Number 12 BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, MARCH 18, 1931 VOLUME XXXVI RE-OPENING OF BANK ALMOST ASSURB) , ;? ... ? * STOCKHOLDERS CALLED TO MEET THURSDAY 0F NEXT WEEK WHEN ACTION IS EXPECTED ? Depositors Committee Doing Excellent Work ? Many Citizens Declare That Salvation of Community Depends Upon Re opening of the Institution ? Depositors Dependent Upon Note Owners for Recovery of Their Money ? Unanimous ' Action Necessary if Plans Succeed ? All People Interested. Plans for re-opening the Brevard Bank, closed since December 15, are said to be nearer final completion now than at any time since concerted ac tion was begun on this important task at the first o? the year. High lights in thg. past week's activities are the passage of a law enabling the county and town to enter into an agreement with other depositors in the matter of "freezing" deposits for a given period of time, &nd a call for a meeting of the stockholders of the bank, when propositions made by the depositors will be studied and acted upon. A committee representing the depositors has been working overtime during the past several weeks in ef forts to find a way by which the bank might re-open for business. A meeting was held last Saturday afternoon, at which time concrete pluns were discussed, plans that con tained suggestions from depositors under which it was believed that practically all depositors would enter into an agreement for "freezing" de posits for a given time, in additon to setting aside 30 per cent of the de V as a surplus fund, while the stockholders, in this agreement, would be called upon to place not less than W:\0ulli in "new'' money in the bank. The plan was published in last week's issue of The Brevard News, having been prepared by A. F. | fllitchcl, a member of the depositors'! committee, with the assistance of i many members of the committee and1 the depositors. *- ? ? ? I Those who favor re-opening of the old bank, with re-organization of Of- J ficers and directors, express hope that 1 a way will soon be found for absolute * agreement .and actual re-opening of the institution. It is pointed out that the corporation commission may, lit any time now, assess the stockholders for the full amount of the capital stock, which would work hardship upon many of the stockholders who have suffered with all citizens in the j financial reverses. It is claimed that an effective agreement, whereby the bank might be re-opened, would avert this full assessment of stockholders. | The two main groups concern- I ed in the bank's re-opening stand to gain much through such action. These two groups are made up of the depositors in one group, and the people who owe | the depositors in the other group. Peope who have notes in the bank dn not owe the bank anything at all, now. The Brevard Banking company is a closed book. The ( nnection now is between the de- ! positors and the people who owe the depositors. Those who borrow ed money at the bank did not borrow the bank's money. They borrowed the money belonging to the diMiositors. The^ now owe the depositors every dollar of every ? not - upon which their names ap pear. And every dollar tfoat the I depositors get on their deposits Mi >T conic from the payment of the notes owed by the people to the depositors. These two groups, therefore, ought to work in closest' harmony in the settle ment of the affairs of the closed bank. The interest of the depositors ue miuu.1 the bank'3 re-opening. The best interests of those whose notes are held by the bank demand the bank's re-opening. The best interests of the coramun-i ity demand the bank's re-opening. I The welfare of the coming genera ^ tion demand the bank's re-opening. The happiness, peace ana* comfort T of the years of old age of the men n ad women now approaching that per iod of life demand the bank's re-op ening. To re-open, there MUST be abso lute harmony and unanimous action of the depositors, stockholders and all concerned. k Over at West Asheville a few men, a very few men, have prevented the re-opening of the Bank of West Asheville. and the whole community must suffer the consequences. A few men here can do the same thing, and continue the stagnation and suffering row being experienced in this community. Some doubt is expressed by many people, however, as to the success of the plans. Stockholders, officers and directors in the bank must be in ac cord on any plan that may be adopt ed, and then all depositors must agree to accent such plan as they may adopt. It is because of the necessity of this unanimous action that causes "Some people to doubt the ultimate suc cess of the plan to re-open the bank. "Our people have never been unanim ous on anything," one citizen re marked Wednesday. Another man standing nearby replied by saying: "Well, there has never before been a matter of such great importance to all the people of the community as NOTICE A meeting of the stockholders of the Brevard Banking Com pany, of Brevard, North Carolina is called to meet in the Court House o?t Thursday, March 26, 1031 at 2 o'clock P. M. This meeting is called for the purpose of taking action in re gard to the re-opening of the said Brevard Banking Company. All stockholders are tirged to be present. This will be a public meeting and any interested citizen is in vited to attend. ?STOCKHOLDERS COM. this question of reopening the bank, and it is to every man's interest that it be done, and this being true, the t'olks may fool you and act in perfect accord for once." But that is exactly what it will take to bring about the success of the movement ? unanimous action. The work done between now and next Thursday, and the action taken by the stockholders at next Thursday's meeting, will indicate .beyond a doubt whether it is worth while to continue efforts to re-open the bank. TWO COUNTYBILLS . RATIFIED MONDAY Brevard News Bureau Raleigh, March 18 Two of Representative W. M. Hen ry's bills were ratified in the Gen eral Assembly during the past week. , One would allow the county com- . missioners of Transylvania county , and the city aldermen of Brevard to "freeze" funds on deposit in the : Brevard Banking Co. for an agreed , period in order to aid the bank in ! opening again for business. Another btti provides that the city | limits of Brevard may be cut down in order to decrease the area of the corporation. This has been done in ( cases of other cities and towns which expanded their limits too much and , desired to restrict them in order to eliminate street upkeep, sewer and water extension, as well as allowing j sub-divisions to revert back to farm lands, instead of city lots, for assess- ! ment for taxes. RHODES GIVEN SENTENCE ' IN STATE PENITENTIARY J. Mack Rhodes, for many years president of the First Bank & Trust , company of Hendersonvillc, was tried in Superior court last week in his city, and found guilty on charges of embezzlement and false entry. lie was given sentences a minirrtum of two years in one case and four years in another, to be worked in the state penitentiary. Appeal was taken and bond was made nending outcome of the appeal. The Hendersonvillc bank closed on November 20, when the Cen tral Bank & Trust company at Ashe ville went down. CAN'T GET ENOUGH EGGS TO SERVE HIS CUSTOMERS W. Mull, one of Brevard's lead ing grocers, expresses the hope that more people will raise chickens and sell eggs. "I can't get one-fourth enough eggs to save my life," Mr. Mull says. One of his greatest tasks is to buy eggs for his trade, Mr. Mull says, and right here it seems is | hint enough for somebody or several somebodies to raise more chickens. Other merchants and dealers experi- j ence the same trouble. It is bad on a j community to have a cash market for ! something that cannot be supplied. P. T. ASSOCIATION , IN REGULAR MEET While attendance at the Parent Teacher meeting, held Monday night, was greatly reduced in number be> cause of so many members having in fluenza, the splendid program was most pleasing to all who had the good fortune to be present. Miss Keels substitntod for Miss Strickland, who was unable to be present, and read a paper in which th? importance of folk song was stressed and the par ents ufged to train the children in these songs. - The Music Lovers club contributed to the enjoyment of the evening with ja quartet, those singing being MrBi Mac Allison, Miss Biggers, Mrs. Ed. lf;oftin apd Mrs. 0. L. Erwin. Alviti r Moore, always ft favorite with Bre 'vard audiences, was heard in two rnumbcrs. Rev. G. C. Brinkman led jtne devotional*. Mrs. Skipman's Disappearance Has_ Caused Much Concern In the County , Much concern has been felt rcc|"|J> for the safety of Mrs. Norma Ship man, who litem ????*"? Sunday, March first Mrs. Shipman has been operating Shipman s Ca since the death of her husband on August 8, and lived attheShipma home on South Caldwell street. 1 ne last known of Mrs. Shipman was X. 2 left h.t brothert ???? Seneca, S. C., Sunday afternoon, March 1. Tliirins the latter part of Februaij word was put out that Mrs. . Shipman had gone to Florida, on a visit to a brother who lives in St. Petersburg. This informatioh was given to The Brevard News and published ip tnc local column. All relatives and friends believed the woman to be in sc. Petersburg until peculiar happenings led relatives to communicate witft tne brother in St. Petersburg who replied bv saying that she had not hcei there and that he had heard nothing from her. Then a search was begun for the missing woman, the trace leading to establishment of the fact that she had left her brother s home . in Seneca on Sunday afternoon, , March 1. , . ' Joe Bradley, who has been working in the Shipman Cafe and rooming at the Shipman home, left Brevard early Monday Morning. MarchO, and 1 wa. seen going south on Hi^hway28just at daybreak that morning. The cafe did not open for business that Mon day. Inquiry revealed the fait that Bradlev and a companion of nis known here as "Happy" Brown, had taken both of Mrs Shipman s auto mobiles; an old model Buick coach and a new sport model Buick coupe. Jess Smiths garage had done much rep* work on the old car, and sa>s < Bradley took the car out of the irarage on Sunday night, March ?? The fact that Mrs. Shipman left her brother's home on Sunday. Marc 1 in company with Bradley anil Brown, and the brother's assertion that both men were drinking, coupled with the fact that Mrs Shipman was not seen any more, and that the t I vnunir men left her# ? a week l*tern with her automobiles, caused restive and friends to fear that the Bicvaiu woman had been the victim of foul nlav. Relatives say that Mrs. Shipman had more than $7000 in money in ha possession. At first there was but little cred ence given to the suggestion of ioul plav, because of persistent rumors which had been going the rounds that Mrs. Shipman and Bradley were mar- , tied, and this caused PC0P Jg I believe that the couple had simply Sone away for a while on a horny [ moon. , . , ? i Relatives and officers of the law searched the Shipman home anil found that all silver and much of the linen had been iemo\td. ? Shinman's trunk, however, was still in the house. Robert Merrill, who oc cupies the second story apartment the Shipman home, is said to nav stated to officers that he had heaxd much hammering, as if boxes were in a nailed, in the lower part of the house during the first week ? n Ma^ Other reports were that there nuu been much digging in the basem en . Officers found evidences of this d g ging, and also found a sack wet w th what appeared to be blood, and t w?s senfto Raleigh for examination to see if it was human blood. It was reported that some appar ently "wild" parties had been held at the Shipman nome during the nr week in March. Later deve OP?6"1' tended to show that Bradley a Brown had entertained guests fiom South Carolina in the Shipmanhomt; This was borne out, in part, last . urdly when four people, two men and two women, came to the ' on home and were asked by .wjffV the look-out to come to the slieriri . office, where they were questioned. | Thev (rave their names as E. G. Dur Mrs Irene Durham, Edrew Stovarl and Miss Ardville Brown. They told the sheriff that they had merely called at the Shipman home as friends, and that they had been there on the previous Saturday night, an that Mrs. Shipman was there at that time. Tbe party of four said that they came here where one membei of the auartot, Edrow Stewart, was to take a bus for Aahcvillo, on his way to | Detroit. Mich. Their assertion that Mrs. Shipman was at bome^on Sat urday and Sunday, March < and 8,, was given but little credem ec, it does not seem possible that Mrs Shipman would have been at h home here for an entire week with out some of her many friends and rel ative* having known it. Mrs. Shipman was. before her mar riage, Miss Norma C.laiencr, member K; Of th. rnort *a?l? tajjm lies of the county. Her brother, All. Glazener as he is best known to hun dreds of people, and a sjster. Mrs. A 0. Kitchen, have been directing the search that has been instituted for the ' Young Bradley came from Madison county, but his parents now reside on Route No. 1, Wonvflrville, and it s said the new Buick coupe was in hi" name, with the address in title pap 'era being given as Weaverville, feoute 1. It is said that officers had icon keeping an eye on young Brad ley for some time, his conduct ing such as to cause suspicion. Geneial comment had been heard for some time as to the reckless manner of driving that marked Bradley s ap pearance on street and highway since the purchase of the new car. He 1 about 21 years of age, while Mrs. Shipman is nearing her forties. ' R. R. Fisher, Mrs. Shipman's at torney, took charge of the cafe this week, opened it up, with Mrs. Geoige Nicholson in temporary charge. There is said to be a mortgage on the equip ment of the cafe, the holders of which may, it is said, sell the business, and the opening of the cafe is said to have been done to protect the interests of all connected with the business. "Intensive search is being made lor the two young men, Bradley ^ an. I Brown, and every effort is being made to locate Mrs. Shipman, if liv ing. Two theories are advanced by citizens here, one being that Mrs. Shipman has dccided to leave it all behind, and has gone away with Bradley, and that they are alreadj married, or were to be married upon their meeting at some distant point. It is pointed out that she has been most unhappy and upset since blzie Shipman, her husband, committed sui cide on August 8, last year, and that her going is to seek a new home anuci > new surroundings. The other theory, and the one that ; seems to be more generally accepted, is that violence has been done to Mis. Shipman, and those perpetrating the crime have taken her money and otnei possessions and fled to new fields, it is this probability that causes such great concern to relatives of the miss- , ing woman. In the meantime, the question up permost in the minds and on the lips . of people throughout the county is that of a few words: "Where is Norma Shipman. BAPTISTSADOPT UNUSUAL PLANS ] ! Officers and members of the Bre vard Baptist church have adopted a novel plan for raising money neces sary to meet payments now due on , the church building. A series of notes in denomination of $20.00, due on November first, paying . six per cent interest, are being offered to members and friends of the church. These notes are secured by cnatte mortgage upon the crops being plant ed on 60 acres of land. These ci op will consist of Irish potatoes cab bage and beans. The land is being donated for the purpose, and all la bor on the crops is being done b> members of the church, hence the proceeds from the crops will belong to the fund for retirement ol the notes. In addition to the fifty acres, many individual members are planning to grow small crops and give it all to the church. In these cases the church is furnishing the fertilizer and seed Only small plots are being thus planted by individual members, but taken in the aggregate will Pro^? a lot of potatoes, cabbage and beans, which will be sofd and the proceed, turned over to t ne church. The several committees in charge of the plan state that response by the members and friends of the church has been most gratifying. LADIES NIGHT TO BE HELD BY BREVARD KIWANIS CLUB Ladies Night, always looked for ward to by Brevard Kiwanians and their ladies, will be observed next week. Rev. Paul Hartspl land Ralph Ramsey will be in charge of the pro gram. At the meeting last Thursday Prof. S. P. Verner waB added to the membership. The club's activities isnce reorganization in January, is be ing recognized throughout the Caro linas district as outstanding. MAYOR WALKER'S REIGN IN ' ? NEW YORK INVESTIGATED Mayor Jimmie Walker's official acts as mayor of New York city are being investigated, because of charges of incompetency and graft in public life of the metropolis. Mayor Walker is vacationing in antf about Hollywood, and seems little concerned about the investigation. Serious charges have been made against the funny mayor of the big city. HAD NOT QUALIFIED MEMBER OF THE HOARD OF DIRECTORS OF BREVAHD BANK H. Carrier, of Rockbrook Camp, tn a statement to The Brevard New i says that he docs not consider him self a member of the board of direc tors of the old Brevard Banking com pany. Mr. Carrier was elected to the board to succeed the Me. W. S. Ash worth, but, according to the, report made by the auditors and examiners, Mr. Cnrritr had. never qualified as a member of the board. BOYLSTON ROAD IS TAKEN OVER BY THE STATE AS HIGHWAY 0 ????? Long Sought Desire Finally Ac complished by Commis sioner Stikeleather WILL PROVE BIG ASSET TO TRANSYLVANIA CO. Cuts the Distance to Asheville Down by at Least 12 Miles Transylvania county'B portion of Boylston road has been taken over by the state for state maintenance, i largely ae a x-esult of tireless efforts 1 1 put forth by Hon. James G. Stike- '? leather, ninth district highway com- [ missioner. The commission held a li meeting in Raleigh last Thursday, ? at which time Mr. StikeleaUier sue- 1 ceedod in having the state take over several stretches of highways 1 in Western North Carolina, among i which was the Boylston road that is i of . uch tremendous importance to ? this county. The road is new a part \ of the state highway system and will be so maintained. |, Kistler, of Morganton, commission- 1] er in the eighth district in which Hen- ji derson county i3 included, opposed 1 the action, as he is reported to have'i done all the while. The link of high-'i way between Brevard and Asheville n lying in Henderson county was not'] taken over by the state, but the link < in Transylvania county and the link | in Buncombe county from the Hen- i derson county lie toward Asheville, i were taken over. The new route that '< will be state-maintained runs fromi' North Brevard by Pisgah Forest en- i trance, across Little Mountain, con- 1 necting with the highway in Hender- ,! son county at the Henderson line. The new route leaves the Mills River i road near Sandy Bottomj turns to the i right, and joins highway No. 20 at Arden. This route cuts down the dis- 1 tance between Brevard and Asheville j by twelve miles. Transylvania county has been mak ing effort for the past three years to I have the state take over this road, 1 but has been opposed by influences believed to have been centered in Hendersonville. Citizens of this coun ty have expressed profound gratitude to Mr. Stikeleather for his activity and interest which led him in the fight until he finally was victorious, i The fact that the United States povernment is deeply interested in j the Boylston road helped to bring the 1 matter to a successful conclusion. This road skirts the Pisgah National , Forest for several miles, and it has j been said that the government plans j extensive work along this route in th establishment of trails leading from | the highway into and through the forest. H I 'NDREDS ATTEND FUN ERA I . ' : SERVICES FOR ELIJAH OWEN , Funeral services for 'the late Elijah ? Owen, -who died last Wednesday aft- I, ernoon at the Owen home in North | Brevard, were held at Lake Toxaway | Friday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. J., K. Henderson and Rev. Paul Hart- j sell conducted the rites and an im- ' mense throng of relatives and friends attended the services, giving evidence of the high esteem in which the de ceased had been held. J. K. Mills, Joe McCrury, John Cantrell, Jim Neely, Joe Johnson and , D. L. English were pallbearers, and the Brevard Urfdertaking company had charge of the arrangements. INSTALL OFFICERS AT EASTERN STAR Installation of officers was held at the regular meeting of the local order of Eastern Star last Tuesday night. Mrs. Bisse Pickelsimer, worthy ma tron, appointed for the ensuing year as chaplain, Geraldine Barrett; mar shall, Mrs. Mariah Derby; organist, .Willie Aiken; the five star points, Catherine Motfitt, Mrs. Willie Zach. ary, Mrs. Ida Pruett, Mrs. Polly Jerome and Mrs. Leila McNeely res pectively; warder, Mrs. C. 0. Robin Bon, and sentinel, Di*. J. F. Zachary. Short addresses were made by Mrs. Arabella Houston, past matron, and Mrs. Beese Pickelsimer, worthy ma tron and S. F. Allison, worthy patron. A gift was presented Mrs. Houston for her faithful service during the past year. Following the closing of the meet ing a party was enjoyed celebrating the second birthday anniversary of the local order. A beautiful birthday cake holding two candles was placed in the center of the circle formed by the members. Mrs. Houston, as mist ress of ceremonies, conducted riddles and read humorous selections. Colors of St. Patrick predominated in decor ations and season thoughts were car ried through the program. Coffee and sandyviche* were served before the birthday cakc was cut. HORSE RACING BILL OVERSHADOWED ALL THINGS LAST WEEK Schools, Koads, Finances Laid Aside While Buncombe Bill Was On Deck FARMERS INVADE CITY TO DEMAND ACTION No Chance of Adjournment Be fpre April 1, Is Now Prognosticated Neither the school bill nor the highway bill has created more inter est in any one week than has the Bun combe radng bill, which has occupied the center of the state for the past week and was finally given an unfav orable report by the Senate commit tee Friday, after that committee Jmd previously given it a favorable re port. The entire Senate bodv also re versed itself Friday night, tabling the bill and putting the "clincher" on it, so it cannot come up again except by two- thirds vote. The bill provided that racing tracks and devices may be erected in Bun combe county at a cost approaching half a million dollars, to be rented at 55,000 a day for 36 days a year i'or horse and dog racing and operation if pari-mutual devices ? gambling ma rines ? which church people and moral forces assailed as step.s toward legalizing gambling and making Bun :ombe a Monte Carlo. of vice and de feneration. Proponents pointed to the money Buncombe would receive, say ing it would help bring back that :ounty from its financial debacle. Women led the promoters and formed i formidable lobby. The House passed the bill by a heavy margin and the Senate passed it on second reading, when it was re-referred to the com mittee on Counties, Cities and Towns, which later reversed its position. ARMY OF FARMERS "Embattled farmers" descended up )n the General Assembly last Thurs iay by the hundreds and from all over ;he state, demanding tax reduction >n land. The Finance committee!1, which have been through torment in their efforts to find the $19,500,000 :o operate the schools for six months without an ad valorem tax, heard them, as it has heard merchants and manufacturers who are opposed to sales or production taxes. While proij ibly close, doubt is expressed that a sales tax can be enactcd, although one will be necessary to carry out the six months school plan. The committee is probably approaching, but hns by no means arrived, at a solution of the problem. It may yet be necessary to :ontinue the present plan with an in :reased Equalizing Fund. While the 70th day is about hrre. the General Assembly members are by no means near their return home. Most of the important bills are yet to be threshed out on the floors of ?one or both houses. The local government bill is passed and out of the way. and is to be printed and distributed at once. But amendments are being ad ded to it. The highway measure has passed both houses, but conferenct committees arc still trying to iron out minor differences. NEW PLANS TO PASS All of the bills relating to reorgan ization of the government have madt. some progress ?during the week, in cluding those to establish a personnel department, a purchasing agent, re organization of the Department of Agriculture, establishing a separate banking department, appointment by the governor of the members of the Corporation Commission, but time will be required to get them through. A bill to create a new Department, of Labor, making the commissioner ap pointive, and specifying divisions, is under way. The Finance and the Ap propriations bill are by no means complete and will require fully a week after they are reported out INSURANCE BILL LOSES The bill to provide for a State" In surance fund for insuring employes under the Workmen's Compensation act was killed in the Senate, but other bills to amend the Compensation Act interpreting and modifying it, > win probably pass. The omnibus bill, naming members of the county beard of education, ha? been introduced. It usually brings out munv local fights and efforts to torn out boards by other factions. The omnibus bill naming mngistrates has aot yet made its appearance. Prognosticators are moving up their dates for adjournment, most of them now believing it wfll be April '1 be fore the General Assembly can finish Its work. FIFTEEN HUNDRED BILLS INTRODUCED A summary of the activities so far shows that almost exactly 1,600 bills bave been introduced, 1,050 in the House and 450 in the Senate. Up to last Saturday only 4 GO had been rati fied, 367 House and 103 Senate bilhu - Last week 180 bi^ls were introduced and 106 ratified and of this nnmber 81 were local and 24 were public or kC mi tinned on back page) A :