j[ Society News and Ckb Activities Lk Stt : MISS LEWIS IS CHARMING HOSTESS AT PARTY Miss Eloise Lewis charmingly en tertained with four tables of bridge at her home in North Brevard Wed nesday of last week, honoring Miss Mildred Clayton, lovely bride-elect of next week. The Lewis home was a scene of beauty with quantities of garden flowers tastily arranged throughout the rooms used for playing. As the - guests approached the lax^oamt were met by little cupid suit niece of MiBft t trimmings, ' and ' ?V-At 'on the lawn. Dainty tally ?. cards with a miniature bride and bridegroom were passed. At the con clusion of the card game, tallys were added with Miss Jackie Clayton re- . ceiving high score, while low went to i Miss Elizabeth Ramsuer, each being 1 presented with a dainty gift. The guest of honor was given a silver cas- , 1 serole. Mrs. Leon English Jr., re-,s cent bride, was also given a lovely , pewter pitcher. Miss Lewis was as sisted in serving by her sister, Miss Mattie Lewis, Miss Eliza Henry and Mrs. Lamar Lewis. At this time the ' door bell rang and a little pickaninnie j I entered the door with a red express , t wagon laden with gifts for the bride elect. WILSON FAMILY REUNION HELD SUNDAY A family reunion was held at the u home of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Wilson, 't near Brevard Sunday. This was the^p first time all the five children were ; t together at one time in 15 years. A h bountiful dinner was served. Those s present were as follows: In Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Whitmire of j d Rosman, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wilson and r.on Gerald and daughter Lois, g Mrs. Roy Bennett and son Robert of .e Ilion, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. Aston Heath and daughters, Linna and s> Mary Louise, and son Charles Fran- c cis, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Wilson and n daughter, Betty Jean and son L. W. d Jr. of Robbinsville, N. C. MISS CLAYTON AND MR. FRED EMERSON, MR. AND MRS. D. L. ENGLISH JR. ARE GIVEN PARTY Miss Gladys English and Miss w Elizabeth Ramseiir were associate g hostesses Tuesday evening at the tl English home, honoring Mr. and Mrs. ii Daniel Leon English, Jr. whose mar riage took place the sixth of June, r; and Miss Mildred Clayton and Mr. tl Fred Emerson whose wedding will g take place next week. Seasonal flow- si ers were used throughout the lower tl flosr. About seventy-five guests from w Brevard and neighboring towns were present at the lovely affair. During G the evening punch was served. ir I MISSES NELSON ARE GIVEN SURPRISE PARTY ?| Coming as a complete surprise t i the Misses Coy and Edna Nelson w? a surprise party given by a group o friends last Tuesday evening at eigh o'clock. The young people gaihje?& at a designated place and fI^ga'tnet a body at the Nelson ]awn Throughout,-J>^#s enjoyed. Addj were JsifYo the enjoyment of the oc casion were a number of guitar solos by Roy Nelson. The following young were present: Misses Bernice Reed, Nola Gillespie, Edna and Coy Nelson, Myrtle Bryson, Lucille Brown and Allie Belle Morris. Messrs. Glenii Reed, Bruce Reed, Howard ind James Morris, Arthur Gillespie, Thel nar Kuykendall, Elza Gillespie. John Collins, Freeman Gillespie, Allison md Richard Moore, Virgil Gillespie, Edward Conolly, Bill and Roy Methu ialeh Nelson. BRIDGE-DANCE HONORING BRIDE AND GROOM-ELECT Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smathers and Hr. and Mrs. Lawrence Holt enter ained with a lovely hridge on Mon lay evening, honoring Miss Mildred Clayton and Mr. Fred Emerson whose redding will take place on Tuesday vening of next week at the Metho list church. Guests were invited to nake up ten tables. Cut flowers were ised in glass and silver baskets hroughout the rooms. Little hand ainted wedding bells were used for ally cards. Miss Rowena Orr won igh score for the ladies and was pre ented a bridge set. High score for ion was won by Ruffin Wilkins, a ouble deck of cards. The bride and groom-elect were iven as guest prize a set of hammer d brass book ends. A salad course with iced tea was erved. At the conclusion of the arc! game the guests were invited ext door to the Holt home where ancing lasted until a late hour. MR. PARKER GIVES DANCE AT PARKER HOUSE Carlton Parker of State college, ?ho is spending the summer months : rith his mother, Mrs. E. M. Parker, j ave a delightful dance at his home, ' ^e Parker House, on Thursday even- ; \g. Two large rooms charmingly deco- 1 ated in red and white were placed at le disposal of the large group of uests. The lights were dimmed, 1 ;nding soft glowing color through ie rooms in a profusion of red and ?bite. A unique arrangement furnished by ' eorge Bromfield, supplied splendid , lusic for the occasion. The hook-up j n?- 1 10? tal\ Can ? - tlisjo Finest J*A?^ M?oySO Quake' CA^l? Large o? ??? 1-4 SUe tted Meats Sauce r&pf"?ci Cans No. C*? ? - ? jT^o. ^ PineaPP1^ sUced Crushed 0 consisted of a clever combination of i radio and Victrola which poured forth music excellent in both tone and volume. Mrs. E. M. Parker in acting as hostess, was assisted by Mrs. J. B. Pickelsimer, Mrs. F. P. Sledge and Mrs. E. W. Sledge of Greensboro, Ala. During the evening frolic a bounti 0 ful supply of punch supplied the 3 : dancers with pep for their keen f joyment. -* were 63 and t ! The gperfvj* Flora Wike, Made *li??>..-aXton, Mordecia Saltz, Roberta j Bryant, Martha Vaughn, Almeda 1 ?e^?ca Sumniy. Elizabeth Diftfcworth, Margaret Miller, Eliza , beth Ramseur, Rowena Or r, Gladys [English, Winifred Nicholson, Ruth Waters, Ruth Vaughn, Fannie Mc ] ueehee, Martine Pierce, Margaret I atton, Rose Schachner, Mary O I Wilkins, Christine Saltz, Rutl Perry', itf'ary Louise Croushorn and Louise ji^nsend; Messrs. Milton Sellers, Erwin, Robert Pierce, Ashe iMacfie, Moultrie Truluck, Harold Whitmire, To*, Patton) Fra'ncU Jen. Kins Ralph Barak Ed Engiish Ruel Hunt Joe Tinsley, csarles 0 AI. |bert Lyday, John Cha,^., Mark I Taylor Orr, Lee Aldridge, ^ Town send, Ernest McFalls, Mitcheh Paul Kellar, Ed Wike, JimmieT*? row, Harry Clayton, Hays Shipmai>, Frank Henry, Harry Johnson, John McGeehee, Ruffin Wilkins, George Bromfield, Garland Sledge, Glenn | Miller, Joe Schachner, Julius Hinton, ! Frank Smith, Donald Jenkins and the | Institute pair, Perry and Skid. ! LOVELY BRIDGE HONORING BRIDE-ELECT Misses Almeta and Ruth Waters and Miss Roberta Bryant entertained at the Waters home on Park avenue Saturday afternoon with a bridge ' shower honoring Miss Mildred Clay jton whose wedding will be a brilliant affair of next week. The entire low 'er floor was thrown en suite. Decora | tions consisted of Dorothy Perkins : : roses, larkspur, snapdragons and j i sweet peas. Large white wedding bells ! were used in the living room and sun : j room. Eight tables were arranged :for playing and several tea guests; ; called at five-thirty. Miss Jack Clay- 1 ton won high score and was presented | a lovely guest towel. Low fell to Miss ? Eliza Henry, who was presented with : a dainty gift. The guest of honor ' was presented a lovely piece of lin- ' gerie. Mrs. Harry Sellers, bride of i last week, was also presented a gift, 1 a lovely picture. The feature of the afternoon was a shower. Little La ; Verne Mahaffey of Greenville, S. C., ! cousin of the Misses Waters, dressed j in a red cupid suit with a bow and arrow, entered the room and knelt at the feet of Miss Clayton. She then J took the bride-to-be by the hand and escorted her to one end of the porch, where a table attractively decorated with white satin ribbon and candles, were found to be laden with gifts for the bride-elect. j1 A lovely ice course was then served with the color motif of white and , green being carried out in everv de- ? tail. l! METHODIST YOUNG PEOPLE TO HAVE PICNIC Members of the Epworth League, | ' young peoples' organization of the 1 Methodist church, will hold a weiner J and marshmallow roast at Glen Can- ' non Thursday evening. The young 1 folks will leave the church at 6:30. j Recent arrivals at the Bryant ?' House include: Geo. E. Moore of Le-,1 noir, W. R. Tilley of Granite Falls, I1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Avery Williams of ! Charlotte, and Mr. Hilderbran of , ? Asheville. j< Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Conley and lit- j 1 tie son of Asheville, spent several days last week with Mrs. Ida M. Con- -1 ley. 1 Mrs. A. T. Baird and daughter, Miss Virginia Baird, of Darlington, ji S. C., are the guests of Mrs. Allie B. ? Harlee on See-Off. Mrs. Fannie Putnam of the Nobby ' Beauty Shoppe, and son, C. B. Put- 1 nam, spent the week-end with friends 1 and relatives in Shelby. Miss Helen Galloway spent several days of last week with her grand mother and friends at Mills River. Miss Mary Louise Wooten of Kin ston, N. C., is visiting Miss Louise Townsend. Miss Louise Townsend has return- , ed from the University of North Car olina finals at Chapel Hill. Misses Edna Lyday and Rachel i Williams are spending the week in | Asheville, visiting friends and at tending the Rhododendron Festival. IN MEMORY OF Mrs. Elizabeth Earl Galloway Mrs. Elizabeth Earl Galloway, aged 85 years, died June 3rd, 1931, at her home in Old Toxaway section where she had lived from early childhood. She was the last surviving member of a large and influential family, a daughter of Capt. Wm. J. and Jean Galloway. She was married to Jas. Earl Galloway, a prominent Baptist minister of said section, to which un ion was born eight children, four girls and four boys, all of whom are living except Nealus, the oldest girl, who died some years ago. The seven living, viz: Zeb, DaviSj Ellis, and Morris, and Mrs. A. J. Lee, Mrs. Laura Fisher and Mrs. Wm. Meece, all of whom attended the funeral and burial. "Aunt Liz," as she was called, was a real type of pre-war times, "A Mother in Israel." She saw and per sonally experienced the trials and hardships of the entire Civil War days between the States in which war her said husband served in loyal and faithful service during the en tire term. She joined the Baptist church when a young woman and was ever a faithful and consistent mem ber of the same. She lived each day as if it were "the last day," and she lived the last day just as she had lived the past days. She had been an invalid for the last five years of her life, caused by I a fall while at work. But she en Oakland News Items I I Carl Wike of Brevard, called on| friends here one day last week. Mrs S E 4 U ffJan Wfldr I nesday night with her brothor, E. 0. Reid | many friends of Mrs. Jane Miller will be sorry to know that she is quite ill at her home near Sap phire. Mrs. Bill Croom, Mrs. W. W. Ray, Mrs. S. B. McCall, Mrs. S. E. Alex ander and Mrs. Lee Norton visited Mrs. Fred McNeely Thursday. Mrs. McNeely has been on the aick list for some time, but we are glad to report her much improved. Allen Ordway of Cashiers Valley, spent Thursday afternoon with Chas. and Ray McNeely. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fisher of Bre vard, and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher of Ros man, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lee Phil lips one day last week. Truit and. Claxton Henderson of Quebec, were visiting in our section last Thursday. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Welch Reid will be glad to know they have returned to North Carolina. Mr, and Mrs. T. E. Reid of Bre vard, visited the former's parents, and Mrs. T. B. Reid, Saturday. . Wade Nicholson was on the sick Hn. jaS? weejc but is much im proved. S' B- ^Call and Mrs. Lee F. dl*??=r guests Friday of L Sanders at Lake R ji ? ' u e5L ^ visited James ~ ^ quite ill for some time. Miss Lula Reid called on W Mrs. S. E. Alexander, Sunday 3Unt' Mrs. Clyde Chaple was called to Cashiers Valley Saturday on account of the serious illness of her daiin-h ter, Mrs. Thad Grey. g Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Norton were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs W. F. McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thomas of Lake Toxaway, were dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. S. B. McCall, Sunday. Misses Flora and Bess Reid of Brevard, visited Miss Eva Sanders Sunday afternoon. J. C. McCall made Uncle Bob Bry son a present of a nice, large rattle snake one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Reid and son Leo called on Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McCall Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tinsley of Lake Toxaway. called on Rev. and Mrs. S. B. McCall Sunday evening. Otto Alexander of Brevard, called on I. S. Sahders Sunday evening. I. S. Sanders and daughter. Miss Evand, and son Lane, were Brevard visitors Monday. A number of our folks visited E. D. Randolph and family at their home in Rosman one night last week and re port a very enjoyable trip. The even ing was spent in a song service and a real social hour. Refreshments were served by Mr. and Mrs. Randolph. Next Sunday is regular church ser vice at the Lake Toxaway Baptist :hurcfi both morning and evening. Everybody is cordially invited to at tend. The Junior B. Y. P. U. class .vill give a program as announced by Mrs. Leonard Thomas, their leader. lured this ordeal with the same forti :ude and patience that she had brav ?d the trials and sufferings of the Civil War days. But on June the 3rd she quietly folded her earthly mantle about her, md passed to her reward "beyond that shore from whose borne no trav eller ever returns." On the 4th day 3f June her funeral was conducted by Rev. Judson Corn at Old Toxaway :hurch ? in the presence of her chil dren and friends, and she was bur ied in the old graveyard on the hill beside her husband who had preceded her eleven years ago; also beside her father and mother and kindred who had long since been buried there, awaiting her coming. Thus the community has lost a valuable and kind neighbor, the church a faithful member, the chil dren an affectionate and loving mother. May God in His mercy comfort the bereaved family and temper the chilly winds to lonely children. A nephew, T. H. GALLOWAY. Piling Up A Surplus "My husband and I attend to our budget every evening. It is more economical." "How so, dear?" "By the time we get it balanced, it is too late to go anywhere." ? Bos ton Transcript. ETOWAH NEWS ? o ? Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wicker of Brevard, were recent visitors here. J. E. Justus and two sons, Ulys and Herman of Black Mountain, were here Tuesday. Mrs. Wood of Laurel Park, Mr^. Conrow and Mrs. F. E. Mohr of New York City were recent callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. T. White sides. Bill Saunders, who works in South Carolina, is home for a few days. An ice cream supper will be given at the Methodist church Saturday, June 27th, beginning at 8 o'clock. The public is invited to attend. Mrs. Frank Boyd is reported ser iously ill at a New York hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd were former residents of Etowah. Rev. J. J. Gray attended the fun eral of Mr. Solomon Drake at Pleasant Hill Friday afternoon. Mr. Drake died at his home near Travel ers Rest, following an illness of sev eral weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wexler Morgan of Charlotte, were week-end visitors here. Little Miss Wanda Anders of Shaw's Creek is visiting her grand father, S. B. Lance. Miss Carrie Jones of Greenville, S. C., is visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gray and son, Glenn, of Flat Rock road, were Blantyre Breezes j Mr. and Mrs. Clannie Justus of Etowah, have moved back into this community. Miss Mary Ellen Reed spent the past week with relatives near Dana and East Flat Rock. Mrs. R. V. Duncan spent some time last week with her son, Virgil Duncan. Mrs. J. T. Justus is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Brady Duncan of Asheville, visited the former's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Duncan, of this place recently. Mrs. Otho Scott and children visit ed Mrs. J. T. Justus one day last week. The children of Cornelius Rickman are ill with measles. Mr. and Mrs. Williams and son Charles and daughter Mae, of Ashe ville, visited friends here recently. Misses Tina and Ada Hedrick of Pisgah Forest, were in this section one day last week. E. R. Reed and family visited his brother, John Reed, here Sunday. - Mrs. Carney Duncan and daughter. Celeste, -*u;ted Mrs. John Reed on Sunday. Sunday visitors here. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Blythe and two daughters, Beatrice and Wilma, have returned home from South Carolina. Better E Bring Better Prices Below are a few suggestions that we hope will assist you in marketing more eggs and better eggs from your flock: Help us to increase the consumption and sale of eggs by selling only those of high quality. Keep the nests clean and gather the eggs twice each day. Keep the eggs in a well ventilated place where the temperature is under 60 de grees Fahrenheit but not freezing. Market the eggs often; if possible before they are 48 hours old. Seli only infertile eggs. These may be secured by removing the male birds from the. flock. Do not sell an egg you would not want to eat. Feed Purina Laying Chows for More Eggs and Better Eggs B. & B. Feed & Seed Co. The Store with the Checkerboard Sign. BREVARD, N. C. PHONE No. 66 ? a ?-? s s a: *?* 3 :-??: ?-??;*?? gj *h s. ? F?J ??? >: g ? Blue Ridge Silver Fox Ranch ANNOUNCES CHANGE IN POLICY An Admission Charge OF , TWENTY-FIVE CENTS ?3333* Will be made to all who visit the Ranch. This is made necessary in order to eliminate mere curiosity seekers, and give better opportunity of inspection to those who are really interested in the Fox Industry.

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