CORN AND SOY BEANS NOT GOOD MIXERS Test:- made by G. M. Garren, cereal agronomist of the North Carolina Experiment Station, at the mountain and coastal plain branch station farms last season indicate that in tercropping corn with soybeans de presses the yield of corn and cuts the yield of soybeans as compared with yields secured when either of the two crops is grown alone. Mr. Garren reports that this is a rather startling statement to make since most good farmers have prac ticed the inter-cropping of cowpeas and soybeans with corn but he pre sents facts to back up his statement. In making the tests on the two farms last year, Mr. Garren meas ured his land into one-tenth acre plots. In the first, he planted corn alone; in the second, he planted soy beans alternately with the rows of corn, and in the fourth, he planted soybeans alone. | Results secured on the mountain farm will give a fair example of what yields were secured. Taking round figures, he secured a yield of 5G bushels of corn per acre when the Corn was planted alone. Where soy bcai wore planted between the hills, ho harvested 50 bushels of corn an acre and where the soybeans were ph i.ted in alternate rows, he harvest ed ? bushels of corn an acre. 1 ? the soybeans were grown . he harvested 30 bushels of the Ik.'; an acre; where the beans were pi: . (I between the hill of corn, he h;i ?'sted only 7.5 bushels an acre an.; where the soybeans were planted in . ? tiate rows, he harvested 26.6 bu.-ho!s nl' the beans an acre. in 'his test, of course, no account was m of the soil improving qual ' ?< he soybeans nor of the value vf :: -ans as compared with the on yield that was cut down. NOTICE Sl'MMOXS AM) WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT S of North Carolina ( V n't i of Transylvania IN TH E SUPERIOR COURT Williams & Fulgham Lumber Company, Inc.. Plaintiff -vs V. I'untainc, Defendant. 1'he defendant above named will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued .??gainst said defendant on the 22 day of Jan. 1931 by Otto Alexander, C! ': 'k cf tho Superior Court of Tran sylvania County. N. C., for the sum of ?2,64(1. 'J3, due said plaintiff by ac count as -ft forth in Exhibit A of the complaint, which summons is re turnable before the said Clerk of the .Superior Court in his office in Bre ve r 1 in the County of Transylvania. State of North Carolina on the 21st dry of Feb. 1931; the defendant will iU> take notice that a warrant of at tachment was issued by the said ('1 rk of the Superior Court on the 22 < Jo-y rf Jan. 1931 against the prop r: .y said defendant, to wit; Ail the interest of the said V. Fon taine in the following described land; The following tract of land being a nart ">f the subdivision of the land oi Elizabeth Allison as divided in Spe ??Mi Proceeding before the Clerk o1 th Superior Court of Transylvanii C'junty, N. C., in an action entitled S. F. Allison, Plaintiff, vs Reba Mc Gahu and others, defendants, and be ng the same land described on pla ?>r man made by A. L. Hardin on thi 10 day of Oct. 1912 which was use* n the division of the lands above re ferred to and which map is found ot file in the Judgment Roll of Transyl vania County, N. C., in the office o: *:he Clerk of the Superior Court ii File No. 39 and being more definite!: tiescribed as follows: BEGINNING on a stake at thi Corner of Lot No. 7 and runs N 87 1-! W. 59 poles to a Spanish oak; thenci N 2 1-2 E. 6 poles to a stake, a com mon ''orner of lots No. 8 and 9 thence the same course 14 poles to i .take; thence N. 84 W. 39 poles ti i Spanish oak; thenc ? N. 22 E. II poles to a pine, comnnn corner o lots 9 and 10; thence N. 3 E. 5 pole: to a Spanish oak; thenci; N. 38 E- ' p>ecn quite ill but is reported im- ] proved. Mis3 Annie Yongue and Mrs. Con- 1 lely spent Thursday in Asheville. < Bob Whitmire, Misses Almeta Wat ?rs and Mary Osborne Wilkins were ! shopping in Asheville Thursday. Miss Emma Bagwell, who has been ? :onfined to her home with influenza, ? s reported as being slightly better. , Rufus Joines of State College spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Joines. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Everett were vistors in Asheville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rufty were called to Statesville Sunday on ac count of the illness and death of Mr. Rufty's father. Mrs. E. B. Clayton is greatly im proved after an illness at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. B. Allison. W. E. Breese left Sunday for a business trip to Raleigh. Frank Carr and Harry Clayton were the week-end guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Douglass, in Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Truman Crary who has spent the past several months in Columbia, S. C., has returned to Brevard. Mrs. T. P. Ward and daughter Vir ginia have returned from Richmond, Va., where the latter received treat ment in a Richmond hospital, and whose condition is said to be im proved. Mr. Thomas has moved to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Cass on Maple street after having resided at the Pierce-Moore for the past two years'. Mrs. Thomas Dodsworth was called to Charlotte Friday on account of the death of her aunt, Mrs. Ella Duck worth. Mrs. D. L. English, Leon English, Harold Whitmire and Glen Galloway motored to Asheville Tuesday. Miss Nina Wolfe of Decatur, Ga., is the guest this week of Miss Dor othy Silversteen. Miss Wolfe is a former schoolmate nf Miss Silver steen. Miss Gladys Wood is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Cos Paxton, in Greenville. Miss Sadie North is the guest of Mrs. J. Thrash Wolfe at Davidson River. Miss Mary Louise Croushorn, of St. Genevieve, Asheville, is spending several days with her parents, at Pisgah Forest. Mr. Ed Duclos has been confined to his home for the past ten days with illness. RufTin Wilkins of Davidson Col lege arrived in Brevard Wedensday lor a short stay with his mothtr, Mrs. Madge Wilkins. Mr, Wilkins is recuperating from a recent attack of influenza. Miss Ruth E. McCall left last week for Tampa, Fla., where she is spend ing her vacation. Miss Mary Allison of Canton, was in Brevard Wednesday of last week. Ruel Hunt of Riverside Military Academy spent the week-end here with relatives. I Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Kitchin and Miss Reba Kitchin have moved to the Simmons Inn, from the Robinson home on Maple street. Robert Lawrence of Canton was a Brevard visitor Friday. J. A. Schachner, Jr., was in Sa vannah, Ga., last week. Mrs. A. B. Owen of Miami, Fla., is visiting her mother at Pisgah Forest. Dr. and Mrs. R.* L. Stokes are spending some time in Florida. 1 Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Alexander arc spending the week in Columbia, visit ing Mrs. Alexander's parents, j Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Marshall of Ashevilje, spent the week-end in Bre ;vard with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Douglas. Mrs. Flax Lawrence, Mrs. Madge Wilkins and Mr. Charlie Brown motored to Abbeville, S. C., Sunday, and were guests of Mr. a;id Mrs. C. D. Brown. Mrs. Brown Carr left last Thurs day for Cuba where she. will be the guest for several weeks of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Moody. Mrs. Moody ig the former Miss Marian Yongue of Bre vard. D. C. MacRae of High Point, was in Brevard Tuesday on business. 1 Mrs. J. H. West is very ill at her home, the Methodist parsonage. I Word has been received here of the : illness of Mrs. John Hinkle, at her home, 257 Sulphur Springs Road, West Asheville. It is said that her friends are concerned about her be cause of the serious illness. I NOTICE State of North Carolina County of Transylvania. Having qualified as executor of the estate of M. M. Bryant, deceased, late of Transylvania county, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the de ceased to exhibit them to the under-! signed executor, Rosman, N. C., on or before the 23rd day of January, 1938, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate please make im mediate payment. This the 22nd day of Jan. 1931. A. M. WHITE , Executor of the Estate of M. M. Bryant, deceased PJ22-29IF5-12-19-26 666 LIQUID or TABLETS Jures Colds, Headaches, Fever 66 6 SALVE CURES BABY'S COLD \ NOTICE 1 OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power f sale contained in that certain deed f trust executed by J. H. Tinsley and iertha Tinsley to Union Trust Com tany of Maryland and Insured Mort gage Bond Corporation of North Car ilina, Trustees, dated Feb. 1st, 1926, md recorded in Book 10, Page34, in he office of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania county, North Carolina lefault having been made in the pay nent of the indebtedness thereby ee :ured, and demand having been made for sale the undersigned Trustees arill sell at public auction to the high ;st bidder for cash in front of the :ourt house in Brevard, North Caro lina, at 12:00 o'clock Noon on the 17 day of March 1931, the following described property, located in the :ity of Brevard, North Carolina. All that certain lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the City of Brevard, County of Transyl vania, State of North Carolina, on the south side of Main street, ad joining the lands of Martha Boswell, Brevard Banking Company and an al ley, and having according to plat made by A. L. Hardin, Civil Engi neer, January 26th, 1926, the follow ing metes and bounds, to-wit: Beginning at a stake on th? south margin of Main street, saidl point being 36 1-2 feet south 64 deg. east of the intersection of the south margin of Main street and the east margin of Caldwell street, and is also ,the center of a brick wall, and run ning thence with the center line of said brick wall, south 26 deg. v est 100 feet to a stake . on the north side of an alley; thence on a line parallel with Main street and 100 feet distant therefrom at all points, south 64 deg. east 43 feet to a stake, Boswell corner; thence north 26 deg. east 100 feet to a stake on the south margin of Main street; thence with the southern margin of Main street, north 64 deg. west 43 feet to the point of Beginning, and being the identical land purchased by J. H. Tinsley from Brevard Banking com pany on August 27th, 1924, as willap ! pear by reference to deed, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania County, North Caro lina, in Deeds Volume 49, page' No. 179. | This the 11 day of February, 1931. i Union Trust Co. of Maryland and ? Insured Mortgage Bond Corp. of N.C. ? D. C. McRae, Atty Xmistees. ? High Point, N.C. 4FI^26M5-12 i LET US DO YOUR JOB PRINTING NOTICE LAND SALE'VNDER MORTGAGE By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain Mortgage Deed executed by Welch Galloway and wife to the undersigned mortgagee, given to secure certain indebtedness therein mentioned, said indebtedness having been demanded and not paid, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House Door in Brevard, N. C. on Saturday, Feb. 21, 1931 within the legal hours of sale, at 12 o'clock M., that certain lot of land and prem ises situated in the town of Brevard, N. C. on the corner of Probart Ave nue and England street, adjoining lands of J. H. Pickelsiiner, and oth ers, fronting about 85 feet on Pro bart Avenue, and about 132 feet on England street, and known as the residence formerly occupied by Welch Galloway as a home. i Sale made to satisfy said indebted ness, principal, interest, cost and ex penses of sale. , j Jan. 20, 1931. / E. 0. WEBB, Mortgagee. 4tc J29 F 5| 12(19 TRY OUR WANT ADS. Again We Repeat COMPAR Compare the values, prices and service we give you with those of any other tire dealer or distributor of special brands. The low prices of rubber and cotton give Firestone unusual advantages due to their world-wide facilities in securing these raw materials and their efficient manu facturing. With Firestone's most economical distributing system, with over 600 branches, warehouses and service stores, we can secure a complete line of fresh Firestone tires, tubes, batteries, brake lining, rims and accessories within a few minutes' to a few hours' time and give our customers values and service that are not duplicated. COMPARE VALUES / Firestone Has this year added more rubber to the tread which give* 20% to 25% more safe mileage before the /, tread wean smooth. The Firestone Double Cord Breaker gives you SIX and EIGHT plies under the tread ? spreads road shoclcs ? lessens punctures ? gives over 50% stronger union be tween tread and tire body which ensures longer tire life ^ and greater safety. Live rubber penetrates every cord and coats every fiber by the patented Gum-Dipping process ? thus not only every cord, but every fiber within the cords, is insulated: (hi* five* you 25% to 40% added tire life. COMPARE CONSTRUCTION 4-50-21 Tire [ Jrfst one of the Ham/' comparisons we e*? ?how you at oir lt4.98 M.M i$Ml. S.6f 5.69 11*19 4.75-19, M) 6.65 ltft 540-20. 7*19 110 13.89 SiS-18. 7*99 7.90 13.39 5?S-21_ 9.57 8.57 19.79 6.00-20-11. SO 11.50 11.30 H.D. H. D. THICK. TIBBS bfc5_I7.fS 17.95 34.99 32x6 ? 19*75 29.75 37*99 Other dxM priced pnyortinilily btr ( COURIER TYPE ?ar IdMr Oar CvkPitM Tin CMkPriM ?? M MOM rtrmir 3toStt-*3?97 $3.97 $7.74 llxt 6.91 6.98 13*56 4.4041- 4*55 4^5 8?80 4jUI. MS 5.15 9*9* 5.25-21- 7?75 7.75 15.00 FlWWWf BATTERIES W? uU u4 Mirk* Um conpbta 11m if Flrtrtwt* Bttttrlw? Cea* ia *W ?M tU EXTBA VALtTE ?? ?fn r*a. Wa Bali* too u illowinc* for I r?nr *U UttNy. | J Hf anchor type tajMr Heavy Duty Ow Mail Or*tr 0 v Cutfrtw TW CukPrlM tia Em* Mm Em* rvPilr 4.50-20 $#.* 5 98.60 tl**7* 4.50-21- 8*75 8.75 4.75.19. f.7t 9.75 lt.f? 4.75-20-lO.aS 10.25 lf.f6 5.09-20-X1.15 11.30 >1.9* 5.25-21_12?95 13.05 II.M 5.50-20-I3.7O 13.75 S4.7* 6.00-20-15.M 15.20 2f.S? 6.50-20. 17.15 17.15 3S.3? 7.00-21 -20. 15 21.80 39.1* Other iUea priced proportionate!? low DOUBLE GUARANTEE. ? Every tire we sell bears the Firestone name for the pro tection of customers. Every tire carries the unlimited Firestone guarantee and ours. McCrary Tire and Battery Service J WE SAVE YOU MONEY and SERVE YOU BETTER Come in and compare tire sections for QUALITY and CONSTRUCTION that you can see for yourself the EXTRA VALUES we give