LEE-JACKSON DAY OBSERVtu BY THE BREVARDJUGH SCHOOL L?e-Jackson Day was fittingly ob served in the Brevard High school Mohday morning, a most/ enjoyable program being rendered by the school, with members of the U. D. C. as honor guests. Glen Miller read a paper on Robert fi. Lee, and Paul Black read the paper on Jackson. These were the features of the pro gram. Appropriate music added to the occasion, Miss Call leading the singing, while Alvin Moore was at the piano. The program was opened with the I s-inging of Dixie, after which Miss Annie Gash made an interesting talk on the meaning of Lee-Jackson Day. She told of the time when, as a lit tle girl, she looked daily upon a group picture in which three men were portrayed. In the center was the picture of General Zebulon Vance, and she loved him because of his Ki-eat services to the state and na lion, and because he wn3 a native North Carolinian. One either side of ^;he picture were the portrait' of rKobert E. Lee and Stonewall Javkson. 1 It was upon these that she looked with reverence. She then told in elo quent manner of the fine work of the two men in behalf of their beloved Southland, and it is to teach each generation to hold in reverence the memory of these great heroes that Lee-Jafl^on Day is observed each year. Miss Sherrill Bromfield presid ed. Papers were then read by Messsr. Miller and Black, both of which are herewith reproduced. I Life of Gen. Robt. E. Lee Born January 19, 1807 in West moreland County, Va. He was the son of "Light Horse Harry Lee" a dashing cavalry leader of the Revolu tion. Lee's family also furnished two signers of the Declaration of Inde pendence. He received his early ed ucation in a private academy at Alex andria. Lee's inherited military in stinct* asserted themselves in his eighteenth year and he secured an appointment to West Point Military Academy. He graduated in 1829, second in a class of 46. Lee served as chief engineer in Washington for some time after his graduation and later took charge of the defences of New York Harbor, tn 1840 Leo entered the Mexican war and was promoted, because ?f his brilliant services, from captain ' colonel. Gen. Winfield Scott predict cd a bright future for ?A. Troiii 1862 to 1855 Lee served as superin tendent of West- Point. During this time he introduced some important changes in the ruling of the school. The year 1859 saw Lee command ing the forces that defeated and cap tured John Brown at Harper's fer ry, In 1801 he became commander of his regiment. At the beginnng of the Civil War Lincoln offered Lee the command of the army of the United States, but Lee answered, "Though opposed to secession and depracated war, 1 can take no part in an invasion of the Southern States." He resigned his commission and cast in his lot with his native state and the South. First as major-general of the Va. troops, then as brigadier-general In the Con federate army, and later as command er-in-chief of all the Southern forces, he thenceforth devoted his splendid abilities throughout the war to the cause he had so conscientiously es poused. During the war Lee checked Mc CUllan's advance towards Richmond, tin 11 with the aid of "Stonewall" Jackson, defeated Pope at Bull's Run. After this he crossed the Potomac in an advance on Washington but was checked. Lee and his men had fought with great skill and bravery causing the North to lose many more men and supplies. The plan of the Union A i-my to advance again upon Rich mond was thwarted by Le?'i defeat of Burniide at Fredericksburg, and of Hooker at ChancellorBvllle. But his subsequent invasion of Pa. failed, and he wa3 forced to retreat to Va. after the battle of Gettysburg. Grant advanced on Richmond in 1SG4 with twice as many men as Lee had against him, and also with much better supplies nnd equipment. For one year of continuous lighting Lee hold the prize from Grant in the face of these tremendous odds. Finally' on April 9, Lee was forced to surrender at Appomattox Court house. Alter the war Lee accepted the presidency of what is now Washing ton and Lee University. He served hue for about five years, but the hardships of war caused his death OH Oct. 12, 1870. Physically, intellectually, and mor ally Lee was a large and symetrical man. He was modest, vigorous, keen and selfpossessed. Pure and upright in character, in manner he was sim ple, dignified and courteous. His rul- j ing characteristic was an inflexible ! devotion to duty as he saw it. Denied the reward of victory for his cause, I he retained the consciousness of hav- I ing done his best, and received the I idolizing affection of his army and the South. "He was a foe without j hate, a friend without treachery, a soldier without cruelty and a victim without murmuring.'1 "Stonewalt" Jachxon Thomas Jonathan Jackson, com monly called Stonewall Jackson, was born at Clarksville, W. Va., Jan. 21, 1824. When he was only three years of ' age he was left a penniless orphun. ' hut he soon showed the stuff he was made of. Hearing of an appointment ! to West Point vacant, he set out for Washington. He arrived tired and dusty with all his possessions in a pair of saddle bags. The congressman from his district admired his pluck so , much that he took him before the | secretary of War. On hearing his story the secretary immediately made . out an appointment. Jackson barely squeezed through the examination. He advanced rap idly however, and when he graduated he was number seventeen in a class nf hrlllinnt men. One of his i'Ihhk matcs said that "Old Jack" would have been at the head of the class il !. i >?" ' hml another year to go After his graduation he served in Mexico where he was shortly made a major. In 1851 he was fleeted professor of natural science and instructor of mil itary tactics in the Virginia Military Institute. He never made a great success of this but it was there that ho began the custom of instructing his servants in Scripture on Sunday afternoons. Out of this custom grew his famous Negro Sunday School to which he contributed even after the war had begun. That the Negroes loved him is shown by the fact that the Negro Baptist church of Lexing ton made the first contribution to his monument. 1 Jackson was a Union man but when he heard that Mr. Lincoln had a call for seventy-five thousand men to fight the South he said, "I have longed to preserve the Union and would sacrifice much to that end. But i now that the North has chosen to j inaugurate war against us, I am in favor of meeting her by drnwing th? sword and throwing away the scab bard." He was given a commission in the Confederate Army and did much to f organize and train an army. It was at the first Battle of Bull Run that he received his new name. General Lee saw his troops standing fast and exclaimed, "there standB Jackson like a stonewall.'' His most famous campaign, known as the Valley Campaign" is still studied by military students in Eu rope. During a flanking movement against Hooker, Jackson went out on a reconnoltering trip and as he re turned, his own men fired on him by mistake. His left arm was ampu tated and he seemed alright for three days, but pneumonia set in and he died at a quarter past three p.m. May H), 1868. General Lee, on hearing that he was wounded, wrote to him: "Could I have dictated events I should have chosen for the good of the country to have been wounded In your stead. SILVER TEA FRIDAY AT M. B. CHURCUa ALL WOMEN INVITED A Silver Tea will be given at the Methodist church Friday afternoon at 3:80 o'clock. All ladies of the church are expected to be present, ami tiie public is invited to attend. TRY OUR WANT ADS. ? NEW YORK'S ? HOMELIKE HOSTELRY THE ? SHERMAN ? SQUARE ? IROADWAY ol 70lh STREET Where You Will Find URGE ROOMS CHARMINGLY FURNISHED AMPLE PARKING SPACE and REST GARAGES Finest Pood at MODERATE PRICES DATEC. SINGLE hmm 12.50 KAICO* DOUIIC tram $4.00 0*org? J. Mayer, Manogar THE BREVARD UNDERTAKING CO. D. F. MOORE and PURDE OSBORNE SOLE OWNERS DAY PHONE, 88 NIGHT PHONE: D. F. Moore, Phone 250 Purde Osborne, Phone 159 AMBULANCE Service At ALL HOURS ? I Lake Toxaway New* | I c i Mrs. Fort' Reid and children of Sapphire, spent last week with Mrs. Reld's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Raines. , Mr. and Mrs. Lune Owen and fam ily of Brevard, moved to the E. D. Owen plact last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Moore and family have moved to the W. J. Owen place. The young people's B. Y. P. U. inet at the home of Mr. and MrB. C. L. Sanders, Tuesday night. | Kev. o. ivI. Uiueiie ot Kosman was a Toxaway visitor Tuesday. I Miss Dorean Lee gave a party pt j the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrr. Hosea Lee, last Thursday night, j Mrs. Fred Hall of Bristol, Tenn., Is I visiting her parents, Mr. and MrF. W. 1 J. Raines. Mrs. Hall has been very : ill, but is improving slowly. | Coming as a surprise to their i many friends, was the marriage of i | Mr. Fred Revis and Miss Rosa Bell j j Lee. They were married last Saturday j nt Pickens, S. C. Mrs. Revis is the I daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Taylo. Lee. Rev. J. M. Green preached at th" i Methodist church last Sunday morn- j inpr and Sunday night. Charlie Watson spent last Satur- j day night with Harrison Hall. Miss Louise Williams, who has been in New York for the last month returned home last Friday. C. R. McNeely and Misses Mab?! i McNcelv nnd Margaret Fullbright o' i Brevard, were in Toxaway last Pri de" W. W. McNeely was an Ashevillr vlulfor 1""f week Mrs. Wesley Reid, who has betn very sick with pneumonia, is improv* tni* Rev. J. M. Green of Rosman, was the dinnei* guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hail last Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Lewis Lyda and family of Porterdale. Ga.. who have been visiting Mrs. Lyda's parents. Mr. and Mrs, Sam Sanders, returned | to their home last week. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Sutton Wilson to Union Trust Company of Mary land & Insured Mortgage Bond Cor poration of North. Carolina, Trustees, dated July 15, 1920, and recorded July 22. 1*1120, in the offic ? of the reg ister of Deeds for rransylvanla county, North Carolina, default hav ing been made in tV M nt ,h!.' indebtedness thereby secured, m demand having been made for sale the undersigned Trustees will sell :it public auction to the highest bidder for cash in front of the Court Hotlf ? in Brevard. North Carolina, at 12:00 o'clock Noon on the 17th day of l1 eb ruary, 1931, the following described property, located in the City of lire vard, North Carolina. BEGINNING at a stake on the j North margin of Main Street at the j southwest corner of McMinn Build- . ing: thence with west wall of said I building north 20 deg. east to alley, thence with N.E. side of said alley 1 north 04 deg. west 21 1-2 feet to n j stake, thence south 20 deg. west 120 feet to a stake on north margin of Main Street; thence with Main St. south 04 deg. east 21 1-2 feet tn building. This the 14th day of Jan. 1931. Union Trust Company of Maryland and Insured Mortgage Bond Cor poratoon of N . C? Trustees. D, C. MacRae, Attorney, High Point, N, C. P22-29-11 o-12 NOTICE State of North Carolina County of Transylvania Having qualified as executrix of the Estate of William Elzie Shipman, deceased, late of Transylvania county, N. C? this is to notify nil persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned executrix or to Ralph Fisher, Attorney at Law, Bre vard, N. C., on or before the 2nd day of January 1932 or this .notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 2nd dav of Jan. 1931. Norma Shipman, Executrix of William Elsie Shipman, Deceased. p J8|15|22!29F5-12 NOTICE State of North Carolina County of Transylvania ; By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed in trust executed by Gus Roman and wite, Soultana Roman, to Ralph Fisher, Trustee, securing a note in the sum of $2180.00, mode payable to Leonard Simpson and wife, Lillian Byrd Simp son, which said deed in trust is re corded ill Book 25, page 87 of the records of deeds in trust for Tran sylvania County, N. C., and default having been made in payment of said note, after same having become due and the holders of said note hav ing called upon the undersigned trus tee to ridvertise and sell the land herein descrbed for the purpose of paving said indebtedness. I will on MONDAY, the 2nd day of February, 1931, at 12 o'clock noon at the court house door In Brevard, N. C., offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash the land described in said deed in truit, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of Alfred Bcd dlngfield and others. Beginning at a stake in the east margin of South Caldwell street, the bame being a cor-, ner of the old F. L. DcVrine prop ertv (flow Beddingfield) and runs with the DeVane or Beddingfield line South 02 1-4 deg. east 105 feet to a stake in the line of the I. F. Shipman property (now J. J. Patton) formerly the Thrash line; thence with the said Shipman. Thrash or Patton line South 27 1-2 deg. west 07 f*. to u stake in the line of lot j'ow beloiiginp to Town of Bre vard, but formerly to Mitchell and i THl PRAY EK COWER THE GREATER YEAR "Thou efuilt nee greater thing* than these." ? St. John 1:50. This shall be greater: those that went before Came bo far short of what they might have been, Too slight the ventures from the clinging shore, Too soon turned back by lack of Faith, I ween. TV* shall be create;'! the forgv,;^ quest So near'y quenched shall flicker into flame; I turn not back until I reach the best, I launch my shaft with no uncertain aim. This shall be greater: life is nearly spent, Like to the weavers shuttle, days and i yiars, Pass on, may I but know what Jesus meant ? That more abundant life, remote from fears. This shall be greater: there arc heightB unsealed, From which The Holy City may be seen, These may be gained where we be fore have failed, And then our eyes behold the Golden Sheen. Lord, grant it niny bo greater; Thou alone Hast power to make it all that it should be. Enlarge my vision, till I see Thine own ? The greater things Thou has in store for me. The coming of a New Year is a time to study the compass and sco whethw we are marching in the right direction. We are journeying through a truckles wilderness which we have never passed through before. God has given us THE HOLY SPIRIT to be our Guide, and Christ Himself said of Him, "Ho shall guide you in to all truth." *We hnve t"n THE HOLY SCRIPTURES which are able to make us wise unto Salvation through Faith which is in Mull; thence north 62 1-2 deg West with the said tov>n, Mull or Mitchell line 169 ft. more or less to the Mull, Mitchcll or Town corner, a stake in the eastern margin of said South Caldwell street ; thence with the east margin of said South Caldwell street j North 25 deg. east 67 feet to the i BEGINNING. bci..? the same lot or parcel of j land that was conveyed to 1,. P. Byrd by C. B. Glazcner under deed dated Sept. 15, 1922, and recorded in Book 44, page 572 of the records in and for Transylvania County, N. 0., conveyed later by said Byrd to On Roman and wife, which reference is hereby made to said deed recorded in Book 62 and at page 311 of the deed records in and for said county and Btate. This sale is to the highest bidder for cash and will be reported to the officc of the Clerk of the Superior Court as is done in sale of land by trustee if there is no raising of tht bid within the time prescribed by law, which will be confirmed by the Clerk of the Superior Court and deed made to said successful bidder. This 6th day of January, 1931. RALPH FISHER, Trustee. P8 -15| 22 29 ? I Christ JesUs. Are not these suffic ient? Why then should we listen to those who would lead us in some oth er direction than that which God has laid down for us, and which He has given to us. The Holy Spirit to lead us in "For as many as are led by THE SPIRIT OF GOD they are the Sons of God. A PRAYER Dear Lord of tho Ages and King of thiR New Year, as I look to Thee, all uu'lgb NEW tuid L*eti illy old and worn and broken life seems transformed, I thank Thee for the New Birth and New Life to which it leads. Grant mr grace to keep my position always even in the midst of pressing evils and temptations. Give me a clearer vision of Thee and of all Thou hast for me to do. Mark my way plainly before me, and let me not be disappointed of my hope. Then knowing myself to be Thine now and Thine forever, I will praise Thee and love Thee here and hereafter. O God, whom days are without be ginning and without end, grant us, we humbly pray Thee, throughout this year, whose beginning we dedi cate to Thee, such prosperity as Thou seest to be good for us, am' make us to abound in such works ar may be pleasing unto Thee. Kencw in ub, we humbly pray Thee the gifts o. Thy Mercy, increase (Kir Faith, strengthen our Hope, and enlarge our Love, and make us ever ready t!1 serve Thee, both in body and soul through Jesus Christ Thy Son, o:ii Lord, Amen. ? C, D. C. Pisgah Forest Newt The weather continues cold, and some of the roads are impassable. Messrs Allen Campfield and Jule Orr have returned to this rection after spending severnl wc-k? in Macon, Ga. Little Virginia Stophcl has on the sick list, also J. W. Grc". Robert Boggs of Gastonia, spent Monday afternoon with his sister, Mrs. W. A. Lyday. Henry, Glover and Arthur Sentell spent Sunday with their father, Rev. John Sentell, on Mt. Underwood. Little Bob T. Gash spent Sunday with Rc-becca Patton. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Parker and chil dren are expected to return to their home in Detroit, Michigan, this week. Mrs. Tom Leverett Sr. is suffering with pneumonia. Mrs. T. E, Patton and daughter s^>ent Saturday afternoon in Ashe W. W. Pruett is on the sick li3t. Miss Minie Galloway spent Satur day night with Miss Annie Leverett Bill Hawley of Gastonia, was a re cent visitor in this section. Mrs. W. C. Cody spent Friday aft ernoon with Mrs. II. Hedrick. LET US DO YOUR JOB PRINTING 6 6 6 LIQUID or TABLETS Cures Colds, Headaches, Fever 66 6 SALVE CURES BABY'S COLD .. RADIATORS REPAIRED, RE-CORED, RE-BUILT Also New Radiators at New Low Prices. We can save you 20' > or better on New Radiators. . Come in and get our prices before you buy. And our Auto Repair Work is of the best, at Prices that will surprise you. JESS A. SMITH N. Caldwell St. Brevard, N. C. Now That The Holidays Are Over We are still offering unusual values in Universal Electrical Appliances. An Electric Percolator is a convenience which once used you will never be without. It is not necessary to fire up your stove in order to make coffee when by plugging in the cord you may have delicious hot coffee in a few minutes. You may boil water for tea also in this percolator. Our Colonial Pattern High Boy seven-cup panelled Percolator, in sparkling nickel finish, at $7.95 less $1 allowance for your old coffee pot, may be purchased for 95c cash and the balance in small monthly payments with your light bills. Bloctric Toasters, Irons, Heating Pads, Waffle Irons, Table Stoves, and Portable Healers offer the same electrical convenience as the percolator, and may be pur chased on the same liberal plan. Or, a combination group of several appliance* may be purchased for only 95c cash and the balance in small monthly payments with your light bills. Give yourself the advantage of electrical servants always ready and willing. Southern Public Utilities Company DAY 'PHONE 11? "Electricity ? The Servant In The Home" No. 3 E. MAIN ST. BREVARD, N. C. NIGHT PHONE l?

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