PASSING THE BUCK AT RALEIGH NOTED i J THE WEEK ENDS Inability cf House and Senate to Agree on School Tax Continues WANT 15 CENT TAX ON land FOR SCHOOLS Editor Josephus Daniels Being Approached with Com promise Offers ft', it X--ICH Bin can itrlettih, \hii/ ?0 Rakish, May 10. ? The North Car ?fina Senate and House of Represen Utwcs have been passing the ball Wk and forth rapidly for several .iays. with the most hopeful signs yet .agtpeanng that it will come to rest on 'twupmmising central lines, while Sfiia'Mr itallett 8. Ward, of Beaufort, MtTn-tiguting charges of attempts at ?wirroption and bribery of Senators, h.<-- found little more than the usual talk" which might bo expected. V-? conference committee of the iv. house's promised the House Fri 4? hilt it expected to have a report f< io meeting at :! o'clock Monday a op.', as well as belief, is that the I' ? will come t?? the more than ii : way point to which the Senate is ? ?-tptinji to meet its coordinate t. .. adopt a Revenue Bill that will n'l'o. i! :?i- -u-t it ally all the relief asked iv ffc- o opposed to any ad valorem Ut aiiil permit the General Assembly s ' M by next Saturday, :i nee plan is tor a 15-cent ?-i ?-i. em tax, raising about $4, ;>i>y.0oi'. the remainder of the fund of 1 <i bo raided by the State, support of the six months ? ? ? fin and ai<! for the extended ?Jerir . The present rate is 30 cents on the SUN) as a basis for participating -.i laliains fund, but in nearly the rate is higher, run \ s; for school purposes. TK' State-wide 15-cent rate would give great relief. The State fund is J to be supplemented by increased in- | come and franchise taxes. j| The point is made that as condi- J tions now are the plan might fall short of the State fund needed, but 1 that in normal times, and they might j arrive again before the end of the n'?xt biennium, the fund would be suf- 8 icient. But an act has been passed by this session which would permit c borrowing on short term notes and in 1 anticipation of taxes, any funds need- t ed to supplement the school funds 1 appropriated, so such an emergency a., lower revenues may be met. 1 1 The Senate is receding considerably 1 from its original position and it is hoped that the House will come to 1 1 ihese terms, instead of standing out i for its no ad valorem tax for school support. Some of the leaders of that ? lit, up, such as Union L. Spence, Moore, and H. C. Connor, Wilson, members of the cenference commit- ! too, have now adopted the view that he money cannot bo raised without a small ad valorem tax and voted for ; the 20-cent ad valorem plan, which .he House refused last week by a 60 ? to vote. . |' The Senate again during last week voted down the so-called luxury tax by an increased margin, 26 to 23, and again turned down the general sales tax proposal by the overwhelming vote of 30 to 9. The MacLean group held caucus Friday and about 45 of the number again took their stand against any plan that includes "one cent of ad valorem. Josephus Dan iels and Thomas C. (Tarn) Bowie met with them, although newspaper men generally were not admitted. ? t oy counseled holding out against any ad valorem tax. A plan of compromise was suggest- , ed privately to Mr, Daniels, militant !>nd ardent supporter of the luxury tax anil MacLean law, last week. It was that the 20-cent ad valorem tax plan be adopted for the first year of JV next biennium and an election be held next November, when no other proposal would be considered, and let the people vote on the luxury tax. If 't carried, then it would be put in op eration the second year of the bien nium; if not, the other plan to contin ue. He did not approve. Nor has the House been willing to let the people, f rom whom they have their commis si >n, vote on the proposal. i AN UNUSUAL VALUE AT $430 f.o.b. JUtrotf, pint frttfhi tnd delivery. Bumper* and i par* fir# ?xtra at tmaU ItM* T 13 ? FORD ROADSTER Everything you want or need in a motor ear tit a low priee - Beauty of line and color Attractive upholstery 55 to 65 miles an hour Quick acceleration Fully enclosed four-wheel brakes Triplex shatter-proof glass windshield Four Houdaille hydraulic shock absorbers Rustless Steel More than twenty ball and roller bearings Economy Reliability Long life See your dealer for a demonstration THIRTEEN BODY TYPES ?430 to *630 r. t. Omt rait, pbu trtiskt mnd itlltmy. luaftri mmi tpm* tfra MMW N tmtU can. Yum mm I my m M m mwlal tmrmt ihramfk lt? ftri n Mm* On ?/ tkm Vmtotfi CrmUt Cww, :OUNTY CHAIRMAN CAN NOW FILL VACANCY; )N COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD; OTHER LAWS; Among the bills ratified last week md now the law are the following: Provide a method of filling vacan ies on county boards of education, >y chairman of the party to which he member creating the vacancy be onged. Abolishing the State Highway Pa ;rol districts,' as per new State road aw. Limit charge tor .State purposes or :hose of subdivisions to six cents a uile for use of automobile. Conferring on Commissioner of Banks powers and rights of handling nortgages, deeds of trust and other papers securing payment of money, held by closed banks. Setting out conditions under which x closed bank may reopen. Prevent children under 16 years of age from work in certain dangerous or detrimental places, subject to cer tain exceptions. Permitting clerk of court to ap point jurors and allot dowec, upon re quest of either party. Require automobile owners in cer tain counties to pay delinquent ad valorem taxes on cars before permit ting them to secure State motor ve hicle license. Knlarging the powers of presiding judges at criminal superior court terms. Directing tax collectors to establish partial payment plan for collecting taxes in 4 counties and all municipali ties in those counties. Ratifying actions of boards of di rectors of insolvent banks relative to the duties performed as trustees in deeds of trust* The House has, for concurrence in the Senate amendment, the bill pro viding a commisison to study high school textbooks and report to the 1933 Legislature. Only about 35 bills were introduc ed last week, 10 in the Senate and 25 in the House, most of them local. More important of the public bills follow : "Representative Garibaldi introduced a resolution for the General Assem bly to move to the Oceanic Hotel at Wrightsville Beach for ocean breezes during the rest of the session into the summer. An amendment would re quire Mr. Garibaldi to pay the ex penses of the legislators. The meas ure is still pending. Another joint resolution opposes the plan of some counties of paying the expenses of their representatives in the prolonged session, since they were elected for two years and re ceive a salary of $600 for the session. To regulate stream pollution in North Carolina. To provide for a racing commission and permit pari-mutual racing in Pol!; county. This, unlike the fam ous Buncombe racing bill, although of the same kind, was killed with an unfavorable report by the first com- 1 mittee considering it. To abolish the Judicial Conference, ! since another commission to perform , many of its functions, to study the laws of the state and seek to codify, I clarify and simplify them has been . created by this General Assembly. NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of Lawson B. Haynes, de ceased, late of Transylvania County, N. C., this is- to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned executrix, Brevard, N. C., on or before the 14th day of May, 1932, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 7th day of May, 1931. JEAN ADAMS HAYNES, Exeuctrix of the estate of Lawson B. Haynes, deceased. May 14-21-28; June 4-11-18 Administrator's NOTICE State of North Carolina Transylvania County In The Superior Court Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Perry Merrill, de ceased, late of Transylvania County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate 'of the deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned at his home in Little River Township, on or before the 6th day of May 1932, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 6th day of May 1931. Frank P. Shuford, Administrator. P6t My7 14 21 28 J4.ll. NOTICE ? Trustee's Sale By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed in trust executed by W. E. Shipman and wife, Norma Shipman to the undersigned trustees to secure payment of certain indebtedness set out in said deed in trust, which instrument is dated Mar. 1st, 1927, registered in Book 16 at page 547, of the Records of Deeds in Trust for Transylvania county, N. C. said indebtedness having become du>; and remaining unpaid after notice to make the default in payment good, the undersigned trustees will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the town of Bre vard, N. C., on Saturday June 6th, 1931, at 12 o'clock M. all that cer tain lot of land and premises situ ated in the town of Brevard, N. C., i bounded as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of the lot of land belonging to Mrs. Shuford on Morpan street, extended, runs North 56 deg. 53 min west 52 feet to a stake, corner of a 10 foot alley; then , with the eastern boundary line of , said alley, south 31 deg. 17 min. west 239 1-2 feet to a stake, corner of an other 10 foot alley; then south 82 j deg, 55 min. east* 57 feet along said alley, to a stake in the property line of Mrs. Shuford; then North 31 deg. j 17 min. east 213 feet, more or less, to the beginning. Being lot 4, block C of the subdi vision of the A. B. Galloway prop- ; erty as shown on map of said sub division which map is recorded in Book 1 at page 29 of the record of Deeds of Transylvania county, N. C., j to which reference is made for full , description. 1 j Sold to satisfy said indebtedness, cost and expenses of sale. | This May 6th, 1931. L. E. Johnson, Welch Galloway, Ml4-21-28Jun4 Trustees. ' , NOTICE of RE-SALE The bid heretofore filed for the property hereinafter referred to hav ing been raised and the Court having ordered a resale thereof; NOW THEREFORE the undersign ed Trustee will on Saturday May the 23rd. 1931 at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door in the Town of Bre vard, N. C., offer for sale and sell to | the highest bidder for cash all that ! certain lot lying in the Town of Bre jvard and fully described in that cer ! tain Deed in Trust from Thos. H. Shipman and wife to the undersigned Trustee, dated August the 15th. 1928 and registered in Book 23, on i>age 11, of the Records of Deeds in Trust (for Transylvania County, reference being hereby made to said Deed in ; Trust and record for a description of | said property by mc-tes and bounds, proceeds of said sale to be applied up on said indebtedness, cost of sale, etc. This the 6th day of May 1931. D. L. ENGLISH iM 7-14-21 Trustee Notice of Sale Under Lien Under and by virtue of the statute made and provided relating to liens ifor work and material, the undersign ed will on Saturday the 30th. day of ' May 1931, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the place of business of the undersigned in Brevard, N. C., offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, One Chevrolet Coach No. 3082922, Serial No. 9AA41511. Proceeds of said sale to be applied jupon said indebtedness, cost of> sale, etc. The remainder to be paid to the 'holder to the title of said car. I This 9th dav of May 1931. K. & M. AUTO COMPANY Bv D. L. English, Attorney I ' 3t M. 14-21-28 WHEN FORTUNE SMILES The editor of the country paper ,went home to supper smiling radiant ly. "Have you had some good luck?" his .wife questioned. "Luck! I should say so. Deacon Tra ce.v, who hasn't paid his subscription for ten years, came in and stopped his paper." i / Cook a whole meal Electrically for the cosl of a package of chewing gum (! Now the dreams of millions of women will come true. At our extremely low electric rates the average family can cool; on the eco ' nomical Hot)) o I n t Range for less than seventeen cents per Come In and see a demonstration o f the new hi-speed unit which brings new speed and greater economy to modern, automatic cookery. The fhjtfwinf Automatic Electric Range ? "The Modern Maid For Modem Mothers" ? Think of having a range without flame, without matches, without soot or fumes. And as economical or more economical than old-fashioned methods of cook'ing. Here it is. Special Campaign Offer Our Prices Are For Ranges INSTALLED. There Are No "ExiraV' For You to Buy. (Our Campaign Offer it to customer ? on oar own existing tinea, exclusively.) Southern Public Utilities Co. Electricity? 4he Servant in the Home. MORE ABOUT EFFORT TO BRIBE SENATORS DOWN RALEIGH WAY Hinsdale Testifies That Rey nolds Sent Offer to Him to Lay Off Luxury Tax PRESIDENT DENIES ALL CHARGES OF BRIBERY Another Report Was That Ten Thousand Dollars Was Too Much to Pay Senator Brevard News Bureau Raleigh, May SO Senator Ward startled the Senate by introducing a resolution for an in vestigation of reports and charges of attempted bribery and corruption of Senators, stating that he would go before a judge and swear out bench warrants if the Senate did not adopt his resolution. It was adopted unan imously and Senator Ward named chairman of the investigating com-. ^ mittee, with power to subpoena wii-* jJ nesses and take sworn testimony. Senator John W. Hinsdale, Wake county, author of the luxury tax measure, testified ho had been offered most "anything he might want" if he would lot up on his luxury ?ax advo cacy, the offer coming from W. N. Reynolds, official of the R. J. Rev nolds Tobacco Co., through David H. Pope, chairman of the Wake county board of commissioners. Mr. Pope, following him. swore that he had talk ed to Senator Hinsdale at the request of Mr. Reynolds, but that he had not been authorized to offer, nor had he offered, anything in any way to Sen ator Hinsdale. A telegram from Mr. Reynolds, made a part of the record, coroborated all Mr. Pope had .-worn. S. Clay Williams, new president of the Reynolds company, asked and was given permission to testify, saving neither he nor any other official' 01 representative of the company had of fered or authorized anyone else to offer a penny to any member of the General Assembly for any purpose. He asked the committee, ' as they would doubtless include any reflec tion on the company, if any should be found, in their report, that in com mon decency and fairness, if they found not a speck of reflection on the company or its officials, they would also include that information in the report. ! Another report, given circulation by Judge Henry A. Grady, was that money had been offered to have an other Senator absent when the luxury tax measure was to be voted upon in the Senate. Goldsboro lawyers were involved in this phase, but the com mittee, after examining several wit nesses, was unable to find that a Sen ator had been approached with such a proposition. It was supposed to have been talked in a hotel room held under another name by W. Lunsford i Long, of Roanoke Rapids.* Investigation of another rumor that was heard in a barber shop, in which a Senator told another man that "510,000 is too much; he could have been secured for less," referred to a mutual friend who had been em ployed by a St. Louis firm at a salary of $10,000 a year, which was thought to have been too much. So far, the investigation, which has shook the State, has developed nothing more than recorded and nothing more than might bo expected at a time like I this, when men are quirk to grab at any straw. Senator Ward has not. I at this time, justified his action, as Senator Rivers Johnson told him so on the floor of the Senate and having the same information, that he would not be able to do so. The General Assembly may be ready to adjourn by next Saturday, or it may not. It has already been in session more than 130 days, or 10 days more than twice the usual time. During thai time more than 2,025 bills have been introduced and of that number, 1,048, slightly more than half, have ben enacted into law. NOTICE of RE-SALE The bid heretofore filed for the property hereinafter referred to hav ing been raised and the Court'having ordered a re-sale thereof; NOW THEREFORE the under signed Trustee will on Saturday may the 23rd, 1931, at 12 o'clock M. at the Court house door in the town of Brevard, N. C., offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash all that certain lot lying in the Town of Bre vard and fully described in that cer tain Deed in Trust from Thos. H. Shipman and wife ta the undersigned Trustee, dated March 28th, 1930, and registered in Book 23, page 121 of rec?rds of Deeds in Trust for Tran aylvania County, reference being lw hereby made to said deed in trust and record for a description of said prop erty by metes and bounds, proceeds of said sale to be applied uppn said in debtedness, cost of sale, etc. This the 6th. dav of May 1931. P. ENGLISH, Trustee 3tM7-14-21 NOTICE and Summons IN THE SUPERIOR COURT State of North Carolina r ra us a 1 va n ia Cou n ty GENERAL LADD vs 3ESSIE MORTON LADD The defendant above named will ake notice that an action entitled as ibov? has been commenced in the Su >erior Court of Transylvania County o obtain an absolute divorce by slid ilaintiff from said defendant, and the aid defendant will further take not :e that she is required to appear at he term of Superior Court of said Jounty to be held in the court house n Brevard on the Fifth Monday aft r the First Monday in July, it being he 3rd day of August 1931, and an wer or demur to the complaint of his plaintiff or the plaintiff wiH ap ly to the court for the relief demand d in said complaint. This 2nd day of May 1931. II Wo Alexander, Clerk Superior Court Ralph Fisher, Atty. M7-14-21-28p y r

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