ROSMAN NEWS MRS, JORDAN WHITMIRE, Manager I. IV h- AT-HOME WEEK TOPIC at meeting of teachers A very interesting teachers' meet To;; of the Uosman school was held Tuesday, the subject being on "Live ?t home week." The meeting was held primarily to discuss plans for ihe live at home week program. Each v.rade in school will take pait in this work, and Prof. Bush has arranged to have a radio in the suditorium for the week so that the children and parents of Roeman alight derive full benefit from the tu/iix* program. The i.Vs'iuan community have ex pressed' : reat enjoyment of the two |>!of : v shows given in the school auditorium by Prof. Bush and Mr. Etios. The pictures given have not is yet been pertaining to farming, poultry or any school picture, but have bet n the regular pictures from rh;- utute department of education at Uukiih, purchasing only those with r\> n morals. The reels are old but a.-' ;?> ?!, and the community con siders itself fortunate in having Mr. Kho;; to ,un the machine, as he is an ej.r-ert In this line. One picture, the P. lie News and two comedies have 6c. :i running each night. Later it is 'sopnd to run in connection with ?1l art agricultural picture. WHITMIRE-ORR The .I lowing clipping from a re ?viit edit on of The Asheville Citizen will be of interest to many people in tho community: ir: : ?> informal ceremony marked wit!: '? ..nty and impressiveness Miss Te.i' '..'-vies Whitmire and Mr. Mar Vv'. t Orr were united in mar . ii Thursday afternoon in the Ki> ? IV 'hyterian church here. The Rev. I. - land Edmunds, associate pas f-.r . '!>.?? church, officiated in the ..f a few close friends of the >:Sd ? i1 Tut groom. Tf>e 'oirle was costumed in an en <nu'o: ' ' ehampagne colored sued 4tt trimmed in beaver with all ac ? oii. s to match. Miss Dorothy Willi..., ;?>?. the bride's only attend ant. wore a brown satin made in Piiuci ? mode. Dr. Theodore W. FoLom. etbse friend of both the bride and groom, was best man. Mr. nt:d Mrs. Orr left immediate ' % titer the ceremony by motor for ;> wedding trip and upon their re Hum will make their home at 189 Woodtin street. 'i'si- is the daughter of Mr. ?tiul Mi;. E. .1. Whitmire of Cherry ti< hi. Mi . Whitmire is one of Tran syivaniK county's leading citizens, ?V?i n;.: former county commissioner -in' member of the board of educ?-\ .?To ii vice president of tile iii.Ve silver fox ranch. / '. Whitmire family is one of the fc. kiVnvn iind most influential fam ui: ? ij: (Transylvania county. The "bribes ancestors wore among the I fir,: s, tilers in Western North Cav oJitu 'fiving in the upper French Xi'oni) vatlsy during the pioneer days *? 'North Carolina. Mr. Orr is well known in Ashe rille and Western North Carolina, Saving been connected with the Rucholz Construction company, but who i now engaged in Ihe life in-, stiran'' ? business. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ii'.-. . M . Sam "wen and Ar *h:. McCall of Gloucester, were Ros si,. and Brevard visitors Monday. Miss LSla Mae Collins was a Cre rai-.t v: i ror Saturday. Rii'pfi Alexander of hake Toxaway, spent Saturday night as guest of Harold Moss, Mr. aud Mrs. J. F Oorbin and son, ?'Toh.'i F'a'.ik, left: ! 'rtday for dif ferent p.'tti in F'ori >. where they will spend several da;. . Miss Ola Paxtoii, at: brother. A. II. Pa:-: ton. Jr. were topping in Bryvsrd Friday. Mrs. Lynch Whitmir and baby ieft Monday for East Lai'orte. JJrs. Oscar Galloway >f Glouces ORDERS FOR FINGERLING FISH MUST BE ON STATE FORMS All who want blanks from the tate to fill out and get fish, write to J. S. Hargett, director, Raleigh, N'. C. Those desiring blanks to or ler fish from the national govern ment are asked to write, Department ?f Commerce, Bureau of Fisheries, Washington, D. C. Closed saeson in this county are: Squirrel, Jan. 1st; Buck Deer, Jan. 15; Bear, Jan. IB; Dove, Jan 31; Quail, Turkey, Rabbit, Feb. IB. Trappers season closes Feb. 16. Bounty closes Feb. 16th on crows, lawks, wildcats. A reward will be paid for hunting icenses No. 68299 and 58371, if ielivored to me. E. R .GALLOWAY. Game Warden. MRS. OBIE OWEN Mr.;, obie Owen of Gloucester, ?lied at Patton Memorial hospital, llendersonvillt, Friday, January 31. ^uneral services wer s held at Shoal '"reek the following day. Mrs. Ower. was 16 years of age, .nil the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. :ti'.ey McCall, of Gloucester. She is survived by her husband, mother and father, and a number of brothers and sisters. -?*. wns a guest of her si.-ter. Mrs. Oliver Galloway, Wednesday. Mrs, Freeman Hayes, who has l'?on ill for a number of days, is -'lightly improved. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fisher of .Gloucester, were Rosman and Bre vard vsiitors Saturday. Mrs. Paul Rogers and children are ;penjfcng several days visiting rela tives near Salem, S. C. Rev. jnd Mrs. W. E. Rufty, Rev. Mid Mrs. C. J. Eldridge attended union services at Brevard Methodist i hurch Sunday night. Mrs. Julian Boley and daughter, Judith, spent Saturday as guests of Mrs. Allen Sisk. Fleet Shipman of Brevard, was a business visitor to Rosman Monday. Roy McGaha spent Saturday night as guest Pi Frank Boley. Fr?^',Kilpatriok, Gene Moore, Car 'ie McCali, ' ,. Overton Kitchen of Gloucester,' were Rosman visitors on Monday.- ... Miss Louise McCall of Lake Toxa \Vay, spent Monday night as guest ?f Miss Mildred Watkins. Mrs. Do vie Whitmire returned to >er home tie-ar Quebec Sunday after laving speht the past three weeks visiting her. son, Elsker Whitmire, in GreeUYille,'-/ Mr. :and Mrs. Jack Fisher and baby and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher visited John Austin and Jim Fisher at Lake Toxaway Sunday. Mr. ftrd Mrs. Obie Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Moore and Ne'is Moore visited Sylvannus McCall, who is very ill at Brevard hospital, Sunday. Mr. ana Mrs. Carlie Moore, and children, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Moore '"ee Sunday guests of M. and Mrs. M. N. Moore. Misses Rosa McLean and Pauline Leathers, students of Weaver Col i -ge," spent tjje week- end as guests of 'heir respective parents. Elvin Edney was ar. Enka visitor . .Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin McCall of Gloucester, were guests of the lat- , ar's sister, Mrs. Oliver Galloway, : Monday. ? :Dbyle Mason of Gloucester, sp.-nt Friday as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ol iver. Galloway. Miss Bessie Owen spent the week- : end as guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. j Stonhel. B. C. Grogan and wife and Mis s ' Hanks of Brevard, were dinner . guests of Rev. G. E. Kellar and mother, Mrs. M. Kellar. Rev. J. L. Bragg was a business visitor to Brevard Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lewis and daughter Ruth, attended the singing i;t Froach Broad church near Hen dersonville, Sunday. Garf Willaimon and Mickler Luak were visitors to Six Mile, S. C., Sun- 1 ?lay. Mayor T .W. Whitmire of Bre- 1 vt?i'd, was a business visitor to Ros nan Monday. Mr .and Mrs. W. R. Lewis were Urovard visitors Tuesday night visit- ! ingr Arvel Simpson. C. E. Leathers and Bert McLean were visitors to Weaverviile Friday. Lewis McGaha left Wednesday for Blue Ridge, Ga? having spent a few lays as guest of his mother, Mrs. Harve McGaha. T. V. Smith, who has been ill for i number of months, is much im iroved. Mrs. Wilburn Galloway of Cal vert, was a Sunday guest of Mrs. I Jernice Owe* and Mrs. J. A. O'Shields. Rev. A. J. Manley, who is teaching at Shoal Creek, spent the week-end with his family here. I Mrs. Claud Kilby of Reidsville, is pending several days as guest of ?cr parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. ! Watkins. '? Mrs. M. C. Sumerel is substituting : t Quebec school this week in the .^Wiice of Mrs. Williamon. B. Whitmire of Greenville, was a unday guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Mitchell. and Mrs. Johnnie McCall and Col< man McCall of South Carolina, vt-re called to Selica last week account of the serious illness of he former's son, Sylvannus McCall. Floyd Callahan of Seneca, was a ^jnday guest of his aunt, Mr3. C. E. Leathers. Mrs. Robert Zachary of Asheville, p.Mit F-iday night as guest of her ?outs, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Watkins Eli.iah Owen of Gloucester, was business visitor to Rosman Mon tay. ' :(! " . '.I. C. McClurc was iii Brevard j Triday on business. 'I' i Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gaff Wil Pamon Saturday, Feb. Feb. 1st, a (laughter. M. N .Moore and W. M. Moore were business visitors to Rosman Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Taft Owen spent the week-end at Cherrvfield as guest of the former's parents* Mr. and Mrs. 'Rufus Owen. Mr. and Mrs, Homer Orr and | children of Davidson River, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Owen at Cherryfield. Prof, and Mrs. G. C. Bush were .dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. J. L Bragg Sunday. i Mr. r.nd Mrs. Jesse Love were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. | Rice. I W . M., Ernest and Cos Pr.xton of Greenville, were business .visitors to Rosman Monday. Er.os McCall, Amos McCall, Geo. Hamilton and Looney McCall of Gloucester, were Rosman visitors Monday. Dr. J. A. Cannon of Pickens, was a business visitor to Rosniar; the first of the week. Miss Franks; Kdens had the mis fortune to fail Saturday breaking her eolUr bone. i'uth, the small daughter of ??Ir. and Mrs. Richard Rico, who his been very ill, is improving. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Welch Galloway are ; pending several days in Brevard, the former having accepted a posi tion at "The Canteen." I Addition Brunor, of Lake Toxaway ?i>. nt Tuesday night as guest of Grndv Galloway. Miss Lena Love spent Sunday night as guest of Miss Lear Whit-' mire. Miss Dorer.e iA-e of Lake Toxa- ? way, spent Monday night as guest of Miss Elsie White. Mrs. D. A. Gillosoie of East Fork, went to Asheville Saturday for a week's vi-it to her daughter, Mrs. 'Soyci MeGuire. ?'?'ill Gravely of East Fork, has !? tliasetl a new truck. Rrv. C. J. Eldridgc preached at Mt. Moriah Baptist church Sunday | morninp;. and was a dinner jruest of j Mr. and Mi's. T. P. Galolway. Jr. j Miss Mae Duncan and Earl Dun can were Brevard visitors Saturday. ! Misses Betty Nelson and Rut.ii , Jordan were Sunday guests of Miss Fiance? Morgan at Cherryfield. Mr and Mrs. Jesse A. Galloway >il ?, ... . ? i i. .1 ?? i* T | QUEBEC NEWS ITEMS J, K. Henderson and Broadus | Henderson were Sunday visitors of I Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Henderson. Paul Fisher was a Sunday visitor of James Henderson. Mrs. R. Fisher and Children, Mit ty, Mead and R. T. were guests of Mrs. Gideon Miller. Mrs. Sallie Reid visited her ristei, who is very ill at her home at Lake' ToxawJ.y. Miss Gladys Whitmire was the guest of Mrs. R. T. Fisher Monday. [ Miss Majorie Henders>n, who is employed at Enka, was home for the week-end. Mrs. Z. Z. Miller was a Lake Tox-j away visitor of her mother, who )S| very ill. Otto Jones spent the night with James Henderson Monday night. Clyde Jones of Quebec, visited his wandfather Sunday, the latter being! very ill. 1 Lewis Thomas visited her father, Mansel Thomas, who is quite ill. Gideon Miller was at Lake Toxa way last Friday, being called on ac count of the death of his father, Mr. Henry Miller. Mrs. Pearl Summerel is teaching this week in the place of Mrs. Ima AYilliams. of Brevard, were Sunday guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Sarah Galloway. Car Owen of Cherryfield, was a guest of Mr. ynd Mrs. D. Paxton on Sunday. Rev. Roland Robinson of Tryon, was a dinner guest of Mrs. Sill Meece and family at Old Toxaway Saturday. Mrs. Ellis Galloway and son, Ojcil, .accompanied another son, Wel do:i. t?i Hendersonville Sunday, the latter en route to Ashoviile where Iv ha:- accepted a position. Mrs. A. J. Manley was a Sunday uu-'st of Mrs. Jalie Jarvett. .Mi.-:. Hubert Barrett was a kuu.-J of Mrs. Bob Glazener Monday, the ihtter being ill. .Thomas Jordan was a Sunday guest of Ralph Paxton. Miss Frances Galloway spent Mon day night as guest of Miss Emma Jane McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Edney and Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Chapman and son Ralph, were Hendersonville vis itors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill MeJunkins and Mr. and Mrs. Crittent Galloway were business visitors to Brevard Monday night. I Rev. 0. W. Johnson and children of Greensboro, spent several days las', week as guests of Mrs. John son's sister, Mrs. J. W. Glazener. Mr.-:. Julian (/Tazener was colled to Raleigh lust week on r.ccount of the illness of her mother. Mr. Glazener and son Edward, are spending sev eral days with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glftsipner. Mr-. Ellis Masters. Mrs. Jess Gal loway end Mrs. Lesco Callowey were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mi .* Robert Holden. FOR SHERIFF At the urgent request of many of my friends, I hereby announce my candidacy for Sheriff of Transylva nia county, subject to tin. will of the people as expressed in the Democrat ic Primary. I am in to fight for my party an i my election and promise if e!oct"d to serve the byst interests of all the people. ECK L. SIMS NOTICE North Carolina, Transylvania County. The undersigned, having been ap pointed and duly qualified as admin istratrix of the estate of Erwin W. Rlytho deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are noti fied to exhibit the same before the undersigned on or before Jan. 9th 1931 or this notice will be plead in bar rf their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please ?i.nlcc- immediate payment. This 9th dav of Jan. 1930. ALLIE BELI. BLYTHE, Administratix of Erwin W. Blythe, deceased. Jan 8|6tsvveb BLANTYRE BREEZES I '3 i J Mrs. D. S. Morgan has been ill. Ralph Reed, of Asheville Farm School, spent the week-end at his home here. ^ Mrs. Susie Hollingsworth is ill at ( present. |] Mrs. James Sittcn, of Etowah, vis- , ited Mrs. Jolm Reed one day last , week. i Miia Maltha Matfwolty who has 1 been spending sometime at Hender- i sonville, has returned to her home 1 near here. i Mi*, and Mrs. Harvey English, of ] Boylston Waited Mrs. English's par- i erts, Mr. and Mrs. James Maxwell, . of Blantyre. William Frady, who is atending ; the Asheville Farm School, spent the week-end with his parents hei-e. Littl Clyde Davis has been ill for some time with flu. Claude Davis is on the sick list. Boylston have you been snowed under, or stuck in the mud? we are neighbr,/ , you know, and we would like to hear from you. NOTICE of Foreclosure Sale Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certa'n deed in trust from B. J. Sitton ami wife Bettie Sitton to D. L. English, | trustee for Mary S. Orr, Guardian, ' hearing date of February 13th. |1923, and registered in book 15 at jpape 189 et. seq. of the records of [deeds in Trust for Transylvania County. N. C., securing certain in- , debteancBs therein named, and de- 1 j fault having been made in the pay-. ? ment of said indebtedness whereby , the power of sale contained in said deed in Trust has become operative, t ? and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness has requested the undersigned to foreclose said deed in trust, and all notice required hav ing been given and said default has| not been made good; Now, therefore the undersigned trustee, will, on Saturday, the 15th : day of February, 1930, at 12 o'clock' . M. at the Court House door in the ? town of Brevard, N. C., offer for, sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described ? real property to wit: That nouse and lot described in (said deed in trust aforesaid, refer-! ence being hereby made to said deed ' in trust and the record thereof for! a description of said lands by metes i and bounds. I Said sale or the proceeds thereof to be applied upon said indebted ness, commissions, costs of sale, etc. | This the 16tb dav of Jan. 1950. i D. I.. ENGLISH, Trustee. DLE. Jan 23 [36 Feb6| 13 i NOTICE of Land Sale by Trustee By virtue of tfte power given in a certain Deed of Trust executed by Mrs. Flora Hart to the undersigned trustee to secure certain indebtedness mentioned therein, which deed of! trust is dated the 12th day of June; 1926 and registered in book 20 at' page 199 of the deed in trust record : jof Transylvania county, N. C. and 1 | said indebtedness mentioned having | (become due and default, having been' jmade in the payment and the noitcc, 'as required in said deed of .having been given to the makers of' I said notes and deed of trust to make | good the payment and default not I having been made good, and the holder of said notes having de- ' manded that the lands described in said deed of trust be sold to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the town of Brevard, N .C., o nSati'rday, Feb. P.; T.930, at 12 o'clock M. all the following de scribed land. BEING all of Lots Nos. S and 10 of Section A. of the Jordan Terrace as mapped and surveyed by J. J. i Miller, C E? April 2(5, .1926 for the Geo. M. Burns Land Auction Co. of Asheville, N. C., and which iftap is recorded in Book 1 at page 15 of the deed records in and for Transyl vania county, N. C., to which record reference is hereby made for a full and complete description. This the 15 dav of Jan. 1930. .1. H. TINS LEY, Trustee. pdJ15l22l29 F5 I Even a littie man can carry a big opinion of himself. HENRY W. MILLER CALLED IN DEATH Throughout the entire community there was sorrow when it yas kno*a that Urtcle Henry Miller was dead. He was called to his last reward on January 28. He was stricken with tk severe cold and died after a few days' illness. He has been in feeble bsalth for more thajii a year and the end was not unexpected by those who knew him. Funeral wrvicea were conducted at the the Miller cemetery near the old Miller homestead, on Horse Pasture river, by Rev S. B. McCall. The large number of rela tives and friends present bore testi mony to the respect and affect.on of the departed one. The decesaed was born in Maco;> county, July 4, 1835. He was therefore, 95 years 6 months and 24 days old, being the oldest citizen in this county according to the best m formation that I have. He was mar ried twice, tost to Msts .>a:- ? Lowe (decesaed). To them we born 17 children, 11 boys and six girls: Susan, of Sapphire; Gideon, of Lake Toxa way; Joe (deceased); Alfred, of Sapphire; Mr*. I. tt Watson . (deceased) ; J?s* Laura Rogers,- of Penrose; Arthur, of - ?? phive; Thomas (deceased) ; David, of Sapphire; BUlje (deceased); Jac ob, (deceased); Thadeus, of Seneca. S. C.; Emory, of Brevard ; Irene, (deceased) ; JCimsey, of Lake Toxa way; George, of Sapphire; Emahssa (died iri infancy). The second mar riage whs to Miss Jane Reid and to them were born 5 child-en., thre boys and two girls: Hattie, rtuodfin. Tim, and EtTie, all of Sapphire; Charles, deceased. Of the 22 chi - dren all lived to be grown except three. The oldest living is 73 and the youngest 22. There are 68 grandchildren, a large number of great-grandchildren, ar.d 12 great-great-grandchildren. Many of the descendants of Mr. Miller are prominent citiiens here, as well a3 in sections remote. Uncle Henry first established his home in Macon county, but moved here in 1855, this being then Jackson coun ty He moved his wife and children back to Macon at the beginning of the Civil War, Then after the war he came back to this section. Prob ably hi3 marrying here had some thing to do with his settling in this section. At the beginning of vhe war h enlisted in Capt. Siler's company of cavalry and served for the duration of the w at with distinction to him self nml his country. He was a good friend of General W*de Hampton and visited bim tit his summer home at Cashiers. ' w? Uncle Henry had an unusual. y good memory <i.nd could describe the smallest detail incidents of the war. It was interesting to hear him toll of his experiences in the wai and of olden times. Since so much history has been made during hi" lifetime. He united with the Bap tist church more than sixty years ago., and he has been an active mem ber and diacon of the church most of the time since. Mr. Miller was a man whose word was considered as good as h:? bond. Hi* lived dose to his home and hi* Bible. By renson of strength his life has exceeded man!? alfpted time of three score and ten. The fact that he lived to be nearly a centur ian would show that he lived clean life in accord with N'aiure's laws. Yes, Uncle Henry is gone but like the patriarch of oid, full of years and service, he fought the good fight, he kept the faith, and we who knew him well feel that he is re ceiving the portion reserved for th> blessed on the other aide. "He loaves behind him freed from griefs and years, far worthier things than tears, the love of friends without a foe. unequaled lot below.' ?OTTO ALEXANDER. Subscribe for The News - ?2.00 par year. FINAL WEEK OF CLEARANCE SALE LADIES DRESSES AND COATS PRICE MENS SUITS $ 1 0.DO-S 1 5.0M20.00 Pusheffs Dept Store

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