\THE PRJYER COMER "HY NEIGHBOR" (Read St Luke 10:26-37) , One of ii\fi Great Truths declared fey The Incarnation of Jesus Christ was The Oneness of Humanity. Jesus Christ was made man. He was not * man only but The Man. In Him *11 humanity was centered, therefore sirery man has a holy relationship to Kim, and consequently all men. have a relationship one to the other. St. Paul declared at Mars Hill, "God lath made of one blood all nations of ?ten for to dwell on all the face of the earth." My neighbor is my broth er, ar\d neighborliness is not confined to nationality, nor yet to near assoc iation. The man of Africa or China m my neighbor just as much as tha van who lives near me, or the man who work? by nfy side. Christianity wveals just that Truth concerning Brotherhood. *?*tl Read St James 2:14-20 " Neighborliness demands service. Christianity is not only essentially snselfish, it is active. It is a life as well as a belief. Its first quality, derived from God Himself is Love, and Love cannot be confined. It. may wary in intensity, and in method of expression, but it cannot be regulated fey personal preferences so often faulty. Frederick W. Robertson de fines Love as "the desire to give, and the desire to bless." Sincere desire look ; for a way to express itself, and nev, r fails to find some need. Not jnly is indifference contrary to the Ch istian Spirit ? it is an impossi bility. Hence the Blessedness of the Example of Christ who went about doing good. As we cannot separate . in thought or worship. Christ from ri?c Cross, so we cannot separate Him from works of mercy. We are limit ed in t.:ue and space, but we are un limited in desire, ia intercession, in opportunity. And the joy of it is that any help given to any one at any time, in Christ's name, touches the whole of humanity." "1 have read of a child whose des titute mother was trying to shelter it front the winter's blast. They had gotten in a stack of stray and were fortunate enough to find an old barn door, which they had pulled over their dry nest. As the sleet and rain 6eat upon the door, and the wind bowled through the dark night, the 3ttle one snuggled close, and putting ier hand to her mother's cheek, for she could not see her, she whispered, "Isn't God good, mother, to give us tins warm bed tonight? And aren't you sorry mother, for the poor peo ?jfe out in the rain and the dark?" Read 1 John 4:11-21 St. John is startling in his declara tions; but experienced as well as in fptrntion gives assurance of their truth. Love being the Nature of God divinely manifested by Christ, the in heritance is actual in spite of human wilfulness. It is clear folly for any nan to claim God's love for him and his love for God, and yet disregard the m il nf his brothers and sisters. As well might he try to breathe, and yet scorn his lungs, as well might he trv < > seo and vet doubt the existence ?if bis eyes. We deny our inheritance when we disregard our brothers and sisters, and doubt the necessity of Fellowship; we stand in hostility to the law of nature and science when we harden our hearts to the cries of millions? crie3 none the less real be cause unvoiced in definite language. But 0 the joy of knowing that God's Love in us leads to aarvice ! That the cup of cold water is from God's own hand moving through ?ur hands! The consciousness of His Presence comes through giving and serving as well ?? t hrough worship. A NEIGHBORLY PRAYER Our Father God, give me the Neigh borly heart and the Neighborly hand. May every soul that touches mine be it the slightest contact, get therefrom some good, some little grace, one kindly thought, one asperation yet unfelt, one bit of courage for the darkening sky, one gleam of faith to brave the thickening ills of life, one glimpse of brighter skies beyond the gathering mists, to make this life worthwhile, and Heaven a surer heri tage. 0 God our Father, we pray that Thou wouldst bind us to our brothers and sisters, in deeper and more spir itual kinship. Teach us how to live to promote True Neighborliness among men. Let us remember that we belong to a great family for hast Thou not said in Thy Holy Word by the mouth of St. Paul, "that Thou hast made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on* the face of the earth, and hath determined the times ipfove appointed and the bounds of their habitation"? And may we so live that the life of all men and wo men may be enriched, and that the brotherhood of Nations and of men shall become real. Dear Master, help me to live and to serve, for truly to live is to serve. I.et me know all men and women ev ery where as my neighbors, and so to serve where Thou has placed me, that my service may be a part of that great world-wide and age-long ser vice in which Thou art The Leader. Amen. ? C. D. C. NOTICE of Foreclosure Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed in trust from Claud C. Cantrell and wife, to J. E. Frazier, Trustee (The undersigned having been substituted as trustee by decree of court) said deed in trust bearing date of May 6th 1927 and registered in Book No. 17, oage 228, record of deed in trust of Transylvania County, said deed in trust securing certain indebtedness 'herein named and default having l>een made in the payment of said in debtedness and the undersigned hav ing been requested to foreclose said deed in trust; NOW THEREFORE, the under lined trustee, will on Saturday the 4th day of April 1931, at 12 o'clock M. in the Town of Brevard, N. C., of fer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed real property to-wit: Those two lots set out and describ ed in said deed in trust aforesaid, reference being hereby made to said deed in trust and the record thereof for a description of said land by metes and bounds. Proceeds of said sale to be applied i upon said indebtedness, cost of sale, etc. This 4th day of March, 1931. D. L. ENGLISH, Trustee. March 12-19-26-A2 COURT CALENDAR Transylvania County, Superior Court FOR TRIAL OF CIVIL ACTIONS April Term, 1931 Monday, April 6, 1931 S nmber Case 5? J. H. Pickelsimer V. Griffin et al. 7? Sam Kassler V. J. G. Tinaley et al. 9 ? D. H. Winchester V. T. V. Smith 77? T. A. English V. J. L. Gillespie 20? Hosea Lee V. Baumgarner et al. Tuesday, April 7 it? C. J. S. Parson V. J. B. S. Mc intosh 23 ? Duke Power Co. V. R. L. Stokes 28 ? Sally Osteen V. Brevard Lig&t and Power Company. 3t ? C. R. Moss V. R. R. Fisher \ Wednesday, April 8 34 ? D. L. English V. R. L. Cansler 34 Vi ? U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty I Go. V. Board of Education 41? A. F. Mitchell V. J. H. Tinsley 41% ? Milon Nicholson, et al V. E. | B. Hamilton, et al. S3? Young Motor Co. V. C. P. Hog jftd JS'&T. A. English V. R. A. Gillespie & Susie Jordan 37? U. G. Reeves V. E. H. Duck worth Thursday, April 9 106 ? T. A. English V. J. R. Whitmire I 107 ? T. A. English V. J. R. Whitmire and Betty Whitmire 62 ? McKinney V. Winchester 67? Frank Patton V. Coca Cola Btl. I 68 ? Harkins V. Stokes 68%Annie Mae Waters V. J. H. j Pickelsimer, et si. Tt ? Tinsley, et al V. S. R. Owans 79 ? lr. G. Reeves V. A. M. White Friday, April 10 74 ? G?ode Loftis V. Southern Public 1 Utilities Co. . IVk? w. s. Ash worth V. C. J. I Metz 39 ? E. Jordan WMttnire V. Jeffer son Standard l<ife Ins. Co. 88 ? Head V. C. E. Morgan, et aL 108 ? Transylvania Tanning Co. V. | National Leather Belting Co. 109? Transylvania Tuning Co, V. I Lazarus & Sons, Incorporated Saturday, April 11 MOTIONS & DIVORCES Number Case 2 ? Standard Motors Finance Corp. V. Lowe Motor Co. 3 ? C. W. H^ndrix &, Nath Hendrix V. Bd. Road Commissioners of Transylvania Co. 4 ? J. C. Monroe V Glou. Lbr. Co. 1 1 ? Lowe Motor Co. V. C. E. English 12 ? Lowe Motor Co. V. J. Colie Owen & Pearl Owen 19 ? Lowe Motor Co. V S. R. Joines 22 ? R. A. Conley V. Trans. Tanning Co. 35 ? J. S. Bromfield V. Public Utili ties Co., et al. 36 ? Frank Jenkins V. Mr3. E. M. Bryan 38 ? Dr. A. B. Nichols V. James Walker, et al. 40? J. F. McCall V. Brevard Bk. Co. 43 ? W. S. Ashworth V. Jack Atkin son, et al. 64 ? Tinsley V. Tingle/. 80 ? Canup V. Canup 47 ? Brevard Bk. Co. V. E. Paxton. 110 ? Gibson V. Gibson 55 ? Johnson V. Johnson 57 ? Rackley V. Rackley 59 ? Universal Mtg. Co. V Rush Whitmire, et al. 60 ? Lum MeCrary V. J. L. Justice McNeely V. Littleton 66 ? Crawford V. Crawford 73 ? Bailey V. Kilgore 101 ? Reese V. Reese 85 ? Pisgah Bank V. J. E. Fraiier, et al. 89 ? Frjnk Jenkins V. Rush Whit mire, et al. 94 ? Gosnell V. Gosnell 87 ? J. N;' Byrd V Gloucester Lbr. 391 ? E. Jordan Wnitriire V. Jeffer son Standard Life Ins. Co. 95? Kilpatrick V. Kilpatrick Motions and Divorces may be heard at any time by consent or on one days notice to opposing counsel. BREVARD BAR ASS'N. v CULLOWHEE NOW A I STANDARD COLLEGE Cullowhee, March 24 ? Western Car olina Teachers College is now a lull grown four-year standard college, ac cording to information' received from the state department of education by President ~H. ~T. Hunter. Dr. James E. Hillman, state director of certifi cation, and Dr. J. Henry Highsmith, state supervisor of high schools, were at the college recently and made ao examination wliich resulted in the local allege receiving a new birthday ? the birth of standardizing on the four year level and also of being au thorized to train high school teachers in the fields of English, science and history. The college has been on the stand ard junior college basis for several years, having been classified as a Junior Teachers College, class A, by the American Association of Teach ers Colleges since 1928. Teachers have hitherto been trained in the pri mary and grammar grade fields only. This is the first attempt in the train ing of high school teachers at Cullo whee. The first high school practice teaching was done in the college training school during the winter quarter. lhe first B. S. degrees will be awarded in August, 1931, and eleven young men and young women are al ready numbered in the class. Others are expected to join the class in the last half of the spring quarter, ac cording to Miss Mary Hope West brook, registrar. Pisgah Forest News On the evening of March 19, Miss Florine Carter's birthday, she was greatly surprised when a number oi her friends unexpectedly arrived al . her home. A beautiful birthday cakt was presented to her. The evening was very much enjoyed by all, anc all returned to their homes wishinf her many more happy birthday. Thos< present were: Mildred BarnettLMin nic Galloway, Dovie Scruggs, (Jorine Sentell, Nellie Mackey, Mrs. Frances Allen, Mrs. Frank Allen, Stella Cody, Helen Carland, Lloyd Campfield, Al len Campfield, Fleet Galloway, Frank Allen, Valry Carter, Francis Allen. Rueben Mackey, C. L. Corn and Lance Carter. Mrs. T. E. Patton and daughter, Rebecca, spent Sunday in Greenville. Asbury Avery, who has been very ill, was removed to the Mission Hos pital at Asheville last week for treat ment. ' Allen and Lloyd Campfield left Tuesday for Hamilton, Ohio. Miss Fanny Boggs of Asheville, if visiting her sister, Mrs. W. A. Lyday, Valry Carter was a Mills River vis itor on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Parker enter tained with a birthday dinner Sunday in honor of Mr. John Parker of Sil ver Creek. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker and children, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. H. Sentell and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mackey and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Grey and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Parker and children, Mrs. Bell Corn and son, and Lloyd Campfield. ! Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Press ley, on March 21st, a son. 1 Mrs. J. B'uckner has been visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. S. Bradley, near Weaverville, who is seriously ill with double pneumonia. ! Pickens and Andrew Boggs and ,Carl Conley spent Sunday afternoon with the former's sister, Miss Fanny | J? W. Jenks and Jude Albert were 'Asheville visitors Friday. j Mr. and Mrs. Don O'Kelly an nounce the birth of a daughter. Mrs. Sally McCall and sons, Billy and Guy, are visiting the former's 'father, E. W. Sharpe,F in "Haywood. I Miss Annie J. Gash motored to Enka on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Egerton Fletcher of Pleasant Grove, were callers in this II ' ? ? 1] Lake Toxaway Newt Mrs. Henry Arrowood gave a party at her home last Saturday night for her Sunday School class; Arthur Dishman of Bald Mountain, spent the Week-end in Toxaway., Walter McNeely Jr. spent last | Tuesday night with Warren Case. Charles Owen is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Bishop Teague. I Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dunn and fam? ily moved to Bald Mountain this week. Misses Kate and Mary Gillespie spent the week-end with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Gillespie, at East Fork. Earl Lee is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Arrowood Lee. Newton Teague spent last Saturday night with Harrison "HalL Mrs. R. J. Cook spent Tuesday with Mrs. F. Y. Willbanks. Mr. and Mrs. Gillmore Willbanks iof Greenville, S. C., spent last Sunday iwith Mr. arid Mrs. F. Y. Willbanks. Charlie Woods of Cashiers spent Wednesday night with his daughter, Mrs. Floyd Jones in Moltztown. Mrs. Ben Owen went to Brevard last Thursday to see her mother, Mrs. Tinsley, who is sick. Mrs. D. C. Scruggs, Miss Louise Williams and Cleoh Williams spent :last Wednesday in Greenvilk. I O'NeiL Owen was a Brevard visitor last week. I Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ray were in Brevard last week. | The singing class met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hosea Lee last Fri day night. j Mrs. H. G. Rogers and little John were Brevard visitors last week. | Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fisher and children I were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Case last week. Little Billie McNeely spent Tuesday night with his grandparents, Mr. and '|Mrs. I. S. Fisher. : i Miss Marjorie Johnson has re turned home from Brevard where she ' , has been for some time. I I Little Betty Rogers had the misfor : tune to have the 'fore finger of the ; right hand cut off last week. ; Charlie Fugate of Cashiers was in : . Toxaway last Saturday. CARD OF THANKS 1 To our many friends: I wish to thank you all for the many kind things you did for my beloved wife during her illneBS and death, and for the beautiful flowers. Many many thanks to all. L. D. Gillespie and, family. NOTICE of Foreclosure I Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed in trust from T: W. Whitmire, S. A. | Hubbard, T. H. Shipman, J. M. Alli son and others to the undersigned ' trustee, said deed in trust bearing date of July the 15th, 1928 and regis tered in Book No. 23, page 18 of the records of deeds in trust of Transyl vania County, said deed in trust se curing certain indebtedness therein named and default having been made I in the payment of said indebteness in manner and form required by said deed in trust and the undersigned trustee having been requested to fore , close said deed in trust; | NOW THEREFORE, the under signed trustee will on Saturday, 'April the 4th, 1931, at 12 o'clock M., I at the Court House door in the town 'of Brevard, N. C., offer for sale and ! sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real property, to Iwit: All that lot lying in the Town of Brevard, which is fully described in (the deed in trust hereinbefore set out, reference being her<Jjy made to 'said deed in trust and the record ? thereof for a description of said land by metes and bounds. Proceeds of said sale to be applied jupon said indebtedness, cost of sale, etc. i This 4th day of March, 1931. , D. L. ENGLISH, Trustee. I March 12-19-26A 2 section Sunday afternoon. The revival started at thf Baptist church Monday night, and is being ' well attended. EASTER WEEK-END AND < SUNDAY EXCURSION FARES Effective April 3rd and 4th only, SOUTHERN RAILWAY will Bell round-trip tickets be tween all Stations at rate of one far* plus $1.00, limit fifteen days. ?*gptf=?faaeked and stopovers aJhwoa. ~~ Effective March 27th, and until October 26th, 1981, Week-end Excursion Fares . will be sold from all Stations at rate of one and one-fifth fares, tickets to be sold on sach Friday and Satur day and for morning trains on Sunday, final limit to reach orig inal starting point prior mid night following Tuesday, Tickets honored in parlor and sleeping cars; stopovers permitted in both directions. Effective March 29th, round trip excursion fares for Sunday morning trains only, good to re turn before midnight date of sale to distances not to exceed one hundred miles, will be sold at rate of one cent (lc) per mile, tick ? ets honored in coaches only. J. H. WOOD Division Passenger Agent ASHEVILLE, N. C. THE RIGHT WAY TO TRAVEL is' by train. The safest. Most com fortable. Most reliable. Costs less. Inquire of Ticket Agents regarding greatly reduced fares for short trips. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM NOTICE EXECUTOR'S NOTICE The undersigned having qualified as the Executor of the last will and testament of J. B. Glazener deceased; this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to the undersigned within twelve months or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment of the same. This the 21st day of Feb. 1931. J. W. GLAZENER, Executor. 6t F26M5|12|19|26A2 a Vitalis treatment here, the vegetable oil tonic, also the Fitch products. It Pars To Look Well SMITH'S BARBER SHOP NORTH CAROLINA, County of Tranaylrania. ' t In the Matter of BREVARD BANKING CO. Brevard, N. C. Notice to Creditors to File Claim. Under authority of Subsection 10 of Section 218 (c), Consolidated Statutes, all persons who have claims against the above named bank are hereby notified to present proof of claim at Brevard on or before the 9th day of June, 1931. Failure to present claim on or before the above date bars the claim not presented except as to the assets of the bank in the hands of the Corporation Commission for the account of said bank at the time the claim is presented. Objection to the allowing of any claim may be made by any interested person by filing such objection in the pending action in the office of the Clerk of the Court of this county and by serving a copy thereof on the Chief State Bank Examiner or the Liquidating Agent" of this Bank. This the 9th day of March, 1931. NOTE: In filing claims for Cashier's Cheeks or Bank Drafts or Certificates of Deposit the particular in strument must be sur rendered when Proof of Claim is presented. Call at Brevard Banking Company for forms for filing claims. W. W. WOODLEV Jr. Liquidating Agent of Brevard Banking Company, Brevard, N. C. His lAother Knows His Food is Safe with' a Kelvinator I To him it is only a bottle of milk that gives him a satisfied feeling ... at peace with the world. To you il is a combination of food elements that will build a strong healthy body, if properly cared tor. If handled carelessly ii may become contaminated and cause serious illness ? even death. Don't risk his precious health ? let Kelvinator sruard- his food. , Campaign Offer BUY YOUR KELVINATOR NOW and secure the idvantages ot our special campaign offer: CASH PAYMENT? Only $10.00. TERMS ? 24 months, payments to be made monthly with your electric service bill. FAIR ALLOWANCE on the old icebox to be replaced by your new Kelvinator. 56 "ELECTRICITY - The Servant In Hie Home" Southern Public Utilities Company Day 'Phone 116 Night 'Phone 16 3 E. Main St. BREVARD, N.C.

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