KIWANIS CLUB IN INTERESTING MEET ? ?????? Rev. J. H. West, program chairman, planned a meeting for the- Kiwanis club last Thursday which held the keenest interest of the members of the club, all of whom wefe present except two, and these were , out of town. "Business Ethics" w?s the sub ject of the meeting, and speaking with the program chairman were R. P. Tharp and Dr. Chas. L. Newland. An Interesting event of the meet ing was endorsement of a resolution protesting the enactment of the Buncombe County horse and dog rac ing bill. This' action of the club was immediately wired to Senator E. L. McKfee, at Raleigh, who led the tight in the upper house against the bill. Frank D. Clement, often mentioned in connection with the race for mayor in Btevard in the coming primary and election, made request that the club -members discourage such talk as much as possible, on account of the fact that he could not, under any cir cumstances, enter the race for mayor. THARP'S APPEAL R. F. Tharp made a strong pleu to the club members to work in closer h.-ii-r. i'iiy an citizens of the town, de claring that harmonious action and a fair spirit of real co-operation would be beneficial to the town and to the individual citizens. Kiwanis is a group of men supposed to be working to gether, he said, and before men can v u Ihcr they must get to gether. To be a friend to other men, a man first prepares his own heart for the high office of friendship. To bo friendly, Mr. Tharp said, .one r ' ii'*. and be cheerful, and let the other man know that you are his V handclasp is worth much, and costs nothing, and the speaker urgui a more general handshaking. One man cannot do great harm to an other man whose hand he often .sh.-kt s, he said. Mr. Tharp urged the members to Intl. timi off once in a while and visit other fellows in their office or place of business, and have friendly chats with one another. Jn this way the little things that creep into com I'siti' i:f" in be discussed, threshed out, and much hard feelings eliminat ed. And then .continued Mr. Tharp, when we see n fellow down and out, or down in the dumps, go to him and cheer him up. It will not only help the man him.-elf, but will be ji bless ing the oho doing such noble and friendly acts. Oil. SEW LAS D HEARD D;-. Charles L. Newland spoke on the i :vit mpie that members of the Ki wanis club should set to the citizens of tiu' community. This depression now existing ought to be a great les son to all citizens, the physician said, and when times begin to improve, all citizei ? ought to begin laying plans of preparation to avert another such time occurring. There should be more determined spirit among all citi zen 1 ? lay aside a portion of their earnings to use in times of dull or slm i; business, lie stressed the im portance of saving, and the planning and building, and urged the club members to work together for the good of all the town. Rev. J. II. West delivered a most ef fective address on "Community Eth ics. ' which follows: Obligations of Citizenship One of the greatest men that ever lived was bold to declare that he was a debtor. It takes a brave man to openly declare that. Now his mean ing is that he owed somebody, lie nn ant that as a citizen ho was under obligation, since he was a debtor, to meet the responsibility squarely. He meant that he was in debt to the civilized, and uncivilized, to the wise and to the unwise. The man that said that had a vision of world citi zenship. We are living in ah age when very man should feel that he is a world citizen. 1'ut you cannot be a woi .! n'izen without being a com munity citizen. The man that tries to lie world citizen without being a community citizen is a community liability. This world citizenship applied to life in its various relationships is the vital thing needed to meet the perils of modern civilization. If all the com munities in the world were good com munities, this would be the best world the world has ever seen. One of the major troubles in every com munity, is divided community inter ests. This is mighty bad ethics, so bad that it is utterly impossible wiie this division exists to have a constructive program. It is so unethi cal that no community can be prosper ous while such condition exists. You can't run a bank, a mill, a store or any commercial industry or civic or ganization. You can't run a home, a church, a school on a code of ethics like this. The test of community ethics is community harmony, community good will, mutual helpfulness. Now we may not be willing to ac knowledge it, but the denial of it would not change the stubborn fact ? and the fact is this-that every one of us with every citizen of this town is a debtor, we are under obligation, we owe somebody, in i'act we owe every body. We may not owe everybody 1 money, but we do owe everybody some-, thing that is more valuable than money. Hffiijfl First? We owe every organization in town that deserves to live and prosper our cooperation. Every man 1 and organization in Brevard and and Transylvania county, that is an asset to the county and town, deserves our sympathetic coope ration, and wo are very poor citizens if we withhold this, cooperation. Second ? There is another thing that Community Ethics demands of 1 its citizens, and it is also a debt, and ! a debt poorly paid. We don't love , folks just like we want them to love us. Here is the philosophy of what I j mean. in a nutshell: One big family! writing another big family after the I following order- "Dear folT??, It you and your folks love mc and lr.y folks i like m< and my folks love you and your folks there never were folks that '\tv FIFTH. SUNDAY SINGING ON PROGRAM AT COURT HOUSE ? > r Next Sunday* being the Fifth Sun day, the Trans yiyania County Sing ing Convention, will be in session at the court house. President J. A. Simpson, loyal leader in this great work, announces that unusually good .linger*, are coming for the regular Fifth Sunday singing. The public is invited to attend. The singing be gins about 10 o'clock, and it is urged that all be on time. THE BtRTH RECORD _ ? Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Green, a son, on March 15. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Press ley, a son,' on March 21. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jethro Sen tell, a son, on March 21. ,Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Schach ner, Jr., a daughter, on March 20. .^11 the youngsters are doing nicely, according to Dr. Charles L. New land, attending physioian. CLEMSON OPENS NEXT WEEK ON FULL TIME SHOWING 1 Announcement is made that the Clemson Theatre will start full time | showings next Monday, replacing the part-time program observed during the winter months. For Monday and Tuesday Greta Garbo in "Irfspira t,ion" will be on the screen. On Wed nesday and Thursday old Amos and Andy will hold the board in "Cheek & Double Cheek." Ou Friday and Sat urday Bert Wheeler and Uobt. Wool sey, in "Half Shot at Sunrise" will be the offering. I 1 Oakland News Items | We arc sorry we failed to get tht Oakland News items in last week foi there were several things that somt of our friends would have been in terested in. At the time we shoulc: have written we were with a very dear friend at thy Sylva Hospital We are sorry to report that he has since died. Among the sad things that hryipen none could be sadden than this untimely death. 1 he oeat.. (,i Wyley Galloway is too terrible VVyley had had some of his friends spending the day in his home, who lcil just a few hours before the blow wa: struck which caused his death. I hi man who committed the crime is now in jail awaiting trial, leaving broken hearted parents and many friends or both sides. Just trace such tragedies to their foundation and you most al ways find the blockader and bootleg ger. We are having a lot of sickness in bur community. I. S. Sanders has , been ill for the past ten days and is still seriously ill with flu and pneu 1 monia. W. F. MtfCall has also hac flu but is recovering nicely. Dr. W ilk efsun of Hosman, is attending both cases. Oakland school has been closed the past two weeks on account of the ill ness of J. T. Harrison, teacher. Misses Evaund Sanders and Myrth McCall were out of school several days lust week on account of sickness, Mrs. Mary Burgess spent last week-end with her parents, Mr. ani Mrs. R. J. Galloway. E. W. McCall and Norman Posit of Mills River, visited the former's brother, W. F. McCall, Sunday. Thi brothers had not met for about sever years. , , . , Mrs. Louis Lyday and son Lloyd and little daughter Betty Jane, art visiting friends here for a few days. Mrs. Lyday1 was called from her home in I'ortersville, Ga? on account of tht serious illness of her brother. I. S. Sanders. On account of the bad weather and so much sickness the singing class has not met for the last three Satur 1 day nights. Th" Singing Convention held at Lake Toxawa.v Baptist church was well attended and greatly enjoyed by the music lovers. An Immense crowd attended the funeral services for Wyley Galloway on Friday. He was buried in the cemetery at Lake Toxawa.v Baptist church. Rev. Paul Hartsell i>l' Bre vard assisted by Rev. S. B. McCall, pastor of the church, conducted the services. Arrangements were in charge of the Sylva Undertaking Co. The lloral offerings were large in number and beautiful. The family wishes to express their appreciation for the kindness shown them during their hour of sorrow. loved folks like me and my folks love you and your folks." Charity is the very essence of eth ics and should have a very large place in our lives. It covers a multi tude of sins, | It won't let you bate folks. It won't allow you to ruin their characters. Don't tell mo that the ethics of love won't work in social life, it will. Or in business life, it will. Or in pro fessional 1 i f e, it will. Or in political life, it will. Or in church life, it will. Charity When your brother man you measure, Take him at his best. There's something in him you can treasure ? ? Overlook the rest. Though, of his, some trait ov fetter, May not suit you to the letter: Trust him? it will make him better. | Take him at his best. Do not note- his limitations: Take him ai his best, Toward his nobler aspirations, Aid him in his quest. If vou'll tenderly inquire, You'll find something to admire, With that lever lift him higher: Take him at his beat. Praise will make Kim worth the praising, Take him at his best, Keep the fire of purpose blazing, Ever in his breast. Do rot flown IIT'O" v'Tn, In the strwifcwi of faith enfold him; To his highest yearning hold him; ! Take. Him at his best. PERRY M. MERRILL, 91 YEARS OLD, DEAD Perry M. Merrill, 91 years of sge, died early last Saturday morning .after an illness from pneumonia lasi ing but three days. Mr. Merrill lived in Little River section, and was high ly esteemed and dearly loved by all who knew him. He was born in this I county and had spent his entire life here, active in all good causes and es pecially loyai to the Little River Bap tist church, of which he had been a member for the past 46 years. ! Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at the Little River ? Baptist church, with the Rev. J. F. Scott, and the Rev. Walter Holtzclaw in charge of the services. Hundreds of people gathered to attend the last rites over the body of their departed friend, many coming from distant points. Mr. Merrill was the father of 14 children ? seven living and seven dead. Following are the surviving: Mrs. Nettie Spence, and Mrs. John IWoor.e, of Kent, Texas; Mrs. Raleigh Capps, Brevard; Mrs. Frank Shuford, Har ley M. Merrill and Wade Merrill, of ?Little River, and Carl Merrill, of Florida. Many other close relatives survive, and great hosts of friends i?> this county and in other states of tit; nation. The passing of Mr. Merrill, last of a large family of brothers, removes from the- county a group of men who have hr^much to do with the making of this section. He was an uncle of Dan Merrill, of Brevard. Following were pallbearers: New land Moore, Garfield Moore, Garland Merrill, Albert Merrill, Gene Ship man and George Merrill. The Brevard Undertaking company had charge of the funeral arrange ments. ' II. & B. TO GIVE AWAY gs 11 A BY CHICKS AN1) BROODER j Interesting announcement is madf , by the popular B. & B. Feed and Seed company that a brooder and 25 baby (Micks are to be given away next :-'n ! urday afternoon. All interested pe< pie are urged to make inquirey ai tin feed store between now and Saturday, 1 or on Saturday, and full information ' will be given. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Poole am ? children Junior arid Dorothy, at tended the funeral of Mr. H. S. Fuilei in Winter i'ark, Fla., last Sunday. i March 22. Mr. and Mrs. Poole aim ; children returned to Brevard Wed ; nesday. Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Alexander \v. i I called to Columbia, S. C., the first oi ? the week on account of the illness ol i Mrs. Alexander's father. i Dinner guests of Mrs. F. L. Wil , son on Wednesday included Mrs. John Moore and two sons, Euland and Garfield of Kemp, Texas, Mrs. Ral eigh Capps and daughter Orlena. Mr.-. | Joe Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wil son and two children, Gerald and ' Lois, and Mrs. Aston Heath and two children, Francis and Mary Louis.-. ' Mrs. Ilershcll Wilson is somewhat improved, having suffered from influ ? enza. Mrs. Odell Gray of Davidson River s underwent an appendicitis operation March 18 at' the Patton Memorial hospital Hendersonville. Reports say I she is doing quite well. Miss Hassio Tinsley and Mrs. , Maurice Gardner visited their sister, ? Miss Marie Tinsley at the Mission ? hospital, where she is recovering irorn an appendicitis operUtion. Mrs. Gard ner went from there .to Tuscon, Ariz, to join her husband. Miss Sue Rooker of UarUvell, G;;., a former schoolmate of Miss Jos. phinc Clayton, and now teaching at Highlands, was a week-end guest in Brevard. i Bob Garrett of Enka, spent the past week-end in Brevard. ' Mr. and Mrs .Ralph Duckworth Canton, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.( Duckworth. Ruf'us Joints of State College, is spending the spring holidays with his parents. Rev. and Mrs. Paul llarl. ell left Monday for the eastern part of the state where they will visit Mrs. liart sell's lather, wiio is very ill. Bjlmo Duckworth and Ed Jones o? Charlotte spent Sunday in Brevard. Mr. and MrS. Walter Duckworth and son Billy, of Marshall, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harris. ! Johnnie Hudson has returned to Brevard after a visit with his mother in Shelby. i Mrs. Frank DeVane of Atlanta, Ga., is visiting Mrs. C. E. Orr. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Brooks and son James Oliver spent the past wcel end in Greenville with Mr. Brooks' brother. Charles Brooks. I Miss Mordecia Salt?! of Asheville, was a visitor in Brevard this week. Mr and Mrs. Albert Kyle spent Monday in Asheville. I Miss Polly Doonan and Miss Bessie Levington of Savannah, Ga., are visiting Mrs. L. M. Hart. | Mrs. A. 0. Kitchen and Mr. Aif Glaaener' were called to Walhalla, S. C., last week on account of the death of a nephew, Mi . Brown. Miss Emma Bagwell is improving at the Mountain City Sanatorium, in South Carolina. Miss Helen Boyd, who has been the guest of Mrs, Albert Kyle for the oast two weeks has returned to her home in Sisterville, W. Va. Mrs. Mqore and Mrs. Sponce of Texas, were called to Brevard this week on account of the death of their father, Perry Merrill. Mrs. Bell|Willinms who is the guest of Mrs. Mary Mills, was a visitor in ? Asheville Saturday. George Fortune is ill at the home of his sister, Mrs. Felix Nortdn, on i Probart avenue. . | Mrs. Curl Mutt AwVioyillc, is vis- I iting M iris ft o wen a Orr. i Prof, and Mrs. L. B. Ilaynei? are confined to their1 home by illness. FATE OF BANK TO BE 1 DECIDED TODAY AT COURT HOUSE MEET (Contintied fcom page one) this plan and report to us thereon immediately as to what you will do. The plan seems to be the - best and probably the final one that we maj be able to work out. Respectfully submitted' by De positors' Committee of Brevard Banking Company. By J. M. McCRARY, Chmn. T. J. WILSON, Secretary. j Proposed Agreement ' State of North Carolina, County of Transylvania. , I This Indenture Witnesset-k. That I, We, the undersigned depositors of th Brevard Banking Company, of Bre vard North Carolina do s^ver?U^ agree and contract with said bank in consideration of our several and m tual benefits to be derived from tht arrangements now being made to re open said bank and liquidate the as sets of same and to effect a re-organ ization of said bank and of the di ectors and officials thereof, and oth erwise fully meet the requirements of the State Authorities and or the Sta Banking Department on or before ttu 26th day of J?ay, A. D. 1. ?? That I, We, will postpone legal demand until November 1st, A. tt 1033 for seventy (70%) .ner centun, . ' our? my deposits, claim or de mand, certified as of the closing dan December 15th A. P. 19^0 rf - Bank, evidenced by either time or ( mand certificates as the case may ?? against said bank. That I, We. agree with said ban; that the remaining thirty (30 /<) pt centum of our-my balance, deposit claim or claims, demand or demand! shall be turned into the surplus fund which ?hall remain as such until tir earnings of said bank arc sufficient i pay slid thirty <30'/,) per cent" Ka-k to the said depositors, it bui provided that all of said surplus fup< Ihal) be paid back to the said deposi . torS before any other distribution 1 = made thereof, and provided furth ? that the distribution of said 8" plj, fund shall be made pro rata am the depositors when and as the ear.. ings of said bank shall equal t,i (IOC ) per centum thereoi. . And it is further mutually agresc and understood that the stockholden I ,,f record at the time of the cio. iu of said bank shall raise by lega means of their choice the sum ot no less than thirty-five thousand M . ; 000.00) dollars and pay same in . cash into the surplus fund of sa bank and th,t said surplus fun shall remain as such, except to mi preferred claims against said ban end provided further that there snn be no other distribution of said fur. except the earnings thereon and san. , shall be paid pro rata to .deposit toi record of date December -li'uhaHw 1930 until they each and all shall naid in full of their legal claim demands. Said thirty-five thousan. mr. O00.00) dollars shall be paid ? in addition to any imd all other sun, belonging to the said tank, and ? ; thirty-five thousand ($3u, 000.00) a iars shall be paid in at or on the i opening of said bank. It is further mutually agreed an< understood that in the event of f ai ure of said bank to re-open as hen. specified, or to re-open and fail agaih I. We, relinquish none of our? ray do mandfi; 'claims, or rights, and ? bo ?ur ? rav desire that the kta ' speedily liquidate the assets of sai bank and pay over to us our pro rat. ^provided that this agreement sha, be null and void unless said bank re-opened according to the ten., hcreyf within sixty days from i. da\VrrNKSS my? our hand? hand; sepals 'bis ? Witness : ZH? (Seal) (Seal) ! (Seal) I SOLONS ARE TIRED. I. WEARY, WORNOUT I ... Brevard News Bureau Ralciyh, March 25 The North Carolina Generai As sembly is tired. One of the doctor members read the symptoms and' de clared most of the members are used up. spent, need a rest. They have al ready brokeji all records by stayinir in session two weeks over the norma! time, with slim prospects of getting away in another two weeks. "Eastei is the most promising prediction now. | The Assembly has reached its low est ebb. Members are talkative, touch ous, and irritable. They have spent two and. three hour sessions in pass ing one or two bills and probably tabling fis many more. All want to talk and dissect every bill. The? question each others motives con stantly, and often justly. There is* -'i sort of Back-wash oves passing bilk that now seeks to kill them. During the next two weeks, predictions are they will buckle down and dig out ot he maze which enshrouds them. The past week has been spent in part in marking time, awaiting the Finance bill which has been promised almost daily. It is now in final form and was taken up early in the week by the House, which will spend most of this week on it before it gits to the Sennte for probably another week. Both of the houses, meanwhile, will be getting other legislation behind them. Another big bill is the Ap propriations measure, which also will require time. It will doubtless move along behind the Revenue biH. TTio op_>. hag p t. about 10, 0(H) degrees xarennen. j King George of England now pre- 1 fers a pipe to cigars. ROSMAN GROUP IN GREAT MpiNC . (C lax ton Henderson, Reporter) The Bosnian Y. T. H. F..gave one of the most enjoyable and instructive programs in chapel Friday .March 20 that has been given this year. Ev ery Friday morning some class in school entertains by having chargc useful Course 'of Study for High School Boys to take than Foreign Language." Ralph Galloway* and Claxton Henderson represented the affirmative and Ral^Ji Burt and Rob ert Gravely the negative. Paul Whit mire was acting president and E. J Wllitmire secretary. Judges were' Miss Jameson, Mr. Moore and Mr. Cline. I The boys had prepared their debate well and considerable interest wa: manifested in the subject. While lis tening to the speeches, one's mind could not keep from going back t last fall during the campaign when similar heated discussions were held around over the country. The speak ers were frequently interrupted and the trueness of tehir statements ques tioned by their opponent, and it v. a only by President. Paul Whitmire's constant use of the gavel that order was maintained. The judges had very hard iime deciding which sidv. won the debate, yet while listening to i some special music rendered by th. boys' Junior Glee Club, they finally decided in favor of the affirmative. The Y. T. H. F. are very busy now assembling facts and writing up the practices they are going to carry oil! in their farm projects this year. Th new system of potato culture is bein;: ? given consideration, though they real ize that it will take several years ; get any real results, since the prepar ation of the soil is the first essentia! which requires years of work and study. BOYS WORKING OUT FOR BREVARD TEAK Both Brevard High and Brevarc Institute baseball aggregations m.v? begun work on their diamonds, ihc boys having been out at both plsc ; for several days. Brevard High, while losing severa players from the last year lineup have several new faces in both infie'f : and the outer pasture that are show ing up well in preliminary work Coach- Tilson is building' around AT ; bert Payne and his battery mate , Paul Schachner. Tony Trantham, at Brevard Insti N tute, has much new material to sent in this year if his aspirants prove uj 1 after real work is started. Severa . of his '30 bunch is present and froinj good, and supplemented with the like ; ly new boys, he is looking forward t' J a crack nine. Tom Graham is bad for mound duty with Agular, Regan Mitchell and Menedez and others. 1 j Another week's workout will giv; both teams probable lineups for first ' ' game, which will be played belweer the two local teams. USE BLOODHOUNDS IN TRAILING ALLEGED FIREBUGS Bloodhounds from Asheville wc-v taken into Jackson county last wee !? in an effort to trace men alleged tc have set forest fires on the big hunt iijg boundary owned by J. G. Stike leather, McClure and others. Fir"; did considerable damage before the flames were checked. No arrests havi been reported. GARDNER OPPOSED TO SALES TAX IN ANY FORM WHATEVER (Continued from page one) MacLean bill itself does not purport to take all off property, even for the" constitutional term of public schools. Based on last year's expenditures, it would be necessary to ?levy for the total support of the six months term an average rate of nearly 25 cents in every county, after receiving the full benefit of the revenue provided to carry out the MacLean bill. To meet the total cost of current expense alond, it would be necessary to levy an additional rate in many counties. This phase of this problem is not generally understood by the public. It should be clearly understood by each of you " "1 have a definite philosophy about the needs of Norfh Carolina, and ev ' ery recommendation I made to you and every bill presented by me for your consideration was motivated by only one definite purpose; namely, economy, efficiency and tax reduction on property. I have not pressed a single measure before you th,-. did not have a terminal ih th object ive. .' " "If for this we can substitute the psychology of patience together with real economy and real saying; if we can as governments and as individu als become willing to live on l"ss. to live hard if you will; if v.r e:.:i raise more of the consumption ? ? ? < '.hat we now purchase; if we can do more work, economize, cut hep and cut there, we will emerge fr i ? iod a chastened but a miuering people " "You may differ with me, and I knew some of you will; V' -i may doubt the wisdom of my r