contained in that certain deed in trust from J. T. Owen to D. L. English. Trustee, dated Oct 4, 1926, and registered in Book 20 page 284 of the records of deeds in trust for said County securing cer tain indebtedness therein named and default having been 1 made in ytfie payment of said indebtedness and all notices required having been/given and said default has /not be?n made good ; j / Th<' undersigned will m Saturday March 30th 1929 at ?I2y6'ch)ck M. at the Court House do^fcrfn the\own of Brevard, X. C., ofl|er for sale and sell to the highest ' bidder for cash the property described in said deed in trust, reference being made to said deed in trust and the record thereof for a description of said property. The proceeds of said sale to be ap plied upon said indebtedness, cost of sale, etc. \ This 27th day of Febidary 1929. D. L. ENGLISH, Trusted $6.48 MchH: 14-21-28' A H 4GRI STUDENT IN I THE CHICKEN GAME Walter Glazener,, Agriculture stu lent at Rosman High school, is set ing an example for other boys and jeople in general, in the chicken bus ness. Walter has a new brooder house, a lew brooder, and has a nice lot of troung chicks. He is the first boy to start in this work, and here's hop- ? ing for his success and the success d many others who are sure to fol low. ROSMAN ^3. Y. P. U. GIVES PROGRAMf'AT MTTMORIAH Rosman B. Y. P. U. put on a program at Mt. Moriah, Calvert, Sunday night. A large crowd was present to hear the interesting pro gram. A number of quartettes and readings were given by different members. Miss Rosa McLean is president of the local B. Y. P. U. and Vasco Manlev group leader; Miss Eugenia Nelson quiz leader. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY IN MEETING The Woman's Missionary society of Zion Baptist church, met at the home of Mrs. G. C. McClure Mon day, with seven members present. Subject for the afternoon study ' was Missions. Three readings on the j topic were given by Mrs. J. F. Cor bin, Mrs. G. C. McClure and Miss Leiinie Manley. The Standard of Excellence was explained and what the requirements are to reach this standard in the mission work. Report of Personal Service and the secretary's report were given, after which Miss Lennie Manley led the closing prayer. Adjournment was made until March 18th. ? JOHN PERRY NELSON | John Perry Nelson, better known as Jack Perry, died Saturday at his home in Rosman, following a linger ing illness caused by a stroke two \". ars ago. Funeral services were held Sunday aftenoon a? Mt. Moriah church, Calvert, conducted by Rev. Wallace Hartsell. Mr. Nelson, who was in his 78th year, was married to Miss Sarah Galloway, and is survived by his wife and 11 children, -as follows: George Nelson, Enoxville, Tenn.: Mrs. Gillespie, Brevard; Whit ana James Nelson, Rosman; Mrs. Jake McCall, St. Petersburg, Ha., Mrs. Carl Boyce and Mrs. Sosie Smith, Pelzer, S. C.; Mrs. Carl Leach and Mrs. Taylor, Greenville, S. C.; Charlie Nelson and Mrs. Will Vane, Greenville S. C. Miss Dana Lanning. who is teach ing at Silversteen school, spent the week-end with Mrs. Joe Galloway. Announcement! To the People of Transylvania County: ; Within the next few days we shall open a first-class Shoe Repair Shop, in the Judson McCrary Building, next door to the Joines Motor company. We have had many years' experi ence in re-building and repairing Shoes, and we shall appreciate it if you will give us a chance to demonstrate our ability. Any business entrusted to our care will be given the very best attention. We believe we can please you. We know that it will be our aim to please every cus tomer. English Brothers SHOE-REBUILDERS Experienced Workmen ? the very latest Machinery BREVARD, N. C. Display of New Spring Goods Our Mr. Plummer and our Mr. Trantham have just returned from Northern Markets and wish to have you visit our store and see the New Shipment of PRINTS RAYON GINGHAMS CURTAIN MATERIALS, etc New Rayon Dresses New EASTER Hats Spring Coats Special $2.25 10 $4.95 $5.95 $5.95 TO $16.95 DON'T FORGET the BARGAIN ANNEX You will find completely re-stocked - Everything for Everybody! At prices that will make you wonder. MEN'S SHOES Spring Dresses $1.00 $2.45 and up Rayon Dresses $2.95 CHILDREN'S SHOES $1.95 and up Coats $5.95 Scout Shoes $1.79 - Plummer's Department Store ERWIN BLDG. BREVARD, N. C. ? u?iiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiirx7iiiiiiiiiiiirzillimilllllllllll[Allinilllfllt