Mills River church having beer or ganized, on March 25, 1860, Rev. Wil liam Graves resigned as pastor of Davidson River. On May IB, 18<0, Rev. G. D. Parkes was called to the pastorate of Davidson River, and served the church until the following January. The usual summer meetings were held. On July 23, 1860, the record ends with: "The Lord's Supper was administered by the pastor, Rev. G. Tlj^syjkes and Rev. William Graves i^fc^wesence of a large and re sp&tful congregation." During the latter part of Mr. Parkes' pastorate, secession was in the air, and the Confederate States of America was formed. In the latter part of 1860 and the early part of 1861, before North Car <>k\ia joined the Confederacy, in the "^tintain section the "Union sentiment strong. However, the Union sen timet was sharply split when North Carolina joined the Confederate States, and a large part of those fa voring the Union took sides with the Confederacy. In January, 1861, Rev. J. C. Stew- , art was called to the pastorate. At the meeting March 30, 1861, Joel Mackey united with church by letter, ( and Charles Patton on profession. Both of these were later ruling elders of the church for many years. In April, 1861, Mr. Stewart resign- | ed on account of ill health, and the ? pulpit was vacant until he was re- ] called in January, 1862. The record J made on that date reads: "The session j again employed the Rev. J. C. Stew- < art, to be paid by subscription, the , amount as yet unknown." I This ends the record, so far as the < Sessional Records show, until after the close of the Civil War. The church > wa? divided, and most of the time j without a pastor. One section was loy->"j al to the Confederacy. Another stuck 1 to the Union. The two sections could not amalgamate at that time. Some- j times there would be a meeting; of 1 one section, and sometimes another. Not only the church but ev6n the fam ilies were divided. In some families there were sons in both the. Southern and Northern Armies. War condi tions prevailed generally. Local living conditions were made much more acute by the presence in these moun tains of those who belonged to the army of ."General Green" ? those who hid in the woods and dodged enlist- ? ment in both armies, and those who i hid in the woods and dodged enlist- 1 ment in both armies, and those who i had deserted from one or the other ; army, or both. The local name ap- i plied to this element was "Bush whackers," and they were credited , with being guilty of all kinds of rob- j bery, terrorism, beatings, and with a j number of murders. f Under these conditions, there was i but little activity in the church, and 1 even less record of the church activ- 1 ity. i Following chapters will give ac- 1 :ount of the reorganization and fur- 1 ;lose of the Civil War, during which ,< period there were two churches, but l' j short distance from each other, one 1 belonging to the Presbyterian church, i LI. S. A. (usually referred to as the c Northern Presbyterian Church), and c ;he other belonging to the Presbyter- c an Church U. S. (usually called the i Southern Presbyterian Church), and s ?ach claiming to be the original and s rue Davidson River Presbyterian ^t Church. s (To be continued) 's h j Lake Toxaway News [ Mr. and Mrs. Cope Lee and chil dren, Albert and Arlene, spent last Sunday with Mr. Lee's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lee. Miss Emma Lee Merrill of Penrose spent last week here visiting relatives and friends. Lyle McCoy and Harrison Hall made a business trip to East La Porte last week. Mrs. Kimsey Miller was very sick last week. Mr. and Mrs. Arrowood Lee and little spn Boyd spent last Sunday eve ning with Mrs. Lee's mother, Mrs. Fannie McCoy. Rev. S. B. McCall of Oakland spent Monday with his daughter, Mrs. Leonard Thomas. Mrs. Louis Tinsley and little daughter Lucy spent Monday evening with her mother, Mrs. Charlie Lee. Taylor Lee was on the sick list last week. Misses Nettie and Edith Sanders gave a singing for the young people at the home of thrir parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sanders, Tuesday night. A nice time was reported. Mr, and Mrs. Chris Fisher and children spent last Sunday with Mrs. Fisher's parents, Mr. and Mrs. "Kim" Miller. J. C. McCall of Oakland, spent last Saturday niyht with L. C. Case, Jr. Dave Green of Namur, was in Toxaway Sunday. Vincent Owen and his nephew, Em mett Owen spent the week-end at Namur. Miss Louis Williams left last week for El Paso, Texas. Miss Doreen Lee entertained quite a number of young people at the'home NEXT We contribute to your good lookB. You can get a Vitalis treatment here, the vegetable oil toaic, '.so the Fitch products. It Pay? To Look Well SMITH'S BARBER SHOP of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. 'r Lee last Friday night. js Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ray had as v their guests over the week-end, Mr. |t and Mrs. E. C. Merrill and son Clif- * ton, A. F. Ray and daughter, Nancy of Asheville. ,r Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Gillespie and s daughter, Virginia, spent the week- 0 end in West Asheville with their ? daughter, Mrs. "Red" Henson. ij' Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Case and son r Warren, were Brevard visitors Mon- '' day. ? i Mrs. Eli McKinna spent Mon- * day with her daughter, Mrs. Lon . _ O'Shields. jc Miss Mildred Williams is visiting in ' Dillsbdro. ? Mr. and Mrs. Crate McCall, of. Cashiers, were in Toxaway last Sat- ?' urday. f Mrs. Fannie Miller of Inman, S. C., jD is visiting her cousin, Miss Willie Mae " Owen. i Mrs. C. C. Hall and niece, Miss * Emma Lee Merrill of Penrose, spent;1' last Fr >day With Mrs. W. J. Raines. |r Gideon Miller of Quebec, spent last Saturday with his daughter, Mrs. i" Charlie Lee. L Mrs. Ida Payne spent a few days in ?!. Brevard last week with Mrs. C. R. , McNeely. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Whitmire of'c Reid's Siding, who have been with j" Mrs. Whitmire's parents, Mr. and ? Mrs. Coleman Owen, for several ? weeks, returned to their home last.1 week. ? j Mrs. Ernest Paugh of Rosman is,*1 visiting her mother, Mrs. H. G. Rog- j " ers. id ! Mrs. F. Y. Willbanks left last Fri- a day for Ware Shoals, S. C? to visit o ?relatives for several weeks. 1 H. G. Rogers spent the week-end ,t I with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter and family of j v j Asheville. moved to Toxaway last ,e I week. They are at the Scruggs cot-:d I tage. j I NOTICE ? Trusteed Sale t By virtue of the power of sale 1 contained in a certain deed in trust ! executed by W. E. Shipman and wife, c Norma Shipman to the undersigned trustees to secure payment of certain u indebtedness set out in said deed in trust, which instrument is dated Mar. 1st, 1927, zegistered in Book 16 at page 547, of the Records of Deeds in Trust for Transylvania county, N. C. ? said indebtedness having become due^ and ^remaining unpaid after notice to ?make the default in payment good, the undersigned trustees will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the town of Bre- ,t vard, N. C., on Saturday June 6th, ,? 1931, at 12 o'clock M. all that cer- I tain lot of land and premises situ- ,t ated in the town of Brevard, N. C., ? I bounded as follows: BEGINNING at 'f the northwest corner of the lot of ? land belonging to Mrs. Shuford on c Morgan street, extended, run? North]* 56 deg. 53 min west 52 fee t, to a stake, corner of a 10 foot alley ; then j< with the eastern boundary line of i* said alley, south 31 deg. 17 min. west 1 239 1-2 feet to a stake, corner of an other 10 foot alley; then south 82 < it THE BREVARD UNDERTAKING CO. D. F. MOORE and PURDE OSBORNE SOLE OWNERS DAY PHONE, 88 NIGHT PHONE: D. F. Moore, Phone 250 Purde Osborne, Phone 159 AMBULANCE Service At ALL HOURS fWAYNESVILLE TEAM j LOST TO BREVARD Tommy Graham Pitches Great Game Before Large Crowd of Fans Saturday LOCALS HAVE TOP PLACE * IN W. C. LEAGUE RACE Carson and Whit mire Lead the Hitting With There Out of Four Tries Before the largest crowd out this Beason, Brevard defeated Waynes- , ville-Hazelwood. here Saturday after- 1 noon by the score of seven to five, outplaying the visitors all the way through. Tommy Graham, on the mound for Brevard, pitched a great game, and i was given good support by his team mates. Aside from a little wildness in the first inning, the local boy had the | seasoned players from Waynesville, Hazelwood and Canton under control it all times. Tom Carson and Tom Whitmire, who have been in a hitting slump the past couple weeks, brightened up and ead their teammatefe in Saturday's jo, Whitmire getting two doubles and i single out of four tries, and Carson ;hree singles out of four times up. The visitors scored two runs in the 'irst inning. Striking out the first nan. Graham passed the next two, vho scored when Curly Price smashed >ne to the fence. Brevard scored five runs in their lalf of the first, Atwell singled; Joe | Jchachner went down by the strike >ut route; Allison was safe at first in a fielder's choice when Atwell was >ut at second; Clayton walked, push ng Allison to second; Tom Carson ;ingled scoring Allison, going to :econd on the play with Clayton on hird. Albert Payne added another ingle to score Clayton, stole second ind trotted in after Carson when Vhitmire hit for two. Skidmore slam ned one to right field and Whitmire cored on the muffed play. Graham yent out shortstop to first to retire he side after the entire team had aced E. Robinson. With two men out in the third in ling, a double by F. Robeson and a ingle by Price netted the visitor an ther tally. One in the fifth and ne in the sixth made the visiting earn look good but they were unable o overcome the big lead. Two singles n the ninth with two men out looked angerous but the game was over ?hen Fisher, called the "Lucky Boy" y reason of the many breaks he re eived here, popped out to Schachner. Brevard scored two in the third on hree bunched hits. Clayton, first aseman up, flew out' to first. Car on singled; Payne went out to cen er. Whitmire again doubled, both oys scoring on a long single by Skid iore. Rhymer relieved E. Robeson in he box and Brevard failed in their coring. Fact is, the young Canton :e, had the locals guessing for the emainder of the game and only two afeties were chalked up in the last ve frames. Score bv inning: r h e Vaynesville ... 201 Oil 000?5 7 2 trevartl 502 000 OOx? 7 f? 4 At Biltmorc Saturday The Brevard aggregation will play iayles Bleachery at Biltmore Satur ay afternoon in a scheduled Western larolina League game. Two wins in he first two games places Holt's rew in top position, each of the other ve teams having lost a game. !eg. 55 min. east, 57 feet along said lley, to a stake in the property line f Mrs. Shuford; then North 31 deg. 7 min. east 213 feet, more or less, to he beginning. Being lot 4, block C of the subdi ision of the A. B. Galloway prop rty as shown on map of said sub livision which map is recorded in iook 1 at page 29 of the record of )eeds of Transylvania county, N. C., o which reference is made for full lescription. Sold to satisfy said indebtedness, ost and expenses of sale. This May 6th, 1931. L. E. Johnson, Welch Galloway, 114-21-28Jun4 Trustees. NOTICE and SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT i 'tate of North Carolina lounty of Transylvania RALPH SMITH -vs FLORA ALEXANDER SMITH The defendant above . named will ake notice that an action entitled as ibove has been commenced in the Su >erior Court of Transylvania County o obtain an absolute divorce by said )laintiff from said defendant; the laid defendant will further take not ce that she is required to answer the :omplaint filed in this cause within 30 lays from the completion of service >f summons by publication, or file her iemurrer to said complaint or plain :iff will apply to the court for the re ief demanded in said complaint. This the 2nd day of June, 1931. Dtto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court Ralph Fisher, Atty. Jn4-ll-18-25p Administrator's NOTICE State of North Carolina Transylvania County In The Superior Court Having qualified as administrator ?f the estate of Perry Merrill, de ceased, late of Transylvania County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the deceased, to exhibit them to the Undersigned at his home in Little River Townshin, on or before the Cth day of May 1932, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 6th day of May 1931. Frank P. Shuford, Administrator. P6t MyJ 14 21 28 J4 11 TRY 00R WANT ADS. ,1 I I Pleasant Grove News j 1 I Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Kilpatriek of East Flat Rock, were in this paction last week. Mrs. H. W. Grey of near Hender sonville, visited relatives in this sec tion last week-end. Paulette Grey and a number of rel atives from Hendersonville and Ashe- j , ville, were week-end guests of the former's mother, Mr?. A. ? S. Grey, 1 Sunday. Mrs. J. M. Wilson was the week-end i [guest of Mrs. Ida Rushton. , , < Mrs. D. R. Justus spent Saturday1, night with her sister, Mrs. W. H. Grey. 1 Rev. C. E. Blythe and daughters and Mrs. Robert Williams spent Sun- ? day near Spartanburg, S. C.. with the 1 former's brother. Rev. C. E. Blythe < filled an appointment there. Rev1. J. F. Scott of Little River, 1 was Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. j E. Hamilton. Our crops and gardens look so re- i freshed after the good shower of rain J Oakland News Items ' rfii Mm E. A. Reid was on the sick list last week, but is improving. , W. F. M'Call, C. F. Norton, Rayi' Sahders and Guy Matheson were in Brevard Monday on business. Rev. S. B. MeCall called on friends here Sunday afternoon. Miss Alberta Burgess of Cashiers, was visiting in Oakland Saturday. E. A. Reid, Mrs. T. B. Reid and < Mrs. Wade Nicholson visited Mrs. Sam Sanders of Lake Toxaway Sun- | C?ay< $ev. and Mrs. S. B. McCall and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thomas spent < last week visiting hoir.e folks at Lc : j( Sunday afternoon. ( Hall Grey and Bill Orr were Hen iersonville visitors Saturday. c A number of our young people at- c ;ended the singing at Brevard Sunday ind reported- some good singing. ' Mrs. W. A. Morris of Henderson rille spent Sunday with her daughter, > Mrs. 0. S. Grey. ( noir, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mr.Hu-son and daughters of Hot Springs, Ark., ar rived Friday for a visit with home folks. Connie and Artense Chappel rpc'.v the week-end with their si.sU.-r, Mrs. Thad Gtiy, in Cashiers. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nolan of Ashe ville, visited Mrs. Alexander Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sanders have ?one to South Carolina to visit Mrs. Sanders' mother. Mrs. Clyde Chappei was in Brevard Saturday on business. iVirs. Taylor Lee and daughter, 'Jhristine, were dinner guests of Mrs. 2. F. Norton on Saturday. Rev. Mr. McCall and .Mrs. Norton called on Mrs. E. A. Reid Sunday aft ernoon. Henry Alexander was calling on Tiends in Oakland Saturday. Mrs. Lee F. Norton visited Jim Hreedlove of Lake Toxaway Thurs iay. He is still in very feeble health. ?2 INSIST on the INSIDE FA For Your Protection Make These Comparisons Before You Buy Your Tires UNDERNEATH the surface is where you get the cold truth about tire values. It's the inside of the tire? the method of construction and the quality and quantity of materials ? that determines its Stamina, Performance, Safety, VALUE. Yon can no more tell the qual ity of a tire by its outside appearance than yon can tell the character of a man by the kind of clothes he wears. We have arranged to show you cross sec tions of Firestone and special brand mail or der tires. Yon can come here and make your own comparisons, nninfltmneed by any sales propaganda. We urge yon to thoroughly cheek every vital point ? rubber volume , weight , width, thick ness, and plies under the tread. Then bay accordingly ? ON FACTS AND FACTS ALONE. Against the various claims pre sented about different tires, isn't this the most logical suggestion ever made to 70a? Could there be any more positive way to defi nitely determine which tires offer you the most for your money? There ran be no question or controversy when you get the FACTS yourself. MOST MILES per DOLLAR COMPARE! THESE PRICES A UTOMOB1LE Manufacturers do not takechancen with special brand tires. Why ifanid 7? take the i risk when 70a can save money by buyin* Firestone qusiity Oldfleld type from ns and in addition get oar service. We list below the leading replacement ii*es. - 1 : ? I MAKE OF CAR roiet J il Ford Chevrolet. Chevrolet Ford _ Ford Chevrolet Whippet Er?kine 1 Plymouth J Chandler DeSoto Dodge Durnnt Graham-Paige Pontiac Roosevelt Willys-Knight Essex Nash Marquette Oldsmobile Bnick. 4 Aabnrn Jordan.. Reo. Gardner Mannon . Oakland. Peerleea.. Stndebaker Chrysler Viking Frank'in. V Hnpmohile J La Salle Pierce- Arrow State } TIRE SIZE 4.40-21 4.50-20 4.50-21 4.75-19 4.75-20 5.00-19 5.00-20 5.25-18 5^5-21 5.50-18 S.SO-19 6.00-18 6.00-19 6.00-20 6.00-21 0?r Ctsh Prtet, Etxh Special Bra*d MaJIOr dnrTIre Oof Cufc Prtw, fmr Pa ir $4.99 *.*? f-H *.*S *.75 7** 7-9* ??57 iij? XL# 1X4* ILtf XSJI 1M? $4.98 5.60 5.69 6.65 6.75 6.98 7.10 7.90 8.57 8.75 8.90 11 J* / 11.40 1LM 11JS 1S.1S IMS ? 9-M Il.fO 11.10 U.f* liao I3.M lM* lf.M lt.fl 174* | U.7* COMPARE C?nstrncf ion and Qoality 41*41 TIKE Mere Rubber Vol. . Mere Weight . . . Mere Width . . . Mere Thickness . . Mere Plies at Tread law Price .... ODE TOtl 17a co. in. I6.?9Hk. 4-75 in .*37 in. * plies M-M o tj^vSH i 1S.TSIW. 4.74 fe. .57* h>. {]*? Double GuMTMntee-Evtrr tire ma n uf.ii rnred by Firestone bears the name "FIRESTONE" aW carrier Firestone's unlimited guarantee and Nn. Yon are donbly protected. * A "Special Brand" tire is made by a Hirer for distributor* such as Mail Order : , oil companies and others, wider a name that does not identify the tire manufaetarrr to At public, usnaily because he bailds his "fin* be" I tires under his own name. Firestone puts Ua I name on every tire he makes. AH ?re ask is t&: Come b to pur Service Stares apd 1st ToirseH ?e?tlMS emt trmm varUas (truv. 1 ? ? BV Compare QmvMiy ? CnufnMtiM ? and Priam. "wl McCrary Tire & Battery Service Each tire guaranteed for the life of the tire regardless of age or mileage ? we guar antee each tire we sell to give satisfactory service. Where could you receive a more liberal guarantee than this .'' REPLACEMENT PARTS When you need parts for your car 'We can furnish you with almost any item desired.. We carry Rims, Wheels, Hubs, Bearings, Springs, Radiators, Pistons, Rings, Connection Rods and Bearings, Clutch Parts, Transmission Gears, Drive Shafts, Ring Gears, Pinions, Axles, etc. WE SAVE YOU MONEY AND SERVE YOU BETTER

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