THE BREVARD NEWS Pubished Every Thursday by 1 THE TRANSYLVANIA t PUBLISHING CO.. Inc. 1 , I Entered at the Postoffice in Brevard, i N. C., as lie cond Class Matter < ? i James P. Barrett Edkor SUBSCRIPTION BATES (Payable In Advance) One Year $2.00 Six Muntha LOO Three Months 60 Thursday, January 22, 1931 SIC EM, CRAIG , YOU'RE IS THE GAME TO STAY. Brother John B. Craigmiles, editor of The Mitchell County Banner, is ad vising his people to keep cool about the proportion of consolidating some of the Smaller counties. This ques tion lias been going the rounds for sonic time, and was given prestige when Governor Gardner recommend ed it in his message to the legislature. "You can no to bed for the next 25 years," Editor Craigmiles says in wt.ting about consolidation, "and get up next morning with the knowledge th... Mitchell county is still Mitchell county." . . iitor Craigmiles says further that tho citizens of his county would vote nine to one against any consolidation of his county with that of any other. Wc are open minded on the ques tion. Frankly, we do not see any ben efit t< .! derived from such consolida tion. True it is that the number of court houses, jails, poor houses, and sichlike, would be reduced. There is argument in its favor. But what about the larger opportunities for mismanagement and graft? Look at Buncombe, our biggest county, If that county had been any bigger, there would not have been any money left in the United States by now. We prefer to remain as we are un til assured that a change will be ben eficial to the citizens. TEAR GAS BOMBS GREET MARCHERS IN HUNGRY LINE. St. Louis, Missouri, was the sc?ne last Friday o f an act that may hav? a flareback of considerable propor tions. An army of jobless men and women, without food and without means of obtaining food, marched to the City Hall in demonstration against existing conditions, bearing ? p.'titio/i for creation of a fund for re lief of i'ne poor by deducting all pay of city oificials who are drawing more than $2000 a year. City oificials bungled the matter by ordering the police to disperse the crowd. Tear gas bombs were thrown into the crowd, the members of which made haste to reach the big outdoors. Throwing of tear gas bombs by of ficers of the law into a crowd of hungry, desperate people usually sug gests the throwing of other kinds of bombs, and it need not surprise you to read one of these days about the destruction of the mayor's home with bombs more powerful than tear gas bombs. We're coming to a pretty pass in America when hungry citizens make effort to reach the governing bodies, and are met with bombj. Revolution is not far away, when .his point is reached. America; hei states and municipalities would do well to re number that hungry men do not have much patience. Kin^uoms have crumbled, empires have vanished and republics have lallen, when hunger staiks the land. Better be careful about that tear gas bomb business. CHAIN GANG SENTENCE FOR ABSENTEE BALLOT FRAUDS. Down at iligh Point, this state, a man by the name of Uates is given sentence of four months on the cliain gang, and a woman by the name of iMuse gets off with a tine, account of swearing that she was forced to per form her part of forgery. It appears that Oates and Mrs. Muse forged the name of Miss Anne Belle Perrell to an absentee ballot, and were indicted for tne offense and given trial in Su perior court, Judge lioyle Sink, of Lexington, presiding. The Muse woman claims she signed the ballot and affidavit "under dur- ] ess," was given a fine of $60 and half ? the costs. Oates was given time on 1 the chain gang. . j This information will be welcome < news to some people in Transylvania i county who had been led to believe ^ that it is of no use to prosecute peo ple for election frauds, on the grounds i that nothing ever comes of these at- e tempts. Here is one judge in North t Carolina v.iK/st work on the bench t give's evidence that punishment can l be meted out to such violators of the s law. t Perhaps this High Point case will Eisist some people in Transylvania v unty to reach conclusion, after t any wi'"ks of inactivity o-.o he uncertainty of probable success in C heir efforts. People who violate the 1 ilectior. laws ought to be prosecuted ind punished. Judge Sink's court is p o be commended for its ready diapos- t tl of the cases before him. A few a Irst class chain gang ssntences will f (top much of the high-handed tblev- ? jry about the primaries and general b iltctions. t VO TELEPHONE SERVICE W NEWS OFFICE MOW. We muBt ask the co-operation of t >ur readers in handir.g item: into the t Oifice that they desire published, as , our telephone service has been dis- < continued. Some inconvenience will j result, of course, yet we can get much E better information from people in j person than can be obtained over the telephone. j Most of you have had your tele- ] phones temporarily discontinued, at ] one time or another, owing to the i ironclad rules observed by Mr. Jim < Bromfield in the operation of his bu8- I iness. In ordinary times Mr. Jim < Wromfield's rules are o. k., but these are not ordinary times. The business men and professional men of Brevard ; owe The Brevard News several hun- i dreds of dollars, while the people of the town and county owe subscrip- i tions amounting to several hundreds of dollars more. We are not pushing i any of these people for what they owe the paper, because people cannot, un der the present circumstances, pay their accounts as they could in the past. We know that they will pay when they can, yet this condition makes it impossible for us to pay ev erything that we owe. Seeing this condition, and not wish ing to provoke those who owe us with constant dingdonging for their ac counts, we went out of town and made arrangements to secure money with which to operate our business for a while, carrying us over until this cloud passes. This money was coming to us just as quickly as it was possible to close the deal. We ex plained this to the telephone com pany on Monday of last week. On ' Thursday morning our phone, along with several others in the town, was cut off by the company. We then had the phone taken completely out of the office, hence our telephonelesa condi tion today. And while we are on this subject of telephones, isn't it about time that some reduction was being made in telephone rent? Everything else is down in price. Clothing, dry goods, groceries, meats, farm produce, labor, and everything show marked reduction in price. Why not the same reduction in telephone rent? The present rates are tolerably high, and goodness knows the Bervice is nothing to. brag about, or to bring a premium. We are confident that the patrons of the telephone company would appre ciate a reduction in price, especially in view of the ironclad rules of the company which prevents it from en tering into any community movement of leniency during periods like the people at this time are having to live under. Our only regret in the matter is that some of our friends and support ers may be inconvenienced in not be ing able to call The News office. As for ourselves, we shall manage to plod along very well without the in strument. The telephone is a con venience, but not a necessity, you know. Most of us fellows were grown, married, and had children coming up to a pretty good size be ii>re we ever saw one of the pesky things, anyhow. Some mighty good people hero have told us that ice used to sell for one dollar a hundred in Brevard, until the Purity Products company started making ice. Then it went down, away down. There's lots to think about when one gets started to thinking. I'ROF. JONES PROUD OF .1 RECORD OF THE BOYS. Prof. Jones, head of the schools in Brevard, speaks with great pride when telling about the number of boys in the High School. It- is rather r unusual, the school man says, when s there are as many boys in High 0 School as there are girls. In the Brevard High there arc 170 boys and 184 girls. Prof. Jones, 1 while always appreciating the good c ivork dons in -the schools by the girls, v is especially jn'oad of the large group v )f boys and young nv.n, and the fine nterest they are taking in school vork and school activities. In all of the Brevard schools there ire 410 boys and 412 girls ? almost fi iqual number. It means something o a community where there are 400 q ioys in school, 170 of whom are in j; he High .School, and Prof. Jones has ? efficient cause for being proud of/ hese fellows. ! g The community shares this pride rith Prof. Jones. While we are on aj he subject, th<- c?v-?T?,nnit.v is proud . r Prof, joh'.j, too. j) <NLY A REFLECTION OF OUH OWN COMMUNITY. One of our "good friends" who g rides himself on his superior men ality and boundless wisdom has made E evere criticism of The Brevard w JewB, because, he says this paper ? hould not "agitate the community" 8j y telling of the quarrels between a he leaders over matters of public af- * ?i?. S Let us suggest u> that good man g his simple act: Stand before your e nirror, and look at the reflection f herein. Make an ugly face, and you j. vill see an ugly face in the mirror, t Smile, and you will see a smiling face n the mirror. Look vigorous, and a ? limilar look will be seen on the face ? ?eflected in the glass. Get the community to working to- j {ether, and these good works Will be j reflected in your newspaper. Creates , lappy, kind, considerate feeling of I friendship and comradeship in this t community, and its every feature >vill J t>e reflected in your newspaper. Fight j jne another, and these fights must be ; reflected in your newspaper. Just as the man looking into the mirror sees his own face reflected therein, so does the newspaper reflect the picture, or image, of the com- ? munity. I It is, therefore, necessary to have \ some semblance of community har- 1 mony and helpfulness, if such spirit is ; to be reflected in the press. If you , fight, all the newspaper can do is to ' tell about the fight. If you work to gether, then the newspaper can tell in glowing terms of this fine spirit. Common sense suggests harmony in this community. ; Common interests suggest harmony in this community. But there is no sense in calling black white. There is no reason for a doctor to call a cancer some kind' of a pet dimple on the cheek of the victim, and try to make him think it is a thing of beauty, when, in fact, it is a thing of horror. There is no sense in a newspaper telling that men are in loving mood, with their arms around one another's necks, when, in fact, each fellow has a dagger stuck to the hilt in his neighbor's side. Let's stop fighting, and then there'll be no fighting to write about. Lw? be real neighbors and real citizens, Wid then we shall draw upon our reserve of descriptive adjectives in telling of the wondrous beauty of it all. JUNK THE ABSENTEE VOTERS LAW, SAYS THE OBSERVER. Practically ail charges and talk of serious irregularities in the priviaries and election in North Carolina last year have revolved around the operation of the ab sentee voters' law. The yore spot should be cut out by repeal of the law. It was enacted to pro vide a means for the soldiers in the World War to vote. It has served its day and should be junked. And The Charlotte Observer is THE outstanding democratic news paper of North Carolina, at that. Yet it says the hateful Absentee Voters law should be repealed. Representative Howell, democratic ? legislative member from Buncombe county, has introduced a bill in the legislature to repeal this obnoxious, thieving law, in Buncombe county, : and is supported in hi? action by hundreds of the best democrats of 1 Buncombe county. j , Women's organizations in the state 1 have nsked and insisted that the Ab- t ' sontee Voters law be repealed. ] Who wants it kept on the statute 1 books? And why? And for what pur- ' p03e is it used? ] We wonder if Representative W. 1 \1. Henry would introduce a bill to j ?ppeal the law as to Transylvania t :ounty. He is a good man, a pillar in j he church, yet he must know some- t ;hing of the operaticn of the Ab- j icntee Voters law in this county. ? We believe that Mr. Henry, if left 8 :o heed the dictates of his own con- J icience, would gladly do all that he ould to remove from the statute t looks this law which is bringing so u nuch shame and disgrace upon the 8 tate through its misuse in the hands f crooked and conscienceless ward iceler politicians. T It wouldn't do any harm to | lenry to repeal the law for this $ ounty. If he can exercise his own s< rill in the matter, we believe that he " .'ill do it li tl 84 ? WAY OUT WEST Iditor The Brevard Newst Please send me The Brevard New3 ?r one year. Enclosed find $2.00. S Yours truly, WELCH REID. latskanie, Ore., Box 269. an. 18, FROM FLORIDA ditor The Brevard News: Enclosed please find one dollar to pply on my subscription. Yours truly, H. C. HATTOR. unnedin, Fla., Jan. 18. E JUDGE ENGLISH SAYS ACT E IS UNCOSTirUTIONAL i ditor Brevard News, I had hoped that by now that our epresentative Mr. Wm. < Henry, ti ould have furnished the Clerk or j, tyaelf with a copy of the bill passed . y the General Assembly, at hit! in- z< tance, wherein the County Court is ttempted to be abolished, but for me reason unknown to me, he has > tiled to furnish either the Clerk or , lyself with any information in re ard to his Acts in the matter, how- j ver, 1 procured an unofficial copy rom Mr. Breese and herein enclose C copy of the same that you are at Iberty to publish for the benefit of | he public, if you so desire. ' I find tno Act to be purely Local I >nd apparently in direct conflict with ertain provisions of our State Con- s titution. I have not made up my mind as to ust what course I will pursue in re- ? rard to the County Court and Mr. Jenry's Act, but you may say to rour readers that for the present I >ave resumed the general practice ind am in position to attend to any natters either Civil or Criminal that j nay be given me in charge, until fur ;her notice. D. L. ENGLISH SHOULD MARRIED WOMEN BE RETAINED AS PUBLIC I1 SCHOOL TEACHERS ? I" Editor Brevard News: . ' There appears to be a tendency in jur county and throughout the c?un Z to bar married women from teaching in our public ??hooK The resolution ai generally adopted pro rides that the marriage of a woman teacher shall automatically terminate ^ her contract While various reason have been urged for barring matrons from tne ?choolroom, it is difficult to And any justification for this drastic ? prohibi tion. A follow-up of any given will usually lead back to the practical and political reason that with a wage-earning husband of her own. she is keeping some single girl out of a position. On the face of it, it is rather ha . to understand why the , ot^ qualified young woman who pecomes the wife of a young business or pro tatarf man, Sr . ic whose habits and standing in the community are creditable, should be the highest terms by author, artist, Ef&t CirimS > h?.Pr. able in all." Yet in certain cities. ?""who* ?ruffes 0<automa^c?Hy f?es .ae loss of her position. i? the married teacher less fit to Skill, her interest in the wrk of lesser 5W?jrlsx^rsr ^r. Wause of her devotion to tne ml , men? of the married teach^rthathas ? semblance of plausibility u i tne ex pressed fear that her interest will be divided between her home and her classroom. To a certam extent, of BASSitSSft and her school work. Yet careful ob servation has proved it tobe evident that it is not always the marnea teacher who puts on her hat ?>d coat IfciSC S. ??- ??k ? without thought of her clantoom till the next morning. ff. ? Marriage usually acts as an "! ent sieve to winnow out tbose whQ really have a taste and an aptitude for the profession of teaching those whose incentive for teaching ; was mainly centered arouiul the pay-check Usually it is the efficient teacher who , desires to continue teaching after she changes the prefix on her visiting , 'ard from Miss to Mrs. , ' After all, our schools are, ?r shou^ j >c, conducted primarily for the ? :ereat of the children whom the state and community are educating, no | provide positions and salaries fo jounc women, married or single. Any Viewpoint which seriously considers inv other reason than securing the I iest teachers available, must inevit S result in a lowering of standard ind decreased efficiency. _ The best eacher, from the standpoint of char E training, experience and cf 'iciencv. is the kind of teachei that , hould be considered for every PU^'J . cnool position whether she be old or ?nunc sinKle or married. B> their 3 ye shall know them." By their york and the significant result* hat work teachers may be known, :,d by those qualities they should be , .ppreciated j FROM SOUTH CAROLINA 'ditor The Brevard News: Inclosed you will find my check for 2.00 for which please renew my sub cription for another year. Am very uich interested in the outcome of lie bank situation, so give us some lore along this line. I think the po tical situation up there is ruining iie town for keeps. As Amos would jy "The town is in a mess." Very truly yours, SAM'L B. KING, ummerville, S. C., Jan 17. FROM AN OLD FRIEND ditor The Brevard News: Please find enclosed money order >r $2.00 for renewal of paper for fiot her year. My subscription ex ires in February. Seems as if I can't i without my home town paper. Wishing The News much success, Renpectfully, yz." J. F. M ' - tiaiXtfl'SdlCfflj li. C., v'dll. 1 *. EXPRESSING THANKS TO HE FOLLOWING FRIENDS. During the past week the following riends have sent in their aubacrip- r ions and renewal* to The Brevard Tews, for which we sre deeply grate ol: . E. H. J ones, Brevard, R-2. A, C. Norton. 19 E. Main street, few London, Onio. W. P. Allison. Brevard. J. A. Mull, Brevard, R-8. Spurgeon Owen, Toxaway, R-l. Welch Reid, Box 259, Clatakanie, )regon. Sam Barnett, Brevard. H. C. Hanor, Ounnedin, Fla. Mrs, J . P. juatuey, Winston-Salem, t-8. Mri. J. L. Aiken, 316 N. Pond treet, Ocala, Fla. Sam'l B. King, Summerfield, 8. C. Miss Alize Wall, Box 209, Eliza *th City. N. a B. F. Bcasley, Brevard. Geo. Wilton, Brevard, R-8. PRAISES NEW FAMILY IN COUNTY Editor The Brevard News: Transylvania county has recently had an additon that is to mean much to the future of this section. I am telling now about the coming of the I. Wade Dickson family, from Oconee county, South Carolina, to the Mar tin farm, at Selica. I had heard of their removal to our county, and knowing them years ago I took the first opportunity to visit them. Last Saturday I went to the Martin farm, new home of the Dcksons, and I went unannounced, reachng the place about noon time. In the family are Mr. Dickson, sev en sons and one daughter, the wife having died about a year ago. While the daughter is only 14 years of age, she is a splendid housekeeper, and excellent cook, and a reaj hostess. She is assisted in the house work by a brother who is an adept in such work. The house is as clean as a new pin, and the dinner set by the young lady would be tempting to kings and em perors. Mr. Dickson and several of the boys were in the field, at work. He is a business man as well as a farm er, having long been engaged in the hardware and farm implement mer cantile line at Westminster, S. C., but gave up his business eight years ago to devote his entire time to farming. Learning about the fine 300-acre farm belonging to Mr. Martin, he made in vestigation, readily saw the possibil ities here, and leased the farm for on indefinite period, which means so long as he Bhould want to retain 'he \ leaae. Mr. Dickson believes in diversified farming, in the intensive manner. He is emphatic in his assertions that he will not only make a good living on this fine farm, but wifl make big dividends. His boys are as deeply interested in farm work as he is, and it is with their assistance that he ex pects to make a big "go" of it here. Their products are sold under their own label, hence they are careful to put nothing but the very best of ev erything on the maiket, for his repu tation is at stake when his products go oat Being a "book" farmer as well as the practical kind, Mr .Dickson avails himself of the opportunity of learn ing about farming and farm meth ods from many periodicals and books. He plans high yields at low produc tion costs, by using farm machinery, good seed and plenty of fertilizer. On the Martin farm he is going in for sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, corn, canft. celery, strawberries and rasp berries, oats, wheat, barley, and other crops. Crop rotation, with legumes, will keep the soil in its highest state of production. Mr. Dickson would be interested in establishment of a canning factory at Selica, with a curing house for potatoes, and this could be accom plished most easily by a little com munity spirit, and Mr. Dickson is es pecially anxious to work with his neighbors to the benefit of all con cerned. , The young men in the family are intensely interested in club work, and will affiliate with the boys' work here. The father is a great believer in the work of county farm agents, and was in constant touch with the agent in Oconee county, who is a per sonal friend of mine. I bespeak for Mr. Dickson and his interesting family a great future here, and, knowing the good people of Transylvania county as I do, I can AS IS DONE IN FLORIDA Editor Brevard News: i Hare ii excerpt from a letter juit eceived from a fine man in Florida egarding our bank situation which I eel la worth handing on. "If they pay depositors at all It's a Dng-drawn-out affair. Our closed ianki have been strong on collections mt to date little or no payments to lepositora. Two years in one cue, md over a year in the other. It is riminal the way the Florida closed tanks are handled. The depositors lave not a ghost of a show for their noney, I know of some cases where he receiver allowed a depositor to tell certificates of deposit for fifty lents on the dollar, and the buy?r ised the certificates In paying off nil iotej held b7 the bank. . . , . "I hope you wont be the dummies tit were. Organize a depositors' com mittee with official power to investi gate all affairs of the receiver as to Elections and outlays The idea jf vengeance is a poor way to help the people who have money at utake. . . . Your town people have my sincere lympathy, for I can realize the ser ious inconvenience of carrying on business without a bank." Extracts from the private letter of a man who spends hix summers in ;V Brevard. Yours very truly, EUGENE R. PENDLETON. Brevard, Jan. 16. assure Mr. Dickson and hi? children that they shall be made to know that there is genuine welcome here for them. ?J. F. COEBIN. REPORT OF THE CONDITION of THE PISGAH INDUSTRIAL BANK ,4t Brevard, North Carolina, to The Corporation Commission At the Close of Business on the 31 day of December, 1930. Ruources Amount Loans and Discounts 31,674.55 Furniture and Fixtures . . . 6,571.36 Due From Approved Deposi tory Banks 7,069.49 Cash in Vault 474.47 Caih Item* (Items Held Over 24 Hours) 668.78 Other Real Estate 1,460.00 Insurance Investment 6,500.00 Insurance Stock 600.00 Total 62398.66 Liabilities Capital Stock Paid In 25,000.00 undivided rroflts (Net Am ount) 210.66 Installment Investment Cer tificates Hypothecated .... 3,646.82 Installment Investment Cer tificates Unhypothecated . 1,407.15 Fully Paid Investment Cer tificates 22,735.02 Total 52,898.45 StoU of North Carolina County of Transylvania O. H. ORR, Cashier, R. L. NICH OLSON, Director, and C. R. Mc NEELY, Director of the Pisgah In dustrial Bank, each personally ap peared before me this day, and, 'being duly sworn, each for himself, says that the foregoing report is true to the best of his knowledge and belief. O. H. ORR, Cashier R. L. NICHOLSON, Director C. R. McNEELY, Director Sworn to and subscribed before this the 12 day of Jan. 1931, F. E. SHUFORD, Notary Public. (My com. expires Feb. 27th 1932. rtor r me V^WWWWWiVW^WW We Pay Cash for Chickens and Eggs Heavy Hens 16c Light Hens 12c Roosters 7c Eggs 22c Rabbits 10c each B. & B. Feed & Seed Company BREVARD, N. C. Prices subject to change any time l/VWVWWVVVWWMVVVVVVW I Checkerboard Chatter Volume 1 January 22, 1931 Number 7 Published in the in terest of the people of BREVARD and T R ANSYLVAN1A County by the B&B Feed & Seed Co. We try hard not to insult anybody. If our bookkeeper neg lected to send you your bill just t>hone 66 and we will see that you get it. We heard on good authority that May or Thompson of Chi cago started a cru sade on the English sparrows last year. Things are begin ning to brighten up every where ? "Old Man Depression has seen his best days. In Brevard ? too, ? bez'n to look much brighter. Let's all keep up our spir its, "Better days are coming soon." "I'm a father," cricd young Harris as he burst into the office. "So' s your old man" replied ihe hoss. "Go to work." | Rev. Paul Hartsell says he is getting a lot of joy out of raising rabbits. And then, too, they are good to eat. More food grown at home means less to buy. Influence is some thing you generally have not got when you. want it. Spring will soon be here and fresh on ions will taste so good ? we have just received a shipment of onion sets of all kinds that we are" selling cheap. Swimming was orig inally discovered by a Scotchman who cams to a tollbridge. Remember the new onion sets, and, too, when you are mak ing any kind of a garden ? remember that we sell high grade seeds and fer tilizer at low prices. S. 0. S. means See Our Stuff. B&B Feed A Seed Co. Brevard, N. C. The Store with the Checkerboard Sign

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